Page name: Tor'asa Mau [Exported view] [RSS]
2010-10-24 00:50:14
Last author: Gypsy Mystik
Owner: Gypsy Mystik
# of watchers: 2
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D20: 2
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Name: Tor'asa Mau
Age: 16 years old
Race: Half Wolf/Mage
Kingdom Born in: 8th Kingdom
Good/Bad Guy: Good Guy but misunderstood
Personality: Kind-hearted, intelligent, caring, can be shy at times, she is very friendly though most times forgets her gold eyes which have turned people against her before they know her...
Discription: See Image Below
History: Tor'asa Mau is the daughter of a lone wolf from the 6th Kingdom and a lady-mage of the 8th Kingdom. Her father had left the 6th Kingdom do to the hunting of the wolves. He was like a starving 'dog' traveling through the desert of the 8th Kingdom, until he was found half dead by a young woman, a lady-mage.

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2010-08-11 [Eyden13]: Awesomeness, just put half wolf/mage in race.

2010-08-11 [Gypsy Mystik]: cool ^_^

2010-08-11 [Gypsy Mystik]: I still have more to add for the history.... but I thought this was a good start ^_^

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