Page name: The dragon's arms inn [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-03-23 18:24:38
Last author: Forsvunnet
Owner: abyss_angel
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The dragon's arms inn

owned by [cevelice] aka Tetsuhara
back to the guild of the damned

The dragons arms is an inn for the slightly more evil members of the guild. Its a popular haunt for demons, murderers and the odd goblin. The pub doesn't have a menu like the black heart. You get what lands in front of you.

roleplay below this line

Raze walked in together with the demon. "Here we are,"" he said and sat down on a chair. "You like? I have been here only once or twice. Not a very pleasant place."
The inn had only one window, and was lit up by black candles. Long shadows were lurking in the corners. It looked empty at the moment, so Raze helped himself from the bar.

"Interesting. Why didn't you say this was so far away, I could have just flown us over here." Sikkahnnus says with a venomous look. She selects a seat and sits down, folding her wings tightly against her back.

Raze gave her a dark look. "Some exercise will only do you good. More light!" He snapped his fingers and more candles were lit. "You want something from the bar?"

Lexy's dragon landed in a pile of rubbish left in the street next to the doorway. She jumped off, making sure to step over the decomposing remains of people's lunch. "Not the nicest bar in the guild you have to admit," She said with a grin, "cus that would be mine." The dragon took off again and headed toward home.

"Do I really want to drink anything from here?" Sikkahnnus replied, taking a blank, white mask out of her pouch and fixing it onto her face. The mask was odd, staying on her face without any visible support, and was without eyeholes or any other sort of features. Sikkahnnus looked in the direction of the pub entrance, seeing that Lexy had come along as well.

"Aren't you a jealous little lady," Raze said as he turned towards her. "I just did as you told me to, I followed her to this..." he looked around, "in."

Kazul entered, carrying a tiny baby dragon in her arms that was sleeping contently. "I see you are all already here. Good." She sad patting the dragon behind the ear. "I have been thinking. I say we let Sikkahnnus go through three trials. We can each choose one. Does that sound reasonable?"

Raze nodded. "But it must be trials with lots of blood, a little pain, and plenty of suffering. I can't even imagine what kind og suffering we have gone through before we came here." Suddenly, he became serious. "It is just fair that she does the same."

"Sounds fine to me." Sikkahnnus says. "What kind of trials do you have in mind, exactly?"

"I say Lexy can choose the first Trial. She has been here longer than any of us." Kazul said.

"Fine by me," said Lexy with a grin. "Hmmm..let me think." She thought up the hardest challenge she could. Beating her in a competition of magical skill of course ^_^. She lead the group to the deserted carpark behind the inn. "In order to join us, Sikkahnnus must beat me singlehandedly in combat using only magic. My darling Raze will be judging the fight and Kazul will second him."

Raze pulled down his hood to look even more scarier. "Let's start, shall we?"

"Sounds fine to me. Maybe, if I'm lucky, I can make you die." Sikkahnnus replies sarcasticly. "But perhaps we should use an arena of some sort? There's a rather lovely arena somewhere in the lair_of_the_Damned in Torr." she suggests.

"Fine. Take us there."

Sikkahnnus nods, then draws a circle in the air with her finger. For a second, nothing happens. Then, with a loud sound like a thunder clap, a portal leading to the Lair opens. Without a word, Sikkahnnus steps through and waits for the others.

Kazul looked awhile at the opening. This as going to be interesting, she thaught as she stepped through.

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