Page name: ToW tavern! [Exported view] [RSS]
2010-11-16 04:03:35
Last author: Hiuko
Owner: Hiuko
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The Tavern

This is just a quaint little tavern I invented for OOC purposes. If you want something calified, you have a complaint to be heard out loud, or what not here you can do it. Also this place was originally created for the idea of talking about and working out plot lines and suggesting quests. If I chose all the quests it would get boring so the more ideas you pitch the better. Then all of the ideas I will put in a wiki for everyone to view. When you write treat it like an RP but the character is you the creator not any characters you play in the actual RP.
"So I fell alsleep on a long ride to a college visit the other day and I thought of some really bad villains to put in later to make the goals even harder. These six I've worked on for a long time and I finally finished them thanks to my little nap. Now we won't face them all at once and two of them no one will see for a long long time because they are the master minds but the four are vicious and I can't even fully fathom what I created. After my nap I tried to envision my strongest character Hiuko fighting them one on one and he lost to each one. Even with more than one on one these guys may very well be the hardest anyone here may face and they don't need to power play or god mode for them to win. What do you guys think?" Hiuko explained.

"Super powerful is good. Let's hope my character doesn't come up as more of a burden than a help. A question - would they fight as an individual to be defeated, or as the commander of their own party/legion/nation? Just want to count their status or the number of obstacles to face." Lite put in.

Hiuko mulled it over and responded, "Five of them ultimately give their allegiance to the leader (who is counted as the sixth). They will all fight us individually for a while until we actually go on the quest to take down the leader. Then there will, or course, be the battle between all of us and all of them. The leader though will fight us alone if we can get past the first five." Hiuko smiled and said, "I've created really strong evil characters very easily... I am both happy and scared of what is going on in my head."

"And I don't want to know what's going on in your head..." Lite muttered. "What happens when (if) they're all dead? Are you going to pop up some more evil superlords?"

"Of course. Besides, like I've said before, this isn't just my quest it's everybodies so everyone can spew out some superlords when they get to be GM of a quest." Hiuko said with a big smile.

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