Page name: Torture Castle rp [Exported view] [RSS]
2013-02-01 20:51:53
Last author: Eyonic
Owner: Eyonic
# of watchers: 6
Fans: 0
D20: 20
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Ahead of you is the Castle, an old monstrous building rumored to be haunted. The steps are overgrown with plant life and broken in places, while the doors look strangely new. Overcome with curiosity, you enter, and immediately see a throne in the clean, partially lit entry hall. At first glance no one is here, but as you move closer, what you thought was a statue on the throne moves and says "Who enters my castle?"  

Welcome to Torture Castle rp! This castle was once owned by vampires who tortured everyone they met, but has been taken over by another race who are changing the rules a bit. Enter if you wish... 


Inside the Castle:
Blood castle

Outside the Castle:
blood forest

Map of Blood Castle -under construction-

torture characters


Torture Room2 - archive
Back to torturing pain

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2013-01-31 [Eyonic]: Tell me what ya guys think :D

2013-01-31 [twitchboy]: im not sure what to think lol, is this like a fetish type deal?

2013-01-31 [Eyonic]: for some it could, and for some it can be fun rp :3 i'm feeling rp deprived so i started it back up. changed a few things on it now :P

2013-02-15 [yamisango]: interesting

2013-02-15 [Eyonic]: :D

2013-02-16 [yamisango]: id like to read some of it

2013-02-17 [Eyonic]: it hasn't started yet :) but you can look around. the archived stuff is from a couple years ago sooo...yeah lol

2013-02-17 [yamisango]: oh darn i have looked around and all

2013-02-18 [Eyonic]: hopefully I'll get some people to join up soon :) I really want to rp the characters i have for this :O

2013-02-18 [yamisango]: i hope u do too id love to read it all

2013-02-18 [Lady Arrianya]: well you have my char submission now Pup. As you can tell ive altered her some, but the same pic you drew for my other drow will easily work for this char since its same shading, weapons, hair color. Unless you wish to do new pics ;)

And I love the pics of both your chars.

This time around I will require my own room. Since ill most likely be posting mainly from phone for a while, ill ask you set up the page and linking for me. Ill do an intro posting tomorrow as to how I wind up in the castle this time. Note my char is going to every now and then have flashbacks ;)

2013-02-18 [Eyonic]: mmm very well anya :P welcome back

2013-03-04 [Talos Cyrion]: Interesting, if i remember to do so after mid-terms i'll put a character submission in

2013-03-04 [Eyonic]: please do :)

2013-11-10 [Eyonic]: woof

2015-03-02 [Emporer Sensi]: Hmmm.

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