Page name: Vatheris [Exported view] [RSS]
2009-08-17 04:43:26
Last author: Vou
Owner: Vou
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Vatheris, the Black wolf, Alpha of Niveus.

Created and roleplayed by [Vou].


The story goes that on the night of May 15th, the skies were shrouded in Darkness.
No light could penetrate the fluffy clouds.
There was a scream of a woman.
Blood was every where. A husband was frightened by what beheld him.
Instead of golden hair and sea-blue eyes like his previous children, this new child had amethyst-ebony
hair with lavender eyes. It was the sign of an
infected child.

Name: Cygnus. No nicknames, nothing. One person can get away with calling him a variant of his name - Siggy - but that's it. The reason why he hates nicknames is because of the names that he heard children call him during his childhood. It's mostly a psychological thing. He can't help it.

Age: Nineteen years to the day. He can't wait to turn twenty because then he's no longer a child, as in the eyes of his family's village, he is. And although he does not live in that village anymore, he still gets annoyed by that little bit of knowledge that sticks in the back of his brain.

Gender: He is male; doctors proved and confirmed it. And hey, just ask Tauran! He will definitely be able to tell you this Angel's gender. 

Race: "Infected" Angel. He's got some dark energies in him that he still has no clue how they got there. It's one of the things he's still making attempts to figure out.

Preference: Gay. Girls never turned him on. He never even looked at them as nothing more than something to be protected. They were weak and only gave birth to young. He didn't understand the relationship between a mother and child since he lost his.

Hair: Ebony/amethyst; cut in short messy layers that frame face, has some strands that are longer and reach down to his chest. He has a thin ponytail that falls to his knees.
Eyes: Lavender with flecks of crimson.
Height: Five-seven.
Weight: 93 pounds (without wings).
Birthdate: May 15th.
Bloodtype: AB-
Birthplace: A secret village of Angels.
Weapons: His hands.
Piercing(s): None.
Style: Trenchcoat, dress pants, loosely-fit button-up dress-shirts, ties, big shirts, jeans, combat boots~ going nekkid at times.
Likes: To be out at night, sex, cooking, administering punishment, Bull, pain, running, pretty things, meditating, and cats.
Dislikes: Harm to women (sees them as weak creatures that need to be protected), seeing his loved ones hurt, burning himself, failure, human scum.
Mother: Dead.
Father: Dead.
Siblings: Unknown.
Children: None.
Lover: Bull.
Soul-Twin: Aedin.

Cygnus is like two sides of one coin, literally. One one end, he enjoys seeing people writhe in pain as they sit in a tub of battery acid. He loves the sight of blood pouring from their wounds, reveling in their pain. He's a true sado-masochist because as much as he enjoys seeing others' in pain, he loves it just as much. It's a huge turn-on. On his other side, he's very sweet and affectionate. He loves cuddling with his kitten and other furries. He enjoys cooking and spending time with friends and comrades, as well as his lover. Usually one to soak up in the bath for calming purposes, he meditates whilst in there. And he loves colourful things like flowers. Also, he tends to be very... jumpy when his existence is major danger and there's nothing he can do about it. He likes to be in control of his own life.

Born in a place where Angels live in peace and harmony, he was "infected" when still in his mother's womb. He was born some years ago, when the sun was not in the sky, and the Blood Moon was in full blossom. It was considered a warning that the First Day of the End of the World was going to occur soon. The story goes that a child born with dark hair and blood eyes was to be killed, for if not, on their 21st birthday, they would have power released inside them that would be used for mass-extinction of Earth's life. No one would survive. Up until Cygnus' time, all children like him had been killed. And they hadn't seen a dark-haired, red-eyed child in millennium. The newer generations of Angels thought the legend to be just something to keep them in check.

However, when Cygnus was born to his Mother, a lovely golden-haired woman who had given birth to four children before him, she died from blood loss. Her lover and husband did not think much of it because from the beginning, she had always had problems during her pregnancies. The doctor claimed that she would die giving birth to her youngest child, but she refused to let Cygnus die. It was a mother's love that took hold of her. Her husband ended up hating his youngest... esepcially when he saw the ebonite hair, which had amethyst highlights. The child had large lavender eyes with crimson-red flecks.

Upon Cygnus's fifth birthday, his wings revealed themselves. Instead of being white like a dove's, they were charcoal black like that of a crow's. His father took him to the Angel Council and they said that the boy was bad luck. From the night of his birth, there had been horrible things happening. The crops were failing, they had more deaths than births, in which to even out their population. They finally blamed the child. And since Cygnus was only five, the council decided that on his 18th birthday he was to be banished forever from their protection. However, things started getting better for a little while.

Throughout his childhood, Cygnus barely spoke and did not associate with his older siblings. They thought he was weird anyways so it was fine by them. He hated being touched and all other forms of affection. As he entered school, he was taught to control abilities that all angels possessed. And this was energy manipulation of the air currents, as well as increased physical abilities such as sharper senses, a increased healing rate and being more graceful on his feet. He is elegant and poised, and always striving to improve himself. Cygnus also took to meditating when he was first taught it. It calms his mind and allows him to focus more at the task at hand. Cygnus's 18th birthday rolled around, and so did his banishment. He left without a backward glance, as well as a string of knowledge that was his to do with whatever he pleased. Reading had been one of his more frequent past times, and he had devoured the texts in his Father's library.

Moving onto the world of humans, he learned quickly that you cannot trust them. He found himself in the midst of one of their wars. He was soon falling for others, losing them and experiencing heartbreak. His trust would fail him and reward him. He never spoke of his past, for it was not needed. He also is still discovering the full extent of his abilities for he does know that he is more powerful than any angel before him.

He is now with a lover who he enjoys being with.

Pet: He owns a black and white kitten that he absolutely adores. Even though no one else really likes it, he does. When he gets annoyed and can't calm down through fucking or meditating, he spends time with the kitten that had wandered near him when he was outside star-gazing.

Roleplays Used In:
The Wolves of Karn

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