Page name: Theed Cresh [Exported view] [RSS]
2009-02-02 10:22:22
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Player Name: [The Fuzzily Psychotic Llama is Dead]
Character Name: Theed Cresh (thanks barock!)
Chosen Path: Subtlety
Age: 21
Sex: Male
Home Area: The Ylindre Mountains
Home Settlement: The Eastern lower caves
Appearance: he has dark brown hair with a muddy eye colour, but has a constant look of nervousness from the unpredictable rocks on the mountains which could move at any second. Quite toned, with a light tan. He has scars over most of his body from various rock slides and encounters with the feral mountain wildlife. his hands are calloused and hard as leather from a lifetime of climbing over rocks.
Clothing/equipment: Close enough to go to the close towns near the bottom of the mountains, Theed wears clothes bouoght from the local market rather than constantly wearing animal skins like the tribesmen on the upper regions. He wears a loose grey cotton shirt and three-quarter length trousers, to aid easy movement over rocks. In the winter, he wears a coat made from a mountain bear, handed down to him from his father, who was born in the upper regions. Has light homemade shoes made from a mix of cotton, pelt, and leather for the sole. Theed carries a steel short sword used for various purposes, including killing, skinning and gutting animals for food. It is his prized possession as he made it himself, and is a custom design. He spent two months wages on it.
History: Theed works 5 days a week as a blacksmiths assistant and a part time tailor, whose skills involve fixing torn clothes, rather than making them. Tired of the mountains and having to fend hunt for his food when he had no money, Theed is going to Elleek to find a new job, hoping that the skills with his hands will come in handy.
Personality: Has quite a nervous disposition, and has very fast reactions, and an unparralleled sense of balance. He likes meeting new people, but is very quiet at first until he knows a bit more about them. His friends say that at first, "he analyzes you like a beast about to strike".

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