Page name: V4S1 2 [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-06-11 14:52:56
Last author: Coldfire1
Owner: Coldfire1
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Volume 4
Section 1
Story 2
Pgs 5-8
Book The Nameing

The Naming 5/7

Idea- Cadvan and Maerad had just escaped. While they are in the cave of darkness Maerad hears something, a footstep. They all stop. The mountain lion moves towards it. Cadvan asks it something in the speech. The footsteps stop and a voice is heard. It is obviously saying something but the words don’t make sense to Maerad. The lion growls and the voice stops. Somehow they manage to get outside with the lion behind the new arrival. When they finally see light she runs towards it. Cadvan is frowning. Maerad also turns towards the tunnel. First you see a leg then out comes the strangest dressed human Maerad had ever seen. It was obviously a woman but she wore men’s type clothing. She was holding some sort of bag and on her back carried a large strange black object. The mountain lion talked to Cadvan. The girl seemed to glow a bit. Cadvan asked the woman, “Who are you?” The woman frowned at his question. She then said something in the same odd language as before. We couldn’t understand her. Her frown deepened. She tried something else, it sounded deeper and different. At this Cadvan actually smiled. He said something back in the language. The woman seemed relieved and continued to say something to Cadvan. “She says her name is Melané. She doesn’t know where or how she came here and is asking for our help.” Maerad found it strange that one could suddenly appear in a dark tunnel. Cadvan replied and the girl smiled. They continued on their journey. Melané seemed fascinated by her surroundings.
She picked up a flower and smiled saying something that sounded like rose. Cadvan smiled and explained to Maerad, “I once traveled a bit into the forgotten lands in my youth. There was a small tribe of people how didn’t speak Anna. But they snag beautifully. I stayed there for a year and learned their language. They called it ‘German’.” Melané’s ears pricked at the name. “Anyway I wrote down a translation of one of their songs. It’s very nice actually, but in its tongue sounds better.” Cadvan asked Melané something, she paused. Then she opened her mouth and the most beautiful melody cam out. “They call it silent night. It seems to be a story of a kind of god of their kind.” But Maerad wasn’t listening to Cadvan but to the music which flooded perfectly. Melané stopped very suddenly thought. She looked to see what stopped her. The school loomed ahead. Even she lost for breath, Cadvan smiled. “Here we are.” At the gate he said something to the gateman. He came out and hugs Cadvan saying long time no see. “And who of Pellinor? He then sees Melané in the back,” Oh and who is this?” Cadvan says something in speech and Malgon frowns,” Well that’s news.” He lets them all in. Melané seemed as entranced as Maerad was. When she heard Silvia’s name she giggled and said to Cadvan something at which Cadvan smiled whispering to Maerad,” She says she was an older sister names Silvia too. And she’s also very plump.” Maerad stiffed a laugh. But when the door opened something came over her and she fainted. Melané instinctively caught her. Cadvan explained to Malgon something as they carried her inside. Melané took a cup of warm liquid skeptically. When she tasted it she flinched and put it down. When Maerad came to, they told her story. After some silence Malgon asked about Melané. Cadvan translates,” She says, ‘I was on my way to my music lesson when it was suddenly dark and I found a lion behind me. I don’t know how I got here or why. I’m sorry I don’t know your language.” She looked a bit lonely. Cadvan reassured her by saying something. Malgon then smiled.” She said music lessons does that mean she sings?” Cadvan nods.” She sang beautifully on the way here. I think she is a bard.” Malgon agrees Melané is different about here aurora. She tells Cadvan something. He looks astonished. “She says it was an instrument lesson. Something about a cello. What ever that is.” Malgon seems interested but Silvia interrupts. “No, they both need to get to bed.” Cadvan tells Melané what Silvia wants. She nods and gets up and takes the large blob of black up again and follows her upstairs.
Cadvan has to translate for Silvia. Melané nods. Silvia closes the door on the now sleeping girl. “Cadvan do you know how old she is?” Cadvan shakes his head. Silvia frowns, “Some how she seems but a child.” Cadvan nods.          
Chapter 2
I woke up soar. At first I couldn’t put down were I was then I remembered the dark and the whole new world I’d stumbled into. I get up to find a pile of cloths next to the bed. It was a dress. I sighed and got up all the way. Silvia seemed to know I was awake because she came in. “You’re awake. It’s already past noon.” I stare for suddenly their language made scene to me. Like it was sleeping inside me. Silvia was staring at me and saw recondition. “So you do understand the speech. Well that’s easier for all of us now.” The speech? I thought it must be a magic language. Silvia put me in a bath. I love baths; the entire area looked like a middevil town. The cloths Silvia brought me were beautiful. I guess I did, a little bit. It was a dress that sat wide. Yes, now I can practice my cello. I asked for Cadvan after a separate lunch. She understood and said he was out. Silvia left then to wake up Maerad. The time let me think. (Third person limited) She flatted her dress a bit and walked over to the case. She unpacked an instrument of a strange wood. Also a stick with hair attached to it. She sat down on a chair pulling out sheets of music paper of odd paper and started to play. She played an Irish/European tune. It interwove and danced through the house. Maerad in the other room woke up. Silvia walked over and opened the door to see what Melané was doing. Cadvan had just returned with Malgon and ran upstairs to see what the commotion was. When the piece ended there was silence. Malgon finally said, “I guess that’s a Cello?” Melané turned abruptly to see them all staring. She turned red in the face and put it down. Cadvan ran in. “No don’t, do that again.” She sighed and played the cello again. Cadvan pulled out a harp and improvised to it. Now it sounded a bit more like normal music. But it really sang. She was more interested in the harp than her own playing. She asked to see the harp. The rest disperses, Silvia helping Maerad into descent cloths. Melané strummed and played a simple tune and the harp smiling.” I always wanted to play a harp.” Cadvan smiled, “You can if you become a bard.” Melané looked up. “Bard? You’re telling me there are bards here too? I must really be in the middle ages.”Cadvan then told Melané about the wonders of they’re world, she was entranced. “I must be in Europe after all.” He asked what Europe was. She picked up the bag and pulled out a thick book of odd paper, fine and beautiful. She opened it to Europe. She then pointed to a map. “This is Europe.” He studied the map.” It doesn’t look like anything I’ve seen.” Melané frowned. She tells him the book help maps of the whole world she lived in. It was round and floating in space. Cadvan doesn’t get all of what she said. But she showed him a map of where she lived and explained her life a bit. “My whole family is musical.
My mom plays the piano...” she explains about the violin which is like a cello except its small and played like this (she demonstrates) and uses different notes.

The End

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