Page name: Wise Woman Rikaro [Exported view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2007-04-02 04:08:52
Last author: Nite_Owl
Owner: Nite_Owl
# of watchers: 1
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Character Name: Rikaro
Played by: [Nite_Owl]
Affiliation/Occupation: Wise woman and seer (well known in Habibia)
Physical Description: And old seemingly ageless woman who jokes of her past and true identity. The years hang on her face, but her dark eyes twinkle with brimming knowledge waiting to be unleashed. No one dares cross her for fear of her connection to the spirit realm, and most lovingly call her Mother Riki.
Personality: She is very calm and steady in all she does, and generally kind although she speaks little. She carries a mysterious aura with her it seems, and nearly always appears as if in a trance.
Abilities: Rikaro seems to have the ability to see into the near future and claims to have a strong alliance with the spirit realm and afterlife. She also knows many things about other people, and asking her any question will usually get you a truthful answer.
Short History: Very little is truly known of Rikaro’s past. It is rumored that she is the daughter of a long forgotten god, or perhaps the kidnapped princess of an empire far away. Some of the less spiritual say she is simply a crazed old woman who can’t remember her own age, let alone any life she once had.

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