Page name: Titans of Atlantis: History 2 [Exported view] [RSS]
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2017-01-02 06:43:36
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Weeks have passed, now. It is the first day of the gladiator games. Nearly every man and woman in Atlantis is packed into the stands of the grand arena, the likes of which has never been seen before. Even the Colosseum in Rome is dwarfed by the size of this place. It is mere hours before the games begin.

Brison was strapping on his breastplate and weapons, he was ready for today in that it was a stepping stone to his future. Quietly he said a prayer to the gods and Ptoli to watch over Isidor and let him fight well. Turning to Dominus he noted the man's look about the upcoming battle. "Any words for my first battle in the arena, my friend?" he asked picking up his helmet and preparing to walk up the ramp.

Dominus adjusted his own armor and helmet on his bald head, then took up his shield and sword. He looked at Brison. Even though outwardly he was calm and collected, his eyes blazed with an inner fire that was only all too bestial. "Do not turn your back," he said firmly. "until you are sure your opponent is dead." He banged the hilt of his sword against his shield loudly and barked at the air and the other gladiators around him answered the call in kind.

Cranth headed the group of men and looked them all over to be sure they were prepared. He had earned himself immunity from these games, so he was not nearly as excitable as the rest. He did not have to participate. "You have all learned well," he called to the group, if not in contempt, "but some of you may not survive today. Accept your fate, should it come upon you this day, with dignity. Your true strength always comes out in the last moments of your life." he said. He looked at Brison with a small wrinkle of his nose, then pounded his chest with his fist and waved for them to line up at the gate. The gladiators took their places, and the gates lifted with painfully slow cranks of the chains, welcoming them into a wide open stadium made of only dirt and blistering sunshine, and the cheering and applause of a massive crowd of onlookers raucously awaiting bloodshed.

Once out of the gates Brison could hardly believe the roar of the assembled crowd it shook the ground beneath their feet. No one had told them yet who their opponents would be, a lot of slaves and criminals had been released into the arena for the lions and other creatures to kill. Brison scanned the crowd, he had seen Noam but no one else that was familiar to him.

The crowd cheered for them. The arena was empty so far, save for the dozen or so men who entered it now. Dominus took to the crowd easily. He raised his sword and shield and shouted back, and a few others followed his lead. They then all moved to assemble in the center of the arena, facing the city emperor, who peered down at them from the safety of his balcony. Just below him were the seats reserved for senate members, and below them were the seats reserved for senate family. The seats below senate family were filled with slaves and other servants. Within those seats, Calia sat, just in front of Ragan and Zarka, Isidor on her lap. She bounced him and tried to hush him from the noise. Dominus noticed Calia and the boy on her lap, and he nudged Brison with an elbow before directing him to their location.

Brison noted and removed his helmet, and looked directly at Calia and his son. Ptoli would never have let him come to the games, she felt the violence was wrong for a child his age. ONce he was sure they saw him, he put the helmet back on and prepared like the others.

Calia had seen him. And once she had seen him, she emblazoned his image into her head in his armor and gear. She would watch him and only him, but she dared not point out to Isidor that his father was in the arena. She would simply shield his eyes from the violence.

The emperor gave a brief speech about what an honor it was to watch these men fight and die for their entertainment. Once he was done and the gladiators were blessed by the royal shaman, the fight was set to begin. Other gates surrounding them opened, releasing a band of criminals and paid degenerates to fight them. Dominus put himself into a ready stance with his back to Brison. "Do you have a plan?" he asked Brison curiously.

"Not dying comes to mind." Brison responded already sizing up two nasty looking customers, one wielded and axe the other a spear. "Use their inexperience against them." he said dodging the axe and striking the man with the edge of the shield in the throat then turning the sword to parry the spear. To him this was just another skirmish in a long campaign, his commanding officer would be irritated that he was showing off instead of fighting to win quickly. His blade sung low and sliced cleanly the spearman's belly while his eyes already picked up the axeman, bringing up his shield he deflected the axe and came back slicing the man's neck cleanly.

Dominus had laughed at Brison's joke about not dying. In fact, he was still laughing about it, even as he thrust the blade of his sword straight through another man's chest and then had to use his foot to pry him off of it. He turned back to Brison and said, "That might be a start!" He roared loudly and brought up his shield just as another fighter brought his own mace down upon it.

Calia was on the edge of her seat, but she was not the only one. Even though Zarka was not a fan of the violence of these games, quite a few gladiators had caught her eye. She leaned towards Ragan and whispered, "Which one is the one you wanted to buy?"

Ragan pointed to Brison, who had knocked a man down and used his shield to break his neck. "But, he is doing so well now that I doubt Noam will part with him for any amount of money." he said. It was most likely true as Noam was quite enjoying his men's work in the arena. Two of his number had been lost, but the rest being commanded by Brison and Dominus were working fluidly.

"He certainly is skilled," Zarka commented in return as she watched Brison move. He was incredibly apt, it seemed. His movements, like those of his counterpart, were fluid and practiced. He had fought this way before, though maybe it hadn't been in the arena. She had also noticed Calia's sudden interest in the games, where before when they had been traveling here, she had not been in the least bit happy to come. She wondered about that coincidence.

Dominus brought the rounded edge of his shield against the skull of another and once he was down, the blade of his sword penetrated the man's eye socket, plunging until it met hard earth beneath the back of his head. He withdrew it and assessed the situation. There were still about half a dozen of their opponents left and they were falling quickly. It was almost too easy... "Companion! Steel yourself! I fear they have something else plotted for us!" he called, slicing the spine of one of the enemy as he went to attack one of their brethren. He watched him drop, and allowed his comrade to finish him off so he could get back to Brison's side.

As Dominus arrived beside Brison a trumpet sounded and the gates opened to release two chariots which sped towards the group with archers aboard. The crowd cheered at the spectacle before them, Brison turned to Dominus, "The plan might need a little work!"

The group of gladiators were not prepared for the archers. A few of them were without shields, and the archers seemed to have great aim. Two more of their group fell. Dominus bellowed to his fellow fighters, "DO NOT SCATTER! Those with shields, come closer! We'll create a wall!"

Brison formed on one side letting Dominus handle the other, he also put his sword away and picked up a spear and waited. As a chariot passed by Brison hurled the spear connecting into the archer who knocked the driver out of the chariot. Now they only needed to worry about one chariot and one archer.

Dominus liked the idea of taking out the chariots. He saw how Brison had done it and felt a fire in his belly. He grabbed up a longsword from the hands of one of their fallen enemies and waited, both hands gripping the hilt. He stayed behind the wall of shields until the chariot came back around. The archer on it drew another arrow and aimed, and as soon as it let fly, Brison broke from the wall of shields and bodies and ran at the oncoming chariot with a might battle cry. He side stepped just in time to avoid being run over, and brought the blade in against the legs of the horse, and into the wheel of the chariot. The horse screamed as it stumbled forward, suddenly lamed, and the chariot flew forward with it. The two tumbled one over the other and then skid to a stop in the sand. Dominus was already on the archer and driver as they tried to get up. He drove the blade of the longsword into the clavicle of the archer, then brought the flat side of the blade against the side of the driver's head. The driver fell over, dazed, and the crowd roared with cheers. Dominus stopped and looked up at the emperor, who was leaning forward in his seat in interest. Dominus pounded his fist against his chest and barked at him, and the emperor waved at him to finish the chariot driver off. Dominus looked down at the man, who was maybe only a few years older than Dominus himself. He raised the longsword up with both hands slowly. The man on the ground watched him, then closed his eyes and serenely awaited his death. With another cry, Dominus brought the blade down across the man's neck, effectively lobbing off his head. The crowd exploded into more thunderous applause, and Dominus dropped his sword to the side. He turned and headed back to the group, looking like his inner fire was thoroughly extinguished.

Brison walked over to the archer and driver, both still lived but the archer would not live much longer. Leaning down he gave the archer mercy, which made the crowd roar. The driver got up and pulled his own sword, looking up Brison saw the Emperor give him the same sign. Unlike Dominus, Brison heaved the sword burying it deeply into the driver and throwing him backwards to the sand.

Dominus joined Brison's side as the driver heaved his last breath and fell still. He clapped Brison on the shoulder and let his hand linger there as they both looked up at the emperor and the crowds. He turned back to the survivors of his group. "Gather the fallen," he instructed, and they left the safety of their little huddle to gather the bodies of their dead comrades. The crowd was still cheering as the gates were opened to receive them.

As the gladiators picked up their comrades, Ragan knew there would be no chance of purchasing Brison from Noam. He had to admit the men had skill inside the arena. This part of his plans would have to wait, he would instead focus on the original plan. "Did you enjoy yourself stepmother?" he asked Zarka who was alone with him as his father had left to speak with his colleagues and Calia took Isidor away from the violence.

Zarka was still watching the gladiators leaving the ring, her eyes on Brison and Dominus. She bit her lip and then looked at Ragan, her cheeks slightly pink. "I did," she smiled. "Though I'm not sure I enjoy all the bloodshed. It's all a bit... barbaric." She couldn't deny a small flutter in her loins, however. Brison was quite a fighter. "But I do not think master Noam will be willing to sell any of his fighters after today."

He could see the hitch in her breath, most women found the games arousing and it seemed Zarka was no different. "Well, shall we go collect Calia, Isidor and father and head home or perhaps stop somewhere for a meal and glass of wine?" he mentioned hoping that she was no longer angry with him. He had apologized to Calia as she had told him, but neither he nor Calia knew it was sincere.

Zarka licked her lips slowly and even though she hesitated, she nodded in agreement. "Yes... we should go." she said and stood from her seat. She brushed down the skirt of her tunic dress and exited their seats, heading out of the stand. "I think I would rather like to meet master Noam for myself." she said to Ragan as they walked. "I couldn't help but notice that Calia was rather interested in the fight as well. I believe someone she might know was fighting today."

They went first to find Ragan's father only to learn that he had left well before Brison's match. Ragan was irritated, "I'm sorry stepmother that he's done this yet again to you." As they were getting ready to collect Calia they ran into Noam who was very happy counting his winnings and listening to people wanting to plan his gladiators next bout. "Young Master Ragan, I regret to inform you I doubt I will be selling either man at any point." He nodded politely to Zarka, who had noticed several women were waiting nearby probably to see if they could have a meeting with one of the gladiators.

Zarka glanced at the other women and held her chin a little higher. They were noblewomen and middle class women alike, but none of them were the wives of senators like herself. "Master Noam," she greeted with equal politeness and smiled at him prettily. "Congratulations on your splendid victory today." She glanced at Ragan and rested a hand on his arm, even as she continued to speak to Noam. "Ragan is determined to buy at least one of those gladiators off of you, and I am certain there is no price we cannot match."

Noam smiled and motioned for her to have a seat, "As I told Ragan I was unwilling to sell before I could see them in the ring. And now I know how well they perform, the eighty coin I paid for the one alone has increased four fold at least." Ragan scoffed, "That would scarcely be believed for one slave." And Zarka knew he was correct three hundred and twenty coin would surely be noticed.

Zarka remained patient, and motioned with a graceful hand for Ragan to calm himself. She refolded her hands on her lap and smiled pleasantly at Noam. "You're selling the pair?" she asked, raising her brows. "They do work well together," she commented, "you're so discerning, Master Noam."

"And since they are a good working pair I'd not let them go for any less than two hundred total. But, my starting point would be six hundred and forty so not to make one jealous of another." Noam replied pouring Zarka a glass of wine.

Zarka thanked him for the wine and sat back in her seat with goblet in hand, smiling at him contemplatively. "What would you charge," she began after taking a sip, "for allowing them a one night stay at my manor? Just one night." she winked.

"For both men?" Noam raised an eyebrow, "Well, forty per man. And if that's fine we only need to discuss what you'd have them do while there."

"Forty per man? That's steep." Zarka commented with a shrug. "I would want nothing more than their company. A good meal, a good night's rest in a fine house..." She quirked an eyebrow and pursed her lips as if she didn't intend to say anything more, but that perhaps there was more to be said. She sipped her wine again. "As you know, master Noam, my husband is an esteemed member of the Senate. My son has shown interest in your gladiator school... I think perhaps we can work out an arrangement. Perhaps, if you would accept, we could work out a business contribution." she smiled.

"And if something happens to them, should I not be compensated?" Noam countered.

Zarka set her wine aside and leaned forward slowly, allowing him a generous view of her chest under her robes. "If anything were to happen to them under my supervision, Master Noam, I will pay you twice what they're worth to you." she promised. "One night. Forty per man." She offered him her delicate hand to shake. "Do we have a deal?"

Noam enjoyed the view for a second or so then took her hand, "Agreed, forty per man until tomorrow morning. If they are injured, sick or run off then twelve hundred and eighty coin is what you owe me." He finished his wine and waited for Zarka to pay the forty coin.

Zarka smirked, proud of her success, small though it was. She sat back in her seat again and withdrew her coin purse from her belt, and after some jingling of coins around inside the silk pouch, she produced forty coin and set them on the table. "I'll have a cart come by to get them in a couple of hours. I expect them washed and dressed appropriately for dinner with the senator." she smiled, standing from her seat. She finished her wine and slid the goblet back to him across the table, giving him one final view of her cleavage as she bent at the waist, then stood up and sauntered back over to Ragan. "I have gained the gladiators as guests for this evening." she told him, pleased.

As they made their way back to get Calia and Isidor, Ragan could not help but pose questions to Zarka. "Why would you want them for just a night? And what if father doesn't come home for dinner tonight?" he asked in almost rapid succession. "Forgive my questions, I am happy to see that no one should underestimate you stepmother. You are truly a woman of many talents." he praised her linking his arm in hers with a smile.

"Patience, Ragan," Zarka commented with a light laugh, though her elbow linked with his lightly as they walked. "Anything worth having is worth waiting for." She looked at him sideways a little with a coy smirk. "I'm actually counting on your father not being at dinner tonight. Even if he is, it is not something we cannot deal with. This will be an evening for you and I to gain information on Master Noam and how he treats his gladiators. Plus, it will give us a chance to find out which of them Calia has a tie to. If we can find that out, we may have leverage over Master Noam. I, for one, know he's not one for destroying families." she smiled.

Ragan chuckled, "I might have been able to save you several coins, it was the one they call Brison. He was the one I was primarily interested in at the auction. And you can see by today, he would have been a good purchase. So, will you tell me the rest of your plan when we get home?"

Zarka giggled good-naturedly and shook her head. "No. I believe I will keep the rest to myself." she said quietly. She smiled at him a bit. "It will be interesting to see how Calia reacts to Brison's presence. Do not tell her he is coming."

In response Ragan smirked, "Then what am I getting for my silence? It seems everyone is benefiting from your plans." Across the way they could see Calia trying to spot Brison through the crowd of people.

"For your silence," Zarka contemplated with an amused hum, "You may have anything you want--within reason." She patted his arm and then turned to face Calia as they approached. "You look so worried!" she teased lightly, making Calia blush.

"I am not, mistress," she assured her, hugging Isidor to her lap where she sat on a bench. She stood as they approached and adjusted the tot on her hip in preparation to follow them home.

Ragan looked at Zakra with an amused if not perplexed look, as he never thought Zarka could scheme this well. "This one missed most of the match and it's ending." he said ruffling Isidor's hair. "Stepmother is there anything else you need or want while we are out? Otherwise I think we need to return home and make preparations for dinner tonight." he kept his arm in hers though and intended to continue this unless she desired not to. The crowd had dispersed for the most part as the gladiators had mostly left and the dead had been carted away.

Zarka pleasantly shook her head and smiled at Ragan. "No, there is nothing else I need. Let's head home and prepare for dinner. We're having guests," she said idly to Calia over her shoulder, who nodded but didn't say anything else. She already looked and felt tired at the idea of having company in the house. It meant she had to be on even better behavior than she normally was, and she would have to work twice as hard to care for Isidor and make sure he was perfectly happy and well behaved. Luckily, by the time they got home, all Isidor wanted to do was eat supper and have his bath in preparation for bed, so Calia saw to that immediately. Zarka watched her busy herself and once Calia was gone, she looked at Ragan and said, "So? Have you thought of your price from me yet?" she asked playfully.

Ragan smiled almost shyly at her, "I have not, perhaps it would be better to let you set the terms and be grateful for what you give me." Many times over he thought about his stepmother, she wasn't much older than him and with his father being so ignorant to her needs he wondered a lot about her. "If our roles were reversed what would you ask for?" he hoped to gauge where their relationship was and could possibly go. It was hard though not to look at her and imagine the woman under her robes. 

"For something so small as mere silence, I might not ask for anything more than perhaps... a kiss." Zarka said with a one-shouldered shrug, her eyes down on her food, but a coy smile playing at her lips. She flicked her eyes back up to Ragan's face. Her green eyes were bright from under her long dark lashes. "But I'm asking you for your price... not mine."

The Gods had granted his deepest wish, at least so far in his mind. Ragan walked up to his stepmother, almost too close to her. "I think that might be a wonderful price for my silence, would that be agreeable to you?" he asked quietly. In truth he felt desire grow for her and a kiss might cool that or make it a thousand times worse. However, he had to wait to see if she was agreeing to his price.

Zarka kept that coy smile on her lips, unwavering as he approached her and stood very close before her. She boldly raised a hand and placed it against his chest, but not in a hindering motion--more just to touch. "I said anything you asked for, did I not? Am I not a woman of my word?" she asked with raised brows as she tilted her chin up just slightly towards his face.

"Then let it be a moment, between us." he said meeting her lips with his. Slowly Ragan took Zarka into his arms and let the kiss deepen as his hands came to rest on her hips. Her lips were wonderfully soft and her body was warm and fit against him well. It was hard for him not to try more without finding out if she would respond favorably to this, but he would not risk more yet.

This first kiss was something Zarka would revel in. It was far more special even than that she had shared with Quintus on their first night together. Ragan was... different from his father somehow. Maybe it was his age. He was young, hotheaded, passionate where Quintus was old; and while he was wise, Quintus was... reserved. He didn't hunger for Zarka like Ragan seemed to. She felt a shiver of electricity roll up her spine, the starting point at the contact with his lips. She hummed against him appreciatively, and let it linger as long as she possibly could without fearing someone might catch them. Though the slaves knew better than to divulge gossip to or about their masters, she did fear her husband walking in on them. She broke the kiss slowly and her eyes fluttered open to look up at Ragan's handsome young face. "An apt payment," she commented playfully.

Ragan's breathing was deep and his eyes lingered on hers as he still held her close. It was a fight not to try for anything else right now, as much as he desired to take her to his room. "Yes it was, more precious than gold." he said letting his hand graze the curves of her backside as he released her. Everything inside him though wanted Zarka in his bed, to share another wonderful kiss and so much more. He stepped away and had a seat to await his father, if possible, and their guests.

Zarka had not wanted him to let her go. Her hands had stayed on him, lingering where they touched his chest and arm until he'd stepped back out of reach. She watched him, licking her lips a little bit and thinking very similar thoughts as he, without any regard for her husband. He neglected her, left her at home and never considered her thoughts or feelings. Why shouldn't she extend him the same courtesy? She moved behind where Ragan was seated, and as she passed him, she brushed a hand along the backs of his shoulders. "I'm going to wash and dress for our guests' arrivals." With that, she disappeared down the corridors of their home to her bedroom.

Little did they know, a certain pair of brown eyes had been watching them. Calia tucked herself out of sight when Zarka came by, not wanting to risk being seen. She knew it was dangerous, but she would tuck this little piece of information in the back of her mind. Perhaps she could use it against them somehow... perhaps purchase freedom for herself and Isidor. She would have to think about that--weigh the risks and benefits of such a daring move. For now, there were guests coming, and she had to prepare as well.

When Senator Quintus' cart pulled up in front of Master Noam's house, decorated in gold and painted wood, and drawn by two large steeds, Dominus and Brison had been surprised--even more than their unexpected announcement from Noam that they had been rented for the night and that they needed to be washed thoroughly and dressed in clean robes, rather than their dirty rags. Dominus inspected the cart as they were seated in it, and he commented quietly, "We've been purchased for a night by someone very wealthy. Perhaps a political member." He glanced at Brison. "Or the wife or daughter of one."

"I don't think I'd feel up to a sexual encounter, perhaps I shall leave that up to you if the situation arises." Brison said having a seat. It had been several weeks since Ptoli had died, and Brison still missed her terribly thinking often about her and Isidor. Last night he had dreamt about his son, and rather than his mother he saw the boy with Calia and he had felt a little guilty. He owed Calia so much, knowing that she was caring for Isidor and had protected him with all the fierceness of a mother. "I wonder how long our visit will last? Since tomorrow is another day of the games." he said.

"Master Noam said we were purchased for the entire night. We'll be eating and sleeping like kings tonight, it seems." Dominus said, looking a bit excited about that. Where the chance of a sexual encounter was concerned, he seemed unbothered and a bit thrilled by that idea as well. It had been months since his last. He peered around them at the passing city as they headed towards their destination, and it was only once they were being pulled through the gates that Dominus understood where they were going. "We're at Senator Quintus' estate." He looked at Brison, knowing he would understand what that meant: Isidor and Calia were here.

A chance to see his son, to hold him even for a few minutes? The thought almost boggled Brison's mind, it had been weeks since he had even talked to or told his son stories before he went to bed. "I wonder why the Senator or his family wish to provide us with a night of food and lavishness?" he asked Dominus as the cart pulled up to the large house. He really did not trust Ragan, the man had bought his child and Calia and had tried to buy him as well. Noam was a good master and treated the gladiators well, had Ragan won would he be treated the same?

"Take my word, brother, sometimes it is best not to question the gifts we're given," Dominus said with a playful tone, smiling at him. "Just enjoy this evening with your boy." He would normally also make a jab at enjoying the night with a beautiful woman--like Calia--but he knew all too well the pain of grief that Brison was still experiencing for his lost wife, so he didn't jest, out of respect. They were escorted out of the cart and to the door, which was opened to allow them inside.

Inside the grand hall of marble columns and heavy curtains, Zarka was waiting, dressed in fine robes dyed an oceanic blue, her arms and neck bedecked in gold bangles and chains. She smiled at the two gladiators and opened her arms in greeting. "Welcome to the house Quintus," she said warmly, "I am Zarka, his wife. This is his son, Ragan." she explained, motioning to him. "We are so glad you two could join us this evening for a hot meal and a good night's sleep."

"Thank you for having us, Mistress," Dominus said with a respectful bow of his head. "Your family is very generous to host us this evening." He straightened and appreciated Zarka with his eyes a moment. He wondered if she's the one who purchased them for the night. She had to have been. The only question was: why? "We cannot lie, we are a little perplexed as to why you have invited us here."

Zarka gave a humble giggle and shrugged her shoulders, causing her bangles and other jewelry to jingle loudly. "We were impressed with your performance in the first games today. But it's such a terrible risk you face, losing your lives for the sake of our entertainment. We felt you two deserved a good night of food in your bellies and rest on the finest beds in Atlantis." she winked. "Now, come, let's go eat our food while it's still fresh and hot." She motioned for the slaves to lead the two gladiators into the dining area, following behind them with Ragan.

Brison had been content to let Dominus speak for them, his friend had a way with words. He spent a lot of the tour looking for Calia and Isidor so far to no avail. "I beg your pardon my lady, will not Master Quintus be joining us for dinner?" he asked respectfully. A Senator would be influential enough to get a pair of gladiators for the evening, but as of yet he had not seen the master of the house.

"My father's position demands much of his time, I'm sure he will be home shortly." Ragan explained. It was the usual type of lie they told visitors to explain Quintus's absence at any function. In truth he quit caring years ago, now he was more focused on Zarka and the clothes she wore. Silently he prayed for another chance to continue what had begun earlier, as it took everything inside him not to follow her to her room or the baths. Once inside the dining room he smiled again, the table had been set and the slaves were nearby with wine and soon Calia would be here.

"Please, sit," Zarka insisted in a friendly tone, waving for the two men to take their seats. She took her own, the one she normally sat in at family suppers, and just watched the two men with a warm smile as the slaves began to serve them freshly cooked spiced duck and vegetables. Their cups were filled with wine and she let them begin eating before she asked, "Brison," she said, her eyes focusing on the man Ragan had pointed out to her earlier at the games, "I have a surprise for you. Someone I'm sure you know." She looked over her shoulder and snapped her fingers, waving at someone to come inside.

Calia sighed a little. She had been waiting for that cue for a while now. Zarka had insisted she stay out of the dining room until that cue was received. She stood and headed into the dining area, her eyes and head down obediently as she moved to stand beside Zarka.

"Calia, dear, don't be rude. Acknowledge our guests." Zarka chided lightly, playfully.

Calia closed her eyes briefly, as if to steel herself. She expected a hobble of old men, senators like Zarka's husband, who were there to ogle her like many times already done. She raised her head and started to say, "Welcome," but the word tripped on her tongue when she saw Brison and Dominus seated across the table before her. Her eyes widened on Brison's face and her brain went silent, same as her mouth.

Brison could not help but smile at her, she seemed safe and that meant that Isidor was safe here. It was hard to concentrate on the meal as he wanted to have her take him to his boy. He wondered if this was all part of something, bringing them here and showing him Calia and Isidor for some reason. There was no doubt he and Dominus needed to keep their wits about them in case there was something sinister afoot.

Ragan watched the interaction between Calia and Brison with muted interest, this was after all Zarka's plan. He wondered where it would go from here, although he supposed it would be an interesting journey. He did frown at his father's empty chair, the man cared nothing for pleasantries or being with people it was all about the needs of the state with him.

Calia stayed nearby, having eaten with Isidor before laying him down for the night. She was also suspicious. Why were they here? What was Ragan planning? Or Zarka?

"She certainly is beautiful, isn't she?" Zarka asked the two men rhetorically as she looked at Calia with a smile. "She has only been in this house weeks and yet she does so much for me. She's the nursemaid to my son, and she's wonderful. That is why I've rented you two for the night: as a reward for Calia." She grinned, watching Calia shift uncomfortably on her feet and blush.

"Thank you, mistress... You're too generous..." Calia said quietly.

"I know," Zarka laughed, waving it off. "Once the men are done eating, I would like you to pick one to... Entertain you for the evening. The other can have his choice of any girl in the house." She smiled at Calia as if she knew exactly who Calia would pick. Dominus looked as though he knew as well, and while he wasn't entirely disappointed--he would still get his evening of passion yet--he was a bit jealous. Calia was a gorgeous woman, and knowing Brison's grief for his deceased wife, he wouldn't so much as touch Calia the way she deserved.

Brison didn't hear much of the conversation, he just watched Calia and hoped she'd take him to his son. But, he understood that they needed to finish dinner. When they were done both men sat and waited knowing that Zarka had something she wanted in return for such grand treatment.

Zarka, however, was too sleepy now to discuss business with these two men, and she could tell they were antsy. She smiled and waved them off. "Go on, go on, have fun," she told them, "we'll discuss the rest in the morning." She stood from the table and said to Calia, "make your choice. The other can follow me so that I may introduce him to the other ladies of the house."

Calia blushed deeply. She didn't hesitate, but motioned to Brison and said gently, "Him." Zarka clapped and mused aloud about what a fine choice she had made, and motioned for Calia to take him to her room for a night of fun, which only made Calia's cheeks burn brighter. Zarka then led Dominus from the room, after saying goodnight to Ragan with a rather fond and subtly lingering kiss on the cheek.

Brison stood and thanked their hosts and followed Calia, not saying much until they could be alone. The house was impressive and he wondered how long it had belonged to this family. He almost felt nervous to see Isidor, would his son remember him or be afraid?

Calia stayed silent as well, though hers was more out of awkward fluster. She knew he would be thinking more about seeing his son than her, and that hurt a little bit, if she was honest with herself. Isidor was lucky. He had someone where she did not. She led him down the halls and once she was sure they were alone, she hurriedly whispered, "Isidor sleeps in my room, but it's a part of mistress Zarka's room. It is separated by only a veil, so we must be careful. I've already put him down for the night..." She didn't say much else, but led him to the door to her room and opened it as quietly as she could. Snoozing in his own bed across from them was Isidor, curled up under a heavy wool blanket.

"Won't that be awkward considering I'm supposed to service you tonight?" he asked, "Or is it that you are to show me to my room?" Brison wondered exactly what was expected of him, he looked Calia in the eye and could not express how he felt about her protecting Isidor. He knelt beside his son's bed and gently ruffled his hair, "I want so bad to wake him, but I'm afraid that will get us both in trouble with Zarka. Thank you for keeping him safe Calia, there is no way I can ever truly thank you." He stayed and watched Isidor sleep for a little while longer, "We should go, if Zarka finds us here we may get in a lot of trouble."

Calia nodded in solemn agreement, her hands still folded in front of herself obediently. She let him linger with Isidor a little longer, then put a tentative hand on his shoulder to pull him away. "I'll show you to your room."

He nodded and kissed his son's forehead before following Calia out of the room. "I noticed that Zakra has her own chambers, does that mean the lord of the house does not share them?" he asked as they walked along. It would be disturbing to hear that his son would be sleeping near strangers having sex or even just sleeping. When they arrived Brison looked about the room then back at Calia, "I'm not sure that I could do what your mistress paid for. But, would you like to stay and talk? I did not learn much about you on the boat and would like to know more."

Calia shifted a little on her feet and rubbed her arm. She couldn't Even look at him now that he had said that. Had she honestly been hoping..? No... That was silly. She was safeguarding his son, and that was all. She had sworn to both him and Ptoli. "There isn't much to know..." she whispered, shaking her head. The healing lashings on her back began to sting and she took a breath. "I'll leave you alone, if you would like..."
He caught her arm, "No, please I've spent weeks with just Dominus and the other gladiators it would be nice to spend time with you. I need to know more about you." he said walking with her over to the bed and sitting down. Brison held onto her hand and watched her face, he felt terrible that he didn't think he could have sex with her. "What was your plan once we would have made land? Were you heading home or looking for a new one?"

Calia licked her lips a little. She liked the feel of his hand in hers. It was strong, calloused, but gentle. She didn't return his hold though. She kept telling herself mentally that he wouldn't want her to. "I was... Hoping for a new one." she whispered. "My family died when I was little. I have always been alone. I heard someone say that there was opportunity across the sea... Other cultures and land to be claimed. I figured... Maybe I could find someone there... Or maybe someone on the way there." She blushed and shrugged. "I enjoyed the children on the boat. And Ptoli was so kind to me... She told me she knew what it was like to be alone, but that she didn't have to feel that way anymore with you and Isidor. I envied her so..."

Brison stood and drew Calia closer to him, he could smell the oils she had used from the baths. She was being a mother to his son, and she deserved his respect and affection. Leaning down he brought his lips to her's at first a little unsure but growing warmer. When he stepped away he held her gaze and smiled at her, "Share my bed tonight, I can make no promises..." She loved his son enough to protect him with her body, and she deserved something for if she was now Isidor's mother than that made her precious to him.

Calia was dazed from that kiss. She stood there, her lips still slightly puckered, her eyes drooping heavily, and her cheeks flushed. She kept her hands on his chest a moment, feeling his muscles through his robes. That kiss had certainly been a surprise. She blinked at him and swallowed thickly. "I want to... I have wanted to for so long... But..." she hesitated. "Are you sure..? I am untouched, Brison... I... And Ptoli..." she whispered, looking down.

He winced at Ptoli's name, Was it too soon to do something like this? "If you are unsure then we can just lay near one another, I don't know if I can....if it is too soon. But, we can be close and if it happens then...." he tried to explain. He reached out and untied her robes then untied his own and waited. If she wanted to back out then he would understand, as he hoped she would understand if he could not do more than lay beside her tonight.

Calia's hands had fallen from his chest so that he could untie first her robes and then his own. Her cheeks darkened pink and she seemed to hesitate, but then slowly reached up and removed her layers, sliding the fabric off her thin shoulders and letting them pool on the floor around her ankles. She looked up at him again as she stood nude in front of him, letting him see her thin but curvy form of olive skin, her dark tresses falling around her face and shoulders. Her breasts were round and perky, even more so with a chill, and her flat belly rounded out into full hips at the edges. She sucked her bottom lip between her teeth nervously and turned her back to him so she could crawl into his bed. Her back, which had before been a canvas of flawless flesh, was now marred with angry strokes of red and healing welts from that day at the market weeks ago.

Brison let his robes fall and turned to follow her into bed, wishing he had done worse to the slaver than break his nose. The man had harmed such a beautiful person, but he did not let the scars detract from her beauty as she got them protecting his son. He was not erect, but Calia could see he was well endowed enough to please her. Without too much said he embraced her so that even if they did not have sex they were still close. Lightly he stroked her skin keeping his eyes on hers to see if she if she decided not to go through with this.

Calia lay beneath him, still as a scared mouse. Her heart was pounding as she looked up at him from her back, letting him touch her. He smelled so good, and his hands on her felt so nice. It excited her but terrified her as well. He was bigger than she had imagined--bigger than Ragan, too. She blushed. "Will you... Kiss me again..?" she asked sheepishly. She had very much enjoyed her first kiss with him, and she wanted more.

He nodded and brought his lips to hers as his hands continued to touch her skin. As of yet he had not ventured lower than her stomach, incase she didn't want that but slowly his left hand moved down her ribs and followed the curve of her hip. The kiss deepened and he could feel the tight nubs of her nipples into his chest, causing his body to begin to react. Brison hoped that if they did this that Ptoli was not angry for him laying with Calia, they needed one another.

Calia had never kissed another before the way he was kissing her, and it caused her reciprocation to be shy and unsure at first. But the more he touched her, and the more excited she became, the more she seemed to get the hang of kissing him. Her hip rolled under his palm and a small moan barely a breath in volume escaped her. The warm inside of her thigh brushed against the outside of his hip. Her arms snaked around him and pulled him closer. So far, everything about this encounter with him was far better than she had ever daydreamed. Her own hands had danced against the skin of his chest and abdomen at first, but her fear gave way to an innocent curiosity and craving... She wanted to know how Brison would feel, stiff with need, in her hands. One of her hands bravely ventured lower on his body, her fingertips sliding against his hip, then inward towards his groin until they could wrap around him.

As her hand neared him Brison knew that it had been too long and he was beginning to become erect with desire. His hand slowly slipped between her legs and explored her until he came to her sex and began to rub her. The more this continued the more he found himself groaning in pleasure of it all. As they broke the kiss he began to lightly kiss her neck as he slowly slipped a finger into her body. They were quickly reaching the point of no return, if she had doubts then they would need to stop soon.

The way his fingers felt... She had brought herself to orgasm this same way plenty of times before, but his fingers felt... Different. Better. As he lavished her neck in kisses and toyed at her with his hand, her own began to stroke him. He was hard now, and it gave her gooseflesh. A moan escaped her and her pelvis rolled against his fingers. "Brison," she gasped, pleading, "please..." She was terrified, but she wanted him. She wanted no one else to take her virtue, which Ragan had threatened to do often. She didn't want it used against her anymore. "Please take me." she whimpered into Brison's ear.

Brison withdrew his fingers and gently moved her hand and kissed her as he moved between her spread legs. Slowly he aligned himself and slowly began to push forward. He could not believe the sensations as he pressed forward into Calia, he groaned as he realized she had meant that she had been untouched as he encountered her barrier. "It will hurt at first, but it will pass unless you wish me to stop." he said giving her a chance to become accustomed to his size and the new feelings or to stop him. Never in all his life would Brison consider being brutish to a woman, especially one who had never lain with any man before.

She nodded and licked her lips, biting her bottom one anxiously as he pushed forward. It did hurt. He was large, and it hurt just to feel herself stretch around him. But when he hit, and then pushed past that barrier, her nails dug into the meaty muscles of his arms and she hissed inwardly between clenched teeth. Her entire body tensed and hot pain seared through her from her toes to her fingertips. She whined and gasped, but didn't tell him to stop. She only requested, "s-slow..."

Brison nodded and continued slowly until he was fully inside her and he pressed his lips to hers. He waited then for a little while until slowly withdrawing, his eyes were on her's watching for any sign of pain or that he needed to change his speed. Everything within him wanted to make this special for Calia, she deserved no less from him.

During that small reprieve he had allowed her, the pain had begun to subside. When he pulled back again, it throbbed and stung, but only briefly. She gasped and whined, her back arching a little. She kissed him back, her breaths hot and shallow against his lips. She looked up at him with heavy hooded eyes, her long lashes tickling his cheek. There were tears in the corners of her eyes, from the pain undoubtedly, but she didn't seem bothered now. She kissed him again more boldly and wrapped her arms up around his neck and shoulders, pulling him closer.

His hands left her hips and he wiped away her tears with his thumbs as they kissed, and he responded by pushing back inside her until their pelvic areas rubbed together. Brison kissed her neck down to her shoulders as he continued to move slowly in and out, Calia moved and held him it gave him the feeling that they were all alone in the world.

It wasn't long until her pained little whimpers of anxiety melted into smooth, deep-chested sounds of pleasure. She moaned into his ear, and whispered his name, her eyes closed so she could better admire the feeling of his body inside and against her own. She gripped his hair and dug her nails into his back. Very suddenly, she felt it--that climax that before only she had brought herself to. Her eyes rolled back and closed as her back bowed beneath him, driving him deeper and rubbing against him more. Her velvety warm muscles contracted around him, pulsing and milking him for all he was worth as she cried out gently.

As her body gripped him Brison knew he could not hold back any longer and thrust forward whispering her name into her ear. His manhood swelled and began to climax sending his seed deep into Calia's body even as he still tried to thrust. He slowed down his thrusts and rolled the two of them onto their sides. Then he wrapped his arms about Calia and stroked her body as he continued to kiss her. "Was I adequate for your first time?" he hoped she did not regret gifting him with he virtue.

Calia's entire world was still spinning from her orgasm, and she suddenly felt so tired, comfortable there in his arms, so all that she responded to his question with was a small, happy moan. She smiled bashfully and opened her eyes to look at him, her dark brown ones taking in his face. After a few moments of silence, she said, "It was... all I ever dreamed of..." She blushed and smiled at him sheepishly. She kept her arms around him lightly and curled into him, just wanting him close. She let them enjoy that quiet, recovering silence as they came down from their highs for a while. After what felt like a couple of hours, when she had figured Brison asleep, she whispered a confession, "Ptoli was holding Isidor when the boat started to break... she pushed Isidor and I back when the mast broke... I owe her my life. I owe her this moment." Her little body began to quiver with sobs then. She had never really grieved for her friend. When could she have? She had never had the time to after the destruction of their ship. She'd had to save Isidor, by clinging to a piece of debris from the ship and ensuring he didn't drown as they weathered the remainder of the storm, then floated to the nearest island--Atlantis. She had been too busy keeping him alive when they should have been dead, too busy to break down and mourn. Now it seemed to crash on her unexpectedly, just like the wave that broke their boat that night weeks ago, in this quiet moment laying with her friend's husband.

The rest of the house of Quintus did not fair as well as the guests of Zarka, for while Brison and Dominus were spending the night. The Master of the house had returned and was unhappy about the news of his guests or that his own wife had invited them. "Zarka what were you thinking? Several other Senators are trying to convince the Emperor to end the games and you invite two of them here and pay!" he raged at her, "Any who knows can simply say that I'm being deceitful. I will lose face!" He waited for her answer, he was trying to think of how best to explain himself if he was asked.

Zarka rolled her eyes a little bit as she sat at her mirror, combing her hair with a seashell comb. She looked at him slowly over her shoulder and said with a pretty smile, "And what would that do, except reveal the obvious? You think I'm oblivious to the bets you place on those games?" she asked, raising her brows. "Quintus... your son shows an interest in the games, and in the men we've invited here tonight. He wants to purchase them. I'm trying to help him because I love him." She stood away from her mirror and sauntered towards him. "Besides... It's good to have guests in the house who want to have fun. At least someone in this house appreciates our fine things, our fine food..." She shrugged and drew close to him, folding her hands in front of herself and looking a tad bored of the argument already.

"Don't start with me Zarka, anything that happens in my house reflects on me. How am I supposed to argue against the games if I'm allowing this in my own house! Ragan can't be trusted with his own coffers, he spends too much and all his purchases never show for anything. Do you honestly think he could do anything with them? He didn't even remain in the army as he promised to do! Perhaps if wish to have everyone appreciating the fine things and fine food, I should not be here then you can enjoy them like the other low class..." he didn't finish the sentence, but Zarka knew what he was about to say. 

Zarka turned on him instantly. "Like the low class what, my dearest husband?" she sneered, her eyes suddenly wild with anger. "The low class whores? Is that what you were going to say?" she asked, tilting her head. She glared at him hard. "At least as a whore I would be shown some love and affection from time to time, and perhaps have a child to show for it!" she hissed.

"I will not listen to this, you act like it is my fault I don't follow you around trying to mount you at all times. You have such a desire to have a child, why when like your answer Ragan bought one for you. Or do you feel that Isidor isn't one of the fine things you have here." She didn't understand, the movement away from the barbarous games and to a better future for Atlantis. Quintus was angry that she did not understand in the least what he was doing it was all about her child and her wants. "I will not listen to one more word of your complaints because I won't let you spend money like water, I will go back into the city and stay at an inn as you gave all of our bedrooms so slaves could fuck at their whims!" he said before gathering some things and leaving the bedroom.

Zarka watched him go with an angry huffing scream of frustration. "Then go! Be where you're happiest--away from me and this family!" she snapped after him, then yanked the curtain to her room closed. She realized all too late that their shouting might have woken poor Isidor, so she took a moment to peek into his adjoining bedroom to check on him. He was still blissfully asleep, and Calia wasn't back yet from her night with Brison. She huffed a softer sigh and moved to her bed, sitting down heavily on it and putting her head in her hands with a sniffle.

After a little while she felt someone in the room with her and when she looked up Ragan was in front of her on one knee, "I heard what he said. He had no right to infer that you were a whore, he doesn't understand you or what it means to be in charge of this house." He put his hands in her's, "Those men would have a better life here with us than in the gladiator camp. Although, I hate to be the reason for this argument to come about." he apologized looking up before wiping away a tear.

"Oh, do not blame yourself, Ragan," Zarka sniffled, allowing him to wipe away one of her tears and giving a small smile. "This argument is not your fault in any way... it is mine." she sighed. "Perhaps your father is right... maybe I am too... frivolous." She sniffled and looked down, frowning in shame. "I just like making people happy... but it seems like no matter what I do, he is the one person I cannot please."

Ragan's face hardened for a second, "Then it is he who has the problem, you are perfect to everyone here and who meets you." Leaning forward he embraced Zarka his head against her chest and his hands pressed against her lower back, "I wish there was more I could do to wash away his brutish remarks and give you what you desire." Quintus was gone and not return until the gladiators were gone, Ragan had watched him depart in the cart before coming to his stepmother's side.

Zarka smiled down at him endearingly, reaching up to stroke his short hair. "You have already given me so much... Isidor and Calia... your love..." she whispered, "You are such a wonderful son..." She bit her lip and hugged him in return against her bosom, just cradling his head. "He doesn't understand... I do love Isidor, but he is not mine.. I want a child of my own so badly, Ragan. I want to feel it growing in my belly, and I want to hear it cry as it takes its first breath free from my womb." she whispered. She sniffled. "He does not want to give that to me... He is so preoccupied with matters of the state that matters of the heart worry him little." She sniffled again and wiped at her eyes. "And now it seems my want for a child of my own is driving him away from me... we do not even share a bed anymore. It has been so long since I have been embraced by... anyone."

Ragan moved a little bit putting himself between her legs so that he could embrace her easily and had turned his head when she pulled his head to her bosom. He could feel the heat of her body against his cheeks and could smell the oils she placed upon herself his hands had not moved but began to hold her backside in them. It was wonderfully perfect and he lifted his face a little and placed a chaste kiss over her heart, "I wish this could heal the wounds he left there." He then pressed his lips a second time against her cleavage.

A small, wistful moan left her lips as he kissed her between her breasts. "It... helps," she whispered softly, a smile playing at her lips through her tears. She looked down at him and ran her hands up and down his arms and shoulders, watching him and thinking about the kiss they had shared before. She brought her hands back up his arms to cup his chin and jaw. She tilted his head back gently and looked him in the eyes, leaning down slightly until their faces were close. Like he had done to her before, she paused there, waiting to see if he would close the remaining distance between them.

Ragan waited only a breath before meeting her lips his hands slid from her back to either side of her hips and he stroked down her thighs. When they broke he whispered, "I am glad then." before moving in for another kiss. He wanted to remove her robes and fully have her, his father be damned. Zarka deserved better than the aging fool, someone who could meet her hungers and desires. All that truly kept him from trying much else was her sense of dignity with Isidor so close, but their fight had not woken him. His left hand came up and gently rubbed against the pin that held her robes together, at least a glimpse of her perfect body would be alright.

Zarka kissed him back hungrily. Her tongue explored his mouth eagerly, and when his hand rose to the pin at her shoulder that kept her robes tied, she rose a hand to meet his. But instead of stopping him, which for a moment it seemed she was, she instead helped him unpin her clothes and let them fall away from her chest, revealing her full and heavy breasts. She was definitely more endowed than Calia and many of the female slaves in the household. She hugged him into her bare chest now and breathed excitedly. "Stay with me tonight, Ragan..?"

Ragan's tongue slid over her nipple first one then the other as his hands slid down to slip inside and stroker her bare thighs. "Yes, yes I will." he said pulling the last of her robes away so she was naked before him. Without a word he lowered his mouth to her sex and his tongue snaked out and he tasted his stepmother. He groaned as her excitement became evident, he spent several long minutes giving her oral pleasure until she climaxed. Then he stood and quickly disrobed and pulled down the covers, once inside them with her Ragan's hands touched and committed the beautiful woman's curves to memory. This was what he wanted, the two of them together in a bed with desire leading the way it was Zarka's turn to decide their next pleasureable experience.

Zarka was more than happy to welcome Ragan into her bed. She pushed him down by his shoulders, forcing him to lay on his back. She kissed him hotly, excitedly, and then straddled him with tantalizingly slow movements. She impaled herself on him with ease, gasping and whining happily into his mouth. She drove him as deep as she could, and deeper still when she broke the kiss and sat upright on him, driving him against her deepest wall and making her moan loudly.

Ragan's hands rubbed and toyed with her chest then slid down and helped her raise and lower herself onto his manhood. He wanted her as much and as often as she would let him, he released moans and pulled her back down so that he may kiss those beautiful lips again. When they finally broke their kiss Ragan suckled happily upon her nipples, everything else was forgotten, the slaves, his fool of a father, only Zarka and his pleasure remained. A lustful thought entered his mind as he let Zarka raise back up, he would father her child if she agreed to continue these liaisons between them. He would suggest it much later though as he wanted to have her several times before they finally fell asleep.

And he did. Even after they had each climaxed, and more than once, Zarka still wanted more. It wasn't until the bed was absolutely destroyed and they were racked with exhaustion that Zarka let him rest. She breathed and moaned happily beside him, tingling all over. She rolled towards him on her side and propped her hand under her chin, watching him with an appreciative smirk. "You are magnificent." she mumbled happily.

He reached out and stroked her side, "You are the amazing one. I consider myself lucky to have provided you comfort and happiness, even for the briefest of time." Ragan moved his hand and again began to stroke her breast and lightly play with her nipple, "Zarka, please say that we can do this again at I will gladly lay with you as often as you will have me, I have never known contentment and happiness like this before, I truly love you." As if in response his manhood began to stiffen against her, he smirked as he looked into her eyes, "Might we again?"

"My dear Ragan... You may have me as many times as you please, until I break." Zarka purred at him, rolling closer to him and kissing him deeply. When it broke, and while her fingers danced around his cock, she whispered, "though if I didn't know any better... I see a man with an objective.. A mission. What is your mission this night, Ragan?"

He groaned as her hand excited him even more through heavy eyelids he whispered, "I came to seduce you, I have loved you for a long time. You deserve a child and happiness and you have been denied too long, if you will let me have you as you said then I wish to give you your baby, as many as you wish." Ragan watched her smile and wondered what she might be thinking as she had not placed him back inside her body. "Will you come to my room every morning to wake me, or at night for a long good night kiss?" he asked. With a groan he laid back and let Zarka's soft hand stroke him, wondering how soon she'd make him climax, or hold him on the edge until she decided what to do with him.

She watched him, her eyes deep with admiration and fondness, and a smile curled up her full lips as she continued to toy with him with her hands. She leaned down and kissed him again hungrily, moaning into his mouth. "I love you," she whispered and gave him a squeeze in her palm. "I will wake you every morning, and kiss you every night," she promised. "But we must be careful, else my husband will find out. You will be banished to poverty and I will be stoned to death."

"I would never let that happen, we will enjoy being together for as long as we can. We belong to each other now, you are holding that which no other woman will ever touch. I want to feel it slid into no other woman, sleep with my father to keep up appearances but any child you have is mine. Your touch excites me, what do you plan to do with my manhood my lover?" he asked having enjoyed the warmth of her touch and only wished to let her continue with him however she wanted.

Zarka shook her head. "I will not touch Quintus after tonight... I cannot." she whispered. She shifted down his body until she was laying on her stomach with her head near his lap. She smiled up at him. "I will not touch any other man... If you equally swear not to touch any other woman." she said and eyed him as she suddenly pulled his manhood between her lips.

The words he had wanted to say were lost in a long groan as Zarka's soft lips wrapped around him and created a wonderful feeling in his loins. It took several heartbeats to manage to say anything that sounded like words, "' make him suspect..." Anything else he might say was lost in a long grunt as his manhood twitched and flooded her mouth with his essence. Ragan felt his strength drain away into Zarka and could not believe this entire night had actually happened, but knew he wanted to keep her with him.

She drank every drop he gave her. She pulled herself up onto her elbows beside him and smiled as she licked her lips. "He will not suspect a thing, my love," she whispered before she pecked a kiss on the corner of his mouth, "He already spends more nights in the city than at home, and when he is at home he doesn't touch me. I am actually sure he has some concubine in the city he spends his time with." she grumbled.

"You will have to that way he won't suspect that the baby inside you will be mine." Ragan said touching her. "You can use a pessary so that we know the baby will be ours." He wondered if she might already be pregnant with his child, he would prefer some time to indulge in sexual pleasures with Zarka before giving her a child. But, if it was to be then it would be, "You already have my word that my cock will pleasure no one except you."

"So I do," Zarka whispered, watching him with another smirk. Her hand brushed over his chest with affectionate touches and she rested her head on his shoulder. "My heart is so swollen... I have never felt this happy." Even on her wedding day to Quintus, she didn't believe she had been this happy. Quintus had been so serious and had barely kissed her that first night, no matter how many times he had enjoyed her body. He had been so stoic. Ragan could have that same stern look on his face--like father, like son, after all--but he could also have so much more passion in his eyes. Quintus always just looked tired.

"I cannot remember happiness before our kiss." he said kissing her again. "But, I must go to my room soon or else we will be found out. Although, you did promise to wake me every morning..." he teased as his fingers slid along her sex. There was not a second of being near her that he didn't wish to make love to her.

She shivered as his fingers graced her again. She was still so sensitive from their several rounds of lovemaking tonight. It was into the wee hours of the morning now. She nodded though and kissed him again. "You should go," she reiterated, whining, "before I tie you to my bed and mount you again."

He returned the kiss and deepened it, "Don't forget, you promised to wake me in the morning. And you should prepare for me to have you again." Reluctantly he got out of her bed and redressed then bowed to kiss her again as his hand gently kneaded her breast as his tongue slipped into her mouth. "Goodnight, Stepmother pleasant dreams." he whispered before leaving her room and heading for his own.

Zarka watched him go, her blood boiling. This man would be the beginning--and the end--of her. She smiled and very quickly fell into sleep, curled up in her mess of a bed, smelling of sweat and sex. The blankets would need to be washed.


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