Page name: Toragon [Exported view] [RSS]
2010-08-21 21:01:18
Last author: Talos Cyrion
Owner: Talos Cyrion
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Name: Toragon

Age: unknown


Race: Elder dragon (fire)

Abilities: Fire mage without equal, and can read an communicate with other minds. He can speak in Dragon form but rarely does as he knows how frightening it is.

Kingdom: Griffon.

Personality: Social, but rarely stays put in one place for very long before heading back to his home on one of the distant islands. He is a fiercely loyal friend if one is ever so lucky to be called such. Unlike most dragons, he is not one for the formalities of dragon culture and prefers to just get strait to the point. In his dragon form he has known several riders, though this was perhaps ages ago for he doesn't trust men, and there are few elves old enough to remember it.

Appearance: Elf He stands at 6,5 with a slender build. His hair is red, and his eyes are blue with blood red irises. His skin is pale white. Wears whatever he decides, usually simple cloths and tends to not look to conspicuous, though he does have a dragon tattoo on his back.

Appearance: Dragon An elegant, bronze scaled Drake with pearcing blue eyes, and crimson red spikes running at spaced intervals along his back. His tail ends in a two pronged blade that is lethal to even the thickest armor and sheild. His wings are a reddish black.

History: Toragon has chosen to forget his younger years, but what he does remember is a time he refers to as the age of the rider, where dragons willingly allowed others to ride them to war or to become that individuals' guardian and familiar. Unlike many, he fell in love with his young human charge, protecting her and taking her wherever she wished at whatever the cost to himself. Thinking she felt the same way he, he granted her immortality and flew her one moonlit night, when he was at his weakest to prove to her his trust, to ask her to marry him at their favorite secluded island. What he didn't know is that she had set a trap for him. He was ambushed by a band of slayers, and only barely escaped with his life. He learned later that she had been a sorceress, and had planned on taking his life and using his life blood to further her own ends. He was devastated by this, and since then He hasn't taken another rider, though there are times when he wonders if he will, but that time has yet to come.

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2010-08-20 [Eyden13]: coolio. just add history and then its totally useable.

2010-08-21 [Talos Cyrion]: hmmm....what should i put for his history? Fought in the unification yes i'm actually at a loss

2010-08-21 [Eyden13]: maybe he could be betraied by a rider, whom he had as a lover?

2010-08-21 [Talos Cyrion]: hmm...i like it ^_^

2010-09-03 [Talos Cyrion]: id be interesting to play out a Dragon/rider relationship. Not a romance per-say but ya....though it would probably at worst be a very close bond. i'm wondering if he should transform into a Dragon...perhaps at the Council? Call someone bluff that he isn't an Elder Dragon and reveal his true that would play well into the mischeif that Conrad and Kaelia are thinking about starting

2010-09-03 [Eyden13]: ^-^ sounds good to me.

2010-11-07 [Talos Cyrion]: hmmm i just realized i haven't played him in awhile....might have him show up at the ball ack i have to many characters o.o

2010-12-13 [Talos Cyrion]: took me long enough to realize i'm using him in two different rps lol. Wonder when i should re-intorduce him to Tyradias

2010-12-13 [Eyden13]: hmmm. Mady and Corus haven't bee used in a while o if you want we can find a place for them to interact.

2010-12-13 [Talos Cyrion]: hmmm, maybe. Though he's not to fond of Corus

2010-12-13 [Eyden13]: it's make for an interesting convo then.

2010-12-13 [Talos Cyrion]: That's for sure lol ya ok sounds good. Now where to have said encounter. Sorry for dissapearing, had to jet to my history final

2010-12-13 [Eyden13]: it's cool, i;m about to disappear to pick my brother up. pick any room any i'll pop up there.

2010-12-13 [Talos Cyrion]: grrr you're making me choose...hmmm, okie day

2010-12-13 [Eyden13]: lol. you bet.

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