Page name: Virulai Forest [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-12-13 08:09:10
Last author: Giraffe_Spirit
Owner: Nite_Owl
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Virulai Forest

Here the darkness is never still and the shadows lurk beneath each fallen leaf, behind every wayward traveller's back. Bandits and gypsies reside deep in this forested abyss, as well as any other trying not to be found. Many roads pass through here, but only rarely does any sane man walk them. They are a dangerous place to be even in day, where the foliage far above covers the sun but for the hopeful glimpse. Tread lightly, or tread not at all.


K would refuse to let anyone lead her, even into such a place as dangerous and purely dark as the Virulai. Dare followed closely by her side, occasionally eminating a low growl; whether it was directed at the new acquaintances behind them or at the silent strangers lurking just beyond the trees K didn't know. Warily, the former thief glanced over her shoulder at Andri and Ezeru and for what was possibly the hundredth time discreetly checked to ensure her daggers were still in their proper place. One couldn't be too careful here. Clearing her throat to cut through the prevailing (if necessary) silence, she spoke: "My father once told me these woods are filled with evil elementals and spirits. He said that they are always cold, even in summer, and always dark like this, because the spirits are afraid of being seen for what they really are." Her glance traveled the the woman's foxish companion, the corners of her mouth twitching suspiciously before she focused on the road ahead again. "But he also said that there were holy beings, too, that keep the evil things out of the villages and help protect strangers in the forest, if they're pure enough." The thief chuckled lightly. "Guess we're out of luck all 'round."

Andri had heard similar stories about these woods. She turned to Rani for a response. The golden fox was close by Andri’s side, his eyes roaming the forest around them as they walked. “Luck,” he said, almost to himself, but loud enough for the rest of the group to hear, “Luck is such a human concept. What humans call luck, spirits call fate. No sudden short bursts of good fortune, just what happens was what was meant to happen. As for the spirits that dwell in this forest, there is, like in all spiritual dwelling places, a balance. For every force of good, there is an equally evil force, for every beam of light, a shadow, for every malevolent spirit, a benevolent one. It is just to the misfortune of travelers that evil seems more active in these parts, and that good can be distorted depending on perspective. Sometimes a blessing to one, can be a curse to another. But yes, there are spirits that help travelers through the Virulai, in the ancient spirit language they are called the Arwain, the Guides would be the appropriate translation to your language. Let us just hope that we encounter them, and not anything else less welcoming…” he looked sharply to the side, as if he heard something, then seeing nothing he could discern, continued scanning the trees ahead. 

Dare again bristled when the fox spirit spoke, feeling the energy course through her vividly. An aura lay thick in these woods, an aura she hadn't felt in many years. She had only ever experienced the evil here in her brief excursions from the colder forests to the south, before she had been taken like many others of her kind and sent north to Lucenbourne. Her eyes flitted constantly, darting from each bush and tree branch, and her muscles twitched with every other being's movement she could sense. K's hand on her shoulder steadied the savage woman, if only for a moment, but it was enough to distract her temporarily and calm her.

K thought about what Rani said, comparing it to her father before shunning the thought. It was a spirit himself that said it. Evil prevailed here, that's what was always seen, what was always said. One never heard miraculous tales of good fortune on their way to Habibia, no "benevolent spirit" to guide them and aid in their journey. She doubted somehow that any of her companions were well-off as far as positive spiritual energy went, and it was the positive energy that attracted spirits to them. Negative energy, or any misused magi, would attract only the most evil of spirits, waiting to devour the power they could sense from miles afar. The thief shivered. "No matter what you call it, something evil lives here. We'll be saints if we manage to survive to the Market at the foot of the mountains without a scratch of darkness on us." There was the faintest rustle in the otherwise quiet bushes to her left, and automatically she reached for the dagger strapped to her arm. Her hand hovered there for a long moment, then shakily fell at her side once more.

“I love how optimism just spouts from you,” said Andri with a slight sarcastic edge. While she knew that there was probably truth in what K had said, she was feeling particularly good about the situation at the moment, despite the present darkness. She was doing something, heading towards some action, at last. She had finally taken a step towards what she vowed she would do when her parents died, and this put a spring in her step. 

Daresciethna suddenly stopped in the path, not moving, scarcely breathing. K took a moment to notice she was gone, focusing more on her surroundings than her allies, and quirked a brow at her. "What's wrong? Something there?" she asked, but Dare didn't respond, staring intently into the black woods. Her eyes seemed dazed and vague, as if devoid of emotion, and were drawn to a single spot in the forest. Then, by what seemed completely illogical impulse shot through the trees, rushing past the foliage and apparently not even trying to avoid being harmed. "Dare!" K hollered and swore, glancing briefly at Andri before leaping off the path to follow the savage.

“What by the love of the gods is she doing?” Andri yelled in alarm. Praying that this would not be the last time she saw it, Andri ran off the path after the pair, Rani at her heels.

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2007-11-15 [Giraffe_Spirit]: Sorry I've been really busy the past couple of days, I will post tomorrow, things will have slowed down by then.

2007-11-15 [Nite_Owl]: That's okay. It's not like this place hasn't been dead silent for nearly two months XP

2007-11-16 [Giraffe_Spirit]: lol. True, let's see if we can't revive it eh?
Posting now.

2007-11-16 [Giraffe_Spirit]: And now I think it's Cat-chan's turn.

2007-11-16 [Nite_Owl]: Yeah...she hasn't been posting very much lately on anything, so it might be a bit

2007-11-24 [Giraffe_Spirit]: *hums Christmas tunes while patiently sitting her chair*

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