Page name: V4S1 1 [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-06-11 00:44:15
Last author: Coldfire1
Owner: Coldfire1
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Volume 4
Section 1
Story 1
Pgs 1-5
Anime CardCaptor Sakura

Anime clash 5/3

Idea- In the world of “Cardcaptor Sakura” there is a girl named Anna Himura. Anna has long black hair and green eyes. She is about 10. She is in Sakura’s class and always known her. Anna is the tallest in her class. Anna is in Sakura’s Cheerleading class. She’s rivaling to Sakura in the baton. But Anna is more interested in gymnastics. She’ll leap and jump for practice. Everyone thinks she’s marvelous. Anna is a good sport and everyone likes her. She was visiting sakura on her cleaning day. She helped her when they go downstairs, she is in aw. She goes around the books shelves. She spots the glowing book first. ”Hay Sakura what is this?” Sakura comes over. (Actually she is dusting and points toward the book. Sakura takes it but it won’t open all the way. Then she takes a card and gives the rest to Anna. “Win…Winde…Windy?” A gust of wind comes and Anna is blown away. She hits a shelf and drops the book. The cards get blown away. They stare at each other “What was that?” Anna asks. The book imbetween them starts to glow. The small plushy come out of the book. It doesn’t knowtes Anna but yells at sakura first. When he knowteses Anna he goes “Who are you?” They sit in her room and Kero deliberates. “I can’t have two card captors so I’ll choose….” He pauses and Anna says “Sakura” Sakura turns “Are you sure?” Anna nods and gets up to watch he ceremony. She has to go home so she leaves soon. The fly card attacks in the middle of the night. Sakura tells Anna about it. Anna thinks it’s pretty cool. But Anna also wanted to collect cards. She goes around with Tomayo to see Sakura capture cards. One day when she is going into a book store she sees a book of cards. They remind her of Clow cards. She buys them. Anna sits down in the park and lies down and opens the book. The store keeper says they’re really old and doesn’t get why she wants them. At first there were words but they fade into blank. She flips threw to find it’s a fake book. A hole appears in the book and there are cards. She picks one up. The design on the back is different. Its fore symbols of earth, fire, wind, and water in a pentagon plus magic. She looks at the first one is “Dark” she says carefully hoping something like before doesn’t happen. But to her world does turn dark, she faints. In the darkness a being almost like Kero appears but instead it’s not a lion but an eagle large and majestic. It looks down at her and asks in a massive voice “And who are you to release the Earth magic?”
Anna is startled and in the real world a gust of wind comes and the cards flutter out off their holds and the wind finds the card “Wind”, it activates. The large bird moves “Wind has released itself. Will you be willing to protect and find the Magic?!” Anna nods surprised. The eagle creates a magic circle (like Kero did) except for the symbols. She stands up. He announces repeat this.” I, (full name), will protect the ancient earth magic with my life and soul, by the power of fire, water, air, earth and magic. Transform.” Anna in a daze repeats “I, Anna Yuki Hitmaru, will protect the ancient earth magic with my life and soul, by the power of fire, water, wind, earth, and magic. Transform.” She shouts the last part and the circle activates. The circle spins in a wind gust. More cards scatter and disappear. Her form suddenly doubles into two identical Anna’s. One has white hair and looks like an inverse of her (white skin though) she reaches out (they both do) as they touch the light is suddenly gone. The eagle is now small sparrow like bird. And next to it is a bracelet with 5 colors (red, blue, white, green, and purple) she picks it up and as they touch it, it transforms into a staff. The sparrow chirps “Seal Wind” She turns to see a twister form in front of her. She puts out the staff and on hunch shouts “Transform Wind” Not a card but a ball of light came forward. (Revision) She finds a bag of marbles in the book with names on them. The whirlwind is surrounded by the ball of light and suddenly it’s trapped in the marble. The marble is out of glass and you can see the wind swirling inside. The sparrow hopes on it (it’s a bit bigger)”More marbles are gone. You will have to find them all.” Anna finds five and puts them in the book. She can’t find anymore. She sits in the park. The sparrow hopes on her shoulder. “I am Nekitoten the guardian eagle of the earth magic.” Anna thinks “No your names Neko and you can’t a guardian or you would have taken care of them better.” Neko can’t say anything to that. She gets up and grabs the marbles putting on the bracelet. “I should tell Sakura about this.” Neko flies in front of her “No. no one can know about this.” Anna shrugs,”That’s for me to decide.” She picks up the card book and goes toward Sakura’s house. Right then Sakura and Li are trying to capture a Clow. Neko sees the card’s back “Clow Card” he is in aw. Sakura doesn’t knowtes but Li does. He sees the bird and frowns. He throws a magic roll at him. Neko squeals and creates a barrier. The Kero notices then. He doesn’t seem to recognize who Neko is. Anna runs up to them. “Hay guys I have a bit of a problem.” She holds up the wind marble. You can see it moving. “A marble?” Kero asks and touches it. A wind comes up and hits him. “What is it” Sakura asks “A Clow Card?” Anna shakes her head. “No. Earth Magic.” Kero stares.
Then he gets really mad at Neko. ”What did you do this time? You didn’t lose them again?” Neko becomes defensive. “Well look at you. It’s not like you guarded yours very well?!” Kero starts to say something but Sakura asks “Kero do you know him?” Neko starts “Kero? Oh is that what they call you? That’s so funny.” Anna gets upset “Now Neko your name isn’t any better.” That shuts Neko up. The whole group sits down for a chat. Neko explains a bit. “Earth magic is different from Clow Cards. It has to do with equality, everything in balance. If there’s light then dark. Fire/water excetra.” Kero thinks it’s stupid and adds “Clow told me the guy who created them was an idiot and didn’t know what he was messing with.” They start fighting but Anna asks. “So I have to collect them like sakura does?” Neko composes himself. “Basically.” Anna sighs as Tomayo goes mental with costume ideas. Neko is intrigued but says “Anna as all the Earth guardians has a set costume so you need not worry.” Tomayo wants to see it. Neo starts up. “You may have too. There is a marble near by.” Neko flaps his wings and narrowly escapes a burst of rock shooting at it. (She captured air/wind) “Earth has come to balance you out. Anna transform!” Anna pulls on the bracelet and throws it up in the air. She recites her line. “By the earth magic I, Anna, bind you. Transform!” She sees her opposite and her cloths transform into a costume that is actually black and whiteish with five colors on her shirt. It looks very nice, Tomayo starts filming. Anna comes out of the circle and jumps out of the way of a rock burst. Sakura also tries to help opposed to Kero’s advice. But when she tries to bind it but it doesn’t work. Kero explains “Earth and Clow can’t affect each other, that’s why Clow couldn’t destroy them long ago.” Sakura is helpless. Anna jumps around like the gymnast she is. She uses her staff to seal the marble. She puts it in with the other marbles. Sakura congratulates Anna. Anna has to go home because it’s almost bed time. Anna suggests he turn into an easier shape to carry around. He finally turns into a plushy tweety like bird. She comes home and the second she closes the door her attitude changes. She runs up to her room and puts her stuff down on the bed. “You stay here.” She put him on a book shelf. She shuts the door. She runs down stairs and starts cooking supper Soon the door opens. “Anna is supper ready? I’m hungry.” She yells “Almost” and quickly sets the table and puts the food up. It looks really good. The mom comes in (or a woman). “Anna get upstairs already. You disgust me.” Anna bows and grabs a bowl of spaghetti and goes up stairs. She slams the door and puts her food down on the desk.
Neko asks why she is eating upstairs. Anna smiles and says no ones home. He says he heard the door open. “Your imagination” she shares some food with him. He says it’s great. Even though he doesn’t need it to survive. She does her homework. Somewhere outside you see a marble rolling down a path. It runs into someone’s shoe. The person picks it up. “Oh, what a pretty marble.” He pockets it. The symbol shows up faintly “Together/stick” The guy is a person from her school. When he’s playing marbles it rakes and sticks to the marble it hits. When he tries to separate them he can’t unhand the marble. He starts yelling. Anna who is in school looks out the window from the hallway, something triggers in her mind “Magic.” She races into a closet and transforms (Neko is a home). She sneaks around and casts the spell. The ball suddenly vanishes and they stop sticking. She holds “Together” she looks around and remembers. “Equals usually come together.” She can see some pavement come apart by concrete. She captures it with stick. She holds two almost identical marbles, she changes back. Li isn’t there yet. The next day he comes. Anna stops talking to Sakura as she has her own problems. When Li sees her and scenes the magic in her he asks. Sakura explains about Earth magic. Li find it weird and investigates. Neko becomes best friends with Anna. But he’s never seen her parents. When he asks she avoids the question. By the 2nd month she has only 6 marbles more. One rolls down the road and its lands at someone’s feet again. It’s Sakuras’ brother, he scenes the magic. He picks it up carefully. It’s a swirl of fiery red. It starts to move and burns his hand, it rolls off. It hits another marble witch rolls over to Yuki and misses. The marble falls into the aquarium tank. (The swirl thing never happened) The water starts to swirl and all the animals that can leave the water do, and refuse to get back in it. Anna is with the school field trip. The whole swirl thing is now. (Now it comes) Anna and Sakura stare each seeing something else. Later Anna goes to capture it. She goes off like a thief and transforms. (Tor s in the corner and watches) “Transform” She tries to seal it but aqua comes. It brakes out of the tank and floods the floor. Sakura is here to now and seals aqua by running in a different direction. (Tor couldn’t see her though) Finally she seals it, the water fades. She looks around. Tor remembers the marble he found. He looks and finds it. Picking it up, it’s glowing. He runs back and lets it roll towards her. She picks it up and it stops glowing. The eagle guy is congratulating her but Anna is looking over towards the corner frowning. When she comes home her guardian yell at her, she just stands there. The eagle is cowering in her bag. She just takes it “Sorry” She walks to her room. “What was that? Are you ok?” She shrugs and does her homework. Eagle is really worried.
They collect some more marbles. The school is going to visit and orphanage to help out. (Sakura’s brother is a volunteer, go figure) Anna is uncomfortable going. But she really connects with the kids, Tomayo mentions it, “She’s really good with them. I envy her.” Tor comes up behind Sakura. “Don’t. Now I remember her. When I volunteered here a few years ago she lived here too.” He walks off to help other kids. Tomayo, Li and Sakura look at each other shocked and then at Anna who is laughing at a kids joke. “An orphan.” Tomayo mutters. They join her. That day 3 kids are adopted. Anna watches them go silently. Later on when everyone else is eating she goes to the yard and stares at the sky. Tor comes up behind her. “Remember anything?” She whirls around. ”Oh it’s you. No not really.” Tor smiles and gives her an ice cream which they had been given. He sits down on a bench. “So you never told them.” Anna nods “They don’t need to be bothered.” Tor leans back. “Friends need to know. You can trust them. They’ll understand.” Anna shrugs. But then she hears something in the bushes, she looks up to see a marble roll out. She sits up and quickly goes to pick it up. It flashes and disappears.

The End

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