Page name: Tink's Friends [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-09-15 09:24:56
Last author: hellnegative
Owner: Kid Raven
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A Wiki for Tinkerbell's fans and for my friends to chat and to talk about Tink YAY *^_^*
All so if your on here my group for Tink ^^

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Tink's Big Sis

[Kid Raven]


Tink's Lil Bro's & Sis's


[Khronos Atmosphaera]

[Sister Insomnia]




The real Tink Margaret Kerry
Margaret has been an actor all her life (starting with the "Our Gang" comedies when she was four.) Just out of her teens, she was picked to be the live-action reference model for Tinker Bell for the Walt Disney film, Peter Pan. Margaret became known as "Two-Take Tink" as she was filmed capturing the perky essence of the famous little fairy. No more than two takes were needed to satisfy Disney director Marc Davis, the world-renowned animator who also designed the character of the little sprite. Davis would describe the scene he wanted—and Margaret would come up with a jealous pout, a hip-swiveling walk, or a flash of anger—along with Tink's other dramatic antics.

At the age of 22, Margaret improvised the antics of Tink on Disney's Sound Stage One. Backed by a huge arc of canvas on the otherwise empty stage, she was strongly backlit to emphasize her curvy figure as she was being filmed. This footage was then given to several animators. Each time their completed scenes would flash on the screen... there was three-and-a-half inch Tinker Bell looking just like five-foot-two Margaret Kerry!


For more about Margaret Kerry Go here]

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[hellnegative]: hello

[Kid Raven]: ^^

[Sister Insomnia]: HEEEELLLLLOOOOOOOO!!!!

[Kid Raven]: HI ^^

[Kid Raven]: Chi

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: CHI?!!!?

[Kid Raven]:


[Kid Raven]: O_o

[Kid Raven]: X_X

[Kid Raven]: poooorrrr Tink

[Kid Raven]: well yeah poor Tink she sad no one talks to her or about her much in here lol

[Kid Raven]: lol

[Kid Raven]: CHHIIIIII ??????? <img:44166_1164903284.gif>

[Kid Raven]:


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