Page name: WoW - FAQ [Exported view] [RSS]
2013-07-25 15:00:28
Last author: Duredhel
Owner: Duredhel
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Frequently Asked Questions

Basic vs Advanced

Winter of Wolves is a Rule-based RP, but that doesn't mean we want players to have to crunch numbers and learn the whole system to play. Pretty much all of the game can be played with basic rules, for which you only need to know the information written out here. Sometimes, there will be advanced rules which can be handled back stage by the GM, whenever you see text Written like this, these are advanced rules and you can feel free to ignore them if you don't want to get into the mechanics of the RP. The only exception to this is the following page, since it's all advanced rules!

As with any game that is just starting, adjustments and information will have to be issued on the fly. In those cases, the information will be posted in a tutorial comment in the corresponding page. This FAQ page will house those tutorial comments in case the players ever want to review them.

Using skills

At any point during a post, a character may attempt to use one of the skills from WoW - Skills to obtain information, affect other characters or change things around them. For a character to use a skill, a player must simply write the name of the skill being used in parenthesis somewhere in their post. If you're not sure which skill would be applied to a certain action, you may simply ask the GM in the comments.

After a character uses a skill, the GM will either post the results either in a GM post or in a private message. If possible, we will keep it to one skill use per post.

For example;

Zee pressed her body against the wall, inching as close as possible towards the small peephole. The people on the other side spoke in hushed voices, but the girl made her best effort to eavesdrop into the conversation (Listen).

Would prompt a PM containing the information Zee managed to glean using her Listen skill.

| Winter of Wolves | WoW - History | WoW - Characters | WoW - The Sea of Snow |

| WoW - Character Creation | WoW - Rules | WoW - Traits | WoW - Proficiencies | WoW - Equipment | WoW - Skills | WoW - Magic | WoW - Engineering | WoW - Schemes |

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