Page name: What in the world!? [Exported view] [RSS]
2009-06-19 21:50:12
Last author: sweet.tx.tea
Owner: sweet.tx.tea
# of watchers: 2
Fans: 0
D20: 20
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Now, I know some of you are thinking, "Huuuuuh?!" Let me explain:
A year or so ago, a dear friend and I, [sweet.tx.tea], created this fabulous wiki group, mor-al. Things got off to a rocky start and we actually had a couple of pretty dedicated members until a rather large falling out occurred. I am trying, desperately, to reserrect the MOR-AL. If you are willing, we’d like your help. We really need banners, good, strong banners. We also need art and photos of pirate-y things.
Arg you willing to be a pirate, too?

Back to snakes, spiders, and a lizzard's tail contest

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2010-01-12 [Cillamoon]: Forgive me, but is this really that clear on what the contest is about? Is it strictly a pirate contest? I don't know how to advertise it!

2010-01-12 [sweet.tx.tea]: Yes, strictly.

2010-01-12 [Cillamoon]: Forgive me for saying this, but can that be expressed a bit more clearly on the main page?

2010-01-12 [sweet.tx.tea]: Sure. If you want to edit, go for it.

2010-01-12 [Cillamoon]: Sweeeeettttttnesss!!!

2010-01-12 [sweet.tx.tea]: I trust you, entirely.

2010-01-12 [Cillamoon]: As I do you <3

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