Page name: Ullari Turumbar [Exported view] [RSS]
2010-09-22 23:06:49
Last author: Talos Cyrion
Owner: Talos Cyrion
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Ullari Uldor
[Talos Cyrion]

Race: HIgh Elf

Age: 1,000

Rank/Occupation: Lord of Varse

Abilities Advanced in Spirit, also advanced in fire and intermediate in water. He can heal to some extent though this is an ability that he does not practice regularly.

Appearance: 6’0, lithe but muscular, pale white skin, black shoulder legh hair and dark blue eyes. Ullari is often armed and armored to the teeth, in black armor, with black long shirt and robes. Ullari, when he does go to battle will wear a armored gauntlet black adorned with gold trim, with four long black blades. Ullari has a tattoo consisting of two black wings and a blue sword on his back, this is the symbol given to those who have been gifted the power of a Night shroud.

Weapons: A broad round sheild forged for him by the Dwarves in his early years at the command of Areli. He forged for himself a gauntlet unlike any other. A heavily reainforced, and armored peice that has four long blades extending from it. The plating combined with the blades is so think that it can take a direct hit from a dwarven battle ax and not break.

Armor: A coat of plates, interwoven and renforced with interwoven mail. His arm, knee and shoulder guards are equally well braced, and his helmet is in the shape of a greek like helm. All of this to tailor to his up front and close quarters fighting style.

Personality: He has many regrets, mainly the war that has grown over the rash choices he has made, but he sees no way out of it so he continues to try and bring the world back under the heal of the High elves as it once was. He is however a caring yet shrewd individual, and like his brother also a calculating and calm tactician.

History: Grew up in the Capital of Varse alongside his brother Lomien. He made it into the ranks of Areli's personal guard, impressing the young empress with his feiry spirit and calculating calm. Only slightly older than her they became close friends, earning him what many saw as the undeserved spot of captain and close confidant. During the wars with the norther barbarians he saw to her surving several assasinations attempts. He final descision to try to broker a peace with the humans after several crushing victories was Lomien's suggestion. Ullari wasn't to happy that she had taken quickly to the Older elf. During the ambush Ullari was whached as she was cut off and surrounded. This was the last he saw of her and he asumed she was dead. He slaughtered his way through the retreating humans, leading a war shortly afterwards that would see the Downfall of their emergent kingdom.
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