Page name: WDB History [Exported view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2009-06-08 22:11:26
Last author: Piplup
Owner: Piplup
# of watchers: 1
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This contains matrail over PG 13

Talos stalked throught the shadowey back alleys and side streets of the european town his fangs long his thirst and senses sharp he was on the hunt but not for blood no he was hunting the hunters the Argent Dawn members he could sense them smell the blood of lore kin on thier hands he had already found one that night and he hoped to find more, Talos moved using his blink speed covering large distances in the blink of an eye as he drew close to where the other member of the Argent Dawn was he perched on a ledge of the roof waiting to get a clear look at his quarry.

Seusyn was quite when coming up behind Talos it was her job to look after him, to make sure he didn't break the rules. The thought made Seusyn shiver. She walked up behind him, leaning on him. "Why must you hunt them?...When you know they'll try to find you...?" She asked sounding bored, using him as human or in this case a vamiper side table. Her long red hair blew in the wind. Seusyn could smell what her dear friend was after, and it wasn't something she wanted to deal with at the time.

Talos glanced back at Suesyn the girl his brother Magnus had sent to watch him though for some reason it seemed more and more that she was around for other reasons. Talos shrugged and grinned wickedly as the Hunter entered the ally a Siren holding onto his arm Talos could feel that the hunter was going to do horrible things to that girl and it made him smile wickedly he was going to enjoy killing this one

Seusyn sighed, she knew what Talos went threw, it made her sad. Magnus had asked her to keep an eye on him, but it bothered her to think that his own borther didn't trust him. Seusyn storked his hair. "Just behave a little bit... The last thing we both don't want to have is your Brother getting mad..." She sighed, looking down the ally. What was the girl he was after?

Talos smiled back at Seusyn his fangs very apperent and used his blink speed to get to the shadows in the ally he was well within range to simply appear behind the two who were now making out Talos spit on the floor of the ally the Hunter was weak he was getting lured in by the siren oh well it didnt matter he was still going to kill him

Seusyn leaned over the edge, watching him, eyes a glow. She bit her lower lip unsure if she should help. Knowing he didn't want that, she sat on the edge, swinging her feet over the edge. Her body relaxed, she wa hungry. Talos was so quite, it was erie sometimes, she wonder what he thought about all the time. She worried so much, some thought her more human then vamiper.

Talos waited watching the two as he did somthing became apperent the hunter was the one setting the trap he slowly pulled out a knife and was begining to raise the blade when Talos blinked and was there the hunters wrist held in a vice like grip Talos then roughly threw the siren from the ally "run home girl" was all he said as he turned back to the now panicking hunter he snapped his wrist "now its time for you to die"

Seusyn jumped from the roof, the girl ran past her fear printed on her face. "Damn it Talos...You move like the speed of light and you can't kill him with out being seen?" She said under her breath. Walking up to the pair slowly, her heels making a soft noise as she walked.

Talos tore the hunters arm from the socket and tossed it away before stabbing the blade into the other shoulder "tell me hunter who is your leader here?" he asked the hunter however would not coperate and instead only screamed out in pain and began the hunters prayer "fool!" yelled Talos and stomped down on the knife making the hunter scream in pain "answer me and I will end this"

Seusyn growled. "Talos he wont tell you, not just end it or I will..." She wasn't being kind about it. For someone to indure some much he didn't seem to care that he was alive let alone others. Seusyn blade was hanging of her hip, it would only take a half a second to wip it out and end the hunters poor life. They were ment to keep peace? so why did this feel ponitless hunting the agnets. Her heart was tearing, being a hunter before a vampier, her mind was toren.

Talos picked up the hunter and snapped his neck before dropping the body a look of contempt on his face "there so pathetic fighting some one as weak as them makes me feel empty inside" he tore the hunters shirt off and cleaned his hands before turning to walk from the ally

Seusyn sighed, walking along side of him. "You sure thats the reason?" Sh said glancing back at the life less body. It made her think, what if he had a family. Seusyn, liked having the task to look over Talos, but to watch so much death made her want to smack him, and send him off on a holiday free from killing. Red hair boncing around, she looked at Talos.

Talos looked over at Seusyn he tried to scare her, away even threaten her before. Still she stayed close to him he couldnt understand it, surly she was not afriad of Magnus that much.

Seusyn smiled at him, she seemed so cheerful around him, or anyone. It was because she greatful to still be alive. "Talos dear, why do you seem to always be on the hunt for the agnets?" She asked glancing at humans as the walked by.

Talos had his fist clenched being around so many humans made his hunger rise even more it was nearly painful at this point his fist clenched as his fangs stayed long his eyed lingering on each throat each wrist of the humans that passed "I hunt them because Magnus has ordered me to and so I will find them all and kill them"

Seusyn sighed taking a hold of his hand to make him come bsck to his sense. It was easier for her to ignore her hunger, but she knew all to well that Talos could snap at any momnet, she didn't want to hunt him down nor harm him, but if she had too, she will. "Want a cookie?" She joked, knowing she could never get him to agree in eating her baking.

Talos looked at her and shook his head though the touch of her hand in his had a sligh calming affect. His hunger still ate at him "I dont eat remember?" he turned and growled at some on lookers that seemed alittle to interested in them

Seusyn glared at him. "If I have to tie you down to another toruter chair and feed you a damn brownie...I will..." She said clamly. Holding his hand tightly, she knew he hungered for one thing only, so why he didn't drink from a blood bank was beond her.

Talos shook alittle before his hunger seemed to be buried at least for right now though it lingered just below the surface "look at them all nothing but sheep even the ones that try to pass them selves off as wolves are pathetic"

Seusyn looked at him. "Why do you hold so much hate?..." She said looking at all the people, it was nice to be in the public again. She held his arm so they looked more normal to what these people were use to seeing. Seusyn watched careful, an uneasy feeling in her gut.

Talos growled again his eyes shifting around like a hunters always watching "I hate so much for so many because many hate me and to be arounnd them to constantly have there blood within reach is like being one of thier pathetic alchoholics surrounded by wine and not being able to drink any," he look down at Seusyn "even yours though now your half vampire and still changing calls to me"

Seusyn lookws up at him, sighing. "Its hard, and always will be Talos..." She said as people walked by laughing, some would stop to stare, but that was humna nature to do so. She wasn't going to hold it aganist them, but Talos has been more then she has ever been. "Do you want to go home?" She asked.

Talos looked around the square and gave a slight hiss before turning back to Seusyn "anything would be better then remaining here" he looked around "did you drive here?"

Seusyn shook her head. "No my dear I did not, your brother dropped me off near the area, he rushing off some where..." She shrugged, paying no mind to the people. But she wasn't a full vampire just yet. Looking at Talos she smiled kindly. "You can try one of my cookies I made today!" She spoke happily.

Talos sighed and shook his head casting his glance around looking to the east "I need shelter fairly soon the sun is rising"

Seusyn nodded in understanding, She pulled out her cell, diailing a number talking for afew seconds before hanging up. "There will be a car here in a few minutes, I think we have enought night sky tilll than..." She said

Talos nodded and leaned against a lamp post his arms crossed over his chest as he kept a watchful eye on anyone that past them

Seusyn grined at him. "So what do you want to later insted of mopping around like a sad puppy..." she said her hands on her hips smiling.

Talos looked at her an eyebrow raised "I don't mope around" he said readjusting his stance alittle as he did so

Seusyn smiled. "Yes you do, if your not hunting your just wondering around all sad and mopey looking, sweet heart! If you haven't notice, I stalk you around, like I'm told too" she said poking his forhead.

Talos lightly hisses and swatted at her hand "yes your my brothers most faithful watch dog as always" he said narrowing his eyes challenging her to say he was wrong

Seusyn grined at him. "Watch dog?...more like your babysitter" She said shaking her head, and a thought crossed her mind. She knew his brother, but what his mother, father? grandparnets? What happened to them. Seusyn looked down the street. "Your moody tonight..." She stated.

Talos just shrugged "I dont think I am acting any different than usual" he looked up and down the street looking for the car "and what do you mean baby sitter"

Seusyn smiled. "Well, I dunno...You need to lighten up just a little...maybe smile with out an evil intaion behind it..." She said, avoiding his question, not wanting to make him mad or such.

Talos shrugged "I dont know I dont have much to smile about" he said dropping his hands and putting them in his pockets

Seusyn stood in front of him. "How about...that you have me around!" She joked. "Yeah I guess that wouldn't really be a reason to smile about..."

Talos wanted to say somthing to Seusyn but didnt even know how to go about it so instead didnt say anything just stood silent

Seusyn looked at him. "Jeez, laugh much?" She said turning away to see a speeding black car, with tinted windows that could block rays of sunlight come towards them.

Talos saw the car comming and stepped to the curb getting ready to get into the car motioning for Seusyn to stand close to him

Seusyn stepped closely next to him, the car came up to the two, stopping.

Talos opened the door for Suesyn his eyes scanning the crowd looking for anyone that seemed alittle to interested in what they were doing

Seusyn stepped into the car, settling her self into the leater seats. Waiting for Talos she wonder what was on his mind.

Talos stepped into the car and closed the door settling himself into the seats he looked straight ahead but he seemed lost in thought

Seusyn looked at Talos. "What are you thinking about?" she asked clamly looking out the window. The car pulled away from the street and speed threw the city.

Talos sighed running a hand through his hair he turned and looked at the scar on her neck "alot of things"

Seusyn knew what he was looking at. "Like what?..." Seusyn was still looking out the window but she knew what he was really looking at. "Talos...Its in the past so stop looking at it!" She pulled her hair over her shoulder to cover the scare.

Talos shrugged "there are alot of things in the past but I still have to live with them"

Seusyn looked at him. "Do really hate me that much?" asking, unsure if he would even anwser.

Talos clenched his jaw "hate you? why do you think I hate you?" he asked turning to look at Seusyn

Seusyn shrugged. "it just seems like, thats all, you always find ways to avoid most my questions or give ass answers. Or the fact that you always try to run away from me..." She said turning back to look out the window. Honsetly she really did care about him, even what had happen between them a long time ago. "Haven't you ever tryed to let someone in?"

Talos tried to think of somthing to say to that "no" he finally said simply "I have never tried to let any one in"

Seusyn looked at him, then truned away. She just watch the passing building, she didn't know what to say to him.

Talos sighed "you know what my brother did to me all because I didnt live up to my families expectations imagine what he would do to some one else to get at me"

Seusyn sighed looking at him. "I know, but that was before...why not now? are you afraide that he'll try to use someone know?" She wasn't sure what he would say, butone thing was for sure, he seem scared.

Talos shook his head "its not that I think he would do somthing its that I know he would if somthing doesnt live up to what he expects then he does what ever he sees neccesary to make sure that it doesnt dissapoint him again"

Seusyn looked out towards a dark building rising out from the horizne. "Talos..." She said quitely looking away from him. There wasn't much that he could about it. "Did you ever think about taking the risk?"

Talos laughed darkly "yes I thought about trying to find some one once but I was a fool and couldnt stop myself and instead of finding some one I nearly killed them"

Seusyn raised her eyebrow. "And who might that have been?" She asked a little nosey. The sun was coming up slowly.

Talos glanced at the raising sun he told the driver to stop and he climbed out theyt werent far from the acadamy now he could use his blink speed to get their faster but before he went Talos reached out and touched the scar on Seusyns neck "who do you think?" he asked and then was gone

Seusyn looked at him at before he left, sighing she shook her head smiling. "Talos..." She said under her breath. Seusyn told the driver to contuine on towards the acadamy. It took them about 20 mins to get there.

Talos was in his room and laying on the bed well before Seusyn got back to the acadamy and was nearing sleep knowing that the normal bout of nightmares and horrible memories awaited him

Seusyn walked threw the halls, going up to her room. She thought of checking in on Talos, passing his door, she sighed. Knocking lightly, havinf second thoughts that he was probily sleeping. Seusyn walked towards her room, which turned out to be a cross from his. Talos brother pulling some strings to make it that.

Talos shook himself from his sleep and blinked over to the door opening it he saw Seusyn walking to her room "did you knock?" he asked standing there without a shirt on many of his scars exposed

Seusyn truned looking at him, smiling. "Yeah, but I figered you'd be asleep, sorry heh..." She smiled sweetly at him, notcing his scares, she felt sorry that he had to endure so much, it made her wonder why she sisn't stay a hunter herself...

Talos half smiled "are you sure you didnt want to talk?" he asked leaning alittle heavy on the door he seemed unuausally tired

Seusyn smiled. "You talk?" She joked sighing. She walked up to him, noting that he was tired. "Are you alright?" She asked watching his eyes.

Talos nodded his head though his eyes seemed hollow and it was obvious that the door was the only thing keeping him standing his fangs were still some what long even though he wasnt hunting or fighting

Seusyn smiled at him, looking up at him sreaching any hint of emotion. "Talos you need to well...feed...your straving yourself to death..." Seusyn stroked his hair from his tired face.

Talos shrugged it off and turned back to his bed he took a few unsteady steps and began to teader from one side to another barely making it to the bed before falling over onto it he pointed to the black mini fridge "I am not starving to death I had a unit about three days ago I think"

Seusyn raised her eyebrow, fallowing him into his room watching him. "If I didn't know anybetter I think you were drunk..." She said walking over to the mini fridge opening. "You should feed atlest once a day..." she growled, it bothered her to know he didn't eat when he should.

Talos just shrugged "I dont need sleep" he said sitting on his bed he propped himself up against the head board "and I am not drunk I just feel off balance"

Seusyn walked over to the bed, and flicked him in the side of the head. "No, your body does, you maybe the living dead but that dead body needs food and rest..." She said shaking her head. With a heavy sigh she got him a glass water and handed it to him.

Talos took the glass and raised it slightly to show his thanks before downing it in one gulp he set the glass down on the side table by the bed

Sitting on the edge of the bed, she looked at him. "Talos you worry me, you know that?" She said more of a statment than a question, but still she cared for him even if he didn't care for her. Someone had to show him kidness, maybe it could change him for the better, or alest show emotion once in awhle. Her morals were ture, her heart, not to sure, trone between, her hunter ways, and the life of the living dead.

Talos sat there his mind in a haze he wanted to tell Seusyn that he wanted her to be around him but he had once mocked others for seeking comfort in others he was now trying to do so himself it made that dark side of him laugh which in turn made Talos angry, he was even angrier because he wanted to tell Seusyn how he felt but he didnt know what to say or how to say it instead he patted her shoulder "I'll be fine" he rasped out

Seusyn smiled at him. "You say that, but are really?..." She shrugged, her eyes shinning. "Talos, you need to learn how to talk to people, maybe you'll get more out of life by doing so...I mean your not the shy type, more of the lone wolf type." grinning she stood up strighting. "Now get some sleep and try not to think to hard..."

Talos gritted his teeth as he watched Seusyn go he still wanted to tell her somthing but couldnt and he missed his chance as she left getting angry at himself Talos stood and placing both his hands on the wall he reared back and slammed his fore head into the wall making a small dent and splitting his fore head open some Talos smiled pain was atleast somthing familiar to him and then promptly passed out onto the bed his mind succumbing to the sweet embrase of oblivian

Seusyn sighed as she opened her door. It was odd, life had changed and some how, she knew it was only going to get worse. Closing the door quitly, Seusyn tossed her jacket on the chair by the door, her heart heavy with sad thoughts. She wanted let Talos in but the memory of her family still fresh, changing into her night gown, she opened her window. The moring rays hitting her cold skin. Most vampiers would burn, but she wasn't fully changed and could still take small enjoyment in human pleasures. Seusyn watched the sun rise as her eyes felt haevy. Walking over to her bed, closing the window adn blinds before doing so, she polped down on the bed falling into a deep sleep.

Talos tossed and turned in his dark sleep the usual nightmarish visouns passing before his eyes, some stood out more than others things like the first time he had killed, the first time he had drank some one to death, the night he attacked Seusyn and her family, the seemingly endless nights and days of torture inflicted upon him by his brother and his brothers servants even in sleep his fangs started to grow long in anger his hands balled into fists...

Seusyn rolled out of bed, unknowling. She hit the floor with a thud. "Owwwww...." She groaned into the stone floor. She looked up it was about six in the evening, time went by so quick when asleep with no dreams. Seusyn got up looking around, forgetting where she was, the memory kicking in. Seusyn poped her head out to see if Talos nightmares had awoken him yet. Seeing no one, she closed the door walking to the bathroom, hopping into the shower, the warm water doing wonders for her swore muscels.

Talos was slowly comming into the unwaking haze that his nightmares often pushed him into he stood dried blood still on his face his half lidded eyes saw enemies everywhere surounding him closing in he lashed out with his claws and his fangs fists and feet he fought enemies that only he could see growing ever more agitated as his hand slammed into the wall though his eyes saw that an enemy avoided his blow Talos eventually some how ended up in the hall way continuing on the disturbing display

Seusyn herd a disturbing sound from the hallway. Grabbing her nightgoen she thrw it over, her still damp body grabbing her blade walking out into the hallway to see Talos. Without think she walked over to him, and nailed him hard in the back of the head, knocking him over, awear of what state he was in, she was ready to get out of the way. "Talos wake up!" She snaped down at him, in hopes he would come too.

Talos fell slamming his head into the floor before moving to a crouch a feral snarl escaping his lips now he had an enemy that would fight back not one that would simply dance away from him always seeming to be just out of reach and gathering his legs beneath him Talos sprang at this new enemy

Seusyn waited for the last possible second, then moved to the side. Her blade cutting his shoulder, not deeply but just draw blood. Seusyn might not have been a full vampier, but his brother had taught to avoid Talos speed, it was hard training, training she would never forget. Now here it was coming into play. "Talos if you don't wake up, I'll beat you down, and feed you a double chocolete cookies!" She hoped the pun would make him snap outof it. she didn't want to fight him, that and she was only wearing her nightgown. Also Seusyn knew that there were other people here, that might get hurt.

Talos smiled wickedly yes this one would fight this one was armed even but somthing seemed familiar the way she moved the way she looked but at the same time it all seemed odd she was in only a night gown and her hair was wet like she had just bathed Talos pushed this aside though she was still standing there with a knife he smiled again and used blink speed to try and get behind her trying to grab her

Seusyn shudder, a thought came to mind, risky but, she had been throug it before, but this time she was ready. She didn't move, but just stood there, waiting. What did his brother say? Her mind raced with memories of her family, Talos, his brothre the frist time she met his famliy. "Talos, if you contuine this, your brother will come calling and I wont get in his way..." She threatened. Seusyn wasn't a voilant preson, if she could avoid fighting she would, but Talos made it so damn hard not too. She swore to herself if Talos snapped out his nightfear, she was going too make him regart it attacking her.

Talos grabbed her but when Seusyn mentioned his brother some deep rooted psychological trigger was flipped he stopped his fangs inches from her neck hovering just above the old scar he had given her, he stood still for a few minutes before pushing Seusyn away and turning around slammed his head into the wall again "I am a PATHETIC FOOL!!!" he yelled and slammed his head again this time letting it stay against the wall after the impact

Seusyn watched him, walking up behind him, placing her hands on his shoulder. "No you not..." She spoke softly, like mother would to a child. It was hard to watch him, when he had his nightfears and little break downs. For someone whos so stroung, he was weak with an unstable mind. Seusyn hugged Talos.

Talos didnt move for a few seconds it was odd to feel some one in contact with him that wasnt trying to hurt him afterwards though he pushed her away "I am pathetic Seusyn I cant even control myself I could kill you not know I was doing it perhaps I should just go and greet the dawn" he said looking to one of the windows mentioning one of the oldest forms of vampire suicides simply walking out into the first rays of dawns light

Seusyn shook her head. "Youu can't..." She said, sadly. In the end Talos was all she had left. "Your not thee frist to lose control of your self, and it would take more than you to kill me anyways..." She said stepping in front of him. 'So stop putting your self down, and saying you shouldkill your self, you jucts can't do it...I wont let you!" She snaped, looking towards the ground.

Talos was so unbelievably frustrated after everything he had done to her Seusyn still refused to want him to even be angry with him instead the more violent he was the more insane he became the more he even tried to push her away nothing came of it and even now she stood in front of him telling him that he had to keep living to keep going

Seusyn sighed, knowing he wouldn't listen to her, no matter how many times she told him. "Talos your all I have left...Just try to understand that..." Seusyn to walk towards her door. The sun was falling past the herizon. She didn't have much to worry about till dawn came.

Talos did somthing even he didnt think he was capable of he blinked in front of Seusyn and wrapped his arms around her pulling her against him he didnt know why it just seemed right

Seusyn stood there a bit suprised by Talos action. Looking up at him, she was speechless. She wraped her arms around him, she didn't want him to think he would be alone nor that he was pathetic in anyway.

Talos stood there for a short while holding Seusyn before finally he whispered to her "I am sorry I am keeping you awake you should sleep" he let go of her and stepped back intending to let her go to her room if she wanted

Seusyn shook her head. "The sun is setting...Its fine..." She said looking down the hall. It was odd that, she hadn't notice her night gown, but she was very sure he didn't either.

Talos looked down her body and let out a soft growl "you might need to go change" he said simply though his eyes were still glued to her form

Seusyn giggled. "I could say the same to you..." She crossed her arms. "That, I didn't really have much of a chance to get dressed...but why would I? hmm...I women deadist weapon is herself, something to keep in mind..." She poked him.

Talos growled low again "but you should also remember that the same weapon can get horrible things done to you" and then thought for a second "why do I need to change?"

Seusyn grined walking up to him. "Thats only if you know what your doing!" She said leaning on him, in a teasing manner. "I dunno, start of a new night, why not?" She shrugged.

Talos hesitated and put his hands on her shoulders "you should be careful what your asking for remember some people call me the monsters monster" he said letting his fangs grow long

Seauyn grined at him. "Please, I've seen you as a monster and frankly, I coulf be scared less...I'm not afried of live with it sweetheart!" And it was ture, she wasn't.

Talos turned and moved Seusyn so that she was caught between him and the wall he leaned closer smiling his fangs long a hint of some kind of enjoyment in his eyes thought they still seemed dark all the same "some people live with things that bother them I dont" he said perhaps again trying to scare her his face was just inches in front of her own

Seusyn smriked at him. "Hmmm...I think you do...And I don't live with anything at bothers me other then the ponit I can't tan..." She said pushing Talos back softly to show she was standing her ground. "Face it, there's no way you can scare me Talos..."

Talos smiled wickedly and blinked moving to put an arm around her waist from behind before turning her face and gently brushing his lips over hers "are you sure about that?" he whispered in her ear

Seusyn was surprised more by his actions then by his words. "...I'm quite sure...but you sure as hell surprise me some times..." She said softly, her hand on his arm. The sudden action wasn't like him, or what she was use too.

Talos swallowed nervously he had no idea what to do now he had never expected her to go along with his actions and it was true that he felt somthing for her but he still wasnt sure if he could feel like that for some one he was to afraid not of his brother doing somthing but instead of him doing somthing of going into to one of his fits true Seusyn was trained to stand against him but even then all it would take was one mistake and it would be over before he relized what was happening in truth everything in him that was still decent was telling him to stay away from her for her protection but he couldnt seem to make himself leave instead he simply stood there silent behind her one arm around her waist the other moving to wrap around her shoulders

Seusyn sighed, leaning into him, holding his arm. She knew he didn't trust himself, let alone his brother. Seusyn knew his brother wouldn't hurt, unless he had a death wish. It was her faily history, and the trick her great grandfather had discovered. It was her drity secert thqt only his brother knew. But that might not be enough. Seusyn trusted Talos more then his brother, when he bit her, even if he was in his monster phase, she felt something, something that was hidding deep inside. There were times where she thought it wasn't real, but now she knew. "Talos..." She said quitly.

Talos pulled her closer almost out of instinct her back was now against his scarred chest his chin rested easily on her shoulder he buried his face in her long red hair "hm?" was the only sound that came out of him

Seusyn shivered, sighing happily, her hands rubbing his arms. "...nothing..." She said, just enjoying the momnent, unsure it will happen again. His arms were strong and reasuring.

Talos wanted to stay like this for as long as he could then his eyes saw it again the bad scar on Seusyns neck the place where he had bit nearly killed her he had also killed her family that night Talos relized bitterly and his old safe hatred arose some he grimaced relizing he had no right to this..this..this happiness all he deserved he had already got as the scar on his body would attest he tried to remove his arms from around her "I am sorry" he whispered

Seusyn looked up at him. "For what?..." She asked. Seusyn held no angry towards him and what he did, as long as he tried to change a little. And this was proof that he was. "Talos, there's nothing to be sorry about..."

Talos growled and let go of her turning quickly and punching the wall there was a crack though from what its not sure "how can you stand to be around me?" he asked he turned and grabbed her by the shoulders and for the first time somthing was seen that hadnt been seen in his eyes for a very very long time tears his tears dark tears of blood "Seusyn how can you stand to be around me ?!" he yelled "I killed you family nearly killed you and instead forced you into a near eternity of serving my brother how can you care about me?" he yeled again this time though he fell to his knees the dark tears still ran down his face his hands clinging to her wrists

Seusyn looked down at Talos, it was breaking her heart to see him like this. His tears made her want to be joyful, it was an emotion, but insted she felt bad for making him feel that way. Seusyn fell to her knees and held Talos. "Because...I'm not afride to forgive you and I have...You weren't in the right state of mind...Yes my family is dead...and I have no choice in serving borther, but I have you...I see something in you thatI don't see in others...You want to hope, and believe..." she said holding him tightly aganist her. "and I'm gald you came into my life..."

Talos couldnt believe Seusyn was saying this he had nothing to say instead he sat there some small spark of what he could only geuss was happiness came to life inside of him he out his arms back around Seusyn for some reason he didnt think he would live if he didnt stay close to her atleast not now not right now, now he needed to be close to her

Seusyn held Talos, running her fingers through his black hair. "You know...everyone has their demons Talos...But don't let that drown you..." She kissed his fohead. "I'll never leave you..." she said sighing, she never knew how turely sad he was. More then ever, she wanted to bring the light of joy and happiness back in his life.

Talos sat back against the wall and pulled Seusyn into his lap and put his arms around her he sat silently his face buried once again in her long red hair he was perfectly content to sit like this for the rest of the night if Seusyn wanted

Seusyn smiled at him, wrapping her arms around him. "Please don't be upset anymore Talos..." She said , resting her head on his shoulder, takin gin his scente. She felt her heart flutter.

Talos sat there his face buried in Seusyns hair he breathed deeply taking in her scent before finally he relized that he could feel his heart slowly beating it was nearly non existant but it was there all the same, Talos pulled back some "do you need to change?" he asked again

Seusyn looked up at him pouting. "What you don't like my choice of clothing?" She joked, still holding, she felt her heart dance around. "I think your trying to get rid of me...again..." She stroked his face.

Talos growled low and nipped gently at her neck "never" he said and pulled her tight against his chest "besides I love your choice of clothing maybe alittle to much but I was simply wondering if you would want to change before some one saw you" he said gently kissing her again

Seusyn blushed, returning his kiss lightly. Could someone really change over night. She leaned into Talos, holding him tightly, pulling away a little. "You like what I'm waering?"

Talos smiled for all the world most likly looking like some kind of wolf he nodded "yes I do" he said simply though on the inside part of him still begged him to leave he knew that things could end very badly if he wasnt careful he had to keep control he hadnt fed in a long while and Seusyns blood was all the more tempting now the small part of him that held on to the hope he was still some where in some part of him a man was afraid that he might only be a monster so he was enjoying this time of happiness while it lasted

Seusyn smiled up at him, nuzzling her head into his neck, getting hungry herself. But she knew better to get that idea; sighing she looked down the hall, it might be odd if someone saw them. "Um...thank u..." She said cuddling into him. He was so heartless before, would it be the same if dhe left him right now, only to find he was the same cold heart Talos from last night. The thought sent chills down her back. She didn't want to lose him like that.

Talos looked down the hall as well and putting his arms under her Talos stood Seusyn in his arms he blinked to her door then opened it stepping inside he set her down gently "you change I need to go back to my room..." he let his voice trail of before turning and starting for the door

Seusyn looked at him. "Oh...ok..." She said, bitting her tongue. She watched him leave with a heavy heart as it always did when he left. Seusyn looked at him, then cloesed the door slowly. She walked over to her dresser lookinat the clothes she has.

Talos blinked across the hallway and into his room and then to his blood supply he toar into a bag of blood and then drank it quickly it atleast taking the edge off his hunger

Seusyn got dressed, in her light washed jeans, pulling her black tanktop on. Slipping into her boots she got ready for the night. She looked at herself in the mirror, a fanit image.

Talos finished feeding and went to his bathroom he washed his face removing the stains of his feeding and the stains of his dark tears he dried his face before pulling on a black t shirt and jacket he blinked back into the hallway and nocked at Seusyns door

Seusyn looked towards the door. Walking over she unlocked the door and opened it, seeing Talos she smiled. "My don't you look clean..." She said sweetly.

Talos smiled and embraced her tightly kissing her before pulling back some leaving only one hand around her "your beautiful" he said he almost acted like those few moments apart had been life times

Seusyn was taken back, bilnking a couple of times. "Were Talos?..." the words just sliped out of her mouth. But she wasn't going to lie, she liked having him close to her.

Talos looked around the room some before asking "what are we doing tonight?" he had no idea what to do for fun all he did was go after the order that was it

Seusyn bliked again. "uh..." She had to think for a momnet. It was like talking to someone eles, why the sudden change? was it what she said, did he care that much about her. "Um...want to go for a walk?" She asked.

Talos shrugged "I dont care I just want to be with you" he said still nervous as hell he wasnt sure what to do or what to say all he wanted was to be near her atleast for tonight

Seusyn smiled at him. "Ok...lets go then..." She walked out of the room, closing the door, she was right in front of, her soft looks made her look more human then vampier.

Talos walked beside Seusyn his arm around her waist his appearance marked a little more obvious that he was avampire though he didnt care he walked qitly beside

Seusyn felt her cheeks, go red. It was odd to be so close to him. She loved the feeling of his arms around her. But the chilling worry that held Talos for so long. What if someone tried to use her aganist him, or that his brother thought to use it as well. Seustn wraped her arms around him, just to hold, to make sure it wasn't a dream.

Talos felt Seusyn put her arms around him and felt his near non existant heart beat speed up some it was odd he kept expecting her to come to her senses and relize what he was..a monster beyond monsters somthing so evil he would kill anyone that crossed him and even now she stayed close she had said she cared about him but how? it still confused him

Seusyn sighed looking up at him. "...Is there anything you want to do?" She ask, just to break the slincen between them. She held him tightly, afride that her might fade away or worse. Monster or not, who is to decide that? Seusyn knew he wasn't a monster, or he's be agreeing with the statments made by the aganets of dawn.

Talos looked around he seemed frustrated "I dont know Seusyn I dont normally do any thing like this" he answered it seemed to put him on edge that he wasnt in control that he didnt know what was happening

Seusyn looked at him, smiling. "Ok, no need to get touchy..." She said patting him on the back. "I was just unsure if you want to do something or had anything in mind..." Seusyn was a little unsure of what to do. "Could go into town...or something?"

Talos shrugged "sorry I am not angry we can do what ever you want" Seusyn he answered

Seusyn smiled at him. "I don't care what we do, as long as I'm with you, it doesn't matter..." she walked down the hall with him, towards the doors.

Talos followed Seusyn to the doors "come on we can use your car to get into town I dont want any of my brothers servants to know we are going into town"

Seuysn looked at him. "What would it matter if he knew...That most of his servants know better to fallow me if I'm with you...Talos, I'm sure your brother trust me enough...I would hope..." She mumbled the last few words. "But to the bat mobile..."

Talos shook his head "bat mobile?" he asked sacasticly but followed Seusyn any way he had guessed that word was already on the wat to his brother about this but he hoped to do somthing atleast to try and make it alittle less troublesome when he heard about it

Seusyn walked towards the garge with Talos at side. She had the same feeling as Talos what would his brother would do when he found out what had happen. Did he know alreay, if not, someone has already told him. "I want a furit bat..." she said randomly, she was bit cirous about what would he say to that.

Talos raised an eyebrow "what's a furit bat?" he asked he assumed she meant somthing like fruit bat "why do you want a pet bat?" he asked

Seusyn smiled at him. "I dunno fruit bats are cute! and they make the cutes sounds!" She walked threw the doors to where cars and such were held. "Why shouldn't I want a bat, Vampier and all..." She joked.

Talos shrugged a half smile tugging at his lips "I dont know it would just seem like keeping kin" he said walking Seusyn to her side of the car and opening the door for her

Seusyn giggled. "stiill, their cute and more freindly then most creatures!" She said looking at up at him not getting into the car. "but really Talos...what is on your mind..." she asked.

Talos shrugged "tonights the first time I havent had anything on my mind and I am enjoying it" he said glancing down at the seat "and its hard to go some where if you wont get in"

Seusyn smiled at him. "Now have I ever made anything easy for you?" She joked, nuging him in aplayful manner.

Talos took the push and rolled his eyes before half smiling even though he was happy his fangs seemed alittle longer than most peoples they most likly always would be "do I have to make you get in?"

Seusyn raised her eyebrow at him, noting his fangs but she had gotten use to seeing them. "You might have too..." She said with a cheeky smile. Her long hair framing her pale face that could still with stand sun light to some ponit.

Talos rolled his eyed again and blinked around the door so that he was some what behind her and picked her up in his arms "were you planning on making this harder?" he asked Seusyn

Seuysn giggled; wrapping her arms around his neck. "Ummm no?" She lied smiling at him. Seusyn leaned her head on him; a strange feeling building in her stomach as if something might happen.

Talos smiled some and kissed her forehead "so then if your not wanting to drive are you wanting me to take the lead?" he asked making a joke

Seusyn grined. "You take the lead? Well that'd be nice for once!" she said playing along with his joking manner. She enjoyed this side of Talos, it was a nice change.

Talos rolled his eyes and set Seusyn in the car and closed her door before blinking around the car and getting in "you have to drive though" he said leaning back some in the seat

Seusyn started the car, while garage door opened. "Why do I have to drive?..." She pouted, starting to pull out from the garage down the road to the gates. "Really? I mean come on; your the guy here!"

Talos closed his eyes for a second then sighed heavily "think about it Seusyn I can blink nearly a quarter mile faster than this thing could move I never learned how to drive where as you were once mortal you had to know how so you dive" he said simply not at all seeming emberacced by the fact that he couldnt drive

Seusyn glaced over at him. "YOu never learned how to drive?" she said; pulling up to the country road, that lead to the town. There was a misty fog along the ground. The dark feel left for a very dark mood in the air. The moon was full. "Would you like to learn?"

Talos shrugged "I have seen others do and if pressed I might be able to but really there is no point in doing it" he said a half smile on his face though his eyes seemed closed they were just barely opened somthing about this fog that beckoned to the predator within him somthing that put him on edge

Seusyn smiled. "Alright, bur its a good skill to have..." She said, watching the the road, seeing the towns light. It only took them about 20 minutes to get to the town. Seusyn parked in front of a small cafe, she undid her blet and looked at Talos, he looked like he was sleeping. "Are you alright?"

Talos sat up and opened his eyes "yeah I am fine theres just somthing on the breeze somthing that seems out of place.." he trailed off "never mind its probably nothing" he said and climbed out and remembering he was in town walked to the other side of the car and opened Seusyns door

Seusyn couldn't help but agree with him on that part. But she steped out side the door, smilling at Talos. "Thank you..." She said, very few people out walking around. Seusyn closed the door. "..."

Talos looked around trying to think of somewhere to take Seusyn he vaguely remembered her saying that she wanted to eat at an outdoor resturaunt that was just down the street so he put his arm around her waist and started walking there

Seusyn looked at him, walking closely whit Talos. "Where we going?" She asked looking around. The fog danced arounf their feet; her arms wraping around his waist as he held her. Seusyn looked up at the moon. "Its so beaitful out..."

Talos looked around "I remember you saying that you wanted to eat at this resturaunt up here" he said though even as he walked somthing still seemed odd somthing he couldnt put his finger on

A lone figure walked aways behind the two vampires he kept his head tilted down mostly as the wide brimmed hat hid his face and a satchle was at his side he nearly seemed to be following the two

Seusyn smiled at him. "aw thats sweet of you..." She said holding his arm, kissing his cheek. "and very thoughtful too..." seusyn felt just as odd. There was something here and she could feel it close. Her grip on his arm tightened abit, as they waslked.

Talos smiled as they got to the restraunt and sat down the waitress saying she would return later Talos debated ordering some of the bottled blood that they served for some of the more public vampires

Seusyn sat next to Talos looking at the meun, things were much diffrent now. There was soething for anyone. "are you going to have anything thing?" She asked glacing at him. The moon shinning off his pale skin, monster or not, he was beaitful in the end. She guessed it was a vampier thing. but what she really wanted to ask, was why did he attack her family? was it random, or was he palnning it, was there a reason behinde it all? Seusyn shook her head, she was putting way to much thought into it.

Talos just seemed to be staring at the table top though his senses were alert for any one drawing close but still he was aware enough to talk to Seusyn "not sure I was going to get a bottle of the synthetic and try that" he said assuming that Seusyn would know what he was talking about "you look like you have somthing on your mind" he said at length looking up at her

Seusyn looked up at him. "Um you don't have to anwser this; but I've always wanted to know, what you were thinkinh the night you...." She paused unsure h ow he would react to the question. "You well I guess to put it simply, Turned me?" Seusyn was very unsure how to ask that, it's not like she was going to ssay hey, what was running through your head when you killed my family? "But really, you don't have to answer!" She holding his hand alittle worried he would we get upset like before. "Because I really don't hold anything aganist you for what happened!...Just...I'm curious about it...I don't really reameber much..." Seusyn hadn't told Talos that before, it really never came up.

Talos sighed "for now lets just say it seemed like a good idea at the time but sometime when its a more personal setting I will tell you more" the waitress walked back over then and asked them if they knew what they wanted to order Talos was gratful for the break in conversation how could he tell her the reason he had tracked her family watching them from afar waiting for a perfect time to do it...

Seusyn's eyes never left Talos; but anwsered the waitress. A smiple bootle of blood, not caring for the type. It was nice, that they did this for their kind. "oh Talos..." She said softly. It was nice to get an idea of why. Kissing his cheek lighly in thanks for the anwser. "ok..."

Talos gritted his teeth and said he didnt want anything though he could tell the waitress was eyeing them oddly but he didnt care and she left quickly his mind was preoccupied with her how could she be so happy to be around him and even now she was thanking him for giving her some glimpse into his reasoning for attacking her family he felt now more than ever like the monster he was but using years of practice didnt let it show

Seusyn felt he was upset in away. "...Talos whats wrong?..." She asked looking at him. Pulling her hair back, exposing her small scare on her pale neck. She had a deep feeling in her gut, as if something was string inside her. Seusyn placed her hand on his.

Talos was just about to say somthing when the mystery figure came and sat donw at thier table the odd fog seemed to be thicker around him "good evening," he said with out removing his hat Talos stared at him "what do you want?" he asked sounding aggressive

Seusyn glared at the man. "can we help you?" She asked clamly, but the earie feeling began to crawl up her back. She held his hand tightly, out of neroves. The moon seem to darken...

The man removed his hat "no you cant help me but you can help humanity," he said removing his hat revealing an age worn face with a still very vibrant copper tone to it "by dieing," he said after a pause "my name is Arias the high paladin of the order of the argent dawn and you are Talos the bloody fang" he said refering to Talos by one of his old alias, Talos snarled at him

Seusyn looked at him amused. "I hate to be a pain then, because I'm very sure that wont happen..." she said with no hint of fear, more like a bored tone. But he was fimailer to her in away, the frist thought that ran through her mind was what tricks did he know. "And how would that humanity?...How said it was indangered in the frist place...?"

Arias looked up at her and perhaps alittle more roughly than needed patted her cheek "because you disgusting creature as long as beings like you existe the human race is in danger and so you must be gotten rid of like a dog that is no longer worth keeping alive"

Seusyn growled, slapping his hand away. "And you have closed mind to things if not every thing!" having her presonal boundries crossed made her want to tear his hand off. "Cross me again I'll come after you in the daylight..." She said knowing it had no burn, a high enough sunscreen was enough.

Arias laughed and Talos was growling low "well well perhaps you are somthing worth looking into then little miss blood sucker" said Arias then he looked up "ah and here are your drinks well the I will be off" and with that he simply stood and putting his hat on left

Seusyn eye twicted at the word blood sucker. "Would I et in trouble if I tore his head off?" She hissed, gribbing Talos's hand tightly. She looked at the drinks, not in the mood anymore. Seusyn thought of telling Talos's brother.

Talos knew the look in Seusyns eyes "dont bother we have both dealt with him once before though he seems to have changed since then" he said and stood up offering a hand to Seusyn "lets go I dont feel like bothering with any of this anymore we can go where ever you want" he said his eyes fixed on hers

Seusyn sighed taking his hand, leaving some money on the table, thanking the waitress. Seusyn looked into Talos eyes. "I don't care where we go..." She sighed, holding his hand, but if anything, shewouldn't mind going after him. She was worried, a hunter would watch and stalk it's pray. The thought made her let go of his hand and walk ahead. "Come on..." She said forcing a simle.

Talos grabbed her hand and pulled Seusyn back against his side "dont bother he is to arrogant to sneak attack us he will let us no in some way what he is about to do" he said and took off walking down a quite path in the park

Seusyn looked up at him, leaning her hewad on his shoulder, taking hold his arm. What Talos said was ture. "I would much rather just kill him and get it over with..." She sighed. Seusyn kept up with his quick pace.

Talos laughed even though there was some mirth in the laughter it still sounded like a madmans laugh "tell me Seusyn have you ever seen the x shaped scar on my chest?" he asked

Seusyn looked at him. "We have to work on your crazy man laugh..." She commneted, before shrugging. She had seen it a couple times. never really sure where it came from. "Yeah...A few times...Why?" she asked, tighting her grib on his arm.

Talos laughed again "sounds like a plan " he said and looked at her "the scar is from him trying to carve out my heart"

Seusyn stared at him. She never knew someone got that close to killing him before."WHAT!...Mental note, killing Bugger..." She said smpily. Seusyn sighed. "Maybe I should go after him during the day..."

Talos raised an eyebrow "why so that you have to go alone?" he asked "remember he is not just some hunter he is the hunter for the order"

Seusyn chuckled. "A hunter is a hunter...I was one too...before ya know...Their all the same, diffrent in what they do and hunt, all have a special kill all have a weakness... There's more then one reason why your brother kept me around other to watch your crazy ass..." she said looking up at the moon through the tree's. "I may look frigle, but I can hold my own...and I not scared of him your brother, or any man for that reason...The time I was really ever scared was watching my mother give brith to my sister!" She laughed at the memroy. "...But I wont go at it alone, if he is who I think he is...I would be taking your job" Seusyn kissed his cheek.

Talos made a deep satified noise in his chest and pushed Seusyn againsy a tree before laying his head on her shoulder and buried his face in her hair "and what exactly is my job?" he asked putting his hands on her hips

Seusyn gasped, giggling lightly, her hands on his upper arms. "Well to obey...but who ever really listen to what their told too..." she asid softly, leaning her head on his.

Talos growled low and kissed softly at her neck the tips of his fangs brushing lightly over her skin "well lets find out tell me to do somthing and lets see if I do it"

Seusyn shivered at the feeling of his fangs. "...Alright, kiss me..." She saidpulling his face up. "Or is that to much for you to listen too? Should I buy you a shock callor?"

Talos half smiled before kissing her for a few seconds before he broke the kiss "I might like the coller," he said chuckling "but anyway thats done care to try for two?" he asked

Seusyn smiled, returning his kiss. "Alright...bite me..." She said in a tone that told him too. "I'll keep it in mind..."

Talos gritted his teeth for a minute before he returned to her neck and bit gently at the skin "what now?" he asked looking her in the eyes

Seusyn looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "...I mean bite me Talos not your little nipping..." She said staring back into his eyes. Her hand on his face, rubbing his cheek.

Talos gritted his teeth and went back to her neck again this time biting hard enough for his fangs to just barely puncture the skin and he pulled back before he could taste the blood though

Seusyn shivred, feeling her blood drip down her neck slowly. "Talos...Are you always going to do what your told?" She asked, not whipping her blood or anything.

Talos looked at her a strange mix of hate for himself fear for what he might do to her and temptation as he watched her blood flow "only so long as you are the one telling me"

"Oh talos..." She said softly, wipping the blood away from her neck. She smiled at him. "the npromise you'll never leave me..." she said kissing him lightly.

Talos returned the kiss "I promise I will never leave you" he whispered to her and then lightly layed his fore head against hers

Seusyn smiled softly at him, the moon light boncing of his pale skin. "That means dieing too..." she giggled, her hands play with his hair around his ears.

Talos nodded his head and lightly kissed her "I know it does" he said "so any more commandments?" he asked

Seusyn hugged Talos closely, burring her head in his neck. "No...none at the momnet..." She said quitly, just holding him, feeling his body, as if she wasn't going to see him again.

Talos sighed happilly and put his arms around her he could feel Seusyns small frame pressed against him "Seusyn will you promise me somthing?' he asked

Seusyn looked up at him. "Sure... what is it?" She asked, resting her head on his chest listing to his dead breath.

Talos sighed and gave her a squeeze "promise me you wont go after the hunter alone" he said

Seusyn sighed, biting her lower lip, her mind was debating, but she kissed his cheek. " alright...I promise..." She said wrapping her arms around his neck, smiling up at him. "But I don't really understand why...?"

Talos kissed her "because I dont want to risk losing you" he said moving his hands to the small of her back

Seusyn smiled at him. "And how do thinkI feel when I watch you off huh?" She said nuzzling his cheek. "But can ask what happen...the scare on your chest, and the hunter?" She asked.

Talos smiled and stepped back removing his shirt he ran his hand lightly over the scar "it was long ago in the carpathian mountains my brother had sent me there to kill some of the orders hunters however these were not just any hunters he had trained them in the fight that broke out I killed most of them but then he showed up I was a crazed animal and because I couldnt yet control my thirst like I do now all I was, was an easy mark he captured me and started to tortue me again but when that didnt break me he went deeper taking a some what dull silver knife he began slowly day by day carving my heart out"

Seuysn felt sick at the thought, it was curl and unkind. She was thaught to kill quitly and fast. "oh Talos..." She said walking up to him, her finger tips softly traced over his scare. "How...did you get away?"

Talos laughed darkly "I played dead the oldest trick known to animals I acted dead and one of the diciples got careless she drew to close and tried to get my fangs as a trophy when they were close enough I bit them drank their blood and got strong enough to slip my bonds I left Arais a few scars though"

Seusyn looked at him, a little worry in her eyes. "..." she hugged him. It seemed his whole life was just being tortued and killing. "Do you want to run away?" she just asked.

Talos looked down at her and laughed "sorry Seusyn but I cant run from what I am if I run my demons from the past will find me they always do"

Seusyn pouted hugging him again, forgetting his shrit was off. "I know..." She said saddly.

Talos hugged Seusyn close loving the feeling of her against him and sighed contently and wrapped his arms around her burrying his face in her hair he didnt want to think of anything else

Seusyn sighed happily kissing neck lightly. "mmm what do you want to do now..." She asked holding him tightly. She felt at peace,she was so happy with him.

Talos sighed "whatever you want to do little one" he said kissing her neck softly and soflty squeezed her almost seemed like he was afraid she would dissapear

Seuysn smiled at him, shivering. "Hehe...I asked you! Now pick..." she said holding Talos, her heart dancing in her chest.

Talos groaned loudly "Seusyn there are many things I wish to do with you and" he paused for a moment before whispering to her her "some things I want to do to you but I dont think I trust myself for any of my ideas to be a good option"

Seusyn tilted her head to the side giggling. "What idea's do you that you think wouldn't be such a good idea hm?" Her arms pulling his face close to her's. Seusyn's eye are aglowning with passion and disier.

Talos growled low his dark eyes seemed to glow darkly his fangs long again "all of them especially considering I can blink us into the middle of nowhere" he said growling low and kissed her

Seusyn held him tightly, her lips pressing frimly on his, pulling away only inches away from his lip. "Oh tell me...Hmmmm?" brushing her cheek agaisnt his in a teasing manner.

Talos pulled her against him tightly "I would do things to you that I doubt any other has ever done" he said running one hand up her back and then back down his finger tips only lightly touching her

His finger tips gave her skin goose bumps, biting her lower lip Seusyn looked up at him. "...Maybe...maybe not..." She said bitting his ear lightly. Seusyn pulled away from him, walking off the path, raising her eyebrow at him. A smrik across her soft features.

Talos laughed loudly and took off after her his movements were smooth though he looked a predator it was clear what he was after with a few smooth strides he had covered half the distance between them

Seusyn giggled watching him as he came. She hide behind a tree, making a break for it. It intresting to see how he came after her; could he catch her? Seusyn run through the forset, the moon danced around the two.

Talos blinked so that he in the trees to the left of her and then the trees to her right some times he was behind her though all the glimpeses that could be seen he still had his smooth predators stride

Seusyn had stopped runnig, walking now through the darken woods. A soft brezze blew through the air, brushing her hair across her face. She took her jacket off, her bare arms shinning in the moon light.

Talos blinked next to her and lightly brushed a hand up her arm before blinking away again he seemed to stay just out of the way

Seuysn giggled feeling his hand on her arm, she kept walking. Stepping down afew rocks. "Awww your hiding from me now?" She said softky, her voice dancing on the wind to his ears.

Talos blinked behind her and wrapped his arms around her "who is hiding?" he asked whispering it to her then just as soon as he had appeared he dissapeared again

Seusyn sighed, as he dissapreared. She saw an opening through some trees, walking towards it, the moons full light shined. Seusyn, walked to the middle of the opening, laying down to look at the sky.

"giving up so soon?" called Talos he stood at the edge of the clearing leaning against a tree his dark eyes reflecting the light of the moon giving them and erie glow his arms were crossed easily over his chest

Seusyn didn't say anything but smiled; not saying a word, she only say up. Watching his eyes, she smiled. Straighting her arms up, allowing her shrit to rise up.

Talos felt his pulse speed up he watched calmly though wondering where she was going with this if it was to tempt him in to getting closer she was right it would work

She layed down arching her back up, more of her lower torso showed, yawning lazily, Seusyn tossed her jacket aside. Fire locks of hair everywhere around her head.

Talos had to struggle against his desire to blink over to Seusyn and take her in his arm but instead he waited he had watched her before and now all he had to do was keep himself in check for a few minutes more

Seusyn knew her next step to push him over the edge, but she need a good reason. Smiling to her self she sliped her shrit off, looking at it like there might have been something on it, but did notice a whole in it. Seusyn still had her lace bra on.

Talos reached one hand back and dug his hand into the bark of tree even as he snarled low god was she beautiful and for some reason wanted him a scar covered monster

Seusyn stood up starighting her arms up, her low rise jeans seem to fall a little, when she moved, her red hair falling down her bare back. She looked towards where he stood, waving. She was being a tease and enjoying it.

Talos felt the hard wood splintering in his hand god she had such a wicked smile on her face she enjoyed this and in fact he did to

Seusyn walked out of his viwe, her hips swangering as she went. "Whats wrong? You don't to be around me anymore?" She said trying to hold back the amusment in her voice.

Talos blinked into the trees in front of her and pushed her back into the clearing "no" he said his voice rough and low "I was enjoying the view of the moonlight on your skin" he said

Seusyn grined up at him, her hands on his arms. "Oh?...It didn't seem like it..." She turning away from him, to hide her smile. The sound of his voice was enough proof but, she wounder what he would do.

Talos came up behind her and put one hand around her waist while the other slid lightly up her chest and cupped her breast as he gently kissed at her neck

Seusyn gasped, her hand on his arm. She looked up at him, lossing her breath. Seusyn leaned back into him, pressing frimly down on him.

Talos smiled "your insane" he whispered and grasped her breast harder "to hang such tempting bait in front of a monster" he whispered to her one of his hands toying at the top of her lowrider jeans

Seusyn bit her lip as he grasped her. Her finger tips, trace lines up and down his arms. "mmm...But your a monster to me..." She said kissing his jaw lightly. "Still you did fall for the bait..."

Talos chuckled as he undid the buttons on her pants "your right I did" he whispered

Seusyn giggled at him, turning around to face him. "...Well that didn't take to much..." She joked, Her hands resting on his chest. Sesuyn pants fell to the ponit where they were hanging off of her hips.

Talos put his hands on Seusyns hips so that he could either put her pants back like they were or finish taking them off "Seusyn I have to warn you Imight not be able to control myself if this goes any further so if you want to stop tell me now"

Seusyn sild her hands down his chest slowly. Unsure of what to say, she knew what he could do if he lose control. But she want to be close to him, Seusyn trusted him. Smiling softly up at him she kissed his cheek. Her heart racing in her chest. "I trust you..." she whispered.

Talos kissed her and slowly slid Seusyn's pants down so that she could step out of them

Seusyn shivered, steping out of her pants. Her hands stoping at the rim of pants. Seusyn lips fulttered over his lightly.

Talos tossed the pants alittle ways away he was kneeling in front of her and putting his hands on her hips pulled her close gently brushing his lips over her naval and slowly working his way up kissing her neck lightly before pressing his lips to hers

Seusyn gasped, her hands squezing his shoulders; it felt like a dream to her. Seusyn pulled away from his lips only inches a part, she kissed down his jaw, to his neck, biting lightly.

Talos hissed in a breath and pressed her closer into his neck god her fangs felt so good her hands brushed so lightly over his skin where he was used ot nearly all physical contact being violent in some way and her skin it was so soft it was amazing

Seuysn giggled lightly. bitting harder, sliding her fangs down his neck. Her hands, rubbing his upper and lower torso, just running her finger tips over his cool skin. Her hips rubbing agnist him, her hair blowing in the cool evenings brezze.

Talos groaned loudly he felt himself stirring for her and wrapped his arms around Seusyn and took both of them tumbling to the ground Talos had used his body to soften the already mild impact and had Seusyn laying on top of him

Seusyn gasped, holding on to him; she looked down at him, blinking a couple of times. Did they fall? Her hands were on his shoulders. Seusyn kissed his cheek, she was blushing lightly; their legs becoming tanggled togather.

Talos smiled and kissed her before running his hands over the delicate lace of her bra cupping and massaging her breasts

Seusyn moaned lightly, biting his neck again, rocking her hips aganist him.

Talos groaned again and began fumbling with the catch on Seusyns bra finally after a few seconds he grew frustrated and simply tore it off with his claws

Seusyn sat up covring her brest. "TALOS!..." She said looking at the toren bra. " ruined what I am going to do..." Her cheeks were a bit red form embrassment, she pouted at him. Seusyn was pretty much stragling him.

Talos shrugged "go without I suppose" he said then thought for a moment "what are you so emberassed about?" he asked not sure what her problem was he laid is hands on her hips

Seuysn blushed, biting her lip. "...nothing..." She said quitly. Looking down at him, her arms barely hinding her brest. She was a little nervos.

Talos leaned up in one elbow and with the other hand took Seusyns chin in his hand pulling her face down to his he kissed her "tell me whats wrong Seusyn" he whispered

Seusyn sighed happily, kissing his back. "...heh...Nothing to worry about..." she said softly, kissing his neck again.

Talos layed back "would you prefer if I shut my eyes?" he asked half jokingly running his hands up her legs then sides before running them lightly up her back

Seusyn smiled. "You don't have too..." She said still covring her chest, laying down on top of him, allowing her brest to push up aganist his chest.

Talos made a low mm sound as Seusyn pressed against him "why are you so afraid to let me see you?" he asked running one finger lazy up and down her spine

Seusyn giggled. "Have you eraned to see me?" She said sweetly. Her habd cuping his face, her thumb rubed his cheek. Seusyn kissed him again.

Talos kissed her back and when he broke away he laughed "so tell me then what do I need to do to earn it then?" he asked his hands now resting at the small of her back he nuzzled her neck kissing it and letting his fangs graze the skin

Seusyn moaned softly while giggling. "I'll let you know when I figure it out..." She said happily kissing his neck up to ear, biting along the way. "just how badly to you want to see? Hmmm?"

Talos bit her neck alittle harder "mm very bad" he whispered in her ear he loved the feel of her little fangs biting him

Seusyn bit his neck a little hard,pulling away sitting up. Her hair falling over her shoulders. Seusyn upper body fully exposed; her skin glowing in the moonlight.

Talos sat up and making a low growling noise he pulled Seusyn close laping and nipping at both her nipples each in turn

Seusyn moaned her hands on his shoulder. Her hair flowing wildly, biting his ear.

Talos took one nipple into his mouth and started to suck on it one arm wrapped around her back the other squeezed her back side

Seuysn bite her lip, breathing a bit hard. "mmm..." digging her nails into his arms. rubbing his legs with hers.

Talos switched to the other one he was starting to get aroused by the way she rubbed against him and slipped his hand into her panties

Seusyn shivred, sliding her hands down his chest to his lower torso. Her body felt hot, kissing his forhead.

Talos broke away from her breat and kissed up to her mouth "Seusyn I thought you were beautiful but instead your amazing your perfect"

Seusyn smiled softly. "...I'm not prefect..." She said giggling, kissing his cheek. "But thank you..."

Talos sqeezed her back side and nipped her neck again alittle harder this time "mm yes you are" he said

Seusyn grined him lower region hard to bug him. "Nah uh..." She said giggling. Seusyn grined at him.

Talos groned and put his hands on her hips before grinding up against her

Seusyn bit her lip, and bit hid shoulder, forcing her hips down on him as he grinded up on her.

Talos growled "mmm I might have to get rid of these as well" he said playing with the waist line of her panties

Seuysn looked at him. "Your not allowed to tear them off..." She said in a flat tone. Seusyn unziped his pants, kissing his ear lightly.

Talos raised an eyebrow "allowed?" he asked and smiled he felt his pants unzip and groaned this was going better then he had ever hoped and he hadnt lost control yet

Seuysn nipped his ear, wishpering. "be gentale with me..." It sounded more like a joke in away. Seusyn tugged his pants down, she was very inpressed that he had a sudden hungry come over yrt, she on the other hand wanted to bite him.

Talos could feel his fangs getting longer he wanted to bite her but knew better instead he sat up "want me to undess you?" he asked

Seusyn giggled, "Sure..." She said as her hands, rubbed his stomach.

Talos smiled and sat up turning her around in his lap so that her back was to his chest he took the waist line of her panties and slid them down her thighs when they were half way down he drew her knees up to her chest and slid them the rest of the way off

Seusyn giggled, letting him take her underwear off. Leaning into his chest smilling happily feeling his skin.

Talos ran one hand teasingly along her thigh stopping short of touching her "tell me Seusyn do you want to take over or do you want me to keep going"? he asked his hunger getting near painful but he pushed to the side with trouble and kissed the base of her neck his long hunger pointed fangs grazed her skin

Seusyn shivered, as his hand neared her lower region. "Do whatyou wish..." Her breath heavy, seusyn, hand grasped his face, her own hunger building. How did their kind do this without going crazy?

Talos smiled and turned her back around letting her face him again before pressing her face to his neck "I can feel how hungry you are" he said pressing her closer

Seusyn bit her lip. "...s-s-so?" She said her breathing was shanking, when she said it. Seusyn wanted to bite into his skin, she never felt it burn so much before.

Talos smiled and slid one hand up her thigh nearly getting to her lower regions again "bite me you have never had blood straight from a body before you need to"

Seusyn dug her nails deeper into his skin. "Wh-why...?..." Seusyn bit, down on his neck, lightly, in hope to make the burning in her stomach go away, she could barely notice his hands on her.

Talos smiled his own fangs showing "because little one its more nurishing than the bagged and bottled blood.." he stoped for a second "that and I love the feel of you fangs little one" his hand hovered just shy of her lower regions Talos wanted to take care of her to make her happy like she had always done for him

Seusyn heard her heart pounding in her ears, her made was spinning with hungre and lust. Everything she was taught was going out the window, the feeling of his hands drove her insane, but being welcome to drink from him made her want to faint. "...I...I can't..." She barely breathed the words.

Talos smiled and gently ran his hand down to her sex running his finger tips over it "mmm little one you say that you cant but everything your body is saying is that you can" he whispered his own hunger was flaring up even worse now given the fact that he could practically taste how hungry she was why wouldnt she feed was it because of some thing his brother had taught her or was it him?

Seusyn shivered at his fingers, she bit her lip. She didn't want to feed of Talos, she was scared. But by god did she want too; she griped his shoulder, biting his neck gently, her fangs growing as she went. seusyn's hips grinded Talos, why did he want her to feed off of him? Was it speical in some way, oh how little she knew about vampiers. "...Stupid body..." She gasped.

Talos ground his fingers alittle harder against her "Seusyn why are you so hesitant we both want you to feed and you need it.." he paused not sure what to say "is it because its me you would feeding from that makes you hesitate?" he asked

Seusyn gasped feeling his fingers on her sex. "...Talos, I've never feed from anything that had a heart beat beofor..." She said, biting her tonuge.

Talos actually started to laugh alittle "then why not start now?" he asked and arched his neck alittle more both pressing it closer to her and making it easier to access his pulse wasnt going as fast as a humans but he knew that Seusyn had to be able to feel it her fangs were right on his vain if she would just bite down he thought and the thought made him smile it was tempting she was so close all she need was alittle more urging Talos smiled wickedly and dipped one finger into her

Seusyn shivered, her hands shanking as she held on to him, she had never felt this way before, the blood lust in the manner they were in at the moment. Her eyes focuesed on his neck, why? Why did he want her to do this. "...I..." Seusyn had to bite her lip stop herself from biting him, what would happen if she did? Nothing, would she change into a full vampier?

Talos pressed her closer with his other hand urging her to feed "Seusyn nothing will happen I promise" he said and slowly began to slide his finger in and out of her she was amazingly soft and warm, it made Talos make low sounds in his chest nearly growls

Seusyn felt her body flex, when he began to move his fingers. Her fangs drew closer pressing into his skin slowly. Feeling it break, it was only seconds befor she felt a warm filmiar metilic taste. Seusyn started to feed off of him, it was diffrent.

Talos groaned god her fangs felt so good inside of him it was amazing to feel her feed from him and his finger sped up some god he loved this

Seusyn started to moan lightly, biting harder and deeper drawing more blood. It felt so good, she wanted more from him, pulling closer.

Talos had to grit his teeth to keep from yelling out in pleasure it felt so good "thats it little one god yes keep going" he hissed out through his teeth even as he added a second finger to her sex and pumped them in and out he felt himself growing even more aroused

Seusyn felt like she was going to explode, from his hands to his blood, it was driving her mad. She kept feeding from him, drawing more and more as she went. Seusyn felt so alive, her body pressing against his with force.

Talos groaned and slowly laid back down on the ground so that Seusyn sat straddled across him her warm sex pressing down on his own throbbing erection

Seusyn grinded her hips down on his erection, somehow still sucking on his neck, biting down again. Her nails draged down his arms, her body warm as if she hadn't been changed at all.

Talos hated to do this but he put an arm around Seusyn and started to slowly pull her away from his neck she needed to stop now after all he could only take so much before he would want some in return

Seusyn pulled away lightly, her iris's were red around the rim, she looked at him, compeletly hurt. Her body ontop of his, wanting more. She felt like a child who always wanted more milk. It this the feeling he alway had.

Talos looked at her sympethetically he knew what she felt atleast some what "sorry little one but if you took much more I would start biting back and maybe lose control and I dont want that to happen" he said running his hands up and down her body again

Seusyn glared down at him. "I'm not little!" She said sounding like her self again, she wanted to bite down on his neck again to prove her ponit but she didn't want him to lose control, well not in that way atlest.

Talos smiled it was amusing to get scolded by Seusyn especially now in the situation they were in "allright then Seusyn what endearment should I use for you then?" he asked running his hands over her breasts

Seusyn thought for a moment enjoying the touch of his hands. "You could callme ruler of the worl, your highness..." She grined down at him. Her lips meeting his again, and that little hunger feeling burned again, but not as badly.

Talos kissed her back and smiled "oh you want me to call you princess?" he asked lightly tweaking her nipples as he asked he imagined she would still be hungry he may have to let her feed again before long

Seusyn gasped, nipping at his neck. "No, hehe, call me master..." She grined down at him, her hips rubbing his own lower regions. Seusyn rubbed his arms, biting down to his shoulders.

Talos groaned loudly and ground against Seusyn as she rubbed herself against him and grabbed her hips "nnnnn yes misstress" he groaned god his erection was throbbing but he didnt want to move to fast didnt want to make her pull back but still between his own hunger and his own need it was making it hard to keep control

Seusyn giggled. "good boy..." Kissing up from his choulder to his lip. Seusyn wanted Talos closer, her lower region burning, as she contuined to grind him.

Talos groaned louder god this was such sweet torture Talos wanted be inside of Seusyn yet at the same time if he took control he would also loose it but all the same he couldnt help himself and using one hand slowly worked his pants lower his throbbing member was nearly freed and he could feel her grinding against him and it was driving him wild

Seusyn bit her lip, she wanted Talos to just let go, to do what he wanted. She could tell it was driving him insane. Kissing his ear she whispred. "...Stop thinking about..."

Talos let out a low growl and let his cock slide all the way free and taking it in his hand slid the tip slowly into Seusyns warmth it felt like heaven and he bucked his hips driving in alittle more of his erection

Seusyn moaned loadly, feeling him inside her, let herself go down on his erection. Her breathing becoming harder, the filamier hungry growing again, she couldn'r help herself, she bit him again.

Talos moaned loudly and picked up the pace and force of his thrusts as he felt Seusyns fangs sink into his neck it was amazing it was more enjoyable then anything he had ever felt he placed his hands on her hips to help push her down into the thrusts

Seusyn dug her fangs deeper into his neck, rocking her hip down on him. Seusyn moaned into his neck, whiling feeding off of him; she felt the rush of pleasuer. Her hands were on his his chest.

Talos groaned louder and he could feel himself drawing close he hadnt felt anything as good as this before it was a heaven like nothing else he had experienced his pace picked up and his thrusts were very hard now "nnn misstress getting close" he groaned out

Seusyn bit hard, to stop herself from scream out into the night. Pulling away, blood falling from the side of her mouth, she rocked her hip intime with his thrust, she felt like she going to split in half of this over whliming waves of pleasuer.

Talos was trying to hold on he wanted Seusyn to finish before he did he wanted to put her pleasure before his own as he looked up at her he could see what most humans saw when they thought about some romantic vampire she had a sculpters master piece as her body and face her skin was as soft as white silk this was contrasted by the bright streak of crimson at the side of her mouth it was nearly to much for Talos to see her like this

Seusyn felt herself about to fall off the edge of an sane thought, her body; blood; and mind were pulsing. She felt herself about to explode her hip moving as quick as his. "Oh Talos" she gasping her cheeks were red.

Talos growled low again his thrusts into her kept up there current pace and intensity as his hands grasped her hips hard he could see the color in Seusyns cheeks he groaned loudly and after a few more quick powerful thrusts he started cumming spraying into her even as he came he kept pumping

Seusyn cried out in pleauser as she flet him; feeling her body explode. Seusyn held his arm, her breathing was heavy, her hair was covering her brest. The droplet of blood, fell just between them.

Talos pumped a few more times and then stopped breathing heavily and still buried inside of her semi hard his breathing was deep and even those years of physical control helped now though he was just as tired as Seusyn he kissed her on the forehead a few times putting his arms around her they were both tired and covered in sweat and in Seusyns case alittle bit of blood it made Talos smile to think about it

Seusyn was laying ontop of Talos, hearing his heavy breath. Burrying her head into his chest, the tips of her hair was wet; She felt overjoyed. Seusyn had never felt that way before, the rush, and passion it brought, Sighing happily she felt the cool brezze blow over her bare body, the trees russling.

Talos buries his face in her hair he could smell her familiar scent as well as her arousal he started taking deeper breathes inhaling her scent he could feel the breeze on his arms and his exposed skin "are you cold?" he asked Seusyn nuzzling closer to her neck and kissing it softly

Seusyn smiled at him, useing her hand to storke his face,watching his eyes. "I'm ok...It's just a little odd being out side in a forest doing what we did..." She said taking a deep breath, another thing was, she had feed off of him, yet she still wanted more. It was an odd feeling.

Talos got serious for a second "did you regret it?" he asked his hands moving away from her alittle bit he hadnt even considered that until now

Seusyn smiled kissing him for a long moment. "Of coruse not, I wouldn't have done that if I thought I would regret...unless you did?" She asked her hands on his chest, a little worry in her eyes.

Talos growled low and pulled her into a tight passionate kiss his arms once again wrapped around her after the kiss he looked her in the eyes "I would never regret being with you" he said

Seusyn looked at him, smiling. "I hope not..." Wrapping her arms adround him, she layed there. Resting her head on his cool chest, she wanted to stay like this forever, but knew they would have to get going before the sun came up.

Talos smiled his eyes closed as his head was buried in Seusyns hair next to the nape of her neck he knew they should be going soon but was dreading having to let go of Seusyn for even a moment finally though he knew that they would have to go "Seusyn we need to get back to school" he said rubbing her upper arms softly

Seusyn groaned into his neck at his words. "...Yeah, but frist, your buying me a new bra..." She said, in a tone that meant bussness. She leaned up a bit to look at him, her bare chest still pressing down on him.

Talos smiled his fangs obviously long "why should I by somthing to cover up such beauty?" he asked "maybe you should go without underwear all the time" he said jokingly

Seusyn growled, nipping at his neck wanting dearly to bite him again. Something about being around him, and feeding off him drove her crazy. "You'd only wish I would, but that shall never happen. And if you wont replace, no more happy time for you!" she threatened.

Talos quit smiling "fine I will replace it and get you more however on one condition I get to pick them out" he said in all sieriousness "do we have a deal?" he asked his hands cupping her ass

Seusyn raised an eyebrow towards him. "What you don't trust my choice of underwear?...Fine...but as long as they are comfortable and I can move around!" She said kissing his neck. "Buuuut! they can't all be black and red!" She said grining down at him.

Talos smiled "fine then you want to go do it tonight or perhaps tommorow night?" he asked he was serious he had every intention to buy her underwear and perhaps other gifts as well he kissed her neck a few times "you should find your clothes"

Seuysn smiled down at him kissing his lips lightly. "Well we could do it tonight; unless you don't too, thats fine as well." She said, rubbing his leg with hers. "Your faster..." She said in a sweet tone, hopeing her would gather her scaktred arounf the opening.

Talos smiled and wrapped his arms around her and rolled so that he was on top and she was pressed into the soft grass he kissed her deeply then broke the kiss he blinked away searching for her clothing that had been scattered around

Seusyn giggled, sitting up waiting, her hair covering her chest. Sitting there she looked around, listing to the sounds around her. It almost looked like she was gloeing in the moonlight, her skin was so pale.

Talos blinked in behind her and kissed her neck letting his fangs run slowly over her neck one of his hands going to the front to rub her breasts

Seusyn moaned lightly, leaning back into him. "That was quick..." she said smiling, her plused raced as his fangs traced across her skin.

Talos pulled back some stopping his fangs from breaking her skin "that is what you asked for" he said still massaging her breasts

Seusyn bit her lip. "Mhmm..." she said her hands holding his wrist. She felt her blood boil again, she shivered.

Talos stopped and handed her the small pile of her clothes "come on we need to get going" he said standing up

Seusyn pouted up at him. "And I thought I was the tease..." She said, sliping her underwear slowly.

Talos groaned and ran a finger gently along her spine "trust me misstress if I could I would keep you some where dark and secret and do this to you for days" he whispered

Seusyn shivered; smiling at him. "Ooooh only if you could..." She said standing up also, silding her jean back up to her slender hips. Still with out a shrit on.

Talos turned Seusyn around and kissed her hard "trust me I would do it but my brother my miss us" he said running his hands over her

Seusyn shivered, kissing him back with the same force of passion. "Mmmm Why do you think that?" She asked, holding her shrit in her hands, while her hair did the covreing for her.

Talos shrugged "he keeps close tabs on his favorite assassin he may notice if I go missing for a few months" he said emphasizing the last word

Seusyn giggled. "months? well now we might have to arrgane for that..." she said almost laughing. Throughing on her shrit she started to walk off swangreing her hip. "Come along..."

Talos smiled and blinked to her side wrapping an arm around her waist "sounds like a good idea" he said "though I still have to go shopping for you" he said holding up the remains of her bra

She looked at the torn up bra sadly. "It just to be my favorite one too...." She pouted leaning her head on his shoulder as he walk. "And dn't lie, you want to undie shopping" She joked.

Talos smiled at her and put the bra away "well then I will have to buy you somthing very special indeed to make up for it" he said kissing her cheek "and your right I do want to go I look foreward to you trying on all the different things I pick out for you"

Seusyn giggled, nipping at his neck. "You don't have to buy me something special!" She said happily. It was odd being spoiled by him or anyone. His brother would on her brithday; but she always guess it was him trying to make her more comfortable. "As long I get to pick one out!" She laughed.

Talos smiled and raised an eyebrow "allright then" he said as she nipped his neck he pulled her closer "you want more dont you?" he whispered to Seusyn there were just nearly back to town and he was happy that alot of bussinesses now stayed opened for atleast half the night because of thier more nocturnal clients he already had a few places in mind

"Of coruse I do..." She said kissing his neck, to his ear. "But I know you want it more!" Seusyn, loved the night. But she loved it more, being with him. Also being able to shop too was even better. Seusyn stoped, stepping in front of him, kissing him passionitly, for a few seconds before pulling away.

Talos put his arms around Seusyn and kissed her back it was amazing the he had her "your right I want it so bad" he whispered and lightly nipped her neck "but you and I both know its not safe for me to do it" he pulled back "besides its more fun to see you trying on underwear" he joked

Seusyn rolledher eyes. "Is that the only thing males ever think about?" said poking him. "I mean hell you couldn't even figure out how to my bra off anyways!" She laughed, in the end it was pretty funny. "I think you should stay in class Talos...." She was teasing him again, it was her favorite past time.

Talos growled "what I cant help it I have never done anything like this before" he said almost as if that didnt matter "and besides there is nothing to learn in those classes" he didnt like going to classes considering that normaly most of the other classmates were practically a walking buffet to him

Seusyn glared at him. "Thats because you don't listen...You'd be serprised what you could learn, I've gone a couple of times..." She said looking at him for monent. "Have ever been a realtionship before?"

Talos looked at her and raised an eyebrow "how exactly would you imagine that having gone with how I am?" he asked "I show up from another assassination for my brother and then out of lack of control or simple annoyance I bite and drink to death the person I am with" he shook his head "no Seusyn I have never been with anyone else"

Seusyn sighed looking at the ground, she stopped for a secnod. "Feed off of me..." She in a hush tone.

Talos stopped and stared at her nearly glaring "what?" he asked sounding bemused "seusyn you cant mean that" he said almost worried

Seusyn nodded walking up to him. "I am...You need to controll your hunger, I want to help you do that." She said placing her hand on his face.

Talos gritted his teeth "seusyn if I do that then there is no telling what might happen I could kill you" he rasped out nervously

Seusyn brushed her hair over her shoulder to exposed fair neck. "I know..." She said pressing his face towards it. "But your the only one who can controll your self..." Her voice was soft and gentale.

Talos growled low his instincts and thirts trying to come out he gritted his teeth and kept it from happening though god why did she want this?

"I don't want you to think your a slave to your hunger...Do what you have too..." She said whispering into his ear, her hand pushing him closer to her bare helpless neck.

Talos felt his lips practically resting agaisnt her pale smooth skin and felt his hunger surging forward he could also feel his fangs ache to bite her he was loosing control

Seusyn ran her fingers through his soft hair, her other hand wrapping her his arms around her waist. "Don't worry..."

Talos couldnt help it anymore and with a snarl he latched onto her neck his long fangs tearing into her neck as he began to drink her blood

Seusyn gasped, holdong on to him, it was sudden but expected. It felt diffrent from before, it wasnt painfull nor teriffing. Insted her heart began to beat faster. She stood there hold him, not moving.

Talos groaned low and put one hand around her back while the other moved to the base of her skull supporting it her blood tasted like wine and felt like silk as it ran down his throat and he could feel the familiar constant naw of his hunger fading alittle

Seusyn moaned a little; her head becoming dizzy; but she held on to his shoulders to keep from falling. It felt odd, but pleasurible at the sametime. Was it bad to feel this way? would they get in trouble?

somthing inside Talos yelled at him to stop that he couldnt take anymore or he might hurt her even worse so taking one last sip of her blood he removed his fangs and licked at the wounds to help them heal

Seusyn was breathing a bit hard, feeling light headed for afew minutes. She clinged on to him. "Was that so bad?" She asked almost out of breath.

Talos groaned "yes and no" he answered he seemed out of breath to though and without thinking about it he kissed her with some of Seusyns own blood on his fangs

Seusyn giggled, kissing him back, biting his lower lip. "Mmm you might get teh hang of it sooner or later..." She said, sighing happily.

Talos nipped at her neck "mm maybe but for now dont we have shopping to do?" he asked smiling

Seusyn giggled. "yeah, but give me a minute...everything is spinning..." She said, burring her face into his shoulder closing her eyes. Talos was the only thing keeping her from falling to the ground.

Talos got a concerned look in his eyes "are you okay?" he asked putting his arms around her "I knew I shouldnt have done that i have taken to much from you" he said he actually sounded concerened it was odd for him

Seusyn smiled at him with loving eyes he did care, more then she thought. "I'm fine; I just feel like I drank to much booze...But if you want to be romantic; you could care me to town!" She said tring to distracet him, from the fact she would fall if she tried on her own at the momnet.

Talos smiled some what mischeviously and easily swung Seusyn up into his arms he kissed her deeply before he whispered to her "hold on" before blinking

Seusyn giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck. "yay!" She enjoyed his speed, not use to it; it always got her heart pounding. The two had made it into town much quicker. "That was fun"

Talos took a steading breath and set Seusyn down lightly on her feet "did you enjoy that?" he asked her as he took her hand in his

Seusyn looked at him nodding holding to him. "Heey! I didn't say you could put me doooowwwn!" She whinned smiling at him, kissing his cheek.

Talos smiled and swept her easily back into his arms "if that is what you want" he said and started walking down the sidewalk passing shops he didnt stop when he walked past a victorias secret instead he turned down a few back alleys and then onto another street he was heading for one shop that had a decidedly more gothic look to it

Sesuyn looked confussed when he passed Victorias Secret. "Wait where are you going!!" she said pouting sadly, she loved viki secret. She really had no idea where he was taking her. "Taaaalos!..." She said in a sweetheart whine.

Talos smiled "dont worry little one I will be taking you back there but first we are shopping here" he said stopping at the front of the store the display window had a few maniken in the window wearing all kinds of gothic underwear

Seusyn mouth dropped open. "no no no! Are thoes chains?!!!! That looks more a sex store!" She said, for once scared. "Right now you are scaring me...and who would've thought it would be over underwear! I mean...what the?" She looked closer.

Talos laughed "those are shock items meant to make people come inside dont worry I could never have chains put on you" he said and kissed her "unless of course you would want me to"

Seusyn growled at him. "Why would you want to put chains on me huh?" she said kissing him. Seusyn waited for him to come in, unsure what this store held.

Talos smiled and pressed past her in the door "so that way I could do whatever I wanted to you" he whispered and walked inside holding the door for Seusyn

Seusyn smiled. "Well in that case, you might never get that chance!" she joked, kissing him befor walking into the store.

Talos laughed as he walked into the store after looking around for a few secondsa decidly goth girl walks up to them and asks if there is anything she can help them with Talos shakes his head and says no when the girl sees his fangs she smiles "nice implants" she says and Talos looks at her "there not implants there real" he answered simply and saw her get a shockd look on her face

Seusyn looked at them; she held his arm. "They are real and no he doesn't bite..." She said, not sure if she really knew what the heck he wanted her to try on here so badly.

Talos smiled and put Seusyn in front of him "can you find me somthing that would be perfect on her?" he asked laying his hands on her hips

Seusyn looked at up at him. "Because I have no idea as to where to start!" She said not to sure what she would put her in. Talos was in evil in some ways and this was one of them

Talos smiled as the girl set off picking out a few items and bringing them back to Seusyn

Seusyn stood there looking at the items unsure as to what to do. one had alot of ribbion, another with a chain linking to the bra. "Ah?"

Talos smiled and asked where the changing rooms were and the girl led them to the back of the store and held open a door "if you would follow me" she said motioning to Seusyn

Seusyn fallowed the girl with the items; to a change room, where she wounder what Talos would think.

The girl turned around very fast nearly scared seeming "you know that that guy your with is a vampire right?" she ask

Seuysn raised an eyebrow at her. "Yeaah? your ponit? there are much more worse things out there..." She said brushing her out of the way of her scare so the girl could see it. "And truth be told, he's very sweet"

The girl stared at her not believing it "ok but if you need help just say somthing" she said and left Seusyn with her under wear ontop of the stack was a black corset with dark red lace trim and matching panties

Seusyn smiled at her. "Thanks..." Waiting for the girl to leave she undressed, and slid into the panties, after a afew mintues of playing the corset, she had finaly gotten it on. "Talos?" She said poking her head out the door.

Talos was leaning against the side of the wall he walked up to the door smiling "what did you try on?" he asked

Seusyn looked at him smilling, she opened the door allowing him to see. "Not something I would chose, but its a little fun to try on..."

Talos smiled and ran his hands up and down her body "turn around and let me see all of it" he said

Seusyn sighed; turning around slowly, loving the feeling of his hands on her."you like?"

Talos smiled "I love it on you" he said and kissed her "was there anything else you saw you might like to try?" he asked

Seusyn giggled, kissing him back. "I guess...You pick one you like..." She said smilling.

Talos slipped inside and looked through the items eventually he handed her a set of red satin panties with black lace trim with a matching bra "try these on" he said

Seusyn giggled, pushing him. "Ok..." She said closing the door; undressing herself; finding that corset is easier to get off then on. Seusyn got the satin undies on, and opened the door. "Well?..." she asked sweetly.

Talos growled low and pulled her into a kiss "if you want we can get these and go to victorias secret but you have to wear them allnight" he said smiling

Seusyn giggled. "Well if you like them that much; I guess I could go for that then..." She said pressing aganist him, when he kissed her.

Talos smiled and put one arm around her the other ran up the back of her thigh "oh trust me Seusyn I love the way they look on you"

Seusyn shivered, looking up at him. "Well good then..." She said wrapping her arms around his neck smiling. "Now...are you going to let me get dressed or just stand there looking at me?" She said smiling at him.

Talos shrugged "not sure I am still debating on it" he said and leaned against a wall

Seusyn smiled at him, pushing him out of the changing room. "Well the polls are closed!" She joked, locking him out of the changing room. Seusyn through on her colthes after taking the satin underwear off. She grabed the items and walked out. "Any you reeeally liked?"

Talos glanced around the walls and smiled "none you would be willing to wear right now" he said wrapping an arm around her "I think I will let you pick out the rest"

Seusyn giggled kissing his neck. "Well I wont lie; the red satin undies weren't to bad..." Her arms wrapping around his neck. "But maybe you should wear the chained undies..." She joked, the words the girl said echoing in her head. Why was she so scared of him? She had seen what he could be, but it didn't scare her. Most women would throw themself at vampiers. Or so she thought.

Talos raised an eyebrow at Seusyns suggestion of what his underwear should be and laughed it off as they paid out the sales girl still gave Seusyn a be careful look as they left Talos if he noticed it paid no attention

Seusyn swang the little black bag around. She didn't care what that girl thought, I mean Seusyn was more afride of her horrible clothing choice the n Talos any day. "Ok where too know huh?"

Talos smiled at her "victoria secret now you get to pick some out" he said puting an arm around her and walking back towards the store

"Yay no more creppy goth girls!" Seusyn said hugging Talos as the walked. She loved Victoria Secret, and had a few items in mind.

Talos laughed "you know some of those creepy goth girls would love to be like you" he said puting his arm around her waist

"Oh yes; having a power carzy vampier lord bossing them around having twice the amount of rules to fallow and having that love ich to always drink human blood..." Seusyn kissed his cheek. "They would crack...Me? I don't mind it; but they really don't understand the full meaning of the life!"

Talos nodded "all the same though why did she keep giving you a strange look?" he asked apperently he had noticed they were on the main street again and the shop was just alittle ways away

Seusyn smiled at him. "She was worried because you were a vampier, when really she should be afride of herself when she looks in the mirror..." Seusyn said smiling at him.

Talos laughed again "so she is the one I heard screaming the last time I was at that shop" he held the door open for Seusyn "you seem to have a problem with the gothic people"

Seusyn shrugged. "they try to hard..." She walking into the bright story. "I mean what are they trying to prove?"

Talos laughed and followed her inside "did you ever think its not about trying to prove somthing?" he asked

"What? They just wake and say hey! I feel like dressing up as a monster?" She joked. Looking at some push up bra's with pattrens. 

Talos shrugged "so what are you planning on trying on for me?" he asked looking at some of the items sitting around

Seusyn giggled and picking a few things out. She loved the bright colors. they always seemed to put her in a good mood. She love it more because Talos didn't mind being with her in an womens underwear store. "A few things..."

Talos smiled he didnt care he hadnt grown up in a culture where he was emberaced by being where he was and that along with his normal icy demenor made him not care much

Seusyn asked a women for a change room, after few minutes in the change room, she asked Talos to come over. She was wearing a black frily undiew with a black and white push up. "Well?"

Talos growled low and ran his hands up and down her body "you look beautiful in it"

Seusyn smiled at him. "Really?..." She said wrapping her arms around his neck kissing him lightlty; pulling away she closed the door trying outfit number two! Opening the door again, she wore a pink bra with a ribbon inbetween the cups; with the macthing pink thong. "I dunno...I don't think you'll this one..." She said grinning.

Talos growled low and pulled her close again "we have to hurry little one I want to buy these so that you can wear them and I can take them off of you" he said his hands on her back and gently running them down her curves until they cupped her ass "I still cant believe how soft your skin is" and with that he lightly squeezed his hands

Seusyn laughed at his words, kissing him lightly. "Hehe I dunno, If I'm going to let you take them off again..." She said pulling away. turning on her heels so he could get a last glimps of her ass. Closing the door slowly, she got dressed again and came out with the pair she had tried on. "Ya ready?"

Talos nodded "always ready" he said and put an arm around her he began walking to the check out "feel free to grab anything else you want" he whispered to Seusyn and lightly kissed her neck

Seusyn shivered, smiling at him. "Nah...This good..." She said hugging him, as they walked up to the check out. They were in out, back on the streets again, glacing at her watch she noted the time. "I think we should start heading back..."

Talos looked to the horizon and nodded "your right we should be getting back" he took her hand and led her back to the car holding the door open for her

Seusyn smiled at him stepping in the car. "Alrighty..." she said to herself starting the car. Once Talos had gotten in, they started to drive off into the night. It had only had taken them half time for some reason.

Talos smiled at her he put his hand on her shoulder

Sesuyn looked at him, once they parked in the underground praking. She had never seen Talos smile so much, not even when he was huntimg. "hm?" Seusyn just sat there looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

Talos smiled for a few more seconds before he moved very fast and gently nipped her neck with his fangs "I was just thinking about doing that" he said and opened his door to get out

Seusyn giggled, fallowing after him, opening her doors with her bags. "Hey! Get back here!" She said smacking him with her plastic bags.

Talos chuckled "Seusyn I might be a glutton for punishment but I am not stupid" he said and blinked behind her and lightly spanked her once

Seusyn jumped, elbowing him in side not to hard. "Yes well; I wouldn't call you stupid all the time..." She said smiling sweetly at him, taking off through the door down the hall up the staris to their floor.

Talos shook his head was she trying to out run him? he blinked and was at her door and knocked lightly

Seusyn had some how gotten to her room before he did. Biting her lip, she thought about trying her new outfits on; giggling to her self she through on the black and red undies from the gothic store. Seusyn found her black silk nightrob, wrapping it around her losely to show enough skin and stain she opened the door. "yes?"

Talos smiled wickedly he liked what he saw "just thought I would come by and say goodnight" he said and with that he put on hand on her hip and with the other cupped her face and kissed her deeply

Seusyn smiled, returning his kiss sweetly. Her hands resting by hid callor, while her finger tips lingered on his lower neck. Pulling away only a few inchs she smiled at him innoncetly. "Well if you want to leave me alone thats fine..." She said backing away slowly, putting on a puppy dog pout.

Talos growled low and walked into the room and shut the door behind him he pulled his shirt off again before kissing Suesyn "I would never leave you"

Sesuyn grined, wrapping her around his neck, kissing him back, while beganing to work her way down to his neck. "Yeah riiight..."

Talos groaned low and tilted his head to the side offering her his neck

Seusyn sighed sweetly, geazing her teeth over the skin of his neck pulling away. Walking over to the four poster bed; she held the post looking at him. Her eyes glowing with a wicked intent that made her look like the kind of girl men should avoid.

Talos smiled wickedly his own eyes glowing deviously and he stalked over to her and and wrapping one arm around her waist he kissed her neck and gently bit and nipped it with his fangs while his other hand cupped and squeezed her breast

Seusyn shivered a little, turning around to face him she kissed his lips. then hopped over on to the bed grinning at him. "I'm not going to make it easy this time!" She said sweetly, watching him for a second, wondering what he would do next.

Talos smiled and walked over to the bed leaning smugly on the post he smiled and raised an eyebrow "so what is it exactly your planning to do to make this difficult?" he asked

Seusyn smiled at him. "Simple; make you work for it..." She said crosing her arm, as she tied up the slik nightcoat to cover his choice of underwaer for her.

Talos growled low and moved to the edge of the bed and leaned over putting his hands down on the mattress his lean muscles looked like he was ready to pounce "so then my little draculina what do I have to do to earn what I want?"

Seuysn walked up to the head bored, blacning on it, like it was nothing at all. "Well for starters you could try and impress me..." She said in a teasting tone, as if she was making funof him in someway.

Talos snorted "impress you? and how would I need to do that?" he asked and perched up on the foot of the bed balanced on his toes ready to pounce

Seusyn shrugged. "I dunno...anything really..." She said fixing her hair watching him with playful eyes.

Talos smiled "allright then want to make it a contest then?" he asked smiling "I bet that if you ran I could catch you before fifteen minutes was up even with out using blink speed"

Seusyn raised an eyebrow at him. "You reallt think so? With out your blink speed?..." Seusyn stood there for a monet thinking about it. "Alright, you h ave a deal..." She said grinning at him.

Talos nodded and smiled mischieviously "now the fun part what do you intend to give me if I win?" he asked

Seusyn giggled, tieing the robe tighter around her figure. "Hmmm...Whatever you want..." She said smilling at him. "But what if I win huh?"

Talos smiled and shrugged "I bet the same my angel of the night anything you want" he bunched his legs up and got ready to jump to pounce for Seusyn when she tried to run

Seusyn grinned. "Alright I agree to those trems, now its your move..." She standing there like nothing happening at all.

Talos smiled "allright then" and he leapt he arms reached out he was close this might be over sooner than he thought

Seusyn grinned, jumping over Talos, landing on the floor infront of the bed. he seemed alittle funny, not moving in his blink speed.

Talos rolled to his feet and took off after her he wanted his prize

Seusyn laughed; diving out of the way. "Come on Talos..."

Talos dived again his hand just grazing them hem of her robe he swore to himself he nearly had her that time

Seusyn shook her head. "Very close my dear...but not cloes enough..." She said undoing her robe alitte to tease his sense.

Talos groaned nearly five minutes had gone by and he didnt have time to play any more he moved in and faked going right then dove left

Seusyn dived, rolling under him, to avoid his attack. Was he just toying with her?

Talos caught himself and rolled bringing himself up ready to pounce she couldnt doge this one she was to close he gathered his muscles and pounced

Seusyn gasped, falling backwards, she wasn't sure how or what.

Talos rolled so that Seusyn was beneath him and pinned her arms "I win" he whispered in her ear

Seusyn felt her cheeks flushed, and she bit her lip looking up at him. "...Yeah..."

Talos leaned up and licked his fang looking her up and down "hmm now what do I claim as my prize?" he asked his hands still on her wrists holding her down

Seusyn looked up at him, looking inoccnet. "I dunno...You get whatever you want!" She tried to free his wrist.

Talos leaned forward enough so that Seusyn couldnt get free but not hurt her "true but does what ever I want mean whatever I want?" he asked smiling wickedly

Seusyn rasied an eyebrow at him. "I'm going out on a lim here and going to say yes..."

Talos smiled and bent down letting his fangs graze over the skin on her neck before sinking in his fangs

Seusyn gasped at the feeling of his fangs. Her plus began to plus faster.

Talos dug his fangs in deeper drinkly her wine like blood in deep gulps for a few seconds before pulling away

Seusyn looked up at him, breathing a little bit deeper. Her eyes looked up into his.

Talos got up off of Seusyn and helped her up "now then my angel of the night take off that robe"

Seusyn blushed looking at him. "what your not going to try and tear it off me like you did my poor bra?" She said with a slightly amused look, her cheeks burning.

Talos smiled and uncrossed his arms "would you want me to?" he asked smiling his fangs long

Seusyn grined, shaking her head. "No, I don't want you to reck my poor robe..." she said undoing her robe.

Talos smiled as she removed the robe and leaned on one of the bed poles and crossed his arms when the robe was off he tossed his head in a come closer way

Seusyn shivered as the robe fell to the floor. Steping over her robe, she walked up, and stood infront of Talos.

Talos let one hand rest on the small of her back the other cupped her face and Talos pulled Seusyn into a deep kiss "dont be scared" he whispered when he finally broke it

Seusyn placed her hands on his chest, while he kissed her. Looking up at him, smilling at him sweetly. "I'm not scared..." She said softly.

Talos smiled and kissed her neck "then why do you shake like your scared?"

Seusyn smilled, pressing aganist him. "I'm a little cold...I'm still partly human..." She said nuzzling her head into his neck.

Talos smiled "so then why dont we get into bed?" he asked his smile wicked as he ran one hand teasingly along her spine

Seusyn looked up at him, but smilled sweetly. She leaned into him, her red hair falling down her back. "Ok..."

Talos grabbed the covers and pulled them back before scooping up Seusyn and laying her down in the bed

Seusyn looked up at him wrapping her around his neck. "hehe your so sweet!" She said kissing his cheek.

Talos laughed "if thats what you want to call it" he said before sitting on the side of the bed next to her

Seusyn sat up wrapping her arms around his shoulders, kiss his neck. "So what should I call it then?" She asked, resting her head in his shoulder.

Talos shrugged "I dont know" he said and kicked off his boots he turned and layed in the bed beside her

Seusyn smiled at him, she placed her hand on his face. "Well your specail to me in every way..." Cuddling up next him, she felt his icey cold skin touch hers.

Talos moved so that he was on top of the blanket "sorry I am not one much for warmth but the blanket should keep you warm" he said and lightly put his arm around her shoulders

Seusyn smiled at him, she nuzzled her head under his chin. "its not that bad...but thank you." She loved being close to him, she didn't feel as alone as she did before.

Talos wrapped his arms around her but seemed to be making alot of very small adjustments like he couldnt get comfortable

Seusyn looked at him, wanting for him to become comfortable. She threw of the covers and wrapped them around the two. Seusyn layed ontop of him. "Whats wrong?" She asked.

Talos layed his head back "its nothing" he adjust alittle more "its just I have never done anything like this before" he said and for once he might actually seem emberassed about some short comming he had

seusyn looked at him, running her hands through his black hair. "What do you mean?..." she asked a little confussed, and worried. She could sense his emberassment, but didn't under why? was it her? She was beganing to worry herself.

Talos frownned "no its not you little one its just that I havent ever tried to lay next to some one like this it feels different" he put his arms around her and closed his eyes making his nervous twitching stop

Seuysn smiled sweetly at him kissing his forhead. "I can leave if you want..." She said looking down for a second; biting her lower lip.

Talos laughed "why should you laugh its your room little one" he kissed her briefly "but no I dont want you to leave as new as it is I love this"

Seusyn smiled, returning his kiss. "Well do you think I could make you more comfortable?" She asked, rubbing his cheek.

Talos sighed "nothing little one I am fine" he said then smiled "unless you had somthing in mind"

Seusyn looked at him, kissing his lips lightly. "I'm asking you..." She said giggling.

Talos smiled more "but I want to know what you want to do" he siad and moved his hands to gently cup the curves of her ass "like lets say what would have happened if you had won the bet?" he asked

Seusyn giggled, kissing his neck softly. "hehe...well your the one who won; and all you wanted was afew drops of my blood?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

Talos shrugged "I didnt know if you would be up for much more than that" he said and winked before he kissed her neck

Seusyn smiled at him, nipping his neck. "Well what do you think? I mean what eles did you want?" She said grinning at him.

Talos smiled and moving his hands so that he pulled her panties into a kind of thong "mmmm I think you can guess" he said and ran his hands along her ass and the back of her thighs

Seusyn bit her lip when he pulled her underwaer, biting his neck. "Oh, you might have to give me a little more detail..." She said as her hands traveled down his sides.

Talos smiled and using his hands made her straddle his hips and bucked his hips against her "mm I would make sure that you were up all night" he said and squeezed her ass

Seusyn giggled, her legs tightening around his hips. "You think you could stay up all night?" she said trying not to laugh.

Talos smiled at her and bucked his hips more pushing his growing hardon against her "oh I am sure I can with the right motivation" he said

Seusyn grin, pushing her hips down on him. "Well then..." She said looking down at him, biting his nis ear.

Talos groaned and pressed against her pulling her down by her hips "mmmm yes Seusyn do what you want with me" he groaned

Seusyn moaned a little; kissing from his neck to his callor bone. "What do you want me to do?..." She asked sitting up still stradling him. "I mean you did win that silly bet..." she said with a raised eyebrow.

Talos graoned his hands gripping her waist "Seusyn I want you to do whatever you want to me" he leaned up some and kissed her chest between her breast then kissed each of them "please do whatever you want to me I am yours"

Seusyn moaned lightly, biting her lip lightly. "Mmm I don't know what to do with you..." she said feeling her cheeks go red. Her lips finding his neck, she couldn't help herself by bitting him, to draw a little bit of his blood.

Talos moaned loudly as he was bit and his hard on strained against his pants and his hands gripped Seusyn tightly he turned his head offering her better access to his throat

Seusyn bit him harder drawing more of his blood. While her hip pressed frimly down on his hard on. Her hands found the buckle on his pants.

Talos groaned louder and his hands slipped under the waist band of her new panties and he slid them down alittle his hands seeking out her vagina

Seusyn gasped for a second, pulling away from his neck, her hands finding his hard on. Seusyn began to drink from again; pulling his pants down some.

Talos hissed in his breath as he felt Seusyns soft hands on his erection and bucked his hips into her hands Talos turned his head beck so that she could feed freely

Seusyn bit him harder while her hands grasped his erection, squzzing lightly. Her leg rubbed agnist his, while she played with him.

Talos groaned and bucked his hips more as Seusyn rubbed her form against his her soft hands rubbed over his aching hard on "I dont know how much longer I can as little one" he groaned as she continued to feed off him

Seusyn pulled away from his neck, and pulled her hands away. "Well then...I should stop then..." She said grining evily; pulling away from Talos completely.

Talos groaned his rigid hard on throbbing "nnnn no please I want more I need more" he begged and tried to move closer to her

Seusyn leaned back, away from him, her torso fully exspode other then her bra that covre her chest. "The come and get it..."

Talos groaned and using just his ab muscles sat up and kissed up her chest "nn does this bra snap in front or in back?" he asked his hands running up her sides to her breasts

Seusyn undid her bra from the from, with a smiple click, she tossed it aside. "The front...but seeing as you have trouble with them..." She giggled.

Talos smiled but at the same time groaned and latched onto one of her nipples and began to suck pulling her hips closer with his hands pressing his aching hard on between them

Seusyn gasped, bitting her lip, she moaned lightly. Her hips pushed down on him, then pulled away.

Talos groaned as she pulled away "is somthing wrong?" he asked her his hands lightly trying to pull her back towards him

Seusyn shook her head, insted she laid down pulling him ontop of her. "No..." she said looking up at him.

Talos nearly growled as he bucked his hips foreward and felt his hard cock slide along her wet pussy and he shivered "nnnn Seusyn you feel so good" he moaned

Seusyn arched her back forward feeling him. "mmm not as good as you taste..." She said giggling lightly, wrapping her leg around his.

Talos managed to stop long enough to line himself up and then bucked forward again this time sliding smoothly into her he groaned and soon picked up a slow steady pace

Seusyn moaned loadly, as he slid into her. Her hands were on his shoulders, as her hip would move with his in rythem. She never that Talos could feel this way about anyone, it was such a change.

Talos slowly began to pick up speed as he bent low to bite into her neck and draw blood

Seusyn gasped, her hands on his neck, she felt over whilemed with pleasure her breathing became alittle faster as his speed did.

Talos bit deeper sinking his fangs in and began to pump in and out of her quickly and added more strength into his thrusts

Seusyn thought she owuld scream. She brought her hips up to very thrust he made, wanting to feel him deeper. Her was getting dizzy, from all that was happening and how it all happened so quickly. HEr heart was doing back flips, as he moved.

Talos drank in deep gulps her blood was amazing same as her wet sex it felt like silk on him and he couldnt help but drive into it

Seusyn fingers grasped his hair, her head faced the side so he could have her neck. She started to feel an building brust of pleasure inside of her.

Talos groaned "mmmm yes Seusyn your getting close" he growled and kept thrusting slamming in

Sesuyn bit his ear lightly. It was like falling of the edge of a building, the rush of a release of pleasure ran througth her body, her back arching in sheer pleasure and happiness with Talos. Seusyn wrapped her legs around him.

Talos groaned his own climax not far away he thrust a few more times then ground against her and came spraying deep into her

Seusyn gasped for air holding ont to him, feeling him deep in side her. "...mmm..." She moaned lightly, looking up at him.

Talos groaned lowly and layed ontop of Seusyn he was still buried in her and rolled so that she was on top and kissed her his breathing was deep

seusyn smiled kissing him back, her hip frimly aganist his. "mmm Talos..." she said between kisses. "Can I ask a favor from you?" She said nipping at his neck.

Talos nipped her earlobe and ground against her "mm what do you want my little misstress"

Seusyn moande lightly. "...I...I want you to try my cake!" She said smilling at him, kissing his lips. "I plan on finshing it tomorrow..." She looked down at him with hopefull eyes.

Talos began to chuckle and after a few seconds began to laugh "after all that happened just now you want me to just try your cake?" he asked

Seusyn looked at him smilling. "yes..." She said kissing his ear to his neck.

Talos groaned "we need to shower Seusyn" he said and got up picking her up so she was laying in his arms and headed for the bathroom

Seusyn wrapped her arms around his neck giggling. "Why do you say that..."

Talos smiled as he got in the shower and sat Seusyn down on her feet and turned on a warm jet of water before pulling her back to his chest and kissing her neck "its because I heard that sex in the shower was fun"

Seusyn laughed looking at him. "So the truth come out..." She said as the water feel over her body, her red hair sticking to her own body.

Talos smiled and ran his hands over her breast tweaking the nipples as he did "mmm what can I say I am what I am"

"A horn dog?" She asked leaning into him, her hands sliding down his chest witht he warm water. Sesuyn enjoyed the feeling of the warm water and Talos's cool body, it made her shiver with joy.

Talos smiled and one hand dipped down to Seusyns sex and rubbed her "if I am a horn dog what does that make you?" he asked smiling wickedly

Seusyn gasped, her hand holding his arm. "...You tell me..." She said trying to fight back the temptaion to moan out his name. The water filling her ears, as steam rised up from the showers floor.

Talos pushed a finger deep into Seusyns core and roughly pinched one nipple while he did that he growled low "mine"

Seusyn moaned loadly bitting down on her lip, her hand squzzing his arm. "...Wh-what makes you think that..." she spoke coming sort of breath. Her heart picking up it pace, her cheeks were as red as roses.

Talos reached out and turned the hot water on more making it just alittle hot instead of warm so that is hit her nipples Talos smiled "are you saying that you wouldnt want to be Seusyn?" he asked

Seusyn faced Talos, her cheek red, the hot water, send shivers through her body as the droplets hit her breast. "What do you mean...?" She asked, her cheeks becoming very red. Her skin looked human and warm...

Talos groaned and using his strength lifted Seusyn and pinned her between him and the wall bending his head down Talos bit one of her nipples and began to drink from it

Seusyn screamed out in pleasure, wrapping her legs and arms around Talos. her mind falling into a daze. "...Oh god, Talos..." She moaned running her fingers throught his wet black hair.

Talos slowly stopped and then turned and started feeding from the other one and started drinking from it his hands cupping her ass

Seusyn hung her head back aganist the wall, she felt her body burn with want. Her hands falling to his shoulders.

Talos finally stopped and looked up at her "well what do you say are you mine?" he asked smiling and kissed her

Seusyn looked at him, her face red; also her skin felt like it was on fire. "...Yes..." She said allmost out of breath. She nuzzled her head onto his shoulder.

Talos smiled and kissed her neck and bit it alittle his member was rigidly hard again

Seusyn gasped, feeling his hard member, her head was spinning. Seusyn, bit a this shoulder, her nails dragging down his arms.

Talos groaned and pushing her up alittle slid himself into her again picking up his slow steady pace again

Seusyn moaned, biting his neck, drinking from him. Pulling away after a few seconds. She brought her hips down on his own.

Talos gritted his teeth gods this was amazing though after this time around he might not have anything left for the rest of the night

Seusyn felt him, she wanted him. She bit his neck again this time, not letting go, she frimly pressed her back on the title wall.

Talos groaned "yes little one feed from me" he moaned and started going fster and faster

Seusyn pulled away kissing his lip fricely, pulling him close. Her hip in rythem with his. The water relaxing every muscle in her body

Talos going for nearly another ten minutes before he finally lost it and came again spraying another load into Seusyn he ground against her as he came

Seusyn held onto Talos gasping for air. Her body felt weak and tired, but still pleased. She kissed his cheek, burring her head into his shoulder.

Talos sat her down and wearily cleaned her off and then cleaned off himself before carrying her back to bed

Seusyn shivered, but held onto him, "Thank you..." She spoke softly into his ear. He cared, and it made her heart dance.

Talos smiled weakly "no need" he said and laid her down before laying down next to her he smiled as he saw the window it was light outside

Seusyn wrapped her arms around him, nuzzling her head into his chest. "...Talos...I..." she looked up at him with heavy eye lids. "...I'm glad I met you..." She said softly, her eyes closing.

Talos smiled and pulled her closer "and I am glad that for once my brother did somthing right" he said and kissed you before drifting off to sleep

Seusyn dreamt of snow; jsut standing there, but she was warm and not alone. She felt someone holding her, to keep her safe.

Talos dreamt of being lost in the dark but soon he found that a light had come and was leading him out of the darkness

Seusyn rolled over again, but fell out of the bed with thud. "ow...not again..." She said goarned into the floor not wanting to move. She cursed at herself for falling out of the bed.

Talos woke up and when he reached for her saw she was gone he heard Seusyn on the floor and got up "are you allright?"

Seusyn sat up pulling a sheet down to cover her body, she pulled her body up to the bed lazily. "mhmm...I useally fall out of this damn bed..." She growled.

Talos laughed and picked her back up into the bed and turned her so that her back was pressed against his chest and wrapped his arms around her "now you wont roll out of bed" he whispered to her

Seusyn smiled, holding his arms. "Thanks..." She said breathing slowly, feeling his skin aganist her. It felt so soft, and gentale, she couldn't beleive he was conisdered a monster.

Talos buried his face in her hair and inhaled deeply before trying to fall back to sleep

Seusyn layed there thinking about everything, was she starting to fall for him? She had always cared about him, and hated it when he was upset or anyone tryed to hurt him, she closed her eyes.

Talos smiled in his sleep he pushed away the feelings of worry about letting her this close and instead embraced what she was not only a redemption but she was more than that she was his beloved the girl he would do anything for"

Seusyn turned around in her sleep, so she was curled up into his chest. Her dreams were filled with warmth of his touch and love. She enjoyed dreaming of him and knowing he would be there for her.

Talos couldnt remember what he dreamed of only that for once he wasnt afraid to wake up fighting ghosts

Seuysn was tangled up with Talos, her legs wrapped around his, while her hair was all over the place.

Talos slowly awoke as the night started his eyes slowly opening

Seuysn layed in Talos arms still passed out, like a log.

Talos burrowed in closer to her under the covers and made a few small noises in his sleep he couldnt believe Seusyn was willing to sleep next to him

Seusyn coughed lightly, biting his chest in her sleep. She was odd yes.

Talos groaned and woke up he stroked Seusyns hair as she bit him "wake up love its dusk" he whispered to her

Seusyn awoke, with a drop of blood trailing down her chin. "Hmmmm?" She looked lost for a second.

Talos lifted her chin and running his tingue along her chin to get his blood he kissed her letting her taste it that way

Seusyn giggled; returning his kiss. Her tonuge sliding across his, tasting his blood.

Talos groaned into the kiss "mm Seusyn we need to stop or else we will spend all day in here again" he said though as he said that his hands ran along her back and stopped holding the small of her back

Seusyn pulled away from the kiss. "But you make it so easy...." She said grining, her arms still around him. "And what would we do all night refuse to go to class..." She said looking at him.

Talos groaned "are you really going to start on that again?" he asked "I thought you wanted me to eat your cake"

Seusyn couldn't help but laugh. "Ok, that just sounded wrong in some wreally werid way...but yes, but I'm going to vlass to make it...Talos really, I think your brother wants you to study, if not, for me?" She spooke sweet, kissing his lipd, softly.

Talos groaned "fine I will go to class today for all the good it will do me" he said

Seuysn girined kissing him between words. "thank you..." She said cuddling up with him, knowing they could blow a few minutes. "But are you really going to try my cake?"

Talos smiled and grinned wickedly and rolled Seusyn onto her back before sliding down her legs he kissed her pussy lips "depends" he siad

Seusyn gasped, sitting up pulling her bosy away from his. "Talos!...if you start that we will be late!! Behave!" She said grining at him, pulling the sheet to cover him. That was for a later time...

Talos played like he was going to bite "oh but you taste so good" he said then smiled he got up with the sheet wrapped around his waist

Sesuyn giggled, kissing Talos before he got up. "I know!" She said cheekly, wrapping the blaket around her. Her eyes were on Talos.

Talos smirked and turned to the door "we will talk about how you know that later but for now I need to change" he said and opened the door before blinking over to his room

Seusyn pouted when he left. 'Fine don't kisses me goodbye" She said pouting. Seusyn got up, closing the door. She hoped into the shower washing her hair and body. The room filled with the smell of Lillys...

Talos blinked back into her room wearing his usual flat black t shirt and blue jeans he proped up on the side of Seusyns bed his nose filled with the scent of flowers he smirked she most not relize that she smelled like Lillys all the time any way

Seusyn finshed up cleaning up. Stepping out of the shower, wrapping her towel her. She truned on her hair stragtner, and walked out of the bathroom still wet, looking up to see Talos.

Talos smiled "why kiss you goodbye when I would never leave you?" he asked

Seusyn giggled grabbing her dress and walked back into the bathroom. "still..." she said sighing.

Talos smiled and blinked in front of her and kissed her deeply "goodbye" he said and blinked back into her room

Seusyn shook her head, but didn't say anything. Insedt she got red, and came back out. Her hair wasn't wavey anymore, but stright. She still had her towel on but she walked up to him and pushed him out of the playfully. She didn't want to wear the dress anymore. So she found a shor skrit and a V cut Tshrit. Seusyn let her towel drop and started to get dressed. When she finshed sher turned around and looked at him.

Talos still simply stood there a half smile on his face he loved watching her even in the most simple things everything about Seusyn was beautiful

Seusyn walked up to Talos and kissed his chin. "hehe you like?" She asked, happy that she had srigthened her hair, it was longer. The jean skrit was tight with a green V tshrit. She was happy with him and what had happen, she grabed a black bag and threw it over her shoulder.

Talos wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her ass "mmm I love it Seusyn the same as I love you" he said

Seusyn gasped as he grabbed her ass. "...what did you say?" She said taken back by his words. She had never heard Talos even utter the words I love you to anyone. She was filled with joy and happy, but wounder.

Talos smiled and huged her close "Seusyn I love you" he whispered and held her close it was true he had never I love you to anyone but Seusyn wasnt just anyone she was his and she made his heart beat

Seusyn wrapped her arms around him, burring her head into his neck. "I love you too..." She said looking up at him, her eyes sprakling. Seusyn only wanted to be with him...

Talos smiled "dont we have some where to go?" he asked and stepped back holding her hand letting Seusyn take the lead

Seusyn wished he didn't let go, but she nodded holding his hand. "um yeah..." She said walking to the door.

Talos kept the half smile on his face as Seusyn led him around he didnt mind

The two walked down the hall to one of the classes; which was very full of night studnets. Seusyn took her seat waiting for Talos.

Talos grabbed a chair and sat next to Seusyn he looked around the room "what is the class for?" he asked a few of the students stared at him as no one really saw him much around the academy

Seusyn looked at him. "Its history..." She said taking his hand. The yeacher walked in and began to talk.

Talos simply sat and zoned out he had lived through alot of what the teacher was talking about why did he need to hear it again

Seusyn looked so intrested in what the teacher had to say. She enjoyed learning, her hand was fidling with Talos's.

Talos turned and smiled at her his hand closed around hers

Seusyn smiled glacing at Talos, her heart fluttred. She was taking notes on what teacher spoke about. How Hitler was almost changed into a werewolf and so froth.

Talos vaguelly recalled HItler asking for the aid of his father when the tides of war had turned against him however his father favored america in the supernatural aspects of the war

Seusyn seemed so happy, she hooked his foot in a palyful manner, just ti bug him, as a bell rang, the teacher gave them home work and sen them off.

Talos looked at the piece of paper and raised an eyebrow before wadding it up and tossing it over his shoulder and just to get Seusyn back for hooking his foot as he was walking he snuck a quick pinch to her ass and simply smiled at her

Seusyn gasped, smacking his chest with a histroy book. "Talos!" She siad trying not to smile at him. her long now stright hair fallowed behind her. another male taking intrest in her.

Talos shot a glare at the male and sneered showing his fangs the message was clear back off she is mine

Seusyn smacked his chest again. "...Talos...I kick your ass again if you start an-" She was cut off from a young man hugging. "Oh mY Gods! Seusyn! Where yesterday!?" The young man asked. He had snady blonde hair a golden eyes. He was tall and well built, and dressed to high stander to impress.

Talos pulled Seusyn out of his arms and held her close over protective

Seusyn started to giggled at Talos. "I've been go Dean...Hows the boyfriend?" She asked him. The blond laughed. "Being bitchy as always, but what can I say...Sex has been horrible! I think its cause he told his family..." Seusyn smiled. "Dean this Talos, Talos Dean"

Talos looked the male up and down before holding out his hand "good to meet you" he said

Seusyn looked up at the two happily, she wraped her arms around Talos. Dean shook Talos's hand. "Oh god Seusyn you didn't skip class yesterday to bonk tall dark and handsome?" Afew looked at the three. "...I'm going to kill you..." She said to dean, and dean ran off laughing.

Talos smirked "maybe she might do it today!" he called after the male Talos nearly laughed as everyone stared at them

Seusyn felt her cheeks burn up. "If you keep that up you wont get any!" She growled at Talos noting people were looking.

Talos smiled and pulled her close "dont worry little one whats the worst tht could happen?" he asked her

Seusyn sighed. "Still..." She said leaning into him, she nipped at his neck.

Talos smiled "and you were getting after me for a public display?" he asked and kissed her

Seusyn giggled kiising him back. "no..." She said pulling away to go to the next class.

Talos groaned and followed her these classes were so pointless but if Seusyn wanted to go then he would go with her

Seusyn giggled draging him to English class, her hips moving in away to Talos all the while. "come on!I don't want to be late!" She said giggling.

Talos groaned again "Seusyn I dont know if I can wait if you keep shaking your hips like that" he said

Seusyn stopped and truning around kissing him deeply, pushing her hip aganist his. "Well your going to have too..." She said walking into the class room, sitting down giving him a cheeky grin.

Talos groaned and walked in sitting beside her once again he smugly put a hand on her thigh "dont start somthing you cant finish" he whispered to her

Seusyn shivered at the feel of his hand, leaning into him, kissing his neck. "I can finsh...but who sad it would be quick and easy?" she pulled away as a fea teacher came in, and began to read shakspear.

Talos groaned and leaned back in his chair he never understood shakespear the characters never made any sense they pined after such idiotic things

Seusyn looked at Talos, she rubbed his leg, listing to the teacher. She loved shakespear

Talos looked over at her and mouthed silently "you owe me" and put his hand alittle higher on her thigh

Seusyn grined at him, her hand brushing over his package light, till she was writing note again.

Talos groaned and moved his hand higher "next class we sit in the back" he whispered

Seusyn grined sweetly. "Next class is gym..." she spoke quitely. paying attion to the teacher as she spoke.

Talos smiled "so do you ware a gym uniform?" he asked

Seusyn gave him a smile not answering, the bell rang soon enough. She gathered her thing waited for Talos. "Better hope you have shorts..."

Talos shrugged "I doubt I will need them" he said and followed Seusyn to the next class

Seusyn laughed, leading him to the gym, it looked more like a fight zone. "Boys change over there..." She said poniting to door on the other side of the gym, her hips brushing past his package again as she walked the other way to the girls change room.

Talos smiled and blinked over to the locker room and seeing the uniforms he laughed ad simply took of his flat black shirt and blinked back out into the gym

The gym teacher looked at Talos, "You might want to get changed..." He simply said, checking the list. Seusyn came out in the tight black short shaorts that girls wore and the tight white tshrit. Her hair was tied back, she looked at talos with a raised eybrow. Afew of girls giggled seeing talos with some intrest.

Talos shrugged "I wont wear those ridiculous clothes" he said simply and though many of the girls stared at him Talos looked back calmly at Seusyn his eyes never wandering from her

Seusyn sat down with a couple other girls crossing her legs watching Talos, a gril whispering something into her ear. Seusyn blushed and giggled, the gril smiled at Talos.

Talos didnt hear anymore objections and so went back to where some of the others sat and kneeled down

The teacher divide the boys and girls; the guys where to combat, hand to hand, but not to kill, girls were sent to play vollyball, the irony in that. Seusyn waved bye towards Talos she help with the nets.

Talos snorted this was so pointless he stepped into the makes shift ring they had set up and waited his opponent was an elf tall and thin he swung a rather well aimed right cross but Talos slapped it away sneering and smashed the back of his fist into elfs face sending him sprawling "your pathetic" he growled 

Seusyn couldn't help but watch. SH ebit her lip in hopes Talos would behave. "Please..." She said quitly. Hoping his good hearing would pick it up. but she had to serve the ball.

Talos sneered looks like he had to play nice the elf got up and taking a running start jumped and kneed Talos in the face Talos looked like he was going to fall but instead stood again as the elf continued the assualt

Seusyn looked at him worried, but slamed the ball over the net, their team got another ponit. She stood ready, her knees bent and hands togather, the guys who were not fighting at the momnet were watching the girls with extremly happy faces.

Talos had had enough of this and as the elf rushed again his arm shot out and grabbed him by the neck "your totally useless you have no conviction no emotion to bring into the fight your pathetic" he said and tossed the elf into the wall the elf was out cold

Some guys cheered for Talos and others watched the girls. Talos was subbed out so the next pair could go at it. Seusyn was having an easy time, she liked Vollyball.

Talos blinked over to the other half of the gym and watched Seusyn a half smile on his face

Seusyn had set the ball up of another slam and there team won. She walked over to Talos as onther two teams came on to the corut. "What are you smiling at?" She said.

Talos smiled "watching you jumping around in those shorts little one " he said

Seusyn smile up at him. "What? you like them more then my mini skrit?" She giggled at him, kissing his cheek.

Talos groaned "Seusyn the gods could not of made a more perfect ass for miniskirts"

Seusyn giggled turn around leaning back into him, while her ass press aganist his package. "You think so huh?"

Talos groaned and grabbed her hips pulling her ass back against him

Seusyn giggled enjoying the feeling of Talos around her. "mmm..."

Talos gritted his teeth by the gods he wanted her now "know any where private to go?" he asked quietly in her ear so that the others students wouldnt notice them gone

Seusyn bit her lip, class would be over in 20 min...She took his hand and led hin into the change room. She pulled Talos into a passonite kiss.

Talos groaned and grabed Seusyn by the nape of her neck pulling into the kiss his other hand moved down and squeezed her ass

Seusyn hands were on his chest, god did she love the feeling of his lips, everything.

Talos pulled back some and knelt in front of her his hands finding the tops of the tight shorts and pulling them down

Seusyn smiled watching Talos, her heart fluttering, her hand running through his hair.

Talos slid the shorts off as well as any panties she had on and started to slowly kiss and lick her pussy stopping every so often to suck on her clit

Seusyn gasped, she was leaning back onto a locker her. "oh Talos..." she said coming sort of breath.

Talos kept up his efforts he wanted to please her yet at the same time a raging erection throbbed in his pants

Seusyn was moaning his name her breathing was heavy. Her body was shuddering for pleasure.

Talos stood up and kissed her "try not to be so loud little one the teacher will hear you"

Seusyn kissed him back, blushing. "heh...Sorry..." she said biting down on her lip, she looked up at Talos. Her hands were on the rim of his pants.

Talos smiled at her "I can go back to eating you out or we can move on to somthing else what do you want?" he asked

Seusyn smiled up at Talos, she wasn't much for the talking part about sex, but she wanted him to be happy. "How about what do you want?" she said

Talos groaned low and lifted Seusyn up pinning her against the lockers he slid himself into picking up a slow steady pace

Seusyn gasped, wrapping her legs around his waist as he slide into her. She bite his neck to stop herself from making any noise.

Talos smiled and started picking up his pace a half smile on his face he loved the way she felt the way she wrapped herself around him

Seusyn smiled into his neck, she pushed her hips down on him, her fangs dug into his neck for a monet to taste him.

Talos groaned and started to speed up his pace and increase his power

Seusyn heart rate started to go up, god did she love him, she never had been so close to someone that made her feel safe and wanted.

Talos turned his head the opposite way from what Seusyn had hers turned and sank his fangs into her neck as well

Seusyn felt her body burn up again, she wanted him more and more with every second. She kissed his neck, moaning lightly as he bit her neck.

Talos groaned and let go with his fangs "remember little one be quiet" he whispered and kept thrusting

Seusyn sighed her hips moving with his. "I'm trying..." She said breathlessly.

Talos smiled and captured her mouth in a kiss as he thrust into her

Seusyn returned his, biting his lip, she forced her hips down on him.

Talos groaned "gods Seusyn I am close"

Seusyn nodded, her body felt as if it would explode soon.

Talos pumped a few more times before he slammed himself in one more time before cumming deep inside you

Seusyn bit her tonuge, as she climaxed. Her cheeks were red.

Talos pulled back some to look at her "now how are you going to get cleaned up?" he asked smiling

Seusyn looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Do I really look that bad!?"

Talos smiled and thrust his hips a few times "no I meant about this"

Seusyn couldn't help but laugh lightly. Her eyes watched his. "You tell me..." She said.

Talos shrugged "not sure I would recomend a shower but I think some one might notice when I went in there with you"

Seusyn shook her head "Yes they would notice..." She was leaning on the lockers.

Talos smiled "well then have any ideas?" he asked kissing along her collar bone and up her neck

Seusyn ran her hands down his sides. "None that are coming to" She asked kissing his ear, nipping at it.

Talos smiled "well maybe you dont and just stay like that until you get to your room and shower" he smiled wickedly maybe he was joking but then maybe not

"or I could wait till the end of class and take shower like most girls do after gym class..." She said grining at him, bit his lip.

Talos smiled and nipped her neck "sounds like a good plan" he said and set Seusyn down on her feet gently

seusyn smiled hugging him tightly. kissing his neck. "....ok" She rested her head on his shoulder.

Talos knelt down and picked up her shorts and held them so that she could step into them

Seusyn giggled looking at him as she steped into her shorts.

Talos smiled and pulled them up her legs and back into place "how much time until class is over?" he asked

Seusyn sighed, "Ten minutes or so..." She said looking down at him.

Talos scooped her up "good" he whispered and blinking them back into the gym he set her down then blinked back to the other side

Seusyn sighed happily watch the girls play vollyball, when really she watched Talos.

Talos was watching Seusyn until another elf came up saying that he was going to kick his ass Talos looked at him like 'your jocking right?' before he turned to Seusyn and raised his eyebrow

Seusyn looked at him with a pleading look not to do anything, she bit her lip.

Talos smiled and nodded and stepped into the ring the elf wasted no time sweeping Talos's legs out from under him he leapt on top of him and began bringing his fist down the elf from before smiled almost proud to see what he thought of as an upstart vampire getting beaten

Seusyn smiled at Talos but covred her face. She didn't want him to get hurt but she didn't want him to hurt someone eles.

Talos smiled up at the elf as he was waylaid "your such a prick" he muttered as the elf rained down punches again and again "you call those punches?" he asked only pissing the elf off more and more

"Talos...." She said watching, not wanting to watch. Most the girls went over to watch.

Talos smiled up at the elf "you have to throw more from the hips less from the shoulder" he said the elf then elbowed him right in the face "good hit how was it for you?" he asked smiling at the elf enraging him more and more

Seusyn turned her head away from him completely, she didn't like to watch nor fight. It really bugged her to think in the end it was something she would have to do in the. She prayed the beel would just go and end that fight for him.

Talos let out a long sigh then as the elf reached back to hit him Talos grabbed him by th throat and lifting him up Talos stood the elf held at arms length "your a fucking idiot!" Talos yelled "both of you!" he looked at the other elf "take a good long look at my body you fools these scars arent from being clumsy I was tortured I have felt pain beyond your imagining I am the beast of DeLint the hated brother I am the killers killer" he said calmly "and your nothing but an annoying little fly" and with that Talos reached back and punched him straight in the face knocking him out

Seusyn looked up at him, a pianed look on her face. Things were fine up and till now. He really didn't care for others, her cheeks were red. Some of the studnets were intrested him others looked scared.

Talos looked at the other elf "next time send some one worthy of bothering me" he then turned and stalked over to Suesyn he put an arm around her

Seusyn looked at him with a pouty face. "Did you really have to do that?" She asked, leaning into him.

Talos growled "of course I had to send a message" he kissed her neck "I am sorry if I worried you though"

Seusyn looked at him, smiling sightly. "You just wanted to beat them up..." She said kissing his chin.

Talos smiled as he pulled her closer and growled as another guy checked out her ass

Seusyn giggled kissing his lips. "Stop that..." She said towards his growling.

Talos still growled low "I cant help it" he said an kissed her

Seusyn giggled returning his kisses. "Yes you can...Just take pride that I'm with you, not them..." She said smiling.

Talos growled "I know but I dont want anything to happen to you" he kissed her neck "if you knew how they looked at you you would understand"

Seusyn cuped Talos face in her hand. "I do, but don't forget, I can take care of myself..." She smiling warmly towards him.

Talos nodded and kissed her on the lips "Seusyn I could never forget but I will always protect you no matter what"

Seusyn looked up at him, her eyes getting teary. "Talos..." She said hugging him tightly.

Talos smiled as the bell rand he quickly gave her ass a squeeze "allright then time to go get cleaned up"

Seusyn smacked his chest, walking off to the change room smiling at him. She walked into the change room taking her shrit off, other girls doing the same, it didn't take her long to get cleaned up and changed, back into the jean mini skrit.

Talos blinked into the shower and stripped getting cleaned up he came walking back out his shirt back on and his black hair pulled back

Seusyn was waiting by the door, her books in hand. There was some guy talking to her, she smiled at him, she glanced at Talos. The guy talking to her said goodbye and walked off.

Talos walked up to her "oh and who was that?" he asked watching the male walk away

Seusyn looked at him smilling. "A friend" She sais smiply. Wrapping her arms around Talos waist.

Talos raised an eyebrow "that doesnt tell me much"

Seusyn sighed. "No Talos, I'm sleeping with him..." She said looking at him with a less then impressed look. "he's a friend I met here, when you wouldn't come to class." She said.

Talos smiled "allright then" he said and put his arms around her

Seusyn giggled. "Good" She said kissing him lightly.

Talos kissed her back "so what now Seusyn?" he asked

Seusyn pulled him close to her. "lunch..." She said looking up at him.

Talos pulled her closer to his neck "allright then Seusyn"

Seusyn giggled, kissing his neck. "mmm not in public..." She said taking his hand.

Talos nodded and headed after her wanting his lunch as well

Seusyn led him to a vanict hallways pulling up aganist her. She giggled as she bit her lip.

Talos smiled and picked Seusyn up so that she straddled his waist "ready to eat?"

Seusyn laughed lightly her legs wrapping around his waist. "More then ready..." She said smiling.

Talos turned his head to the side "allright ready whenever you are"

Seusyn bit his next, not waiting another second, her hands running through his hair.

Talos groaned as he held her Seusyns sweet little fangs burried in his neck

Seusyn drank from him happily, her legs tightening around his waist. "mmmm..."

Talos groaned and ground agaisnt her "mmm yes little one take all you want"

Seusyn rubbed her chest aganist his, contuining to feed off of him.

Talos groaned his cock hard agianst her ",mmm yes little one the things you do to me"

Seusyn pulled away looking at him, feeling his cick, her skrit moving up. "And what things do I do to you?" She asked.

Talos groaned and bucked his hips against her "mmm little one you make me feel alive"

Seusyn gridened down on his hips, leaning her head to the side. "Thats good..."

Talos groaned and as he bit her he pinned Seusyn to the wall grinding against her

Seusyn moaned, running her one leg down his back side, while the other stayed around his wasit.

Talos groaned into her and bit her harder drinking more blood

Seusyn shivered. "ooh Talos..." She said, rubbing her body aganist his. She felt her heart was beating crazily

Talos reached down and moved her pantied to the side

Seusyn shivered, kissing his neck, biting his neck lightly.

Talos groaned as his hands found the buckle to his pants and undid them

Seusyn kissed his lips, her hands around his neck.

Talos looked at her "Seusyn do you want this?" he asked

Seusyn nodded, her eyes never looking away from him his. "Talos, I'm all yours..." She said softly.

Talos groaned and slid himself into her and began sliding in and out

Seusyn shivered, biting his neck, her hips moving in rythem with his.

Talos started picking up his pace he knew that they didnt have long since it was lunch but still he wanted to stay with her stay in her for as long as he could

Seusyn felt complete, like she found a the messing peace to herself. She moan lightly into his ear.

Talos growled low and picked up his pace and his power "nnn little one you make me feel whole like you fixed what my brother broke"

Seusyn felt like her body was about to exposed soon but she looked at him, heart a blaze by his words. "...Talos...Your my life..." She said into his ear.

Talos groaned those last words that had been whispered to him pushed him over the edge and he came spraying into her again

Seusyn gasped, as he came inside of her. Breathing hard, she held onto him, heart beating quickly. She was in love with him, and nothing could change that.

Talos could Feel Seusyns heart beat it was still strong would always be like that because she was half vampire but as Talos closed his eyes and concentrated on her heart beat and relized that though faint his heart beat matched hers

Seusyn smiled into his neck. She was so happy, she couldn't reameber being this happy. She wanted to stay like this forever. Her red hair hung free dancing in the air.

Talos leaned his head onto her shoulder and burried his face on her hair loving Seusyns scent as it filled his nostrils

Seusyn looked at him. "I never want to be away from you..." She whispered into his ear. Her arms and legs tighting around him.

Talos pressed himself closer to her "mm I dont think I could ever be away from you little one" he growled low in her ear

Seusyn smiled at him, kissing his lips lightly. "I doubt I could ever let you go or out of my sight..." she said, pressing her head to his looking into his eyes.

Talos smiled at her "little one..." he groaned lightly and sadly sat her down on her feet he kissed her "sadly we have to go I think the period is almost over"

Seusyn pouted. "I know..." She said looking at the ground. She didn't want to go to class anymore.

Talos lifted her chin with his hand and kissed her gently "we can do whatever you want to do little one"

Seusyn smiled at him, wraping her arms around him. "can we run away the?" She asked

Talos smiled down at her and scooped her into his arms "anywhere you want to go" he said kissing her

Seusyn kissed him softly. "far far away from here..." She said resting her head on his shoulder.

Talos smiled and in just a few quick blinks they were in a clearing far away in the woods "this far enough?" he asks

Seusyn laughed. "I meant for good, pack up and just leave, but this will do" She said grinning at him.

Talos smiled at her "but dont you still have to go to class?" he asked laying down in the grass

Seusyn layed down on top of him, kissing his cheek. "...yeeeah but now you got me a mood not wanting to go to class." She said smiling.

Talos smiled "oh but little one I like watching you in class your so cute when your taking notes"

Seusym looked at him laughing. "Well sweet heart, I don't feel like it!" She said giggling.

Talos smiled and grabbed her ass "and what if I said I wouldnt give you what you wanted?" he asked smiling

Seusyn kissed him sweetly. "hehe you would never do that anyways" She said smilling.

Talos smiled and reached under her skirt he pulled Seusyns panties down "I dont think you should ever ware these little one"

Seusyn giggled. "Yeeah you wish..." She said kissing him lightly on the forehead.

Talos smiled and slid her panties the rest of the way off and crumpled them in his fist "so what if I didnt let you?"

Seusyn looked at him growling. "You want guys looking up my skrit?" She asked.

Talos smiled "I think after I snap the first one in half the rest will learn besides they all do it any way"

Seusyn blushed. "Still they keep my ass covred!"

Talos smiled and palmed her ass "but its such a nice ass" he said

Seusyn giggled, kissing him. "really??"

Talos kissed her back and squeezed her ass firmly "of couse"

Seusyn smiled. "mmmm well its your ass now..." she said grinning at him.

Talos smiled and kissed her agian "mmm yes and I love knowing that"

Seusyn grined looking at Talos the man she had loved. "hehe good...because its all ture."

Talos smiled at her and put his arms back around her he kissed her before laying back his eyes closed

Seusyn watched him, when his eyes closed. He was handsom, but people only judge on what they've herd. She wanted him to feel as normal as possble. She kissed his forhead down to his nose.

Talos smiled but didnt open his eyes "such a loving little thing" he said and squeezed her lightly with one arm

Seusyn giggled. "Only for you..." She said kissing his lips lightly, playing with his hair.

Talos leaned up alittle and kissed her

Seusyn smiled at him, returning his kiss, her legs on either side of him.

Talos smiled at her his eyes still closed "needy so soon after lunch?" he asked her

Seusyn sat up looking down at him. "No, but I could stop" She said grining

Talos smiled "stop what little one?" he asked

Seusyn giggled get up and off of him. "being sweet with you!" She said running her fingers through her hair

Talos smiled at her and held up her panties "I dont think your going to far without these"

Seusyn looked at him. "talos! give those back!" She said blushing, she had forgotten he took them.

Talos smiled "mm convince me" he said swinging them back and forth

"TALOS!" Seusyn said lunging at him, for her underwaer.

Talos blinked a few feet away "hmm not very convincing nice view though"

Seusyn growled. "Talos, pleease!" She begged him, for her underwaer back.

Talos smiled as he tossed them high into the air for her to catch

Seuysn caught her underwaer, slipping them back on quickly, before Talos could steal them again.

Talos winked at her smiling "nice catch" he said

Seusyn looked at him scowling. "I wish you would stop stealing my underwear..." She said crossing her arms, trying not to smile.

Talos smiled at her "you know you love it"

Seusyn shook her head at him, her arms still crossed. "Nah uh.."

Talos shrugged "fine then I will leave you alone then"

Seusyn pouted. "i don't want you to leave me alone..." She said looking at him with a sad little face.

Talos smiled and blinked over to her wrapping his arms around her

Seusyn sighed happily leaning back into him. She turned her head to brush her lips passed his lightly.

Talos smiled and kissed her forehead "so what now little one?" he asked

Seusyn sighed looking up into the night sky. "I'm not sure...Its been quite...and it's nice...I like this...Lets run away far far away...away from every thing and every one..." She said tightening her grip on his arms.

Talos kissed her neck "I would love to little one but you know there is no way we could" he wished there was he wanted to protect her from this world of carnage and bloodshed

Seusyn sighed helplessly into his shoulder. "...Why not just run..." She said, not wanting him to suffer, or fight anymore. She held him closely, closing her eyes.

Talos held Suesyn close for right then at that moment there was nothing else it was all just so simple

Seusyn didn't know now why, but she felt tears down her cheeks. It was a twisted fate they seemed to be in.

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