Page name: ulric volkov [Exported view] [RSS]
2013-08-14 03:48:28
Last author: Figgy
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User Name: [The Black Cat in Your Path]

Character name: Ulric Volkov

Mutant Name: Tsunami

Classification: Student

Abilities/powers: Ulric can manipulate water, from the smallest particles in the atmosphere around him to massive bodies of water (with more training). He can even control some other forms of liquids (i.e. blood, juice, etc.) depending on how much water is in them. As of right now, his abilities are limited to no more than a jug of water and only up to 100 yards around him.

Sex: Male

Age/Date of Birth: 22

General appearance: Standing at 6'2", Ulric has a head of dark brown hair that he keeps shaved close to his head. He likes to have facial hair in the form of a neatly trimmed goatee. He has sharp blue eyes and slender facial features. He's lean, but built with efficiently toned muscles.

Additional Appearance: Prefers to wear loose jeans and plain t-shirts, and a set of steel-toed boots that his mother handed down to him after his father died. He has a favorite brown leather jacket he wears all the time.

Personality: Ulric is very prompt and proper. He stands up straight, is polite if he can help it, and insists that others do the same. He can be very stern and serious most of the time, though if you're lucky you'll occasionally see him smile and laugh. He only ever lets that side of him out when he's with his sister, Nadine though.
Special Skills: Doctorate in psychology; can cook really well.

Place of birth: Alaska
Weapon(s) of choice: Aside from his ability, he prefers a small .22 cal pistol he carries.
Medical information: N/A

Brief History: After Ulric and Nadine's mother passed away from giving birth to Nadine, they were forced into foster care together. Luckily, because of his strong determination, stubbornness and protective nature over his sister, he managed to keep them together as they bounced from foster home to foster home. When he was eighteen and had to go out on his own, he dedicated all of his time and energy to going to school, graduating high school, starting college and getting an apartment so that the courts would grant him custody of Nadine.

Things seemed to go fairly well for the siblings for a while, with Ulric in college and beginning a program for a psychology doctorate and Nadine attending high school, until an unfortunate incident with Nadine at her high school that forced them to go on the run. Ulric finally confessed to his younger sister that she isn't the only one with strange abilities, and told her about the Xavier school. They decided that the only way to better themselves was to find it.

Relatives: Nadine Volkov, his younger sister

How long your character has been in the mansion: Just arriving.

X-Men Characters

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2013-08-15 [Flisky]: Can I ask how the hell he has a doctorate at 22? Especially when he clearly graduated at 18?

2013-08-15 [CuteCommander]: It doesn't say he finished the course though... might have only just started it maybe?

2013-08-15 [Flisky]: Yeah, because Tory is just beginning her program for her doctorate. It should say what degree he actually has, not 'doctorate'...

2013-08-15 [Figgy]: Whoops, was supposed to change that

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