Page name: Titans of Atlantis: History 4 [Exported view] [RSS]
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2017-06-21 04:26:34
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Brison awoke and stretched, the morning chill made his bones ache some payback for years of military service. He wondered if he'd see his son and Calia soon across the way he saw Dominus still asleep. The other man had returned in somewhat pensive mood, as if laying with Altha had given him something to think upon. Cromignon had been shown a bed and Brison made sure he was comfortable before going to sleep himself. With a hope that the two men would be able to help him and in turn help themselves to freedom.

The sight of Cromignon in his bed was an almost comical sight. The hay-filled box frame was dwarfed by his size and breadth. His legs hung off at the calves and his arms dangled over both sides. He snored raucously. Dominus had finally had enough. He sat up with a tired and irritated groan and rubbed his bald head, looking at Cromignon, then at Brison. He grumbled, "He snores as though he has never slept in a bed before." 

"He may never had." Brison commented casually, "I had a sergeant who snored worse than him. It's a good thing we are not fighting today, he'd be the only one fully rested." Brison chuckled as he got up and washed his face, no sense trying to sleep in. "If you want after breakfast come back in and rest, Cranth will understand as I'm sure he heard our friend as well."

I believe you give Cranth too much credit, brother. Such a kind thing seems outside his realm of understanding." Dominus sighed. He ran a hand over his head and felt stubble there. He would need to shave it again soon. He wondered if Altha would like it this way, or smooth and hairless. "I did not see Altha last night," he admitted with a sigh, "It appears Altha is... virtuous, even still. She wanted time to prepare. I went to speak with Master Noam instead."

Brison stared for a second and then chuckled, "She certainly hid it well for all of her talk, but I suppose someone might have approached Noam with a hefty bag of coins to buy it. I think that she wishes to prepare means she appreciates your oath to help her. What did Noam say when you spoke to him?"

"I told him I would work for him every day for the rest of my life, fighting and training others if he swore to leave be every child I ever sire... I could not bear the thought of them entering the ring, Brother... He said he would consider it." Dominus sighed deeply and hung his head between his shoulders. All he had ever wanted was to get out of this life of death and never-ending battle and live a life of domesticity and peace. He was willing to give that up if it meant that Altha and his children could have it undisturbed.

Brison looked upon his friend, "You truly are one of the best men I know. I guess my next question is do you wish to join in union with Altha?" It made sense to him that Dominus and Altha would live as man and wife raising his children as he fought and trained for the arena. That is until he was killed or Noam freed him.

It was clear in the way Dominus' brow furrowed that he had not even considered that question before Brison had asked it of him. He glowered at the floor in thought, then sighed and shook his head. "No, I think not. She is a wonderful fighter, but her personality is as brutish as her fighting techniques. I like her, enough to help her gain her retirement and a happy life thereafter... but not enough to be in union with her. She deserves happiness and true love, and I am not a part of that." He blushed when he next thought of Ithala, singing so beautifully in Noam's quarters, and his stomach fluttered. He didn't mention her though.

Brison laughed again, "I suppose I should not ask this, but is there a thought that Altha puts on that face to hide her true self as she did her virtue?" He had put enough thoughts into his friend's head already, "Come let us eat breakfast and think no more of this until time for you to meet Altha."

Dominus sighed heavily and stood with him. He gave Cromignon a hard shake with his foot and the beast of a man snorted and sat up with a jerk. He blinked his one good eye and yawned, then started to get up, the bed beneath him creaking and groaning in protest. He washed his face and followed Dominus and Brison to the chow hall with another yawn and a grunt. "You can talk," Dominus said sourly to Brison, continuing their chat, "You and Cromignon are going to the House of Quintus again tonight."

"I would figure that Master Noam would send Cromignon's fellow we won would be the choice to take to the Senator's. No offense Cromignon." Brison said over his shoulder. The large man wouldn't be able to interact as Dominus had and that might lead to some frustration for him. "I'm sure the Senator's maidens will miss the pleasure of your company my friend." he said as they entered the dining hall.

Dominus grunted a small laugh and followed Brison into the canteen, Cromignon close on their heels. The floor vibrated with a muffled rumble under his feet. He sat heavily enough on a bench to make it bow in the middle and snap in a couple places. He began to grab a hefty helping of food, and Dominus sat beside him and started to help himself as well, grumbling about getting some before Cromignon ate it all.

Brison was unrushed and ate slowly, in truth he was getting that same feeling from long ago. Every day when he woke on the long march home, counting days until he was with his family. Part of him still felt a guilty that he had lain with Calia, but he knew that Ptoli would approve given the fact she was protecting their child in Brison's absence. He did however lighty chastise Dominus with a smirk, "Wait until he saves your life in the arena one time, then you won't grumble so much."

Dominus still seemed unconvinced. He ate heartily, same as Cromignon, and after a time it started to look as though they were competing to see who could eat more, faster. Cromignon won, as Dominus tapped out after his third bread loaf and boiled egg. He sat back and grumbled again, watching Cromignon continue to eat until Cranth called them all out to the yard to greet Master Noam, as per normal procedure after a prosperous fight.

Noam was waiting for the men, "Glad you've all had you fill. Tonight, Brison and Thanatos will go with me to senator's home for dinner and signing of contracts. The rest of you while we are gone will be allowed time to relax and have a fine meal as well. Although I expect you to follow the rules that normally govern here." Everyone knew that meant no sex because it would sideline the female fighters, the exception would be Dominus and Altha.

Dominus allowed his eyes to sweep over the crowd of fighters around him. He frowned and then looked towards Noam. He gave his customary salute, then asked, "Master Noam, we have not yet seen Thanatos here. Has he arrived yet?" He was genuinely curious. Eltides had promised Noam the second fighter and had said he would be delivered today, but when was not established.

"He will be here shortly, Eltides sent word that he had obligations to finish before he could be sent to join your ranks." Noam answered. Several hours later the new man arrived with his equipment in hand and looked about the practice area before heading to an empty area and setting his spear and shield down. Cromignon who had been working with both Brison and Dominus nudged Dominus and pointed to the newcomer in their ranks. Brison took stock of the man, almost his and Dominus in height and build with blonde hair almost shoulder length. Other than a scar on his chin the man would certainly be a hit amongst the women who frequently paid to have a gladiator.

"Hn... The females at Quintus' house will surely enjoy his company." Dominus grunted to Brison in amusement. "He looks young. Impressionable. Cocky." He snorted and picked up his sword again, waving at Brison. "Let's go again. Let's show him a good bout."

Brison smiled and nodded at Dominus and as they started again he quipped, "I doubt the females will find him as unique as you my friend." Thanatos was shown around by Cranth who then left him to work with some of the other gladiators who specialized in the spear. "I've wondered if we shouldn't find a weapon Cromignon could wield with effectiveness. Maybe a hammer, something without an edge that he could make look impressive."

"You think his fists and sheer size are not enough?" Dominus asked back with a puff as he swung a practice slice at Brison's shield. "You're trying to make him far deadlier than he already is, but I am sure he could murder us all very easily if he felt so inclined." He parried a strike from Brison and sent his wooden blade outward and away. "I understand your desire to help him, Brison, but you have not even seen your first shared fight with him as a battle brother. You do not know if he will turn his back and leave you to die for his own sake."

"If you don't give someone a chance, then they can neither impress nor ruin you. We won't know how any of us act until that moment of being tested. I trust you and until the morning I awoke in the cell we had never met." he said as they continued a rhythmic back and forth with the training blades. Thanatos came near and watched for a little while until the took a break, "Why do you use the sword? My spear is by far longer and keeps my opponent too far to strike at me."

Dominus looked at Thanatos and gave a small snort out of his nose. "That may be, if you are well guarded. But lose your focus for even a brief second and your opponent can infiltrate that distance. Once that closeness is achieved, you are finished." he said confidently. "The sword keeps your opponent close and unbalanced."

Thanatos smirked, "My moves with spear and shield so more grace and fluid of movement, and that wins fans in the arena and unbalances more targets than your sword."

Brison spoke up to keep the peace, "What matters in the arena is surviving whether it be by sword or spear or bare hands, come back out alive." He handed off his weapon and shield to one of the younger boys and went to get some water, it was almost like being back in the army and he sometimes hated that. After getting some water he sought out Cranth, "Honored old dog, I feel a slight unwell, I'm returning to my bunk to rest and shake this feeling."

Cranth wrinkled his nose at Brison to show his displeasure. He folded his arms over his chest and grunted a little as his gaze returned to the men still working at the field. "Very well. Only because I know you have an important appearance to make tonight at the House of Quintus. You need to represent us well." he said and nodded at him. "Go seek your rest. Do not boast to others about it though--no one else will get such lavish treatment." he snorted. He smiled, though it showed in his eyes and not his lips.

Brison went back into his bunk and set down, this was not the life he thought they would have getting onto the boat so long ago. He put his head into his hands and took a deep breath, he wanted his son back and Calia as well and all of them to leave this place and find somewhere to live. A few minutes later he laid back onto the bed and stared into the ceiling, he wanted his family and he could not find the way to escape this place.

Once again, the House of Quintus was ready to receive Brison and his guest, Thanatos. Naturally, they were also ready to receive Noam. Zarka was standing outside on the marble steps of her home, wrapped up in beautiful scarlet robes and with her dark hair pinned up in elegant curls with golden pins and combs. Beside her was Calia, who had only agreed to stand beside her with Isidor to see Brison come upon them. She tried not to look too excited or anxious, but Zarka still smiled at Calia knowingly, especially after Brison's last visit. She suspected they had enjoyed each other's company. She looked ahead with her chin held high as the carriage from Noam's house pulled up in front of them. The doors were opened and she bowed respectfully, though her bow was slight compared to Calia's. "Welcome, Master Noam, and warriors." she said pleasantly. "Hot food and good drink await us inside."

"Again, My lady you do us an honor inviting us into your home yet again." Noam replied with an equally slight bow. "Dominus sends his regards as he has a prior commitment to see to this evening, I have brought Thanatos in his stead. And as always Brison, who was the beginning of what hopefully is a long and happy partnership." Thanatos bowed and smiled at both Zarka and Calia, Brison bowed, but held Calia's eye a bit longer than Zarka's. Before they had left his home, Noam had given the papers to Brison to hold telling him, "You have more than I invested in this, so I leave these in your hands."

"You flatter me, Noam," Zarka smiled, offering him her hand, bedecked in golden bangles and rings. "Let us head inside. Food awaits and your warriors must surely be hungry." She turned and led them inside, knowing Calia would be close behind her, and Brison and Thanatos would be behind her.

She led them into the house, but Calia lingered outside instead. She bounced Isidor on her hip and smiled at Brison with eyes full of admiration. "He's missed you," she whispered as he grew near, "as have I."

He ruffled his son's hair and smiled, "And I, the two of you." Noam came close handing Isidor a piece of honey candy, "I suspect Mistress Zarka is waiting for us to catch up to her." Regan who had been standing behind Noam, "Calia if you wish I will take Isidor while you have a moment with Brison." In the past couple weeks Regan had held Isidor a handful of times, the child not fully grasping who it was that held him, but recently Regan had shown a great deal of fondness for the child.

Despite Ragan's growing adoration for the child, and Isidor's pleasant tolerance of the older man in return, Calia stiffened and tightened her grip on the child. She still didn't trust or like Ragan as a person, and didn't like Isidor being around him. "Thank you, Master Ragan, but I can hold him." she said, keeping her eyes down. She turned and headed into the house without another word to Brison, not wanting to give Ragan an excuse to press the matter. Zarka and Calia led them all into the main dining room where a lovely full table of hot food was awaiting them. Calia settled into her usual seat with Isidor on her lap. Zarka moved to her seat at the head of the table beside where Quintus usually sat, and she motioned for Noam to take the seat across from her.

Brison did not miss the reaction to Ragan, he made note to ask Calia about it later when they were alone. He sat in a chair facing Ragan and noted the Senator's absence which made him wonder if this deal had his agreement. Noam too had noticed the missing Senator, "Mistress Zarka, will your husband not be joining us tonight? I had wished to hear his position on the arena and our agreement." Knowing as much as the other's about the fate of the arena and this agreement made Brison nervous, but there was little he could do at this moment. Instead he continued to watch Calia and Isidor, she was a fine mother to him and doted on him, that much was easy to see.

Zarka gave Noam a pretty smile that somehow managed to look contrite. "I apologize for my husband's absence. He is not often home these days... politics keep him very busy." she explained regretfully. "But he has given his approval to this arrangement and this meeting, I assure you. He has every confidence in me to handle this business." She eased herself into her seat and maids began bustling about, serving them food and drink.

The food as the last time was excellent and even Noam had to agree Zarka could entertain perfectly in this society. As they continued to eat Noam had a perfect question for his new partner. "So, Lady Zarka do you intend on inspecting the gladiators and my training facility? Or for that matter going with me to the slave markets and seeing who we bid upon?"

Zarka was in the middle of a sip of wine when Noam asked his question. Her lips curled up behind the rim and she slowly lowered her cup with a tantalizing lick of her lips. "I did not want to make such an assumption if you were not ready for it. I am glad you brought it up." she said playfully. "I would very much like to see your training facility, your current fighters, your bidding grounds... I would be very intrigued to see such things."

In return Noam took a sip of his wine, "Your stepson bids at the same market I do, I find it hard to believe you've never went there with him. As far as my home and camp, you may come and visit anytime I just ask enough time to plan a suitable meal and entertainment." Ragan watched the inter-play between Zarka and Noam, together a great many owners would lose coin and gladiators to them. Brison was barely paying attention to Noam and Zarka, to him it was commanding officers discussing battle plans or what they would do when they got paid next.

Zarka gave a small shrug at Noam's comment about the market, and gladly passed over it when he did. She was happily conversing with him when she noticed Brison's disinterest in the conversation. He wasn't even enjoying the food with the same enthusiasm as Thanatos. She smirked knowingly and said, "dear fighter, you seem to have something on your mind. A pretty maiden, perhaps?" she teased, tossing a glance at Calia, who blushed.

"I did not sleep well, a new gladiator snores loudly." Brison said smiling back at Zarka. He did look over at Calia, "but yes a certain maid has been in my thoughts." Thanatos looked up and saw that Brison had his eyes on the female that held Lady Zarka's son and smirked, he would let the man have her while he hoped to grace the lady's bed as his last patron had paid for.

Zarka smiled widely, clearly pleased at this, and waved a hand nonchalantly. "Well then, by all means... you're both excused." she said. "Calia, please put Isidor to bed and enjoy the rest of your night with the warrior. Make sure you tire him out so he's sure to get plenty of rest tonight." she teased lightly.

Calia's cheeks darkened considerably, but she rose from her seat quickly with a quick curtsy and a mumbled, "Yes, thank you, mistress." She adjusted Isidor on her hip and carried him out of the dining room, knowing Brison would remember where their room was.

"As for you," Zarka then addressed Thanatos with a feminine point of her finger, "I will give you the same privilege as Dominus had last he was here; any maiden in the house so long as it's consensual." she smiled.

Thanatos stood, "Thank you my lady." then turned for Noam to dismiss him. "You have leave both of you, but mark well my words from earlier today." he said waving them off. Brison stood and handed Noam the papers, "Until tomorrow Master." then walked off.

Zarka watched them go with a pleased smile, then returned her gaze to Noam. She leaned forward on her elbows in such a way that prettily showed off her large chest beneath her elegant robes, and tilted her head. "Now then... shall we talk business?"

Noam smiled back, "I'm in no rush to leave just yet, perhaps the three of us can talk more about how this agreement will affect your husband and his standing in the Senate?" It was no small thing that the Emperor was considering the Senate proposal to end the games. "Besides the papers are ready to be signed and then everything is settled." he explained taking another sip of his wine.

Brison entered the room that he and Calia shared when he was there and sat on the bed. It was a thousand times more comfortable than the one at Noam's training camp. Looking out across the city to the mountains far north he wondered if they could live there comfortably. Or would they need to find a place where a ship would let them off perhaps the original destination?

Calia entered the room a short moment later through the heavy curtains that separated her room from Isidor's. She hovered there a moment, pinning the curtains closed behind her back and admiring Brison and his far-off gaze. She moved to him quietly and came up behind him, sliding her warm, soft hands over his shoulders and up his neck into his hair, her nails soothingly scratching his scalp. She decided not to say anything just yet.

Brison smiled, "Is he asleep?" he almost hoped that her answer was no, he missed seeing his son and being part of his life. These short overnight visits did little to calm the thought that his boy needed him, Ragan was dangerous and he wanted to protect Calia and Isidor from whatever might happen.

"Very," Calia said, both proud and a little sad. She knew Brison wanted to see his son and spend more time with him. "But if we wake early enough tomorrow, we can spend some time with him." she offered, hoping to placate those feelings for him. She gripped his hair, just lightly tugging at his follicles and stimulating the blood flow in his scalp. She scratched her nails lightly down his neck behind his ears next, then leaned in and kissed his neck lightly. 

He turned and drew Calia tightly against him, "I grow weary of the fighting, like back in Rome as a soldier. The constant death and killing teases to become a part of me and I fear it is all that will be left." Slowly his hands slipped inside her clothes to touch her skin letting the soft, warmth chase the thoughts of killing from his hands. "I want to create a life for us outside this place and I want to help create new life inside you." he whispered undoing the braid holding her clothes he kissed her neck, "I need you to restore my soul, Calia."

A soft moan escaped Calia at his touches, and at his words she stopped and blinked up at him. Her brown eyes took in his face in surprise. "You... you want a family with me?" she asked, looking pleasantly confused. This was everything she had ever wanted. She was just afraid that he was falling into it so quickly because of his grief for Ptoli's loss and the desperation to leave this life. "Brison... are you sure..?" she asked, her hand brushing over his to give it pause at where her robes were pinned closed.

"You love and protect Isidor as he was your own and chose to lay with me, allowing me to take your virtue. I thought the connection we've shared was deepening that you'd want this." Brison said suddenly concerned he read too much into what was between them. Perhaps she wanted another and only chose him so that he could get closer to his son. "If you are unsure then we do not need to do anything more than lay together and talk." he said looking into her eyes and lowering his hand from the braid.

Calia's hand tightened on his again and she shook her head, her breath catching in her throat. She kissed him, hot and full of need, her arms looping up around his neck. When it broke, she looked up at him with a deep pink in her cheeks. "It is all I've ever wanted with you," she admitted bashfully, "your love... your children... I have always envied Ptoli so." she said, tangling her fingers in his hair. "Please, Brison... I will give you every bit of me if you give me the same."

Brison returned her kiss and finally undid the braid letting her robes fall to the ground then to be followed by his own. His hands slid over her body and held her tightly to him. "We will escape here and find a life together as a family I swear it. I will give you and Isidor everything I have to get us away from here." he whispered. Eventually they found the bed and continued to share and touch each other, Brison found his desire for Calia had hardened his manhood which was pressed against her thigh.

Calia moaned into his mouth, already full of want and need of her own. She laid herself down on the bed, pulling him with her by his arms so that he lay over her. She moved her mouth to his neck, kissing and nipping him lightly in the spots she knew he liked, her thighs on either side of his hips. "Take me away, Brison.." she begged with heated breaths. 

It took only her words for Brison to reach down and guide himself into her body and he kissed her neck as he pressed fully inside Calia. As they began his hands held her waist and as they sped up he stroked her body from hips until he dropped his mouth to her chest. Her joy and desire for him was drawing away the darkness the arena caused him, being with her was a balm to keep him being who he was.

His sounds and his touches warmed her blood. She moaned for him; she whispered his name and whimpered for more of his affection. She let him taste as much of her flesh as he craved, and she returned the favor as best she could. She left light pink scratch marks down his back and shoulders. She wanted him close, always in contact, both of them hot and needy until they were trembling with pent up release and covered in sweat. She didn't want to finish without him, she wanted them to come together in final unity at the climax of their love-making.

It did not take too long for Calia's wish as they achieved that moment of unity and feeling the resulting warmth afterwards. Brison was still erect and when Calia was ready he would be ready to set off to that apex of pleasure with her again. He had moved beside her and wrapped his arms around her keeping her close, the weather outside had turned and a chill had made it's way into the house. "I think a storm is brewing, a good day to stay in bed, don't you think?" he asked playfully before kissing her neck.

Calia gave him a pretty, tired smile and giggled quietly. "It certainly is," he agreed and kissed his hands. She looked him in the eyes and admired him quietly, stroking her nails through his hair soothingly. "I do love you, Brison... So deeply it makes my heart ache."

"I love you too Calia." he said pulling her closer and covering them with the blanket. After saying that they could hear the rain begin to fall and a low rumble of thunder in the distance.

Calia happily snuggled up with Brison and listened to the rain outside. Another crack of thunder made her jump with a little gasp. Even though she laughed it off quietly, she heard a small whine from Isidor behind the curtain. She sat up a little and called, "Isidor... Isi, come here, baby," in a cooing voice. He came into the room, rubbing his eyes, and crawled into the bed with them groggily. Calia settled him between them and wrapped her arms around him. She nuzzled his hair with a warm, loving smile and watched him happily fall back to sleep there.

Waiting until everyone retired, Ragan made his way to the baths and removed his clothes before entering the water. He hoped Zarka would join him and they could enjoy a few moments alone. Most of the house was asleep and he watched as the rain and thunder approached and he grinned wondering if he could convince Zarka to go outside and make love in the gardens during the storm.

It was only moments before the doors to the baths opened again and in sauntered Zarka. She was wearing only that thin, sheer robe he liked and nothing else, her hair down in messy curls, recently unpinned from the fancy updo for dinner. She strode into the warm steamy air of the baths and grinned when she saw Ragan lounging there. She moved to stand in front of him and slid out of her own robe, letting it drop to the floor in a flutter of silk. "We need to stop running into each other like this," she purred playfully.

One hand drew her closer while his other slipped between her legs to rub her sex with purpose. His excitement of having her close and naked was obvious, "Why stepmother, I so look forward to our meetings." He then kissed her deeply as the hand on her back slid up to the back of her neck. When they broke the kiss he whispered, "Shall we take this to the garden? I would so love to have you outside in the coming storm."

"Do you think that wise?" she asked beneath a moan of pleasured surprise. She smiled at him, but the worry was there in her eyes. "Being out in the open, even in a storm, risks us being caught."

As his finger became slick, Ragan pondered her words. "Perhaps you are right, but you will need to convince me." he whispered kissing her deeply to punctuate his comment. Wanting to keep her arousal he slipped another finger inside her to raise it just a little. She would either agree or perhaps want to retire to his or her bedroom.

Her knees buckled a little and her hips gave a responding jerk against his fingers. She shuddered and gasped a breath, opening her mouth as if to respond, but no words came out. "Ragan," she finally managed, in a wisp of breath, "I need something from you."

Ragan felt her hips move closer and felt her excitement, smiling he led her to a bench and sat down. Then he turned his stepmother to face away and sit in front of him. "And what is it you need from me?" he whispered in her ear as his hand again slipped between her thighs to rub and tease her more.

Zarka hissed between her teeth, and pulled her lip between them with a smile. "Ragan... I have been thinking so tediously about something rather pressing..." She shifted just slightly, looping a hand up behind his neck and kissing his mouth hungrily. "... something about my husband. Your father is a rather irritating thorn in our sides... If we are to be any sort of success in this business of gladiators and bodies sold for pleasure, we may need to consider... disposing of him."

Ragan's hand stopped briefly, "I have considered his irritating nature, but I doubt we could dispose of him in a way that would not bring suspicion. Perhaps there is another way without killing him, however do you wish to discuss this now or..." he let the rest trail away as his mouth found hers and his fingers continued pleasuring her. Once he felt her become aroused enough he took hold of his manhood and began to rub it against her sex.

Motion out in the garden caught Zarka's peripheral vision and for a second she wondered if she was seeing things. It looked like several people making their way to the rear of the house without the aid of lights or torches. Then through a crack of lightning she saw a man with a sword just inside the garden entrance to the baths with her and Ragan.

The bright flash of light off the blade of the strangers sword made Zarka gasp and then scream. "RAGAN!" she yelped, pushing away from him so he would turn to see the man there, her eyes wide with fear.

One could hardly tell who was more surprised, Ragan that an armed enemy was in the house. Or the man finding the Senator's son and wife in the middle of a sexual interlude. Still it mattered little as he came towards them blade high to strike at Ragan first. Ragan in turn prepared for the man and used his momentum to carry the both of them into the bath, the man had lost hold of his weapon which went to the bottom of the water. Ragan however was focused on drowning the man who was beginning to panic.

Zarka didn't stay near the fray. She let Ragan have plenty of room to do what he needed to in order to defend them both, but when she saw the sword fall to the bottom of the bath, she reached out with a leg and pulled it towards herself. She pulled it up from the water and stepped back enough to give them room. She was in a quandary: call the house guards and gladiators for help and risk exposing herself and Ragan, or risk letting Ragan get hurt? For her, it was a no-brainer. She leapt up from the water, just barely grabbing her robes as she went, and broke into the halls. "GUARDS! TRESPASSER IN THE BATH!" she shrieked.

As she entered into the main hall she saw the guards engaged with more intruders, already some of the house guards and servants were dead or dying. A man nearest her turned and sneered and began to head towards her, his blade wet with a servant's blood.

Zarka stared in horror at the carnage around her. She noticed the man stepping towards her and stiffened with anger and terror. She had the sword in her hand still, but she didn't know how to fight beyond light defense. She took a step back. She was wet and naked, and she knew what brutes like these liked to do with wet, naked, beautiful women. She could already hear a few of the female maids screaming in their quarters. She took another step back and her heel slipped out from under her in a puddle of bath water that had drained from her long hair. She fell flat on her back with a pained grunt and only somehow managed to keep a hold on the heavy sword. She stared up at the man with big eyes and tried to crawl back, but her arms and legs simply slipped and flailed on the wet marble floors.

To her surprise--and relief--the man didn't get close enough to her, a broad sword punctured his back and clean through his chest on the other side, and then rebounded in an outward slice between his ribs. Thanatos stood on the other side of the downed man, and she stared as he dealt the finishing blow. He was dressed in only his loins, clearly having been in the middle of sleep or some other activity when the intrusion began. She let him help her to her feet and she passed him the other sword. "We must warn the other gladiators!" she insisted, pulling her robes around herself as she ran.

Upstairs Calia heard the first couple of noises from downstairs and it wasn't until she opened her eyes that she noticed Brison was no longer in bed with her and Isidor. When the door to the room opened she heard the screams and cries of alarm clearly. Looking towards the door she saw a man with sword drawn entering, he saw the movement and focused on her, "Hello Lovely, and here I thought I'd find noting fine upstairs here." It was easy to tell what he was meaning.

It took a moment for a groggy Calia to understand the house was under attack. The screams jolted her and Isidor awake and she sat up in bed instantly. Brison was gone and her heart sped up. A tremble of cold terror ran through her when the strange, armed man appeared, and started towards her. Her eyes widened in fear and she pulled Isidor behind her. She was still naked from her evening with Brison, but that seemed a far off concern compared to keeping Isidor safe. She withdrew a long dagger she kept hidden in her mattress and held it aloft at the man with fire in her eyes. "Don't come any closer!" she ordered firmly.

The man paused for just a second as lightning illuminated the room and Brison sprang from behind him. His arms wrapped around the man's neck and he twisted with all his strength. With a wet crack the man fell limp and Brison picked up his weapon, "Stay here. Until I come back for you." he instructed then headed back to the door. These men were here for something and he needed to protect Calia and Isidor.

Calia gave Brison a quick, relieved nod, but the tension didn't leave her shoulders. She was trembling, the knife still out in front of her, one hand behind her and still clutching Isidor's arm. Just before Brison left the room, she closed the distance to him and kissed him with a furious and terrified heat. When it broke, she panted, "be careful. Come back to us." She then released him and returned to Isidor, grabbing his arm and looking for a place to hide with him.

Brison made his way to the first floor and finding several intruders attempting to rape servants and dispatched them quickly, instructing the servants to hide. He then made it to the main hall where the battle still raged, spotting lady Zarka and Thanatos and made his way towards them.

Zarka looked up at Brison with big eyes and shook Thanatos' shoulder to let him know. Thanatos turned on Brison with his weapon raised, ready to come down, but when he saw who it was, he lowered his weapon and calmed. "There are more down the halls." he informed Brison. "They came in from the garden."

"Yes, I just finished with the one that appeared in the baths and attacked my step-mother." Ragan added walking from that direction fully dressed and soaking wet. "Are you alright?" he asked Zarka holding out a hand to take the extra sword.

"There is no time for that." Brison said, "Thanatos, I would suggest some clothes, we will take the guards and look for anymore. Master Ragan the mistress, Calia and Isidor are your's to protect for they are upstairs hiding." Ragan had a momentary look of ire being ordered around by a gladiator, but nodded his head. "I will watch over them, be careful Brison."

Thanatos and Zarka both gave nods of understanding, and Zarka stuck close to Ragan's side, hugging her robes to her chest to keep herself as modest as she could. Thanatos moved with Brison away from the pair and gripped the sword tightly in his hand. "The gladiators should be fine. Even surprised, they're something to contend with." he grumbled. "We need to find out who's leading the pack."

Brison nodded, "They came prepared for guards and know the layout of the house. We will need to be careful and quick in dealing with any left." As they moved out of the house they encountered only one other group and in the distance behind them they could see a group with torches and a carriage turn and begin to leave. "They know they failed. Let us take care of these ones and see to the wounded." He moved forward and met the first of the invaders and began to duel with him.

Thanatos was not far behind him. He laid waste to three other men by the time it was all said and done, and pouted a little at the fact that Brison had two more on him. They headed back into the house and he looked around slowly. "You should go find the mistress of the house. Let them know the coast is clear. I'll tend to the wounded down here and dispatch any lingering intruders." he said and quickly headed through the house.

"Agreed, I think Dominus will be upset he missed everything." Brison said heading up the stairs. It did not take him long to find everyone. "The invaders are dead, their commanders fled well before Thanatos and I could reach them." he said forcing himself to look at Zarka and Ragan first before Calia. To do otherwise might show the truth of Isidor's parentage and how he felt about Calia.

Ragan nodded, "You and Thanatos have done well defending our house, I hope that my father is safe inside the city. I do ask that you and Thanatos remain until we can make arrangements for more guards. I will handle the request with your Master in the morning."

Zarka, like Brison, had to restrain herself from hugging to and looking at Ragan. She had been terrified. She had huddled with Calia with Isidor behind them in their little hidey hole and had trembled the entire time. Calia had looked eerily calm. When Zarka had asked her why, she had told her that she simply trusted Brison to do what he was most capable. Zarka was now fully clothed again, but glowering at the floor. "I will call for the city doctor to come quickly and tend to any wounded."

Calia was cradling Isidor, and while she was glad Zarka was not hurrying to grab him from her, she also sort of despised Zarka for wanting to hurry away and tend to business before checking on the toddler. She hugged the shaken child to her chest and hushed him, away from the group of whispering adults. She hummed that soft lullaby he liked so much until he stopped crying, but her eyes were on Brison. Zarka glanced at them, then hurried from the room with Ragan.

Brison drug the body from the room then came back and shut the door, "Come both of you back into bed, I will keep watch until the guard arrives." He knew it would be hard for them to get any rest, but eventually sleep would overtake them. He meant what he said though, he would stand guard over them and when the guard arrived he would take his rest. Noam would understand his desire to watch over Isidor and Calia, probably even to the point of sending Dominus and a few others to fortify the house.

Calia and Isidor slowly returned to bed. Calia laid Isidor down and rested on her side, cuddling him and rubbing his back until he fell asleep again. The sudden rush of adrenaline had done a number on Isidor and had tired him out quickly. Calia, however, could not sleep. She looked at Brison and eased herself up and away from Isidor's sleeping form, and moved towards Brison slowly. "Are you alright?" she asked quietly. "You didn't get hurt, did you?" She was shifting her weight from one foot to the other, wringing her hands, wanting to hold him but not sure he wanted her to.

He set the sword down and drew her into his arms and held her tight, "I am fine, the gods draped me in an invincible light, their protection for my son and the woman I love." Brison watched his son sleep, he only saw the man that his father killed, his words and threats would be forgotten. It worried him though that watching his father kill another man might someday make him afraid of Brison.

Calia's heart skipped a beat as he pulled her into his chest and hugged her tightly. Her arms tucked in against his chest and she let him hold her, breathing a heavy sigh of relief. A shudder ran through her at his words. "They'll be back... those men." she whispered in a soft, shaky voice. "This was only a warning." The real questions were: To whom was the warning directed? And from whom had the warning come? She gripped his shirt and pulled away very slowly, reluctantly, so she could look up at his face. "Brison... what do we do?"

"We live, I will ask Noam to allow me to stay with several others to safeguard the house. I'm sure he will inquire to who was trying to kill his business partner and her household." He then leaned down and kissed Calia lightly, letting his hands rest upon her hips and draw her back into his embrace.

She let him kiss her, and returned the kiss happily enough, her hands flat on his chest. She pressed her body flush against his and when the kiss broke, she looked up at his face and admired it a moment before hugging him again tightly. "I'll go lie with Isidor... if you want to find the others and check the house, we'll be alright." she said quietly.

"No, they will raise an alarm and I won't go until then..." he said kissing her again deeply. "You may go lie with Isidor, but I will be with you." He walked her over toward the bed and moved Isidor to the side, making it obvious he wished to lay close to Calia again.

Calia's lips trembled against Brison's as he kissed her the second time. She sniffled and hugged herself to him tightly. "Brison... I will not ever be that helpless again. I swear to you." she whispered shakily. "Teach me to fight, so that I may protect Isidor better, and so that you will never have to worry about me again."

"If I teach you to fight understand they will see you as an enemy and attack you." Brison explained, "But, if you truly wish to learn then I will train you." They walked back away from the bed and Brison put the sword into her hand and began to instruct her on how to use it and the stances best used between slash and stab.

They went through these basic drills for roughly an hour, until Calia's muscles were sore just from holding the blade aloft, when there was a knock at the door behind the curtain. Calia looked at Brison warily, but a familiar voice called through it. "Brison! Calia! It's Dominus! Noam sent myself and a few other gladiators to help. Are you alive and well?"

"Fine my friend, can I join you in the main hall in a short while?" Brison asked taking the blade from Calia and motioning her to the couch. He then got a small jar of salve and came back to her, "Let me help with the soreness in your arms. Then you get some sleep while I talk to the gladiators." Slowly he began to rub the salve into her skin easing some of the ache from her muscles.

Calia gave happy moans as he massaged the slightly stinging salve into her skin to soothe her muscles. Once they were finished, she reached up and cupped his face in both hands, then kissed him firmly. "You take care... and come back to us." she whispered.

"If you continue to kiss me like that, I may just stay and ease the rest of your muscles." Brison joked with her letting his fingers touch her legs. "I will return after a short time and we will sleep, then in the morning we will bathe and get some breakfast." he said stealing another kiss before standing to go check with Dominus.

Calia afforded Brison a light smile at his tease, then reluctantly released him so he could go to Dominus. She waited until he was through the door before standing up and making her way to bed. She settled in with Isidor, laying on her side so she could wrap her arms around him.

Dominus stepped back as Brison came through the door, his hand on the hilt of his sword in his belt. "Ah, there you are." he said and smiled a little, though it didn't reach his eyes. "I was afraid you had been injured. What happened here, brother?"

"Someone sent men to attack the house. They have had some losses, but we managed to run them off. How long is Noam letting us remain?" Brison explained. He was glad to see Dominus brought his armor and weapons, that way he could leave the sword from the attacker with Calia. As he strapped up he took stock of the men sent along with Dominus, Noam apparently took this attack to mean something as a most of the veteran warriors were now around the hall. No doubt though that once her arrived Ragan would want to take over as leader of the assembled group.

Dominus shrugged slightly. "A couple of nights. He wants to make sure the attackers do not return." he said, keeping his voice low. He watched Brison seriously. "Who do you think sent them?"

"Another owner, political rival, or sinister cabal I fear the choices are too numerous to consider. The lady of the house went to inform the Senator of the attack with Ragan to protect her. I suppose that leaves us in charge until their return because most of the servants aren't fighters in any respect." Brison got a dipper of water and took a drink, the thought struck him that he could take Calia and Isidor away and only Dominus and Noam's other gladiators could stop him.

Dominus was watching Brison as he took his drink, and the hesitation as he sipped made Dominus frown. "What are you thinking, brother?" he asked quietly. He looked around to make sure no other ears were listening in and he leaned forward a bit closer. "What are you plotting?"

Brison looked around before responding, "The future, and a life away from Atlantis." There was not much else to say, he could only hope that Dominus was his friend first and Noam's gladiator second.

Dominus' eyes widened on his friend. He understood exactly what he meant. He looked around again, this time out of a bit of paranoia, but also to confirm Brison's ploy. Ragan and Zarka were gone... most of the house's main guards were dead or seriously injured, and in no position to stop them. Noam was still home, and if they could sneak away... Dominus turned back to Brison again and thinned his lips, his eyes giving away the internal battle he was currently having: go with them, or stay here? There were friends, comrades, family... Altha. He couldn't just leave her, not after promising to ensure her retirement. If he left now, she would never see it, he was sure. Noam was not vindictive, but he was not entirely generous either. "There are too many others to just leave behind, brother... I cannot go with you... not this time. But if you and Calia want to make a break for it with Isidor, I will try my hardest to make sure you get away clean."

Brison could read the turmoil inside Dominus, "No, there are many who would suffer, but in time something like this will happen again. We should be prepared when the next chance comes to seize it." He said dropping the dipper into the water and standing. He opened his hand to clasp his brother's arm that together they and those they cared for would leave Atlantis.

"Next time, we will have a plan," Dominus agreed with a solemn nod and a firm traded grip with Brison. "Gods pray we live long enough inside the ring to see the opportunity." he sighed. He smiled at Brison a little. "Maybe you should pray to them... They seem to favor you."

Brison chuckled, "Most would not believe I was favored, just lucky. Do you have everything in hand here, I'd like to go take a little more sleep."

Dominus nodded his head firmly. "I have everything handled. Go to your loved ones and sleep. I will wake you at dawn." he said quietly. He clapped Brison on the shoulder and then headed back down the hall, hand on the hilt of his sword in his belt.

Brison wasted little time in heading back to his room and getting into bed with Calia and Isidor. It was uplifting knowing that Dominus would run alongside them into future and hopefully freedom. After entering the room he called quietly to Calia that he was there, then he removed his armor and stood by the bed to look on his son and his lover.

Calia was already partially asleep when he entered. She had one arm draped loosely over Isidor, pulling his little back in against her chest so he was warm and safe. Her face was buried into his dark hair. She hummed softly in her sleep and mumbled something, but otherwise seemed unaware of Brison's presence. Her short training session with him had very much tired her out.

As he stood there, the temperature in the room suddenly dropped to a chilling degree. Every breath he took exited his lips in a soft puff of air and his taught skin rose in goose flesh. A mist seemed to roll into the room from the windows and doorways until Calia and Isidor were nothing but cloudy shapes in the bed beside him. A hollow, booming voice that sounded vaguely feminine filled the room around him, and felt like water closing in on his limbs from all sides.

"Sweet warrior... you look so... downtrodden."

Brison's hand gripped his sword hilt firmly as he looked about the room, "Who is there? Come out now!" The voice was familiar to him he had heard it somewhere before. But, his focus was on keeping Calia and Isidor safe.

"So wary and weary you are... So mistrusting." came the female voice again, the sounds of both amusement and sympathy twined in the words. There was a soft echo off the walls, and the mist seemed to shift with it. Then there was the sound of bare feet on the marble floors from behind him, stepping softly, soft shuffles rather than heavy-footed clapping. A hand reached out and slid along the arm that held his sword, sending frozen chill through the muscles and effectively numbing it, preventing him from swinging down on her. With it, some alien form of comfort filled his body, soothing and warm despite his frozen limb. Another arm looped under his opposite arm, against his ribs, and a pale hand lay flat against the stomach of his armor. "You have no reason to distrust me, warrior. I mean you no harm."

"Who are you?" Brison managed to utter again, the sensations were making him tense even as they whispered comfort to him.

A smile whispered against his ear, full lips pulling back to reveal heavenly white teeth. "You may call me Hestia. Goddess of hearth and household." She hissed warmth against his cheek and then pulled away from him. Movement within the mist suggested she moved to stand beside him, but he could not yet see her.

"What does a goddess want with a gladiator?" Brison asked still very unsure about everything. Deities rarely took interest in mortals and what happened to them. Unless said deity felt offended by the mortals.

Offended, she was. The mist in the room started to very suddenly feel heavy and colder than before. "Someone has cheated you, warrior. And thus, insulted me and this household." she hissed. The mist around him shifted again tumultuously. "The attack on this house tonight was not a fair one. You were betrayed."

"Betrayed, to be betrayed means that there is someone I trust. And other than the woman and child in that bed, I only trust Dominus and Noam. So, who betrayed me or is the betrayer against this house?" he asked wondering if somehow Lady Zarka and her stepson were involved in all of this.

Hestia actually laughed, and while the sound itself was warm, the effect it had on the room was chilly. "Dear warrior, you already make the mistake of forgetting those others you trusted before your life here." she said, the mist swirling around him, hiding Calia and Isidor from his sight and instead showing him rippling images of familiar faces from the deck of the boat they had been riding before they crashed here. "Trust is a very fluid and vague concept, warrior. You entrusted your safety and that of your family to the hands of this ship before you ended up here, did you not?" she asked. "You trusted this man to prepare your meals to satisfaction the day of your leave. There are far more than just those few you trust, even now."

"You speak then to the level of trust I have. And only those I have named have my full trust." he responded, leave it to gods and goddesses to speak in riddles. Brison was a soldier and his best commanders also spoke plain and true, never putting everything in rhymes or riddles.

"Full trust, maybe," the goddess acquiesced, "but trust is given in increments, warrior, and it does not take much for betrayal to become a reality." It felt like she shifted again, this time from where she stood beside him to the opposite side of the room. "The trickery of tonight is insulting to your trust, as it is to my title of keeper of the hearth. The threshold of your family has been violated, and will be again in short time. You must find the traitor and dispatch of him quickly, lest you witness your family be lost a second time."

"You then ask me to root out one who wishes me dead from hundreds who have watched me in the arena, truly you must have more to guide me to the one that designed this attack." Brison continued to watch Hestia for any hint to the betrayer's identity. "Why do you not bring this to Regan, it was his hearth that the invaders came to. Or is he the one I seek?"

Hestia hissed at him, but it sounded more amused than angry. "I can confirm that Ragan is not the one you seek." She fell quiet after that though, as though she denied to say anything more.

It made sense that one of the new gladiators was to blame, but surely not Cromignon. The brute could not talk and owed Brison his life, which made him more suspect Thanatos. But, he would need proof of the deception and almost even his admittance to the plan.

"Do you agree to undertake this task, warrior?" Hestia asked slowly, and he would get the sense of her narrowing her eyes at him. "If you find the traitor and dispatch of him quickly, I will bestow fertility upon you and your lover, and vast wealth when you arrive at your final destination."

"Fertility we will find for ourselves and wealth I will obtain with my hands when I arrive. It is the chance for me and those loyal to me to escape Atlantis. If that is agreeable then you have my blade." Brison countered Hestia's offer. It would be unwise to refuse a deities offer, but he did so with no malice. If she would help them even in the smallest way then it would be the best repayment for his services.

The mist swirled around him a moment, agitated, but then it quickly stilled. Hestia seemed to be contemplating this. "It is outside of my power to ensure safe escape from this place. I am only the goddess of hearth and family, fertility and personal wealth. I am not a goddess of battle and siege. However... I can pass along your offer to another who would be able and willing to help, for the right price."

"I'm sure she who is chief of the goddesses among all mortals, could convince Poseidon to bring forth a storm able to hide our escape." Brison said with just enough reverence and tone to appeal to the deity.

Hestia actually laughed. The sound was like bells, chiming to call children in to warm supper. The mist shifted with the sound, bouncing and rolling jovially and then falling still again. "You flatter me. It will not aide you any further than what I have already offered." she chided, though playfully. "Kill this traitor who has insulted my hearth, and I will bestow personal wealth of your choosing on you for your final destination. I will also pass your message along to the deity best suited for your escape attempt.If they are intrigued enough, they will make another deal with you, but you and I will be brought even. Does this agreement suit you?"

"Who would I be to refuse the final offer of Hestia?" Brison said with a bow. This might be his best chance for them to escape, although at one point he wondered if he was asleep and this was all a dream. But, he would choose to believe that the deal with Hestia was real and so to might a deal with Poseidon.

"Then it is agreed." Hestia said, her voice curling with a smile. The mist began to clear and those cold hands that instilled warmth in Brison's body touched his arms again, around his wrists. "Be safe, warrior. This deal will not protect your body from harm."

Once again alone with Calia and Isidor, Brison got into bed quietly and pondered Hestia's words. A traitor, someone who sent these men to attack them. In the morning he would inspect the dead men, if they were slaves they would have some sort of mark and he would use it to find those responsible.

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