Page name: Warmer Weather Contest Art Entries [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-11-22 21:21:23
Last author: Paul Doyle
Owner: Paul Doyle
# of watchers: 10
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D20: 19
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---return to Warmer Weather Contest




---Traditional media, digital media. Does not include photomanipulations---

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oops my first link died..
[Future Dictator] Summer

"a faerie enjoying the first flowers of spring"

[Artsieladie] - Warm sandy beaches...
"Rivviting Koolness"


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2007-04-23 [Paul Doyle]: Ah, good to have a fairy here at last :D Thanks, [Cia_mar]!

2007-04-23 [Cia_mar]: your welcome

2007-05-04 [Paul Doyle]: Sweet! Thanks, Artsie. ^_^

2007-05-04 [Artsieladie]: YW! I wanted to show some support & interest in your contest on my part. I've been tossing around giving up entering in contests here on ET b/c my art doesn't seem to fit in around here, but I had this one started, so I figured I'd finish it. :P

2007-05-04 [Paul Doyle]: I am happy to have a place for your art :)

2007-05-04 [Artsieladie]: Yeah & it's already so different from the others & sticks out like a sore thumb. But my art is me & I can't change that. :P

2007-05-06 [Paul Doyle]: I'm curious why your art would not fit in, Artsie. Were ET to be represented solely by popularity, it would cease to be a fun website. i personally revel in having a slightly "different" style, though I'm still pretty much a beginner artist (only drawing since mid-2003) Bucking convention like a high-spirited horsie can be a good thing. My art will never come close to winning anything, even if I actually did get art lessons (thereby improving my techniques immensely), simply because it isn't Popular. With that in mind, Artsie, I think the fact your art sticks out like a sore thumb is a very good thing, indeed. Never be dissuaded! :) *hugs*

2007-05-06 [Artsieladie]: My art is too cute, too gentle; always with some degree of reality for Elftown. As far as I'm concerned "technique" is given too much emphasis. Analyzing is way overrated. However an artist creates their work is all that matters for it is that artist's creation. When an artist tries to follow protocol, stipulations, technique, etc, the artist strays from his/her very own art that is to come from within the artist, not molded by other's opinions &/or concepts. A true artist is born, not made, molded &/or trained. As far as I can see, your art is you, therefore, it is & it is good. No one can create "your" art better than "you". Art is personal. Art is unique. When it loses these aspects, it might as well be someone else's. When everyone is drawing anime or warriors, just as an example, it becomes redundant, repetitious, two of the aspects that are a true artist's arch enemy. After awhile, all the art looks alike in spite of the fact that they are done by different artists. For the most part, I'm ok with my art style. It's just that here it seems so out of place. Thanks for the positive spin! *hugs back*

2007-05-06 [Cia_mar]: your art is find dear... and cute is a good thing!!!!!

2007-05-06 [Artsieladie]: Yeah, on Elf12, just not here. Thanks for the kind words. :D
...Anyone know the "specifics" of the alarm? It's kinda' "general" in information. :P

2007-05-07 [Cia_mar]: not a clue

2007-05-10 [Artsieladie]: Just changed "Riveting" to "Rivviting". :P

2007-05-24 [Paul Doyle]: New deadline . . . 15 August 2007

2007-05-24 [Cia_mar]: you are up late, paul?!?!?

2007-05-24 [Paul Doyle]: I work the night shift hours (generally, 8 PM to 4 AM) and this is my night off. I'm too used to these hours to successfully sleep with my wife . . . my tossing and turning would disrupt her sleep. so, since I'm fully awake and alert, I'm trying to catch up on several online things---ET, LJ---and working on some art :)

2007-05-24 [Future Dictator]: ha i love the frog in the sunglasses

2007-05-24 [Artsieladie]: Thanks! *smiles*

2007-11-22 [Paul Doyle]: Closed. Will choose winners ASAP . . . extremely busy in real life.

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