Page name: The horrors and cold feet [Exported view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2010-03-12 07:25:15
Last author: wicked fae mage
Owner: wicked fae mage
# of watchers: 1
Fans: 0
D20: 12
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Anka sighed as she opened the door to the stairwell that led to outside. She shook her head, "Skipping your eye exam with the nurse?" she guessed as she settled beside Nagi.

"Yeah. You too?" Nagi asked as he glanced over at Anka.

"Nope, got mine done. 20/20," she said proudly. "Now, I dare guess that Nami is the reason you're not going."

"Yeah," Nagi nodded. "Why'd you guess that?"

"Because you," Anka poked his nose, "Are afraid that if Nami does find you attractive glasses will change that."

"Erm..." Nagi blushed, "Why are you always right?"

"Because I'm awesome," Anka grinned.

"True dat," Nagi uttered, sighing.

"Dude, don't ever say that again," Anka said flatly. "Now, what kind of example are you setting for me...? Skipping class and all..."

"It isn't class, it's an eye exam," Nagi said defensively.

"Nami might need glasses," Anka said nonchalantly.

"Wha-" Nagi blinked, his blushing growing more profuse. "Nami? With glasses?"

"Yeah," Anka said with a grin.

"She'd be cute with glasses," Nagi said dreamily. "Really really really cute..."

Anka slapped Nagi on the back of his head, "Stop drooling over my sister and go to the nurse."

"But Anka!" Nagi whimpered as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Nagi! Down!" Anka said through gritted teeth as she tried to free herself from his embrace.

"What if I look like a dorky nerd who reads, plays video games, does sophisticated sports and..." Nagi paused, releasing Anka.

"You know that you are everything you just said, right?" Anka gasped.

"But...what if she doesn't like me afterward?" Nagi sighed.

"Nagi, as your friend and sister...I am reminding you..." Anka drew in a breath, "Even if you do need glasses you don't have to get them...or even wear them..."

"Uh..." Nagi rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment. "Right..."

"I'm making sure you do it," Anka said as she stood up, walking with Nagi to the nurse.

"I see you're finally here, Nagi," Mrs. Beam, the nurse said with a smile.

"First class delivery," Anka said as she pushed Nagi into the room.

"Yeah, can I just do the dumb test and go?" he grumbled.

"I suppose," she said as she grabbed Nagi's chart. "Do you wear glasses, even for reading?"

"Nope," Nagi said coolly.

"Nagi's gonna be wearing the reading glasses," Anka said to Nami who froze in place.

"This I've gotta see," Nami said as her cheeks reddened. She poked her head into the nurse's office before stepping in. "W-wow..." she whispered, covering her mouth afterward.

"Huh?" Nagi blushed as he turned toward Nami. "N-Nami?" he asked as he quickly removed the reading glasses.

"Why'd you stop?" she questioned.

"Erm..." Nagi scratched his cheek, "N-no...reason..."

"Well, get your exam done with," Nami said as she leaned in the door way.

"How's it going, Nagi?" Anka asked with a sheepish grin.

"I hurt you..." Nagi glared at Anka.

"I love you, too," Anka grinned as she joined Nami in the doorway. "And how are you, Nami?"

"Feeling better!" Nami said enthusiastically as she continued to watch Nagi.

"Why me?" Nagi sighed as he turned back toward the chart.

"Glasses back on," Mrs. Beam said sternly.

"Of course," Nagi said nervously.

"Oh, shallow isn't in her vocabulary. Just pedantic," Anka laughed.

"Uh?" Nami blinked as she turned toward Anka.

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