Page name: Titans of Atlantis: History 3 [Exported view] [RSS]
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2017-03-17 07:05:17
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Weeks have passed, now. It is the first day of the gladiator games. Nearly every man and woman in Atlantis is packed into the stands of the grand arena, the likes of which has never been seen before. Even the Colosseum in Rome is dwarfed by the size of this place. It is mere hours before the games begin.

Early the next morning even before the sun came up Brison awoke and watched Calia sleeping beside him. Part of him felt guilty he had not that long ago lost Ptoli, but he figured she would be happy that he and Isidor would have someone once they escaped this place. He gently drew down the covers and watched her chest rise and fall in her sleep, wrapping his arm about her waist. The thought of how Dominus fared crossed his mind, probably the man could not choose and was sleeping between two women after a night of sexual frenzy. This was enough for him, a good woman and his son nearby, all that remained was freedom.

Calia's eyes opened slowly as she felt him shifting beside her. She could feel eyes on her. She turned her head to face him and looked up at him sleepily. "What is wrong?" she asked, her voice light and slightly slurred by sleep. "Are you alright?"

"Nothing is wrong, perhaps I just missed seeing you." he said pulling her close then recovering them, letting his fingers graze the bottoms of her breasts. As they laid closer it was a comfortably warm way to be together and he kissed her neck. "Did you sleep alright?" he asked taking her hand in his and giving her another playful kiss on her neck.

"Mmm, yes," Calia hummed as he kissed her neck and brushed his fingertips along the swell of her breasts. She closed her eyes and smiled a little. This moment was everything she had ever dreamed of with Brison, but it would have to end soon, and that idea made her smile fade. "When the sun rises, you and your companion will have to leave back to Master Noam's.... and prepare for another day of games."

"Then we only have a little while." he said kissing her lips and deepening it.

She allowed him to kiss her, and she enjoyed it, her hands reaching up to press against his chest. She pushed him back gently and looked at him, seeming confused. "You... you want me.. again?" she asked, sounding confused but hopeful. It seemed she had assumed his laying with her last night was just a one-time occurrence; that he had done it because he was grieving, or lonely, or grateful for all she had done. But certainly not because he wanted her.

"I owe you so much, you've protected my son as his mother would have. And I know that I miss Ptoli, but she called you a good friend and would want us to raise Isidor and be happy. And while I miss her, I cannot deny I have an attraction to you Calia. If you don't want to again then I understand, but who knows the next time that we will have this chance again." he explained to her not knowing if it made any sense. But, he hoped that she understood and wanted him again.

Calia's dark eyes studied his face as he spoke, her hand still against his chest, feeling his heartbeat. When he finished, she sniffled and sat up, her marred back to him. "You owe me nothing," she whispered, her voice tight, "I owe my life to Ptoli. She saved me that day on the ship. She pushed me and Isidor out of the way when it shattered, Brison. I am protecting Isidor because I love him, but also because..." Her voice broke and she trembled. "Brison, I have wanted you since the first day on that ship. I have envied your family so... And now you're offering me a chance to be a part of it, and I just-" She took a breath and swiped at her eyes, letting her chocolate tresses hide her face.

"Ptoli knew that his best chance for survival was with you." Brison said brushing her hair from in front of her face, "And I did not make love to you because of the thought of owing anything. There is no way to repay how you have taken my son into your heart. I felt the attraction to you when we first met, and if there was no feeling I would not have let you give me your virtue." He pulled Calia to him and wrapped her legs around him before putting himself back at the opening of her sex, "I want you, not because of anything other than that you are the calm to my storm. Being one with you brought me peace, touching you reminded me that I am alive, and every kiss was a promise of tomorrow. If you wish, I will gladly do everything from last night again, but only if you want me like I want you." he said before kissing her again.

She ran her hands up into his hair and kissed him back eagerly, giving a small whimper against his lips. She felt so relieved knowing that he had not slept with her out of guilt, debt, or grief. He actually wanted her. "Every moment..." she promised in a whisper against his lips. "I want you every moment I can."

His hands slid to her hips and began to draw her down his manhood until they were fitted together. Laid her onto her back and began to work himself in and out of her body as they continued to kiss deeply. There was no speeding up just a pace that would give them both pleasure. His hands touched her gaining pleasure out of feeling the softness and strength in her, "Every moment?" he asked her when they broke the kiss, "Then I will have to find out when I can become free and reclaim you and Isidor. And then there will be plenty of moments." Lowering his kisses until he pulled her nipple into his mouth and gently pulled upon it as his hands firmly held her hips.

She moaned and writhed beneath him, her eyes closed and mouth agape. This time was not anywhere as painful as the night before. Her fingers tangled in his hair and her hips rolled with his, encouraging more sounds of pleasure from her. "How will you do it? How will you become free?" she panted.

"That will be up to Noam or Ragan if he gets his wish to purchase Dominus and I." he said after letting her nipple slip from his mouth. "One way or another I will bring us together again." Brison said before pushing his lips to hers again and groaning as her body gripped him and tried to coax him deeper inside her.

She whined a moan into his mouth. He felt so good. Her cheeks were red and her lips swollen with his kisses, and with every shift of his hips she moaned for him. She felt that pressure building towards her climax and her breathing quickened as she began to reach it. "B-Brison!" she yelped, just as her tunnel began to tighten and pulse around him.

He stopped moving with his head against her shoulder as his manhood twitched sending his seed into her again. "I could stay like this forever Calia." he whispered.

"As could I," Calia whispered back breathlessly. She opened her eyes and looked up at him with a pretty smile, relaxed and content as they came down from their climaxes together. She didn't want to let him go, especially not so he could return to the ring to fight another day. "You will come back... Right?" The worry was evident on her face now.

"It depends on if Zarka hires us again from Noam or if Noam sells us to Ragan." Brison said stroking her face with his hands. "I think we need to get cleaned up before I go back, would you join me in the baths, that way I can bathe you and also watch to make sure you are safe." It would be nice to spend just a little more time with her, maybe even get a chance to see Isidor.

She blushed, but nodded. "I can get Isidor... He needs a bath this morning. Lady Zarka likes him clean." she explained bashfully. She sat up and withdrew from him, moving out of the bed and to fetch her robes from off of the floor. "The baths are down the hall and to the left. I'll meet you there." she said before vanishing out of the room.

"I will see you there." he said waiting until she was gone to get out of bed and also get dressed. Then he left the room and headed for the baths. He would get a chance to interact with his son and show him affection. When he arrived he looked around, the baths here were lavish, but when he got into the water and smiled at the warmth.

A little bit later, Calia appeared in the baths with Isidor on her hip. He was sleepily rubbing his eyes and whining, nuzzling into her neck. "Isidor, look... someone is here to see you." she said, and pointed out Brison in the tub. Isidor looked at his father groggily and it took him a few moments to recognize him through his sleepy delirium. He whined again, louder, and reached for Brison with groping hands. "DADDY!" he yelped. Calia let Brison take him, and she removed his little robes and cloth diaper while Brison held him so the babe could join his father in the bath. Calia then disrobed herself and joined them in the water.

Brison could not stop smiling as he held Isidor and bathed him. "You've grown little one, have you been good for Calia?" he asked as he washed his son. He did not know how he would tell him that he was going away and did not know when he would be back. Setting his son on the edge of the bath he washed him and spoke to him, "You promise me you will behave for Calia and the people here, they take care of you while I am away. I will come back as soon as I can, but I will never be far away from you." He looked at Calia and was almost overcome with emotion, he needed to rescue them from slavery somehow they needed him.

Calia tried to give him a reassuring smile. "We'll be alright," she whispered. She watched Isidor rest his little head on Brison's shoulder and play with some oily bubbles on his fingers. She reached out and used a rag to soak his back and hair. "I'll watch over him..." she promised.

"I know you will." Brison said looking at her and smiling, "Until we can be together again." He knew that Calia would care for his son as she would her own. Neither Ragan nor Zarka had spoken to him about purchasing Dominus or himself, perhaps they were waiting for the right time, or just before they sent them back to Noam.

Thinking of Dominus seemed to spawn him out of thin air. Dominus appeared in the baths with a big, relaxed smile on his face, barely wrapped in a tunic. He noticed Brison before he noticed Calia. "There you are, companion! I had begun to worry that you were permanently indisposed." he joked. He seemed to notice Calia in the baths then and stopped in his tracks. "Oh, I am interrupting. I apologize." He spotted Isidor on Brison's shoulder and his smile turned gentle. "Is this your little one?"

Brison moved in front of Calia to protect her modesty, "Yes, my friend this is Isidor, my son. It is good to see you well, I take it your night was eventful?"

Dominus raised a hand and shook his head. "I do not discuss such things in front of ladies or children," he commented, which was his hint that his night had been eventful indeed. He waded into the water and smiled at the boy Brison held. "He is handsome and strong, indeed! Only the result of your loins could survive what he has been through, undoubtedly." he said and rubbed Isidor's back gently. He looked at Calia over Brison's shoulder, sure to keep his eyes on her face and nowhere else. "You must be Calia, the one my companion talks about often both waking and sleeping."

Calia blushed and gave Dominus a smile. She allowed him to kiss her hand over Brison's shoulder and hugged herself to his back to keep herself hidden. "And you must be Dominus. I have heard much about you as well." she giggled.

"All good things, I hope." he smirked and stepped back to allow them room. "I will go to the other side of the bath to allow you more privacy. Companion, we mustn't linger here. The lady of the house has woken and is ordering us breakfast made. Once we have eaten our fill, we're to leave back to Noam's." he explained before wading away through the steam to wash on the other side of the large bath.

Brison turned to Calia, "I will give you time to wash, we will go speak with Dominus for a little while. When you are done call for us and we can go have breakfast." He then took Isidor and himself over to Dominus, "Has anyone asked any questions or asked about our time with Noam? I thought they had invited us to try finding any angle to purchase us." While no doubt that if they did, they would keep Brison complacent by giving him time with Calia and Isidor. The bigger question was would they keep Dominus as complacent.

Dominus shook his head at his friend. "No one has asked me any such thing," he confided. He frowned a little. "Though, I admit, I am just as suspicious as you. Why invite us here if not to undermine Master Noam? Or us? What are they plotting?" he wondered in a mumble, washing himself thoroughly in the bath water.

Brison nodded, "We must be vigilant and promise not to hide anything from each other, for I know Noam would not sell just one of us since we work so well together. Enjoy your soak my friend I will see you at breakfast." he said then waded back to Calia so that they could dress Isidor and themselves and prepare for breakfast. Brison did ask Calia, "Did you tell Zarka that you were bringing Isidor to me?"

"I did not..." Calia admitted with a guilty frown. "Its a difficult situation, Brison. She has adopted Isidor as her own, but I do not think She knows you're the father. I do not even think she knows you and I are familiar."

"I guess we will have to wait for her to show us her hand then, did she ask why you were bringing him to the baths?" he said dressing Isidor while she could get covered up as well. "I assume she did not leave him alone all night. Was she there when you went to get him?" a little irritated if she had left his son alone all night even if he was sleeping.

She was in her own room, but their rooms are separated by a curtain. She was there for him," Calia assured him gently as she dressed. "I merely told her I was going to get him washed up for breakfast. She was fine with that, she said she needed to go wake Ragan."

Ragan was in his room sleeping off the sexual marathon he had with his stepmother, he knew it was morning and wondered if she would appear to waken him. He smiled, when he finally got to his bed he shed all of his clothes then pulled the covers over himself.

As Zarka had suspected, her husband had not returned this morning from sleeping in the city. She wasn't surprised, nor was she really all that irritated. This meant she could get the house in order, and wake Ragan, without worrying about being found by him. She moved into Ragan's room and admired him sleeping nude in his bed, barely veiled by the blankets, before crossing the space to his bedside. She decided to remain clothed, but that didn't mean she couldn't wake him in other ways. She crawled over him and leaned down, brushing her lips along his neck and jaw, and moaned lightly at the scent of him. He still smelled like sex and sweat. "Ragan..." she cooed, a hand brushing up his torso.

He groaned and tried to play like he was still asleep, her moan and saying his name was seducing him. Ragan wanted to see if she was a lady of her word.

She smirked. He was pretending to be asleep. "Oh, my poor, sleepy Ragan..." She cooed. She moved down his body, leaving kisses and mumbling against his skin, "how will I ever wake you up..?" She withdrew the blankets from his body and took his manhood in her hand, before dragging her tongue along the length of it.

Ragan moaned; his manhood stiffened under her ministrations. If she was going to wake him like this then he might not be able to sleep late again. "Ohh, if you wish to take that into your mouth again, bring yours to me so that I might pleasure you as well." In truth he'd have her any way she wanted, although this was a very nice way to wake up.

She giggled a little and looked up at him, licking her lips. "We don't have time for that," she said, her breath hot on his manhood as she slickened it up again with her tongue and lips, sucking it off with an audible pop.

He moaned again and brought his hips off the bed, "So, I am to get my pleasure but you don't receive any? That seems so unfair, you realize he won't return until this evening plenty of time to enjoy now and after we send the gladiators back." Ragan smiled, Zarka's plan for those men had yet to be full completed and while he wanted to see how it would continue this felt magnificent. In his mind though, if she did not let him bring her pleasure then he would find time to pleasure her at some point today.

"We'll just say you owe me," Zarka purred at him. She wrapped her lips around him again and sucked him with smooth bobs of her head until he filled her mouth with his warm seed. She swallowed it and cleaned him with her tongue, then sat back and said, "Go have a bath and eat some breakfast. We must see the gladiators off this morning." She smiled and winked, then stood from the bed and sauntered off.

Getting up Ragan watched her leave his room, owe her it made him smile thinking about that. He then got clothed and went to the baths as Dominus was finishing, "Good morning honored guest, how did you night go?" Setting his soiled clothing to be washed he entered the water and began to bathe, hoping the gladiator may stay and talk for a few minutes. Brison had been his focus but this one could be a very valuable asset in his own right.

Dominus bowed his head respectfully to Ragan as he entered the baths and then went back to washing. He had seen Brison and Calia off with Isidor only moments before Ragan walked in. He nodded his head and said, "My night was... eventful, Master Ragan. Eventful indeed." He smirked a little at him. "I could not decide which maiden I liked more--you have so many beautiful young maidens in your house. So I had four of them. I hope that is alright."

"I am impressed that four of them were able to satisfy your hungers, think nothing of it as long as you did not force or harm them." he said returning the smirk. "To be sure I bet they believe it an honor to lay with one of the arenas newest and successful gladiators." Ragan commented as he washed himself. Part of him thought that it would be a good selling point to the man to offer him as many of the slaves as he wished if he could convince Noam to sell himself and Brison to them. But, it was Zarka's plan and he would see where she would take it, "Was your bed comfortable when you managed to sleep that is? And the food and drink to your liking?"

"Everything was more than exceptional, master," Dominus said with a nod and a smile. "I have not been so pampered in... years." he admitted with a shrug. His previous master before Noam had not been so kind. "I am grateful for your patronage, and that of Mistress Zarka." he said and rinsed his skin of the soaps and oils before getting out of the bath and grabbing for a towel to dry with. "It is almost painful to return to training this morning after the wonderful night I have had here."

He laughed, "When I returned from my military service it was hard to adjust to the plushness of it all. I have no doubt you and your companion will return to train with eyes on continued dominance in the arena. Perhaps if Zarka and my father would be agreeable, the next time you visit it could be at a larger gathering."

Dominus contemplated that for a moment. "I would like that. But I'm afraid I do not have much say in the matter." he said quietly. "I can only hope the gods favor what is best for me and my companion."

Ragan rinsed himself and exited to grab a towel to get dried off, "I suppose their favor is all we can hope for. Come let us see what has been prepared for breakfast today." He got dressed and walked along with Dominus to see what the cooks had made for them today.

Domius followed, and was still adjusting the belt on his robes when they entered the dining hall. Brison was already seated with Calia and Isidor at the table, Zarka at the head of the table beside her husband's empty seat. Dominus sat near his friend, smiling and sinking at the slave girls as he went. All four of them happily served him and graced him with kisses to his cheeks, lips, and forhead before scuttling off to keep working. Dominus gave Brison a knowing smile and shrugged before turning his attention on his plate.

Ragan entered with Dominus and kissed Zarka on the cheek, "Good morning stepmother did you sleep well?" He then took his seat and said good morning to Brison, Calia and Isidor before filling his plate. "It is sad to see the both of you off this morning, you've brought a certain vitality to our home." he commented before taking his first bite. After a couple bites he looked to his father's chair feeling irritated that he could not even bother to come home this morning and apologize to how he treated Zarka last night.

Zarka gave Ragan a knowing smile. He would know exactly how she slept last night. She went back to eating though, ignoring his sidelong glares at his father's seat. She didn't feel at all bad that he wasn't here. In fact, she welcomed his absence. She had Ragan now.

"Thank you for having us, again, Mistress Zarka and Master Ragan. It was nice to get out of the barracks for an evening and have good meals and exquisite beds to sleep in." Dominus said with a nod and a smile. "We would very much look forward to coming back here again, and hopefully soon, wouldn't we, companion?" he asked Brison.

"Yes, I suppose if Master Noam allows, it would be nice to visit again." Brison responded not wanting to make it apparent his desire to be near Calia and his son again. "Forgive me, but do you still plan on trying to move forward with purchasing us from Noam? He seemed rather happy with the show we put on in the arena and the money we won him." Brison then took a long sip of wine and watched Calia and Isidor work on him eating his breakfast.

Zarka folded her hands in front of herself and smirked at them both. "Well, I would be more than happy to welcome you both back into my home again in the near future, should Master Noam permit it," she nodded, "but I will have to meet with him again about what that means. I am hoping he wouldn't mind a sort of joint custody of you two. I will smooth over the details with him at a later date." she assured them.

Ragan was impressed, joint custody of the pair with Noam it was a unique idea and one that might get the best performance out of Brison. He looked at Zarka and felt not only love for the woman but a growing respect for her mind as well, they would be formidable team.

Brison watched the mistress, he had never heard of gladiators being shared by owners. It also made him wonder if she knew the connection between Isidor, Calia and himself. And with a look at Ragan he could easily tell the young man had no idea of her plan.

Calia was watching the pair with silent intrigue. She wasn't sure of their plan, but she had a feeling she was a part of it. She frowned and looked down at Isidor, then at Brison with a blush. She couldn't say anything to him. Not here. Probably not at all for the rest of this morning. She doubted that she nor Isidor would be allowed to so much as say goodbye to the two men. It would be hard to calm Isidor when his father left this morning, and Zarka would no doubt know of their relationship when that happened. She hugged Isidor and bit her lip, resisting the urge to whisper to Brison.

It had occurred to Brison that Isidor might make a scene when he and Domunis attempted to leave this morning. Brison doubted he could take the eyes of his son filled with tears or his small voice calling for him. His only hope was that Calia had a plan for this. "Mistress are you planning on coming with us to speak with Noam?" he hoped so, then perhaps she would believe that Isidor was upset because she left the estate without him.

Zarka tilted her head at Brison and shook it gently. "I had not planned on it this morning, no. I had planned on doing it tonight, after your next fight." she explained. "I would like to see if perhaps a nice... invigorating night at our estate might encourage your performances." she winked. It seemed that she hoped that after a night of recuperation at their estate, their skills might improve noticeably enough that Noam might consider letting them stay more often.

Ragan smiled, "I had not thought about the games today. Today's will be mostly one on one combat today and with random combatants. Best of luck to you both, I pray the gods favor you both." He looked to Zarka again, "Do you plan on taking Calia and Isidor today or leave them here to play in the garden perhaps?"

"I think I will leave that up to Calia. I do not like Isidor seeing all that violence... Perhaps it is best that they remain here." Zarka said with a small frown.

Calia wanted to protest, but she was torn. She didn't want Isidor to be there either... What if Brison should lose? Isidor would be subjected to watching his father die. As would Calia. But she scolded herself for thinking that way. She needed to have more faith in Brison. He would win... He would survive. She pressed her lips together thinly a moment and watched Isidor messily eat his food, then said softly, "we'll... Remain here today." She glanced at Brison and gave him an apologetic frown.

Brison nodded slightly to let Calia know he understood, "I think you and Calia will raise young Isidor into a very good young man. We should most likely be going soon so that we may rejoin Master Noam and our compatriots in preparation for today's games." He nodded to Dominus, and with Isidor focused on his food and Calia he might not notice his father slip away.

Dominus finished his breakfast quickly and nodded back at Brison, taking his hint. He stood from the table and bowed respectfully to Ragan and Zarka. "Thank you again, for your patronage." he said and then moved around the table to collect Brison and head out.

"I will walk you out," Zarka said and stood from the table as well. She moved after them both and ushered them out. Isidor noticed them leaving and started to cry and scream for Brison. Zarka gave a small, exasperated sigh and rolled her eyes a little. "poor thing misses me already! Only weeks in my home and I'm already his favorite person." she giggled. "I'll be back soon, darling!" she cooed through the door and then hurried to get Brison and Dominus outside to the waiting cart. "Let's get you two home."

Ragan had known about Isidor and Brison but had not said anything while Zarka was in the room. "It's alright Isidor, I know your father will be back here before long. He loves you and Calia very much." he said looking at Calia. "You'd prefer to have him here wouldn't you? To lie with him when Zarka gave you leave to perhaps even take Isidor back to raise if Zarka ever became pregnant?" he asked. It made him smile to mention his stepmother becoming pregnant, although to him and not his father.

Calia didn't look at Ragan as he spoke to her. She still did not like him, even if Zarka had managed to convince him not to touch her again--or make her touch him. She soothed Isidor and got him back to eating. "What I prefer makes no difference." she said quietly, still not looking up.

"Does it?" Ragan asked her, "You spent all of last night with him, after taking him to see his son. Or is that something you'd rather not my stepmother find out?" He doubted that Zarka would care but he wanted to see how much the gladiator meant to her and not just his son. "All I ask is a simple question, Would you like to have him closer to both of you? I could see in his eyes that it was not easy to leave either of you. Is the feeling mutual?"

At his mention of taking Brison to see Isidor last night, Calia's blood ran cold quickly enough to make her raise her eyes to Ragan. The panic flickered across them, followed quickly by rage before she lowered them again and clenched her jaw. After a pause for contemplation, she admitted defeat with her admission of, "Yes, it is. And yes, I would." She thought it wise to perhaps not indulge him in much more information than that. She didn't want to provide him with more fodder for his fire than necessary.

"There, was that so hard? I will not tell my stepmother about Brison's visit to his son, for she would not care." Ragan said taking some more bread. "In time you will see us less as a threat and more as people with a vested interest in how he performs in the arena. I just hope you continue to wish to lay beside him, nothing worse than losing your reason to fight." He finished his breakfast as Zarka returned from seeing the men off. "So, Stepmother until this afternoon, what are your plans?"

Zarka smiled and moved to lift Isidor from Calia's lap. While Isidor had grown familiar with Zarka, enough to let her hold him without so much as a whine now, he did not cling to her like he did the younger woman or either of his parents. She bounced him and kissed his head as he ignored her for the sake of finishing his food, and then looked at Ragan. "I have no plans for today... though perhaps I should seek out your father and make sure he is at least breathing." she grumbled.

Ragan smirked, "He won't be hard to find, look at the senate. It is the only place the man feels any worth." Although he wondered if he might have a chance to repay her for this morning. "Calia, perhaps after breakfast you can let Isidor play in the garden. The fresh air will do you both some good, and we can always let you know what happens when we return from the arena."

Calia gave merely a reserved nod of her head, not looking up. Zarka bounced Isidor a bit more on her hip, kissed his head again, then offered him back to Calia. "Good. Help him finish eating and then you are excused with him for the rest of the day." she said and then turned to Ragan with a subtle smile. "Ragan, will you accompany me?"

Ragan nodded, "It would be an honor to escort you stepmother. When do you plan on leaving for the arena?" It was his plan that if she needed to get ready, then he would give her a real reason to smile today. However, he handed his plate over to the servant and finished his wine there was no need to get ahead of himself.

"Oh, I still need to bathe and get dressed for the games," Zarka said with a shrug. "I will not be leaving for another couple of hours yet. There's no hurry when you have reserved seats," she giggled. She gave Ragan a discreet wink and turned with a sway that seemed to roll through the entire length of her curvy form before heading out of the dining room and down the hall towards her own room.

Waiting until Isidor and Calia had left Ragan stood and followed Zarka to her room, a couple hours sounded like a lovely challenge. He softly knocked and then entered it did not bother him in the least that she might already be nude or not ready for his company. Thoughts and feelings about what he wished to do with Zarka fluttered about his mind, what his father might say the two of them nude and making love upon his bed. The way her body moved as she left the dining room inflamed his mind and stoked his desires he wanted to see her walk like that without a single piece of clothing on.

Dominus was almost happy to be back in the gated grounds of Master Noam's gladiator school. Things back at the house of Quintus had been too.. formal. And too normal, he supposed. He had made a point of saying so to Brison on their way back to the house. "It was amazing, no doubt," he said, after having explained to his compatriot how he had taken four servant girls not just one at a time, but altogether as well, "but that life is too cushy for men like us. We are too hardened for luxury."

Brison listened to his story and waited until he had finished, "So, you would not like to have your four women almost every night? I would suppose that Lady Zarka or Master Ragan would fill your bed with virgins as long as we bring them glory in the arena." His own night was kept to himself other than seeing Isidor asleep, he did not want to share about his night with Calia. As he got out of the cart he began to wonder what today would hold for them.

"A man not ought to take too many women too often, Brison. It leads to jealousy and fatigue--among other things." Dominus chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "I would like to have what you have--one woman. Just one." The look that passed over his face in the span of a few seconds suggested he had a particular lady in mind already. But it passed as quickly as it came, and he turned his attention on their training grounds. The others had already finished breakfast long before the sun rose, and were currently training. They looked up to see Dominus and Brison approach and paused in their training to welcome them home and bombard them with questions. Even Cranth, who normally would have cracked the whip and commanded they return to training and save the "women's chatter" for later, was curious and lingered nearby on the edges of the crowd to listen in.

Brison answered what questions he could, not revealing too much about Isidor or Calia. He knew that Noam would summon them for a formal debriefing about their night. Before getting ready to train Brison turned Cranth's way, "A sign of respect from me to you." and tossed him an orange he had brought from the house of Quintus with permission from Lady Zarka.

Cranth caught the orange with the practiced upward swing of his arm, curling his fingers around the fruit just as it collided with his palm. He looked it over, then brought it towards his nose and admired the scent of it. It smelled freshly picked and that made gooseflesh prickle his arms. He looked at Brison and Dominus and rubbed a finger against the cleft where his bottom lip met his chin. "Master Noam wants to see you both," he commented, confirming Brison's suspicions, "He is waiting for you in the atrium of his home." He nodded towards the grand house and motioned them off.

Dominus turned and headed towards the home with purposeful strides, though lingered enough that Brison could keep up. "Master Noam will no doubt want to know what was discussed at Quintus' house last night and this morning. We should divulge nothing but the truth." he advised his friend. "Master Noam is very shrewd. Anything less than the complete truth will see us both in the hole for a month."

"Agreed, and after last night the hole would be a very rough place to sleep." Brison said walking along. Whatever plan they had, Noam needed to be made aware. He was glad that Cranth seemed to like the orange, it was going to be kept for later but after their round he felt it better to foster some good will. Once at the house they waited for a slave to let Noam know they were back and ready to see him.

The slave vanished quickly through the halls of the house to locate Noam in the atrium. He returned as quickly as he had vanished and nodded at the pair to follow him back through the house. He led them to the sunny atrium--an area carved out in the center of the house itself, in the shape of a shady square built into the floor and ceiling to allow sunlight in--where Noam was relaxing on a step with a bowl of fruit and a cup of wine. The slave sheepishly introduced the two and then stepped aside, waiting to be called on again.

Dominus instantly dropped to one knee, since Noam was currently lower than they, and clapped a fist against his chest in salute. "Master Noam," he greeted obediently, his movements practiced but no less loyal. He straightened again and waited to be addressed.

Brison followed suit and waited for the older man to address them, he was curious what Noam would want to know. He was also pondering how much to share about his night, if he did not mention Isidor or many details about Calia.

"So, what can I expect from Lady Zarka and her son? I take it you were given good food and wine and women to sate other hungers? In nine months will I hear that all the female slaves have given birth to children looking like the two of you? Or is it that they wish you to convince me to sell?" He handed the slave the empty cup and pulled a grape from the bowl. "What would the two of you do?"

"We were given food, wine, and women," Dominus confirmed without hesitation, nor without consulting Brison first. "But neither lady Zarka nor master Ragan discussed too much business with us. Lady Zarka insisted we relax and indulge ourselves. It was not until this morning that she mentioned an idea of... shared ownership. A sort of mutual custody she would like to speak to you about after today's games. She did not entertain us with details, but she seems to be planning something."

"Of course she is and she's not above showing off her body to get that." Noam said standing up. "Shared ownership? The idea is laughable, what does she plan to offer other than a soft bed, food and women for the two of you?" he continued. He laughed at the thought, "And I wonder what she plans to offer me as co-owner? For there isn't much she could that I would consider. Go and prepare for today, we will see what the siren has planned to sing for me later."

Dominus clapped his chest with his fist again in an obedient farewell salute, the sound echoing with Brison's twin gesture against the pillars of the open atrium. He then walked out with his companion into the sunlight of the training area and took a deep breath of it. "Life is good, brother. Life is good."

Ragan too was finding out how good life was, upon entering his stepmother's room he crept up behind Zarka and undid the pin holding her robes and let them slide to the floor. His hands rubbed her body as he kissed her neck and steered her towards her bed. Then he put her to her hands and knees and took her from behind thrusting deeply before pressing her upper body down to change the angle from which he was taking her. They had not said much to one another as neither had much to say at the moment instead enjoying the sounds of their coupling. Slowing just a little Ragan leaned over her shoulder as one of his hands found her breast and murmured, "I could do this all day with you and well into the night as well. You'd most surely be pregnant after that would you not?"

"Surely," Zarka agreed in a gasp between bodily jumps as he collided with her backside. Her hands gripped her bed sheets until her knuckles were white, bracing herself against his impacts in order to drive him deeper. She groaned into the fur blanket directly beneath her and rolled her hips against him. "I love feeling you inside of me, Ragan... If I could live with only your cock fueling me, I would find a way."

Ragan smiled and kissed her neck as his fingers twisted her nipple, "Perhaps sometime we can test the theory? I have heard my father may go to the coast for a few days to inspect the milita." He began to pick up speed again feeling Zarka's body tense up around him, her first climax he had resisted his own, this time would be no holding back. "I feel my approach soon, do you wish me to fill you now or hold off for your next climax?" It was music to his ears when she begged to have him fill her with his essence.

"Now, Ragan! Please, fill me!" Zarka yelped in small gasps, her body rocking against his with hard claps. She was cumming again and the muscles of her warm tunnel clamped down around him again, pulsing and rolling with firing nerves that made her scream her ecstasy for him.

With her cries Ragan could no longer hold back and as he thrust forward with a grunt he released wave after wave into her. Finally when he felt her body could cox nothing else he collapsed beside her, holding her against him and rubbing her stomach and hip. "I wonder if this was the time?" he whispered, "Although, it might be the next." He kept his manhood inside her not wanting to withdraw from her wonderful wetness. They still had a few hours before the matches of the arena, they could bathe and dress with plenty of time to leave. "So, what is the next step of your plan?" he asked catching himself before calling her stepmother as it would be weird, still being inside her.

Zarka hummed from beside him, curled up on her side with her back to his chest. She nuzzled back against him and smiled. "Must we talk business now, Ragan? I want to enjoy this flight." She laced her fingers with his and moaned again softly as she came down from her high. "Oooh, Ragan... you make my world spin."

He smiled as he drew her hand to his lips, "Very well, but if we do not talk business then we must do something else with our mouths." Ragan began to kiss her neck and down to her shoulder as his hands continued to rub her body. One would have to agree with her, it was nice just to relax and let their bodies come down from the pleasure they just shared. If only he could make himself erect again after such wonderful pleasure, he would give her more enjoyment.

She was more than happy to lie there with him, letting his hands roam her body to seek out any nerves swill wily enough to fire under his touch. She felt exhausted, though. First last night and then this morning? Her muscles actually felt weak. She'd never needed to worry about stamina like this with Quintus. He was always a one-and-done type. One-and-done in frequency--once a day at first, then only once a week, and now hardly once a month--and in session; sometimes also in consideration. If he happened to finish first, she was left to finish what he started on her own after he fell asleep. Ragan, however, was unhinged, and strove to make sure Zarka finished before himself every time, several times in a row. "Ragan.. I do believe I love you. You've exhausted me beyond reason." she admitted with a blushing grin.

Ragan laughed, "Exhausted? I had intended to give more of myself to you as soon as I recovered. To prove my desire to give you a baby that you so desire." His hand settled over her breast and fondled her, he enjoyed touching her skin and even looking at her nude. From time to time Ragan had heard his father and stepmother attempt to make love and have it end in disaster, or Zarka have to finish her pleasure while Quintus slept and he felt that was wrong. In his mind he wanted to make it so Zarka would go to sleep tired from lovemaking and dream about her lover desiring her in a few hours when they awoke.

Zarka laughed with him, albeit bashfully. She looked at him over her shoulder a little. "Caution, Ragan.... If I cannot walk, Quintus will surely know our game." she teased, wiggling her hips a little against and around him. "I do desire a baby, so very much, but I will be no use to you or the child if you break me."

While she looked over her shoulder Ragan kissed her, "Then I shall not break you, but I shall keep you happy and willing to accept me inside you when I wish." To punctuate the point her wrapped her hand around his manhood and managed to make it twitch with desire, to promise her he'd always want her.

Zarka moaned against his lips and tightened her hand around him incrementally. She wanted him to feel the pulse in her fingertips the same way she could feel his pulse in his shaft. She shivered. "For another time." she promised. "For now, I want to get ready for the games, and meet your father."

"I hope not for much later, although perhaps tomorrow morning after he leaves you'd be so kind to come to my room and climb aboard me again?" he asked as his shaft twitched remembering their first time. "But you are correct, we need to get ready for the games. I doubt father will be there, nor the Emperor this time, it will be the same as last year unless Brison and Dominus prove formidable in the arena."

Zarka pulled herself off and away from Ragan gently with a sigh and rolled to face him so she could plant a kiss on his lips. With that done, she sat up and exited her bed. "I have a feeling that Dominus and Brison will continue to surprise us all."

"With that I have no doubt stepmother." Ragan said as he to got out of his father's bed and redressed. Being a helpful lover he helped Zarka begin to redress until his playful kiss made her shoo him out of the room. He then headed to the baths and entered the waters and cleaned himself fully. Having Zarka, making love to her was not tiring in the least to him. Her noises, the faces she made only served to make him crave her more. Perhaps his father would be a hateful idiot again today and they could have each other tonight if he did not come home.

Zarka was dressed in beautiful royal blue robes and fine jewelry by the time Ragan emerged from the baths again. She smiled at Ragan when she saw him, but Calia was in the hall at the same time. She straightened and said to Calia, who was holding Isidor on her hip, "Would you like to join us, Calia?" she asked with a raised brow.

Calia glanced at Zarka and frowned deeply. "No, thank you, Mistress. It's not good for Isidor to witness so much death." she said pointedly, bouncing the small child.

"He can stay home. We'll appoint one of the other maids to watch him." Zarka shrugged. "I would rather like to have you by my side today."

At that, Calia's frown furrowed brows deepened and she had to check herself from glaring at Zarka. Her arms subtly tightened around Isidor. "With all due respect, mistress Zarka, I would rather stay home with Isidor."

Ragan knew why Calia did not want to attend and take the boy, so he decided to argue on her behalf. "Stepmother, Isidor is still skittish around those he does not know. Would you rob him of the maid who so dutifully cares for him when you are not available?" To prove the point he ruffled Isidor's hair and he also patted Calia's shoulder, "I did purchase her because of the rapport she had with the boy."

Zarka's lips thinned a little as her eyes flicked back and forth between Calia and Ragan. "Very well," she finally conceded with a nod, "Stay home." She gave her a smile, but it was forced and didn't reach her eyes. She straightened and looked at Ragan. "Let's go, then, Ragan." She turned and started to head out of the house, knowing he would follow.

Calia, meanwhile, was standing still under Ragan's hand, wondering why he came to her defense. She looked at him, her expression unchanged from her frown of confusion, and she side stepped away from him a bit. "Enjoy the games," she said quietly, but she was not entirely sincere.

Ragan smiled back, "I doubt the games will be as entertaining as my stepmother's pitch to co-own Brison and Dominus. You'd like that, him here every so often to entertain you and see his son?" he said before ruffling Isidor's hair again and following Zarka to the carriage. Once inside he turned to her, "Do not be cross, I thought only of how upset the child would be without you then without Calia. Besides you said you were meeting with Noam and I didn't want either of them waiting in the heat while we talked."

Zarka tried not to huff. She folded her arms in her lap and looked out of the window of their carriage. "Very well." she grumbled. "It matters not. I was hoping to use her as leverage against Noam, but I can find other means." she grumbled.

"She can still be used, Noam saw Brison attack the slaver for striking her." Ragan said leaning near her. "Besides, wouldn't the gladiator tell him what transpired here or Dominus? I think you will do wonderfully in your negotiations." he praised her hoping to stroke her ego a little. Zarka's mood would be the deciding factor in her success, the woman who convinced the old man to sen his gladiators to her home would be far better suited to this then a sulking one. Reaching over he tickled her side hoping to get at least a smile out of her, if not one of her pleasant laughs.

Zarka twitched from the contact, but didn't otherwise react. She sighed and looked at him slowly. "I am sorry, Ragan. I just want this to work out so well for you. I want to give you what you want and deserve. If I cannot, I would feel so..." She trailed off and huffed again, shaking her head. "I'll be alright."

Ragan kissed the back of her hand, "I'm not worried, if this works then all the better for us. If not then I made you happy with Isidor and Calia, and of course there is us as well." Turning her back to look at him he kissed her chastely, "You are want I want and I only you can deem whether I deserve you. Do not fear that I would be upset if this doesn't work." he said gently running his hand along her thigh.

Zarka's eyes flicked down to his hand on her thigh, then back up to his face. She afforded him a pretty smile and a blush. "You are so good to me, Ragan," she said quietly and stole another kiss from him--hot and heavy, but quick. She grabbed his hand and stopped it by lacing her fingers with his. "Self restraint now, Ragan," she cooed against his lips.

Brison was looking at the groups of gladiators milling about the arena compound, it was a special day they were led to believe. Owners could pit their men against a rival's for anything from rivalries to money and even other gladiators. He was strapping into his armor and checking over his sword and shield, his second sword was nearby if it would become that kind of matchup. It was easy to guess that more than likely he would not be in a match alongside Dominus and he was concerned for his friend. "So, if Noam has an enemy or someone who wants to steal some glory and they are picked then they can force him to have us fight? Sounds very one sided." he said watching the other man suit up as well.

Dominus was busy adjusting his own chest plate and the shin guards on his knees when Brison spoke. He looked up at him and shrugged. "Not entirely. Whether they are enemies or friends, they can challenge Noam and he them. It is a pissing contest, basically. They can make us fight for money, women, or our hides. They decide if it's fight to the death or fight until defeat." he shrugged. He quirked a brow at his friend and smirked a little. "Do not look so concerned, brother. We'll be alright."

With a chuckle Brison strapped his sword to his belt, "I'm only concerned for you old one, without me to watch your hide I might have to contend with our trainer alone." It was unnerving though seeing owners like Noam walk the catwalks above making notes on who to call out. Almost everyone stopped and regarded Noam's men and that could spell serious trouble for what would stop multiple owners from calling for himself or Dominus to fight multiple times today.

Dominus was also all too aware of Noam and others stopping to take note of the gladiators preparing to fight. He eyed them and leaned into Brison, saying gently, "Be vigilant, brother. They will more than likely fight us one match after another until we have no strength left to fight, then bet everything on a final match to the death. I have seen it done before."

Brison nodded, "Then here is a hope we weather this storm and see the other side." He clapped Dominus on the shoulder as they prepared to find out what fate had planned for them.

On the balcony above Noam was sitting with the other owners awaiting the challenges awaiting his gladiators. Several owners had looked at his men and were already scheming, it was inevitable since Brison and Dominus had such a strong showing. Coming into the arena he had seen that Ragan and his stepmother were in attendance and no doubt wanted to attempt to purchase his finest warriors. But that would have to wait as the man in charge was headed his way to give him the news about the days matches.

"Master Noam," the ringmaster greeted him, then presented him with a scroll of papyrus with names written on it in elegant Greek. "Dominus is first today. He has been specially requested to battle Balthus' best warrior in a fight of arms. The battle is close-combat, until someone concedes defeat." he explained. "After him is Brison to do the same with Tarturos' finest wrestler."

Noam shook his head disgusted with both men, "I don't see what either man has requested for his winnings if his man does so. Tell Balthus if he wishes this then he puts his man up as my winnings. Tarturos can be told I want his servant Ithala she has a lovely singing voice if Brison wins. Until I see what their counters are then I do not agree, and will not permit it." He sent the man away to his current advisaries and mused to himself. Neither man was very good except in the close combat wrestlers, someone else must be waiting in the wings to challenge his two best. Looking up and around he began to wonder who would gain from this, who was pulling the strings behind these men.

The ringmaster returned a few moments later, looking irritated and frazzled. He knelt beside Noam to keep his voice low. "Balthus has respectfully withdrawn from the challenge... Tarturos has changed his conditions with Balthus' retreat. He agrees to Ithala as a prize For Dominus' victory, instead of Brison's..." he confided. "Another has claimed Brison as a challenger for the stakes of two best fighters and one maid for either winner, but has requested to remain anonymous until the fight..."

Noam eyed the man, "Tell Tarturos we have a deal, this anonymous challenger will have to at least show his combatant before I agree or give me something for sight unseen. Until then my answer is no, tell Balthus I do have a female who will fight but I pick his man and if he loses the woman gets his best man for a night." The woman had begged Noam to let her stop fighting that she wanted a child, so this seemed like a nice way to let her retire.

The man scurried off again. This time, it was quite a while before he returned, carrying a new piece of parchment. "Balthus has agreed to your conditions to let the woman fight. Tarturos will be first. The anonymous challenger has generously offered four hundred coin on top of the other winnings--two best fighters and one maid--for your sight unseen. He is insisting that he, and his fighter, remain hidden until the fight with Brison." He offered the papyrus in his hand, which had the three battles listed in order. Dominus would go first, the woman fighter would go second with Balthus' warrior, and Brison would go last, head-to-head in the arena with the anonymous bidder's fighter, who remained unnamed on the page.

"Go tell my man to send me Dominus, Brison and Altha up here to me before I approve these matches. And be quick about it." Noam finished his glass and considered what the three would do. Win or lose Altha would be happy that this would be her last match ever. And the other two who could not figure out what they would and would not accept.

The ringmaster's lips thinned, as though he was tired of running around like a common slave. He nodded though and rose from his knees, then hurried to find Noam's man and the three fighters. Within moments, the three of them were led to Noam, dressed in their armor, but unarmed. Dominus knew better than to look around at the room full of delegates and wealthy patrons of the games. He kept his eyes on Noam, and once they were all lined up in front of him, led them in a chest-pounding salute of obedience, same as always.

"Sit," Noam motioned to the table, "Dominus you have a close combat until the man is defeated a new slave will grace our home if you win. Altha if you win the man I choose will father your child and you will be freed, consider it that I want first chance to contract your child if he or she is anything like you. Brison, you have the hardest match a challenger for the stakes of two best fighters and one maid for plus four hundred coin to either winner, but has requested to remain anonymous until the fight. Do you think I should indulge this mystery opponent?" he waited to hear what his three best had to say.

As he had anticipated, Altha was all too happy with her offer. She thanked Noam profusely, until Dominus hushed her sympathetically. He turned to Noam again and asked respectfully, "Who is the slave that will be joining our house should I win?" he asked, then smiled a little, "If she's a beautiful maiden, I would like to have her on her first night in our house. That would be a grand reward."

"Ithala, and after she sings during my dinner I will consider sending her to you. Altha you are dismissed, go back and prepare to wrestle your child's father. Brison, do you wish to take on an unknown opponent?" Noam asked sitting back and refilling his glass.

Brison looked to Dominus then smiled back to Noam and gave him his friend's signature salute, "I will do my best."

Noam waved them away and called back the ringmaster, "All matches are made. Tell Balthus I want No'grey, he will do nicely. And the anonymous challenger should be ready for my man."

The ringmaster nodded and vanished again. This time, he didn't come back to Noam. Instead, he announced the upcoming fights aloud to the entirety of the masters waiting on their bets. "First match! Noam's Dominus versus Tarturos' Alminde in armed close-combat! Fight until one admits defeat!" The onlookers applauded and fighters began to move aside and clear the ring so that at the very center, Dominus stood in his armor, with his shield and short sword, and Alminde stood opposite him, towering and just as muscular, armed with a similar weapon but no shield. Dominus smoothed the hand not holding his sword over his bald head and snorted at the man with a nod of greeting. The man nodded in return, a short jerk of his chin in Dominus' general direction.

The two stood, simply sizing one another up in subtle glances and curls of their lips. Outwardly, they seemed evenly matched. Dominus and his opponent were about the same height, and in the same weight class, which was probably what Tarturos wanted; an even match was far more interesting because the fight might be too close to call. Both warriors could fight and struggle and resist until they both fell victim to pure exhaustion. Then, suddenly, the abrupt and shrill chime of a gong-type instrument rang out and the ringmaster bellowed, "BEGIN!" Dominus instantly went into a fighting position: crouched, knees bent, shield up at chin-height, sword ready and gripped in a fist tight enough to crush rocks into sand. Alminde didn't mirror Dominus' stance but instead looked too aloof. He walked with a cocky uprightness that betrayed his appearance. It appealed to Dominus, then, that despite his size, Alminde was just a young man, barely a child. He moved with a confidence that came with not knowing enough about the art of battle but perhaps a natural talent that had spared him defeat more than once. Dominus moved with a likewise grace, but his came from experience and wisdom, slow and calculating.

The masters above and around them jeered and demanded action. Enough walking and measuring! They pounded their fists on the stone tables and their feet on the ground, screaming profanities at both warriors. Dominus knew better than to make the first strike. He didn't give into that pressure. The boy Alminde, though, seemed to be fueled by the shouts, and broke their slow circle first by stepping into it, then crossing through it, bringing his sword down with both hands in a sloppy side swing towards the side of Dominus not covered by a shield. From here, and in a split second, Dominus got a good look at the boy. He had a mop of thick, curly brown hair, dirty and shaggy, and brown eyes set in a dark face. The skin immediately circling under his eyes were darker than the rest of him, wearied by sleepless nights. He was all lean muscle, young muscle, with hardly a scar on him. That meant he followed the rules and ran away from his opponents more than he faced them. There was a shallow determination set in his clenched jaw and stiff joints. Perhaps he expected Dominus to be too weak to counter it with his own sword, or two slow to meet the blow with his shield. Either way, Dominus proved the kid wrong. He parried the blow with a loud clang of blade on blade, sending the strike out and away in an awkward arc of Alminde's arm, and then shoved Alminde backwards hard with the face of his shield. Alminde staggered back, shocked by the simple but effective maneuvering. The master's laughed at him. He recovered from his surprise and narrowed his eyes on Dominus.

Dominus met that glare with a small upward curl of one corner of his mouth. He watched Alminde from under his brows, dark eyes calculating. Alminde changed the grip of his sword, so that his left side favored it more this time, and came at Dominus again with a semblance of a battle cry. He brought his sword down directly on Dominus this time, clanging the hilt against the shield in another muted clang. Dominus couldn't strike at Alminde from this angle because his shield took up too much space between them. He tried to jut the hilt of his own sword into Alminde's ribs, but it was too awkward, and as soon as Dominus' cover moved aside just enough to get a better aim at a blow, the sole of Alminde's sandaled foot collided with the center of Dominus' broad chest. Dominus had braced his own two feet hard down against the dirt when he saw the kick coming, and had leaned into it, countering Alminde's weight with his own. Dominus took only a half step back, and Alminde did the same. Again, Alminde seemed surprised at Dominus' resistance. The masters and lords began to chatter in approval at the match so far. It was off to a good start. More bets were being made.

"You're too weak in the legs. You focus more on upper body strength, but none of that strength goes into defense, only offense." Dominus said with a small snort. "You've only been a fighter for maybe a few months, hm?"

"Two years," Alminde corrected, frowning.

"Two years? Two years and so few scars to show for it?" Dominus countered with a scoff, "Boy, either you are really, mysteriously good, or very obviously terrible at playing war." He hunkered down again. "Come at me!"

Brison watched from the gate at how Dominus was faring, he wished his friend would be done with the fight. The longer this went on the worse it could get. A late night of sexual pursuits followed by a battle with a younger opponent could lead to disaster. Altha stood beside him and mused, "Why doesn't Dominus drop the young one, I doubt Dominus would have very little problem doing so." Brison looked back and smirked, "Why not ask Dominus to father your child, you admire his ability in the ring."

The truth was that Dominus would have no problem dropping Alminde at all. The kid was young, and while he was relatively strong, he was inexperienced and brazen. He didn't stop to think about strategy; he just either ran headlong into the action, or away from it. But Dominus had been in this game before--it was all about dragging it out. Show business meant more money for master. More people would be trying to place bets on either a win or a loss, and Noam could make extra money on top of his agreed upon winnings if Dominus played the crowd just right. Ithala would be a wonderful gift to the house, but winning Noam's favor with spoils of the financial sort would benefit Dominus in the future as well. Alminde came at Dominus again with a short battle cry, angered by the older man's jeers. Dominus met Alminde's next strike with the shield, and pushed and twisted away from him, shoving Alminde past him a couple of feet and ending up behind him. He smacked the flat side of his blade against Alminde's backside, making the crowd laugh when Alminde jumped and yelped in surprise. Dominus grinned at him and beckoned him come forward again. "Show me something new, boy!" he taunted gently. "But take care not to trip and run yourself through on your own sword." Alminde let out another shout and came at Dominus again. This time, when Dominus faced him and prepared to guard against his strike, Alminde did something new: he dropped to the ground and slid across the sand on his hip. His feet swept across against Dominus' and threatened to drop him. Dominus, however, was not so easily tripped. He dropped onto his back with a hard thud, landing partially on top of Alminde's legs, making him cry out. His own feet then collided hard with Alminde's face. There was a shudder-inducing crack as Dominus' heel hit Alminde's jaw hard enough to make his teeth clash, and Alminde fell backwards onto the sand hard. His teeth started to bleed and he blinked dazedly up at the sky a moment. Dominus rose to his feet and dropped his shield and sword aside rather aloofly. He then went to Alminde and offered him a hand up. "C'mon, boy, get up." he said, his face all seriousness now.

Alminde blinked up at Dominus and frowned in dazed confusion before taking his hand and standing up with his help. He saw he had abandoned his sword and shield and questioned warily, "Are you conceding defeat?"

"What? No! I just dropped you and you expect me to lose willingly?" Dominus asked with raised brows. He laughed lightly and shook his head. "No, boy, I'm giving you another chance. Something tells me part of your issue is the weight in your hand. You cannot concentrate with something so heavy to handle. You've switched your grip at least twice since starting the fight." he said. "So let's try this without swords. Hand-to-hand combat, good old-fashioned wrestling."

Alminde's brows shot up in surprise. He looked towards his master and the ringmaster, as if questioning if that was allowed. No one told him otherwise, though--in face, everyone seemed even more interested. He nodded and dropped his sword aside. "Very well," he agreed, cracking his knuckles.

Brison chuckled, his friend had done a good job of getting the crowd interested in the spectacle. He walked a few paces off and began to prepare for his own bout. Everything could change, it could go from blades to fists to almost anything just like war. It had been a great many years since he thought about the day he killed the barbarian with his hands, after having been taken by surprise as he was filling a waterskin in a small creek. Even now he could remember the warmth of the man's hands as the icy cold water drowned the life out of him.

The cheers of the crowd surrounding Dominus and Alminde erupted with ever more fervor. Dominus and Alminde were in a close grapple now, Alminde's arms wrapped around Dominus' midsection and head down against his ribs, while Dominus slapped a flat hand against his bare back and then easily lifted him off the ground upside down. The masters laughed and cheered more as Dominus dropped Alminde to the ground. Alminde didn't stay down long, though. He rolled and hopped up onto his feet, dodged a punch by Dominus' left fist, and moved around him to climb onto his back and attempt to get him into a choke hold. Dominus didn't let him get his arms weaved, and instead dropped him back to the ground, this time beneath himself as he fell backwards and dropped his entire body weight onto him. Alminde let out a shout of pain and went limp beneath Dominus, the wind knocked from him. Dominus rolled off of him and stood up again, leaving the younger man stunned on the ground. The Masters cheered and clapped, those who had losing bets were jeering and cursing, shouting at Dominus that he was fighting unfairly. Dominus looked towards the ringmaster and Noam, waiting for the signal to finish Alminde off in what was hoped to be the final blow that would make Alminde concede defeat.

Noam knew he had gotten all of the money out of this match that he could and nodded to Dominus. He motioned the Ringmaster to him, "Instruct the challenger that I will send for my winnings well before nightfall tonight." One match down and two to go and then his day was over, except that Lady Zarka would again be wanting to discuss terms of purchasing Dominus and Brison. No doubt he would have to wait and see if Brison won his match.

Dominus nodded at Noam obediently and looked down at Alminde. He jumped up, and fell back down, landing hard with the bridge of his tricep down on Alminde's ribs. The young man coughed out a shout of pain, and just as he struggled to get his breath back Dominus had one arm hooked under his knee and the other behind his head, bending him in half so he couldn't fill his lungs completely. Alminde struggled at first, until his face turned red, then slapped at Dominus' leg in a signal of defeat. Dominus released him instantly, helping ease his head back onto the ground so he could breathe. The crowd cheered wildly as Dominus stood up straight and tall and thrusted both fists into the air. He turned back to Alminde and helped him to his feet. The young man was wobbly, but could walk, and headed back to his waiting master, who began to scold him verbally as he returned. Dominus gathered their weapons and put them away before exiting the ring and returning to Altha and Brison. "Good luck," he said to the female fighter with a smooth smile.

Altha reached out and patted Dominus on the cheek, "Too bad the master didn't offer you as my prize." She then smacked him on the flank and strode out into the arena. Brison looked at his friend before cracking a smile, "I suppose if she got you, you might walk funny after she was done with you. The woman is more powerful than many of the men in the ring." he turned back to await word of his own challenger. However, luck was not with Altha as her opponent refused to fight her, he would not even enter the arena and refuse to battle. She strode back through the gate with a mixture of confusion and a little hurt. "What shall I do now? If the weakling won't fight how could I give him the chance to father my child?" she asked before heading off with the other females.

Noam was angry with both the gladiator and his master, they cost him in the chance to make money on Altha's match and the possibility of future money on the child she would birth. He motioned to the Ringmaster and gave him the following missive, "You tell Balthus he will cover all monies that would have been due me for the win and three cattle to be butchered and brought to my estate. Or I will bring my men to his house and take vengeance on every gladiator residing there."

The ringmaster nodded and vanished across the arena. Dominus frowned heavily as he watched Altha wander away and then turned back to Brison. He looked up at where Noam sat and then quietly told Brison to wait for him there. He made his way to Noam and dropped to one knee with a pound on his chest. "Master," he greeted, "allow me to fight Balthus' man. He thinks he is too strong to fight a woman, I will show him he's too weak to fight a man." he growled. He then clenched his teeth and said stiffly, "Either that, or offer me the chance to father Altha's child."

Noam shook his head, "Balthus will not get a single coin for this match, in fact he will not only lose coin but other things for the embarrassment his fighter laid at mine and Altha's feet today. However, if you wish to grant her what she most wants then I give you leave to pick the night and with her agreement fulfill her agreement with me. Now we wait to see about Brison's challenger and if he is more a man than Balthus'."

Dominus stood and nodded at Noam, clapped his chest with his fist, and turned to go. He wanted to find Altha and tell her the good news. He found her with the other women warriors and called to her. He wanted to tell her quickly before Brison's match started. There was no way he was going to miss that fight. "Altha!" he called again. "Come, I have news."

Slowly Altha made her way forward to see why Dominus called to her, after her disappointment she decided not to watch Brison's match. When they had time to talk Dominus found that she was from the high north area of the empire and she spoke with a rich Hibernian accent. Many liked watching her fight because of her rich red hair and fair skin, but it was her dark green eyes which made most men desire her. "What is it ye want Dominus?" she asked.

Dominus approached her slowly and gave her a genteel smile. "You will not be fighting," he began and raised his hands before she could get angry, "but master Noam will still hold on his agreement with you. I will bear your child, if you'll have me, Altha." he said. He couldn't stop peering into those green eyes, and his own brown ones rolled over her face appreciatively. She was rather beautiful, and strong. "Noam has already agreed. You select the night."

She shrugged, "I'm glad he is holding to the agreement and I must admit it would be hard laying with a man I beat in front of the city. Tomorrow night will be fine." she said turning to walk back to the others, "And make sure you are well fed."

Dominus frowned a little as she walked away. She seemed to care so little and it prompted his hardened appearance to renew, his walls rising again. "And we'll hydrated, too, no doubt." he grumbled, turning on his heel and stalking off. One of the females laughed about how Dominus seemed disheartened by Altha and the other women laughed as well.

Dominus returned to Brison's side with his arms folded and brow creased, his eyes ahead on the arena. "Have you been summoned yet?"

"Not yet, and no word about how this match will proceed." he noticed the sour look on Dominus, "Something wrong?" Another match went into the arena and started leaving Brison to wonder what was going on. Usually masters wanted their matches to start during the most exciting times of the day. "I have a bad feeling Dominus if something happens look after Calia and Isidor for me."

Dominus turned his concerned gaze on his friend and stiffened. "Do not speak in such ways, brother. You will come out the victor today, I have no doubt. You will see Calia and Isidor again." he said firmly. "The masters have probably just pended the fight while they adjust their lost bets with Altha's forfeited match." he assured his friend, looking around slowly. Though he couldn't fight the nagging worry in his brain that they had yet to see Brison's opponent or his master yet today.

Noam waited for word that Balthus would cave into his demands rather than risk injury to all his gladiators. That and still no Master or gladiator had been seen for Brison's match. He looked around for the Ringmaster who was nowhere to be seen, already the day was waning and he did not wish to be here much longer.

The ringmaster returned just then, looking a bit sweaty and rather peeved. He moved to Noam's side and bent to speak to him. "Balthus has agreed to your demands for his forfeit. Your next opponent and his fighter are preparing for Brison's match now. They will battle next." he said and dabbed at his forehead with his robes.

"I hope this day never repeats itself, Balthus was a fool to act like this and this anonymous challenger has made my man wait too long. We both are losing money with this match." he said to the Ringmaster as he watched across the arena to see the man Brison would fight.

The ringmaster nodded gravely, but a little smirk played at his lips with his next sentence. "Oh, do not worry, master Noam. I think you will be thoroughly pleased with this next match. The mystery fighter will prove quite a challenge for Brison, and if he wins, you'll earn back everything you lost on Balthus and then some." The fight below seemed to cease then. One opponent had given into the other and the crowd applauded and cheered excitedly. It seemed Brison's match would be the only match fought to the death today--too many Masters were afraid of losing good fighters. The ringmaster called Brison and his anonymous opponent to the ring.

As Brison approached the ring and stepped into it, the crowd began to part for someone entering the ring on the other side. Even before the other fighters had parted for him, though, Brison would be able to see him. He stood at least five hands taller than even the tallest fighter in the crowd. He stepped into the ring, and Brison would be able to identify nothing but tanned skin and heavy muscle. This man, his opponent, was a beast compared to standard proportions. He towered over Brison, muscles flexing and twitching in the sun. He wore a simple pair of briefs to allow him wide leg mobility, and no shirt or any other armor. The only protection he wore was a thick helmet made of steel, a cross cut over his nose and across his eyes to allow him vision but conceal his face. His dark skin was marred with countless scars. He rumbled a growl at Brison like a dog--or more precisely, a bear--might at an enemy in the wild. The crowds of onlookers cheered and shouted. The ringmaster announced more formally, "Eltides' fighter, Cromignon against Noam's fighter Brison in a match to the death! Winner takes the other's two best fighters and one maid, and four hundred coin." The crowd screamed their elation.

Brison blinked and took in the enormity of the task before him, this Cromignon was a mountain of a man. However, the helmet might not aid him very well in this fight. Brison unstrapped his armor and motioned to Dominus to come get it for him, hoping the other man might have a suggestion or two. Speed is what would win this and a liberal dose of luck, not to mention staying away from the man's longer reach. Looking up he saw Noam and the man did not look at all like Brison would lose, they both knew Brison had too much to live for.

Dominus jaunted quickly into the ring and took up Brison's armor from him. "Not even a little protection, brother?" he asked, seeming unsure. He tucked the plates under his arm and glanced at Cromignon. "He is... otherworldly. Gods have mercy..." he whispered in disbelief. "And you're going hand-to-hand with him, no weapons. Your speed and element of surprise will be your saving graces, brother."

Brison nodded to him and then turned to wait for Dominus to return back to the gate, hopefully he would join him after this was over. "Why the helmet brother? Were you burned by acid or scarred horribly?" Bryson called out trying to judge the man's intelligence and ability to plan an attack. Already he took a stance to move out of the man's range of swing figuring those hands would cause a great deal of damage if they struck. The only thing to do now was wait and see if he could stay out of arm's reach until he could formulate a strategy.

Cromignon didn't respond with anymore than a pound of his fist on his helmet, and a loud rumble from his throat. He was breathing like a caged animal waiting to be let loose to devour Brison. Dominus retreated back to the edge of the ring and dropped the armor carefully. "BEGIN!" the ringmaster bellowed over the gong. Cromignon did not hesitate, and started towards Brison with large strides of his long legs.

Brison quickly took stock of the length of his strides and when Cromignon arrived at him to swing Brison hooped backwards and left out of range. The mountain of a man had too much momentum, his swings were like those of a man with a maul or axe and that gave Brison a better battle plan. The next swing and Brison quickly dodged and got behind the behemoth and struck at his kidneys with two solid strikes before using a forward kick to propel himself away. He was a little disheartened when it barely looked like the attack even bothered the large man.

The larger male had hardly even taken a half step under Brison's harsh kicks to his back. He turned back to Brison with another low rumble in his chest and the crowds cheered again, eager for blood. That first strike had made Brison seem so small and insignificant compared to Cromignon. He was heading towards Brison again, fists clenched, muscles twitching in their intensity. From the crowds, Dominus shouted, "OVERTAKE HIS BACK! If you can get your arm around his throat, you'll be victor!"

Somehow Brison doubted the large man would allow that, but when Cromignon got within range and he began to swing he ducked to the side and let the massive man's momentum give him the opening. With a quick hop Brison wrapped his arms about the man's throat and began to squeeze and pray at the same time. Thinking quickly it might help he also wrapped his legs about the larger man's right thigh as to make movement difficult and hopefully a flip impossible. Thinking quickly he also held his head towards his left shoulder so the behemoth could not swing his helmet back to strike him well.

Cromignon let out a frustrated battle cry as the smaller man climbed onto his back. He had long arms and reached up behind himself over his head, trying to pry Brison off of him. He hooked his hands under Brison's arms and started to pull upward, but it was too awkward and he couldn't get a good grip. Instead, the behemoth started to turn in circles, slow at first and then gaining speed until both he and Brison were dizzy. He then fell backwards onto his back, and onto Brison, looking to crush him.

Brison saw stars and felt all the air leave his body, but he didn't let go. If Cromignon got to his feet and Brison could not then it would all be over. Instead Brison would wait for him to try to roll to his side or onto his stomach and force him to use more energy. But would he kill this man? "Cromignon, listen to me, if you allow me to win I promise not to kill you and bring you a new master who will feed you well and treat you well. Noam was a gladiator like us and will treat you fairly I swear on my son's life. If you agree then roll to your stomach and stop moving, I will lessen my grip so you can breath until I am declared the victor then I will decline to kill you and bring you into Noam's camp. Otherwise I will do this without your help to whatever end, do you agree?"

Cromignon growled what sounded like a low and dangerous rejection, and drove an elbow down into Brison's thigh hard. It wasn't hard enough to break bone, but hard enough to damage muscle at least temporarily. He then rolled upward and over onto his stomach, snarling, but--shockingly--did not get up. He rolled onto his stomach and it seemed he would try to rise, but acted as if Brison's grip was just too much around his throat. He clawed at the smaller man's arm briefly, then slowly collapsed beneath him. The crowd went wild with disbelief. Arguments started between betters. Somewhere in the crowd, Dominus shouted, "You have him now! Finish him!"

Brison kept his word and loosened his hold so Cromignon could breathe but still look like he was choking the man into unconsciousness. He watched until one of the Ringmaster's men approached to verify that Cromignon was dead and Brison had won.

"The man is not dead." he said to Brison holding his hand up.

"He is defeated, I claim him as one of the gladiators Noam would win upon my victory." Brison told the man as he released Cromignon and stood up. The man nodded and motioned to the Ringmaster who announced "Master Noam's man Brison wins!!" Brison motioned for Dominus to come out and help him as no doubt Cromignon might be a little woozy still from the spinning and choke hold.

Dominus stared in disbelief a moment before he jogged out into the ring and hooked an arm under Cromignon's shoulder and started to help Brison drag the monster of a man towards their own corner. "Was this part of your original plan?" he asked Brison with a quiet grunt. "Eltides will not be happy."

"Call it a change in directions, Noam will be happy that Eltides' best is coming to our camp. And if the man has anything to say I'm sure Noam will be happy to entertain another match or two in the future." He was on the other side of Cromignon and grunted as they helped the large man inside their gate. "So, Cromignon we shall have to find you a bed and of course a good meal once we return to Master Noam's house. Perhaps first we help you off with your helmet and get you some water?"

Cromignon merely grunted a reply, and allowed the two men to help him sit. He raised his arms and slowly removed his helmet, dropping it to the side with a heavy thunk into the sand. Dominus was taken aback by what was underneath. Cromignon, like Dominus and several other gladiators, was shaved of his hair. But what the helmet concealed was a long scar--deep, ragged, and ugly--running from his left cheek, through his eye which was sewn shut and deflated, over his brow and along the crest of his skull. It was a battle wound, through and through. Dominus tried not to stare, and instead turned his eyes on Brison. "I will get him water." he said and took his leave to find some.

Brison sat beside the man, "I know you can understand me, the question is can you talk? I'm sure Noam will be here soon, is there another in Eltides' men that you believe we should request a friend or someone familiar?" He had no doubt that Noam was at this moment in meetings with the arena master and Eltides and would soon arrive to chastise him for showing mercy and hopefully later praise his forethought. As far as the man's wound it was heinous but he'd seen many and some worse in war and he chose not to let it affect him. Instead he pulled off one of his boots and poured out some sand of the arena then did the same with the other, "I will say I was generally concerned you might actually hit me with one of those giant hands of yours."

Another grunt escaped Cromignon, but this one sound more like a laugh. He shook his head though at Brison's question of whether or not he could speak. He leaned toward Brison and opened his mouth, revealing to him that his tongue had been effectively removed. He sat back again and sighed heavily, hanging his head As though he were tired of carrying his own weight.

At that moment Brison was right, not five minutes after they left through the gate Eltides was walking towards Noam's table. Noam was watching the man over his glass of wine, "Eltides, have a seat we need to discuss my second fighter, maid and the four hundred coin...." Noam began getting the feeling that Eltides was about to try getting out of his bet. He had a feeling the man had something important and predictable to say to him.

Eltides approached the table in a swish of heavy fabric. He was wearing an outfit clearly not native to Atlantis. It was heavy, a deep red in color, and covered him from hooded head to sandaled foot. Beneath the hood was a black mask that left only Eltides' left eye open to sight. He sat in the proffered chair with a sort of eerie grace, and sat with rigid straightness. Dark hands a copper brown rested on his knees. Without a word, he produced a leather pouch heavy with jingling coins and dropped it onto the table in front of Noam with a heavy thunk--though not unkindly. The sound had merely come from its weight. He slid it across the table towards Noam, then sat back again before standing up from the chair and turning to go.

Noam watched the other man begin to walk away, "And Thanatos, the greek who fights with the spear will do nicely. As far as the maid goes let him choose one to bring along with him. In case he is unhappy about his change in ownership." He went back to his wine and waited for the Ringmaster to bring him his winnings. Looking across the way he noticed Ragan and his Stepmother, probably hoping to discuss a business endeavour concerning Brison and Dominus. Being a civil man he nodded and raised his glass to them.

Eltides paused only long enough to hear Noam's instructions regarding his winnings, then gave a subtle nod of his head before continuing on. He vanished into the crowd as quickly as he had appeared through it.

Across the way, Zarka noticed Noam's raised glass in their direction. She smiled almost too eagerly and nodded at him, then leaned towards Ragan with her hand on his knee and said quietly, "Now is our chance to speak to Noam. Follow my lead." she said and stood, sashaying as she moved across the space to the gentleman trainer and easily seating herself into the seat across from him. She smiled at him prettily. "Master Noam, congratulations on your fantastic victories today."

"The glory goes to the men, I simply gain coin and attention of people like yourselves." he said motioning for wine to be brought for them. "I suppose you wish to discuss business or what you called a partnership?" he said returning Zarka's smile. It was obvious that Ragan was allowing her to take the lead with this plan of hers. The young soldier had barely said more than a greeting as they sat down.

Zarka let out a light giggle behind her pretty smile and nodded. "I see your men are very obedient--they hid nothing about their time in my house." she said playfully and looked at him pointedly. "Does a partnership not please you as an idea? We would share the costs of maintaining your men... you would spend less on food, clothing, armor, weapons... maintenance on your house and land... We would contribute to everything. All you have to do is share your wealth with us. Clearly, because the men take up residence in your home, you would keep the larger profit. We would ask for no more than-say... forty percent." she said, raising her brows.

He considered her words quietly, "I will go home and consult my ledgers to how much I have paid since the new season has opened. That will tell me monthly how much your house will pay and if that makes giving up forty percent of my winnings or not. Does this plan have your husband's approval my lady, since I figure his coffers will be opened for your contributions to our arrangement? And I'm sure you are looking for something else than just coin from winning purses am I correct?"

Zarka tilted her head down and smiled up at him from under long, dark lashes, elegantly crossing one leg over another so that the split in her tunic skirts revealed a lovely tanned thigh. "My husband's coffers have nothing to do with this." she winked. "You think I am not a woman of my own means? I was made of money before I married the senator." she assured him. "Besides, he is one of the men looking to shut the games down and keep you from making anymore money, Noam. But if he had the support of fans... people who were aware that we share in the glory of your fighters, he may consider keeping them open." she smiled. "And, of course, I would request that your fighters stay in our household now and again, for appearance sake."

"Today I had recieved seven hundred coin for my men's work. That would make your cut two hundred and eighty coin and going off of my head monthly upkeep on them is two hundred and sixteen. Your cost would be one hundred and eight leaving you a gain of one hundred and seventy-two monthly for the matches. Is that agreeable?" Noam had never considered a partner, but stopping the senator from ending the arena would prove priceless. It was odd though that she had yet to invite him to her house, this deal would need to be written out and signed by both parties.

"That sounds adequate for now," Zarka agreed, brushing her hands over her skirt slowly, "with the full knowledge that the more money you make, the more money we make as well. Of course, none of this is valid until we sign the appropriate documents stating so, yes? Perhaps you and those two powerful gladiators should visit our house again. This time, you're welcome to stay the night as well--eat, drink.. enjoy good company." she said with a playful smirk and a quirk of one slender brow.

"Of course we will have it in writing." Noam laughed finishing his glass, "And dinner will be a great way to cement that pact. However, my days of enjoying company are long past I will return to my estate at the night's end. But, if you wish I will allow Brison and Dominus to remain. However, the latter is about to have his hands full for the next two nights."

Zarka raised her brows again. "He will? In what regard?" she asked, looking honestly curious. "Has he already been bought for the evening with a couple of high-paying noble women?" she asked playfully. "You could earn a lot of money selling the bodies of those gladiators to silver-tongued men and women." she grinned.

Returning her smile Noam simply commented, "Ensuring the next generation of gladiators. Dominus has agreed to the retirement of a female gladiator in a very special way. I will bring Brison however and let him remain if that is agreeable to you."

Zarka sat back in her seat again and opened her hands out to the sides in a "it is what it is" gesture. She smiled at him warmly and sipped at her wine again. "If Brison is satisfied with that arrangement. Perhaps another could come in Dominus' place? You did, after all, win two more gladiators tonight." she smirked.

"I would believe the dark one that fought Brison would be well received by your female slaves, but we will see about the other one. I will have my advocate write out two copies of the agreement and tomorrow night we will sign both copies. You agree to pay half of the upkeep of the gladiators a month and in turn I will give you forty percent of winnings on any day they participate in the games, do we have an accord?" Noam was wanting to make sure the woman had no room to wiggle out of this, "If you fail to pay then the agreement ends and we negotiate a new one. My only additive to the paperwork, keeps you from not paying you part and expecting me to live up to mine."

Zarka gave a good-natured laugh. "You think so little of me, Master Noam. Very well, I understand I have to gain your trust," she teased lightly, still smiling. Though something in her eyes looked a bit less patient. "But yes, it's agreed." She offered him her hand to shake, her grip light and delicate. "We look forward to having you for dinner tomorrow evening, and whoever you decide to bring with you." She stood from her seat then, sipping her glass of wine once more, then turned and moved to Ragan, sliding her hand along his arm as she passed him and made her leave.

Ragan walked along his arm linked in his stepmothers, "Truly you have a way of making a case. Noam seemed happy with how this deal was brokered all you have to do now is convince father to part with the coin." As they passed one of the other gladiator areas Ragan looked over and smiled at her, "So, once the papers are signed that makes our family owners of gladiators does that excite you?"

"It does. I am positively thrilled." Zarka purred at him as they walked, leaning into him and her arm looped through his. She smiled up at him, then gave him a once over with her eyes. "Among other feelings," she added.

Ragan smiled in return, "I thought you wished to check on my father? Although, there could be a little fun during the trip." He helped her into the carriage and then joined her, letting his hand slide onto her knee and give it a hungry squeeze. "Is there anything other than that we need to see to before heading home?" he asked interested to see what Zarka had in mind for her next meeting.

"No. Your father's checkup is the last stop before home," Zarka assured him with a pretty smile. She waited until the carriage door was closed and the curtain drawn before she grabbed his hand and intentionally pulled it higher up her thigh. "We have only brief moments before we reach the senate house." she whispered.

Ragan didn't hesitate, his fingers slid up inside his stepmother and began to move in and out with purpose. His other hand opened her top and his mouth dropped to suckle happily on her breast. "I wish I had enough time to have you, then send you in to see my father with your stomach full of my essence hopefully giving you our baby." he whispered before kissing her deeply. "We should make this visit brief, I wish to be back inside you at least once more before dinner." he commented as a second finger joined the first inside her sex.

Zarka tried not to moan too loudly--or at all if she could help it--so as not to attract the attention of anyone outside the carriage. She did breathe hot and fast though, her mouth on Ragan's head and hair when she could reach him. She let him admire her breasts and his fingers felt like fireworks between her thighs. She gasped his name. "Ragan... you're so wicked." she giggled, speaking of how he wanted to send her in to see his father in questionable situations. She brought his face back up to hers and kissed him hungrily, her tongue seeking his out.

Ragan continued to kiss his lover hungrily as his fingers continued to pleasure her until they parted for him to whisper in her ear. "Perhaps, we should take a detour so we might enjoy this a little more. Then maybe once we've both found climax we'll be in a better mood to deal with him." He then dove back to nip lightly at her breast as his fingers began to rub her nub trying to secure her agreement.

Every stroke of her nerve-riddled nub sent a shiver through Zarka that was subtly visible. Her eyes were closed over lightly and her mouth was open, a sultry "O" of passion that was punctuated by short, sharp gasps. Her hips started to twitch against his fingers and her breathing increased. "C-coachman! Take the long route to the senate house!" she called between gasps.

Ragan smiled and slipped from the seat and brought his mouth closer to her sex, all the while looking up at her face. The first swipe of his tongue barely touched the outside the second was closer and the third slid deeply inside her as his finger continued to rub her. Zarka was exotic, and she loved letting him touch her and loved touching him and he wanted her to desire only him, his touch and love. With a soft groan he increased the speed and depth that he lapped at her sex.

A yelp escaped Zarka when he lavished her with his tongue, and she had to bite down into the meat of her thumb to keep from making anymore noise. She shivered and trembled, and then tangled her hand into his hair painfully tight, grinding his face against her warm and wet sex. She orgasmed hard on his tongue and fingers, her entire body stiff. "Gods, Ragan!" she hissed around her thumb.

And still he did not stop lavishing attention upon her sex as he continued to fondle her breasts. He wanted to keep her feeling wonderful so that when they got home she would want him to make love to her. They still had several more minutes until they arrived at the senate. More than enough time to clean up and make themselves presentable, unless they bypassed the Senate and went straight home.

She gasped and whined, writhing against and beneath him. She gripped his hair still, biting the meat of her thumb and breathing hard around it. Finally, she pulled her thumb from her mouth and said, "Gods damn your father-" She hitched a breath and jerked against his face again. "Coachman! Take us home! Now!" she called sternly. They felt the coach slow uncertainly, then make a slow turn to head home. It rocked side to side and she yanked Ragan's head up from between her thighs by his hair with an animal hunger in her eyes. "Take me, Ragan." she demanded.

He laughed and kiss her mouth swirling his tongue with hers as his hands undid his garments and fished his manhood out for his stepmother. Pulling her legs high so as to wrap around his waist Ragan moved forward and easily slipped himself fully into her with a moan of satisfaction. The motion of the coach helped him thrust and move inside her as they continued on toward home. Zarka could hear the sounds of the city as they passed by markets and buildings, knowing that no one had any idea that she and Ragan were enjoying debauchery inside. Breaking the kiss Ragan dropped his mouth to tease her chest and leave her to attempt to control the noises she was making.

Zarka, when his mouth had still been muffling hers, had cried out happily when he'd entered her. Every thrust was pure heaven to her. She rocked against him with help from the carriage and her knees high up against his ribs. "Mnn! Nghn! Ragan! More... touch me..." she begged, shivering visibly.

He wasted no time in doing as she asked as quickly his hands began to stroke and knead her breasts, rolling her nipple between his thumb and finger. His mouth began to kiss her neck delighting when he could feel her racing pulse against his lips. "When we get home I want you in my room so we can continue I might give you a baby..." he whispered as he continued to thrust into Zarka. With a devilish idea he began to slow spending just a fraction longer inside her, "Promise me stepmother, that I can have you here and when we arrive home." If her aroused state was anything to guess at she would give him anything at this point to make her climax.

She almost hated him for slowing his pace. She had been so close to her next climax when he suddenly slowed. She opened her eyes and gazed up at him, lost in her bliss and somewhat coming back from it. She moaned and raked her nails down his back. "Here..." she gasped, "...and at home. I swear it... wherever and however you desire me."

Ragan smiled and kissed her as he again began to speed up giving Zarka what she desired. It was fun knowing that his father deprived her so much that she was addicted to the way he hungered for her. "My rooms, spread naked upon my bed letting me bring you to completion over and over, filling you with joy and happy tiredness. Then I will wipe you down and let you dress for dinner if my father so appears....but it won't be enough." he proclaimed thrusting hard into Zarka. Knowing his father could never keep up this pace, he was better than his father and Zarka deserved to have his child.

Zarka's mouth split into another wide smile as she kissed him and he resumed his fast pace. Her orgasm came back upon her with renewed speed and her smile vanished, replaced with an expression of impending extreme pleasure. She gasped and hissed excitedly and clutched at his forearms, rocking her hips back against him with purpose. Just before they reached the gravel gateway of their home manor, her body suddenly went rigid and trembling, the silken muscles of her tunnel milking Ragan with desperation.

He grunted furiously as he continued to thrust, feeling his body empty into his stepmother's sex. For a brief moment he rested his head upon her heaving chest as he recovered feeling her soft skin covered in a sheen of sweat and sated lust. "I will instruct the driver to remain silent about anything her heard." he told her pressing his lips to her chest and then to her lips. "Go in the house and use a basin to wipe down your body with rose water, then dress in something light and flowing before coming to me. For you will not wear it long, will you do this for me Zarka, my lover?" Ragan then began to fix his clothing, leaving his manhood inside her for as long as he could feeling her body still trying to milk more of his essence.

She nodded quickly, a bit too breathless currently to answer verbally. She simply breathed and shivered, not making another sound until he withdrew from her slowly relaxing body. She gasped when she suddenly found herself empty of him and clenched her thighs together. She remained on her back on the seat of the carriage for a few moments, then slowly sat herself up, trying to make the least mess possible. She kissed him again firmly and smiled. "See you inside," she whispered before exiting the carriage.

Upon exiting Ragan motioned to the driver, "Straighten up the back and you will tell no one." The man shook his head understanding the implied threat. He then went back into the house following Zarka and smiling that soon they would again be having each other in a matter of minutes. He checked on Calia and Isidor without letting them know he was there then headed to room to await his lover.

It was about twenty minutes before Zarka appeared in the door to Ragan's room, wrapped in a robe of silk sheer enough to defeat the purpose of wearing it in the first place. She smiled at him where she leaned against his curtained doorway, and then moved into his room with a sultry sway of her hips.

Ragan offered her a glass of wine as he watched her move and smiled as she lifted the glass to her lips. "While I very much like you robe, you are to be naked and laying spread upon my bed remember?" he said walking behind her. His hand slowly wrapped around her and then inside the robe while his other hefted out his manhood. Then Ragan removed the hand inside her robe and lifted it, rubbing himself against her backside.

"Mmm," Zarka agreed in a hum against the rim of her glass, also shivering as he touched her. She swallowed her mouthful of wine and set her glass aside on a nearby table. "So I am," she whispered. She pulled away from him with a glance over her shoulder that was all fire, hunger, and beckoning playfulness. She stripped out of her robe as she moved towards his bed, letting it fall to the floor behind her as she moved. She crawled up onto his bed once she reached it and wiggled her backside at him with another teasing smile over her shoulder, and then slid slowly to lay down on it, stretching like a cat might--arms out front, clawing at the blankets, lowering her breasts to the sheets first and leaving her backside high in the air for him to admire before sliding forward and lowering herself to lay sprawled on her back on his bed.

Ragan dropped his clothing and joined her on the bed at first he simply touched her watching her eyes as his fingers played along her skin. Slowly they made their way between her breasts and then down over her stomach and down around her thigh to begin teasing her sex again. Only then did he lean over and kiss her deeply as he pushed his finger deep inside her, it was his plan to make her roused and keep this passion going until the last possible second. It was his fondest hope that his father would go away and she could stay in his bed overnight, making love until the sun rose.

Dominus took a deep breath of the familiar, dusty air of their home training grounds. He looked towards Brison and Cromignon and said under his breath to Brison, "Are you sure about him? He cannot talk... there could be countless secrets he isn't sharing." He shook his head. "You may have spared his life, but in this business, brother, that will only get you so far."

Brison looked at Dominus and replied aside to his friend, "As far as his secrets he may keep them. I spared his life to give him a better one here with us, it is a risk but I doubt he would attack us here with such a number of those who serve our master around to render aide." He doubted that Cromignon would betray him in the gladiator camp, although he never truly dropped his guard around anyone except Calia and his son.

Dominus grunted his reply and eyed Cromignon again. Dinner for the gladiators was just being served and Cromignon looked excited. He was a big man and needed a lot to eat. He tore into his food with wild abandon. He couldn't taste much of it with what was left of his tongue, but he still made happy sounds all the same. Dominus ate more slowly, contemplating the events of the day. With a thought, he looked at Brison again and said, "does it not seem strange to you, brother, that Eltides did not put up more resistance to your victory?"

Brison thought about his friend's words, "Who can say for certain, I've never met the man. It would be something for Noam to be concerned about. For now we continue to train and fight inside the arena and see what fate has in store for us. You it seems get to help Altha with her retirement from the ring and then go from there." As if mention one of the other female gladiators passed and smiled at Dominus. Apparently word had gotten around about his offer to help the woman conceive a child.

Dominus gave a passing yet respectful nod to the smiling gladiator as she passed, but once she was gone, off to join the other females, he looked back at Brison with a confused expression. "I believe I may have made a mistake, Brison," he chuckled, "with the way they glance and whisper, I fear I'll never rest again."

Brison laughed, "Noam will have a small army of Dominus children all ruling the arena for many years to come. Your name will have to be chiseled into the stone of the arena. Dominus father of the modern gladiators it will suit you my friend." Noam had informed him the he and the other new addition to the camp would be again attending dinner at Senator Quintus' estate again. Which meant he'd get a chance to see Isidor and Calia again.

"I'm not sure that's something to be proud of, brother," Dominus chuckled, but his expression seemed strained. "To trade my children's lives for my own in this life... It would be a terrible thing. I will give altha her child, but if I could... I would rather leave this life and live quietly in the country, doing honest work and raising my brood in peace."

"Then we are of the same mind my friend, I wish nothing more than to get Isidor and Calia and take them away from this place. To live somewhere safe where I can protect them and live simply. Perhaps that is something we can aspire to together my friend." Brison finished his meal in silence and then went to prepare for bed, every night was pretty much the same. He prayed to the gods and Ptoli to watch over Isidor and Calia and grant those he killed peace in the afterlife.

Dominus watched his friend go. He sighed. He supposed he was to watch over Cromignon for tonight. He made sure he ate his fair share and not a bite more, then found him a place to sleep. With that done, Dominus washed himself and prepared to bed with Altha. Once he was washed clean and in a clean set of robes not for training or killing in, he went to the female barracks and called on Altha.

Prulla, the matronly woman who was the female equivalent to Cranth came out to his call and eyed him. "The Master has given Altha leave to lay with you, but she wishes tonight to prepare herself; you will come tomorrow. In truth, Dominus, you will go to the small house off the garden where Altha will be waiting for you." She smiled at the gladiator and then turned and went back inside the female dormitory.

Dominus wrinkled his nose and shifted on his feet a little before shouting after her. "I will not! You will tell Altha that tomorrow night may be too late--fate takes without notice and I may not be alive tomorrow night. You will tell her to meet me tonight, that she is perfect as she is, or I will not lay with her at all." He stood there and folded his arms a bit stubbornly, watching her retreating back.

Prulla turned and huffed back coming right in front of Dominus, "Yer a ruddy lout! Demanding a shield maiden to just surrender her virtue because you believe you have a timetable. There are no games tomorrow so you will be in fine shape you mangy cur." The large woman crossed her arms and glared back at the gladiator, "So, do you honor Altha and allow her tonight to prepare or do I send her out here to you and sully both of your honor?" She then waited for the man to answer her, all the while Dominus could feel he was being watched. Like the honorable thing he requested of Noam might blow away in the winds.

Dominus stared at Prulla for a brief second, blinking in surprise. Firstly, he had not expected such an afront from the woman, but secondly, he had not expected that kind of information. He lowered his arms from his chest and breathed to relax visibly, then said, "I apologize... I did not realize Altha was still... virtuous." he mumbled sincerely up at her. "Very well... Tell Altha she may take all the time she needs. I'll be ready." He glanced at the female house and eyed the dark doorway and windows, then nodded his head in a subtle bow of respect before turning and heading away.

Prulla nodded, "Yer are a good man, and all the dormitory is jealous of the honor you do for Altha. Only the women here and Master Noam knew." Then she to turned and went back inside the dormitory, leaving Dominus by himself with his thoughts.

Dominus hovered there outside for a few long moments before he headed towards the main house. He knew Noam would still be awake, perhaps dining or sitting by his fire on his comfy chaise lounge. He went up to the house, greeted the men stationed there as security, and requested audience with Noam. He waited outside by the door as a maid headed inside to tell Noam Dominus was requesting a meeting with him.

Noam was in his study listening to his newest addition to his household servants sing, her voice was full of beautiful melodies and she had a vast knowledge of songs. He granted the audience Dominus requested, sure that the gladiator had further requests to make of him. When the maid brought Dominus into the study the girl was singing a Hibernian song, "Dominus, I take it there is something you need to speak with me about at such an hour?"

Dominus heard Ithala's angelic voice long before he saw her face. Even still, when he saw her face, he was not prepared for how he would feel about her. His heart stopped and he hesitated before responding to Noam, just watching and listening to Ithala sing and feeling moved by her sound. It took a small jerk of realization before Dominus recovered his obedience and dropped to his knee, pounding his fist against his chest. "Master," he greeted and then continued, "Yes, I... I wish to speak to you about Altha and this arrangement I have with her."

Noam held up his hand and momentarily silenced Ithala, "Drink something child, I do not wish you to become parched." He turned his attention to Dominus, "Are you changing your mind? I've heard that she thinks highly of your offer even though she is concerned she will not be adequate for you. I personally could not think of a better union, the child no matter what the sex will be strong and a honor to both parents."

"I do not disagree," Dominus said honestly with a nod, "and I thank you for your kind words. You think so highly of us both and that means a lot to me, Master." He swallowed hard and sighed. "But the idea of giving my sire to you as a trade for Altha puts stones in my gut. I have great honor fighting for you, Master, as I have for all of my masters before you, but... but I would not ask this life on my own children--on any child. Please, Master, I beg of you... Let Altha retire with our child in a peaceful, civilian life. I will work for you and fight for you until I am too old and broken to do so, and then I will train every gladiator that walks through those gates until my last breath if you wish it so, but every child I ever sire, please spare them the servitude and horror of the ring."

"You would deny those children the chance to impart dread to those they face I am a child of Dominus! and watch the color drain from their faces? Her child will have a few years before I would even consider it for the games, and who knows the senate my shut the arena down well before then." Noam said tossing a scroll to Dominus. "It is all inside there, the senate has asked the Emperor to consider outlawing gladiatorial games as archaic and barbarous. Turning Atlantis into a society that will have to find something else to do with those who wash up on her shores."

Dominus caught the scroll as Noam tossed it to him, but he didn't open it to read it. He frowned at Noam, then down at the ground. "While I know my children would bring me great pride and honor in everything they do, Master... I would feel much more comfort in knowing that pride and honor was coming from safer, more wholesome, honest work. Civilian work." he said quietly. "The looks on their enemies' faces at the mention of their lineage is not worth the price of their lives should something go wrong. I wish I could change the senate closing the games... but there is still a chance they will not, and even if they do, there is no guarantee that the games would not continue in secret, underground with slaves forced to fight." he explained solemnly. "Please, Master Noam... I will do anything if you swear to leave be any and every child I sire while under your employ. You could sell my body, my sword, I will fight, kill, train anyone... until my dying breath, I swear."
Noam sat for a second and looked at Dominus before waving him away, "Go, I will consider your words and will make my decision after I know that you and Altha have a child. But, even if I wait until the moment arrives to invoke this agreement it will still stand between us." He finished his glass and motioned for Ithala to begin anew and poured another glass, "You may stay a little while if you wish to listen, otherwise I believe we are done."

Dominus looked at Ithala and suddenly felt sick and embarrassed. She had heard their conversation and felt as if he had somehow lessened himself as a man. This goddess must think so little of him now. He also didn't think it fair to Altha if he stayed. He bowed to Noam and then exited the house, heading back to his own barracks slowly. He wanted to enjoy the night air. Once inside, he was glad to see his brethren already sleeping. He didn't have to answer any questions or jeers tonight. He crawled into his bunk and lay awake for a while before succumbing to slumber.

The next morning Calia was awoken by Isidor climbing into her bed and snuggling close to her and rubbing his eyes. It was not even dawn yet and a chill had prevaded their room reminding her of the morning when they exited the sea onto the beach. He put his thumb into his mouth and grabbed ahold of her like he had that morning, the only difference was he was not crying this morning. Looking up at her he smiled almost bashfully at her, as hoping he would not be chastised for leaving his bed.

Calia groggily opened her eyes and peered down at Isidor. She smiled back at him and looped her arms snugly around his little body, hugging him into her chest. "Good morning, little one." she cooed.

He giggled and snuggled in closer putting his head below her chin, "Maama." It was the first time he uttered more than a few words. Isidor had spoke when he saw Brison, but did not say much any other time and had never said anything close to Zarka.

While the word had honestly surprised Calia, it also warmed her heart. She gave a loving smile down on Isidor and kisses his head. "My lovely, sweet child..." she whispered with every ounce of motherly affection. She nuzzles his hair and took in his scent. Mentally, she prayed Ptoli forgave her, and hoped she wanted this for them.

In a matter of minutes he drifted back off to sleep in her arms, he felt safe and protected with Calia. He didn't quite understand the lady they were staying with, she called him her baby but Calia spent more time with him and cared more for him. He also did not understand where his father was, he had seen him a few days ago and then he left him with Calia and left with the other man that he saw in the baths.

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