Page name: Undead Zoo! Second generation~ [Exported view] [RSS]
2016-08-14 06:10:52
Last author: Kbird
Owner: Kbird
# of watchers: 3
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Welcome to Undead Zoo! Second Generation

It's been 17 years since America found a cure. America's troubles might have cleared, and started its recovering from it's previous bloody history but Canada wasn't so lucky. It seems America had some uninvited guests that managed to gather info on how to make the gas that caused America's mess in the first place...... And it was used.

Now America has been asked by Canada to help them, but their virus is different, they have more undead, Like the 'shriekers' and their werewolves have became more powerful, agile, faster and has a third form a long limber wolf with sharper teeth, longer claws and razor like fur, with this third form came more instability and made it near impossible for werewolves to control themselves.

Their Vampires also had changes; becoming more blood thirsty, Faster, and more stealthy with abilities to manipulate shadows, hide in shadows, use shadows as weapons, but as with werewolves they are harder to control.
Are these changes to the races and the fact that the cure isn't working the only thing America has to worry about?

Or will some old enemies prove that bad things don't die young?


1. No god-moding! (Player 1 swings at player 2 and instantly lands a hit causing player 2 to explode! -___- Yeah... I don't think so.)

2. No killing another players character unless they or myself ([Kbird]) allow it. (I'll be like the old kings and simply look in the eye as I give a thumbs up or down)

3. Try to keep it pg 13-16ish... And please watch the cussing.

4. No bringing characters from other rps. (It just makes it confusing and hard) Unless they're from the old Undead zoo! Take time passing into consideration though.

5. No controlling another person's character without them allowing it or I allow it.

6: DON'T BE A CHARACTER SUPPORTER!! Every character should be there own person, which means they shouldn't constantly be bringing attention to one character only. Share in the awesomeness of every character!


7. Don't talk Lik dis.... It's very annoying... What you type your character does.... A typo here and there is allowed... But don't do it to be cute or something.

8. Try to stay creative with characters!

9. Don't write up a character and then leave. (Please try to type weekly)

10. Remember characters can die.

11. If using an old character (say a werewolf) you can't have them affected by the new virus. (so they don't get the third form)....If it is a human then talk to me. (I might allow it to get infected ;D )

12: Please keep in mind that some characters have died/disappeared so talk to me before adding them to bios.

Undead zoo! second gen characters

Undead Zoo! 2 gen facility

Undead Zoo! 2 district seven

Undead Zoo! 2 District 13

UZ District 17

U.Z. District three

Haniko's palace

Username (or number or email):


2016-08-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alamar: Well with the way Gabriel and Logan act that ones not all that far fetched.

Momo: But they're brothers.

2016-08-18 [Kbird]: Yuki: "and they do it as a joke or to scare people away...I think.."

2016-08-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alamar: Even so, they brought people shipping them on themselves.

Momo: What if it's not a joke?

2016-08-18 [Kbird]: Yuki: "....Th-that would be weird...I mean if Scotty ever acted like that towards me..*shudders* I don't what I would do actually.."

2016-08-18 [ancienteye]: Who's Scotty?

2016-08-18 [Kbird]: .< Jace and Anabell's kid, the one you were going to play.

2016-08-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol

2016-08-18 [ancienteye]: I thought Jace and Anabell had twins and the boy was named Lance? Or did they have more? *confuzzled*

2016-08-18 [Kbird]: The had Scotty and then Lance and Lizzie.

2016-08-18 [Kbird]: He's on the characters page

2016-08-18 [ancienteye]: LIZA! I KNEW THAT THE NAME STARTED WITH L! Ugh. Being confuzzled is so much worse than being confused.

Ok. Did we establish anything about his character? Like, at all?

Sean: "Probably freak out. At least internally. Although likely externally, as well."

2016-08-18 [ancienteye]: ?

2016-08-18 [Kbird]: Yuki: "I hope I'll never have to find out..."

2016-08-18 [ancienteye]: ...This page keeps giving me a comments notification.

2016-08-18 [ancienteye]: Oh, there it is. :P

Sean: "That would be preferable, yes."

2016-08-18 [Kbird]: It keeps glitching for me, it will triple post and when I delete one it deletes all of them.

2016-08-18 [ancienteye]: Yikes. Refresh the page before deleting, sometimes it just looks like a triple post, but only one went through.

2016-08-18 [Kbird]: I'll remember that

2016-08-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeah, it does that.

2016-08-18 [Kbird]: I thought it was just my internet

2016-08-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: Nah, it does it to me too.

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