Page name: Veltzeh's 30 characters 2011 [Exported view] [RSS]
2012-03-05 15:26:00
Last author: Veltzeh
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Instead of doing a traditional NaNoWriMo this year, I'm doing an alternative option: 30 characters in 30 days! (<URL:>)

[#character 1]: Takelon
[#character 2]: Kaijili
[#character 3]: Vaholan
[#character 4]: Anton 1
[#character 5]: Gyərgon
[#character 6]: Korjin (nudity warning)
[#character 7]: Gammara
[#character 8]: Rajerun
[#character 9]: Replicator
[#character 10]: Marajel
[#character 11]: Tarron
[#character 12]: Iemmen (nudity)
[#character 13]: Gerodeon (nudity)
[#characters 14 and 15]: Characters 14 and 15 (explicit nudity)
[#character 16]: Harehel
[#character 17]: gnome alchemist
[#character 18]: Landi Lamfaawar
[#character 19]: Varkor Veitsenterä
[#character 20]: Fortik Rautanahka
[#characters 21 and 22]: Characters 21 and 22 (explicit nudity)
[#character 23]: Uulit (nudity)
[#character 24]: Danedel
[#characters 25 and 26]: Rogo and Tarbor
[#character 27]: Ferga
[#character 28]: Karram
[#character 29]: Kaja
[#character 30]: Eanigie (explicit nudity)
[#characters 31 and 32]: Characters 31 and 32 (explicit nudity)
[#character 33]: Aiglaije
[#characters 34 and 35]: Fleithel and Jargar
[#character 36]: Musta Sieni

Character 1: Takelon

Day 1


 Age: 1028 Kyerrion years (102 Earth years)
Height: unapplicable, but ey was 143 cm
Weight: ?
Complexion: light greyish violet
Race: falangezka
Sex: akkod

Takelon is a horribly mutilated falangezka who some jinhaliares have kept as prisoner for years.
 Strengths: Takelon is very optimistic and stable. Ey has a healthy balance of rationality and common sense.

Fears and weaknesses:

Constant traits: Eir strengths are constant.

Behaviour: For years, Takelon has done nothing else but survived in inhumane conditions against eir will. Therefore ey doesn't really do much and treats others with indifference, unless they try to help em, in which case ey is overwhelmed by gratitude.

Philosophy, religion and attitude: Takelon hates jinhaliares. During eir imprisonment, ey has lost eir will to live, but ey has been forced to survive.

Takelon's mind has been modified by eir horrible experiences, but ey can overcome it.

Childhood: Takelon's parents were killed by jinhaliares.


Early adulthood: Takelon met eir partner and had a couple of children.

Adulthood: While raising eir children, Takelon grew more and more resentful toward jinhaliares and decided to leave and go cause trouble to the monstrous race. Ey left with a few other similar-minded falangezkas. They were caught and all but Takelon were killed.

Middle age: During the years of eir imprisonment, Takelon was violated and mutilated in unspeakably gruesome ways. Ey no longer has limbs, eyes, hair, nose, teeth, ears, external genitals, all of eir ribs, parts of eir skin or even all of eir internal organs.
After 7 years of imprisonment, Krezagon and eir squad arrived to the place where Takelon was held. The jinhaliares found out about Krezagon's amputation phobia and decided to have a good laugh by throwing Krezagon in the same cell with Takelon and watching eir reactions.
Since the jinhaliares had cut off one of Krezagon's fingers, the ankod was throwing a massive crazy fit about it. The jinhaliares told Takelon to fix em, which ey did. Ey tried to keep Krezagon from seeing em, but eventually Krezagon did see em and had an even worse fit. The jinhaliares laughed their butts off and then told Takelon to fix Krezagon again, which ey did, again.
After only a day or few, the situation with the different jinhaliare factions escalated and Tarkavinel came to Krezagon's rescue. Since Tarkavinel killed the far-walker guard, nothing kept Takelon from killing emself, and ey asked Krezagon to break eir neck. Krezagon was ready to do it, but the optimistic Takelon grew some hopes. Since Availon had been with Krezagon and ey had told about em, Takelon wished that there could maybe be something that could be done. Therefore, Krezagon and Tarkavinel took Takelon with them.
When they had fled, Availon inquired from the other falangezkas whether there was anything that could be done for Takelon. They did have a way, and the soldiers took Takelon with them.
Availon died before reaching the more peaceful femehan areas, but Krezagon, Tarkavinel, Riyhneon and Taikehel decided to take Takelon as far into south as they needed. Taikehel communicated with the falangezkas, but since they didn't trust a femehan, they didn't tell em everything and told them to go to the Forest Mountains. When they reached Hoiffetane-tii, they could arrange a meeting with the people who could do something about Takelon's situation. They traveled even farther south and eventually met with them.
The falangezkas would transfer Takelon's mind into the body of a brain-dead falangezka. The transfer succeeded and Takelon could start a new life in a younger body. Eir partner had died, and the partner of the brain-dead falangezka didn't want to be eir partner. Ey escorted Krezagon and eir company north and set out to search eir children.


Elderly age:

Character 2: Kaijili

Day 1


Character 3: Vaholan

Day 2


Character 4: Anton 1

Day 4


Character 5: Gyərgon

Day 5

Name:Gyərgon (picture at [#character 6] (nudity))

 Age: teen or young adult
Height: 159 cm
Weight: 47 kg
Eyes: light green
Hair: cyan
Complexion: pale grey
Race: femehan
Sex: ankod

Gyərgon is a fit but small and rather thin young femehan. Ey has very angular facial features

Fears and weaknesses:

Constant traits:


Philosophy, religion and attitude:

Gyərgon was raised to understand that people have unreasonable prejudices about eir sex (and others'). Ey is rather outspoken and has a tendency to aggravate others. Ey isn't a very good fighter, but ey is very fast, good with a bow and otherwise resourceful.
 Parents: Gyərgon's parents were a stressed young couple. The alhem had twins and Gyərgon's sibling died. They really didn't want to keep an ankod and agonised over it for a couple of weeks. Krezagon heard about them and went to demand them to give the child to em. After a dday's consideration, the alhem argeed, though the relem thought it was lunacy. Krezagon took the baby to the childcarer of the army camp.



Early adulthood:


Middle age:


Elderly age:

Character 6: Korjin

Day 5


Some breasts here.
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 Age: teen or young adult
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 65 kg
Eyes: grey
Hair: dark grey, mostly short, slightly mohawk-like
Complexion: dark bluish grey
Race: femehan
Sex: wakod


Fears and weaknesses:

Constant traits:


Philosophy, religion and attitude:




Early adulthood:


Middle age:


Elderly age:

Character 7: Gammara

Day 5


 Age: teen or young adult
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 69 kg
Eyes: yellow
Hair: green, curly, shoulder-length
Complexion: dark brown
Race: femehan
Sex: nikod

Gammara is slightly smaller then most other nikods, and ey probably wouldn't be a soldier if ey hadn't been born in a squad.
 Strengths: For a nikod, Gammara is rather patient. Ey is smarter than many others.

Fears and weaknesses: Ey doesn't know how to use eir intellect properly and since others usually expect em to be pushy instead of patient, ey doesn't get any chances to grow.

Constant traits: Ey complains about others' behaviour to eir friends and is met with undue hostility if ey tries to tell the others about what ey finds annoying about it.

Behaviour: Since ey can't bring emself to act according according to eir stereotype, ey prefers to just hang around with a select few friends who know em. Ey tends to shun other people out of convenience, but if others pester em, ey is quick to argue.

Philosophy, religion and attitude: Ey is young and still trying to find emself. Ey is sure ey doesn't want to try worshipping a god.

Gammara seems somewhat shy, though ey isn't that bothered by social situations. Ey finds them tedious because others expect wrong things of em.
 Parents: Gammara's alhem is Riyhneon, and eir relem is some nikod from the camp.

Childhood: Ey has a twin, Korjin. Ey grew up with a bunch of other kids whose parents were soldiers. They were mostly cared for by the camp's cook-childcarer and the parents who took interest in them.

Adolescence: Ey started realising that people expected wrong things of em, though ey saw it mostly through Korjin and Gyərgon who got the much worse end of unreasonable prejudice. However, both Korjin and Gyərgon wre more outspoken than ey, so ey settled for argeeing with them while they argued with others.

Early adulthood:


Middle age:


Elderly age:

Character 8: Rajerun

Day 5



Character 9: Replicator

Day 8


 Age: ?
Height: 4 m
Weight: 300 kg
Race: tarkaan

Replicator is a sturdy, somewhat orangutan-looking creature. Ey understands a little common Gomanian and can speak less. Ey mostly wanders around and eats, but ey is also fascinated by death and birth.
Ey can absorb the genetic material of certain creatures and create clones of them within eir body. Ey has done this for many animals but finds mere animals rather boring, so ey concentrates mostly on sentient species. Ey doesn't actually like killing, so ey mostly looks for corpses left behind by others.
While Replicator most often clones a rather exact copy of the original creature, the clone can sometimes be better or otherwise extraordinary. In general, the clone has better health than the original, but it does not show. Replicator can't care for the clones very long since they start developing in their own way, so ey leaves them to the local society, often the one where the original one died.
Many people are confused when these clones eventually turn up. They have caused many scandals, aroused incredible suspicion and been regarded as miracles. Yet sometimes they live their lives like everyone else.

Fears and weaknesses: Replicator hates other tarkaans.

Constant traits:


Philosophy, religion and attitude:

Outwardly, Replicator seems like a benign dumb animal.
 Parents: Unknown.

Childhood: Replicator grew aware in a thicket far in the north, near the Equatorial Peninsula.


Early adulthood:


Character 10: Marajel

Day 11


Character 11: Tarron

Day 11


Character 12: Iemmen

Day 11

AppearanceThis picture has some breasts.
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Character 13: Gerodeon

Day 11

AppearanceFull frontal nudity ahoy!
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Characters 14 and 15

Day 12

Name:(Couldn't be bothered to come up with some this time.)
AppearanceExplicit sex here.
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Character 16: Harehel

Day 20

AppearanceOkay, there's nothing explicit, but I suppose this drawing can be sort of uneasy since there is an evil rapist and an uneasy victim.
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Character 17: gnome alchemist

Day 22

Totta kai minä aion syödä sen!

gnome alchemist (internal alchemist (/ vivisectionist?) 1
NG Small humanoid (gnome)

Init +1
Senses Low-light vision; Perception +6

AC 12, touch 11, flat-footed 11; (+0 armor, +1 Dex)
HP 10 (1d8+1*1)
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +2
Special Defenses

Speed 20 ft.
Special Attacks

Extracts in formulae book
Cantrips () –
Level 1 (/day) –

Str 12, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 10
BA +0; CMB +0; CMD 11
Feats Brew potion (AB1), Skill focus (Profession (cook)) (1)
Traits Rescued (by Koya), Armor expert (eikö löydy parempaa?)
Skills Craft (alchemy) +7 (1), Disable device +7 (1); Knowledge (arcana) +7 (1), Knowledge (nature) +7 (1), Perception +6 (1), Profession (cook) +9 (1), Survival +6 (1)
Languages Common (Taldane), Gnome, Sylvan, Draconic, Elven, Varisian

Wealth ?

Eir main purpose in life is to experience the tastes of all food and drink ey can get eir hands on (including pufferfish), and make food.

Character 18: Landi Lamfaawar

Day 22

Name:Landi Lamfaawar
CharacterLandi is a druid/wizard (mystic theurge) and is mad. Or maybe not. It's hard to say. His familiar / animal companion is a rat called Tool. (Saako niitä mitenkään yhdistettyä?)

Character 19: Varkor Veitsenterä

Day 22

Name:Varkor Veitsenterä ("edge of a knife")
Appearance<img0*300:stuff/aj/57/2011112202_PF_VarkorVeitsentera.png> <img0*300:stuff/aj/57/2011112203_PF_VarkorVeitsentera.png>

Character 20: Fortik Rautanahka (Ironhide)

Day 22

Minä en ota! Montako kertaa se pitää toistaa?!

Dwarf monk 1
NG Medium humanoid (dwarf)

Init +1
Senses Darkvision; Perception +7

AC 16, touch 15, flat-footed 14; (+0 armor, +1 Dex, +1 natural, +3 Wis)
HP 12 (1d8+1*3+1)
Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +5
Special Defenses

Speed 20 ft.
Melee unarmed +3 1d6
Special Attacks Flurry of blows (+1/+1)

Str 16, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 5
BA +0; CMB +3; CMD 17
Feats Improved unarmed strike (M1), Stunning fist (MB1), Dodge (MB1), Ironhide (1)
Traits Adopted -> Latent psion, Wisdom in the flesh (Irori) (stealth)
Skills Acrobatics +6 (1), Climb +7 (1), Escape artist +5 (1), Perception +6 (1), Swim +7 (1)
Languages Common (Taldane), Dwarven, Vudrani
SQ AC bonus (Wis)

Wealth ?

Due to his raising by monks, Fortik is an absolutist and shaves his head completely. The monks belong to Irori's order and are based in Vudra. Since his parents were killed in a dungeon from where the monks saved him, he has an excessive aversion to cold and dark dungeons. When confronted with his unusual decision to shave his head, he responds angrily that it is what the monks in his order do and so he does it, and then dismisses any overruling that dwarves shouldn't need to shave because their beard is so important by saying that some OTHER people's lives may circulate around their beards, but his views of the world are better and more sensible, so there!

Characters 21 and 22

Day 22

Name:(Couldn't be bothered again. This has to stop.)
AppearanceTwo androgynes having sex. That's about it.
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Character 23: Uulit

Day 23

AppearanceFull frontal nudity and quadruple breasts, if someone needs a warning about that.
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Character 24: Danedel

Day 24

Character:Danedel is an anwakod who likes to protect Tegafel from overeager people.

Characters 25 and 26: Rogo and Tarbor

Day 25

Name:Rogo and Tarbor
Appearance<img0*300:stuff/aj/57/2011112501_TRHOL_RogoTarbor.png> <img0*300:stuff/aj/57/2011112502_TRHOL_RogoTarbor.png>

Character 27: Ferga

Day 26


Character 28: Karram

Day 26


Character 29: Kaja

Day 26


Character 30: Eanigie

Day 27


Explicit sex warning right here.
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Characters 31 and 32

Day 29

Name:Missing! Sob!

Almost explicit nudity.
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<img300*0:stuff/aj/57/2011112901_TRHOL_.png> <img300*0:stuff/aj/57/2011120301_TRHOL_.png>

Character 33: Aiglaije

Day 29



2012-01-22_21:02:24 <@Gastogh> Aiglaije: "It's not a damn *robe*, it's a dress!"
2012-01-22_21:02:30 <@Gastogh> mindscrew

Characters 34 and 35: Fleithel and Jargar

Day 30

Name:Fleithel and Jargar


Character 36: Musta Sieni

Day 30

Name:Musta Sieni (Black Mushroom)


Character : ?

Day ?




Fears and weaknesses:

Constant traits:


Philosophy, religion and attitude:




Early adulthood:


Middle age:


Elderly age:


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