Page name: WoW - Palace Gates [Exported view] [RSS]
2014-09-27 18:08:34
Last author: Ms. Steel
Owner: Figgy
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The Upper City, North End

The Palace Gates

Image in progress

The Royal Palace of Daguerre was designed to be unbreakable. Unlike the rest of the upper city, which is built in the 'open' under the massive galvanic lights that illuminate it, the palace is built onto the rock face which surrounds the city. To get to it, one must climb up an elaborate set of wide stone stairs to reach the actual entrance. The gates a a large trio of iron wrought gates, easily three times the size of a man each, where visitors are screened and papers are checked before anyone is allowed to even approach the stairs. On either side of the gates are two of the most important avenues in the City, home to the Noble Manors and the Royal School of Engineers respectively. Hasting's Avenue, to the right, and Magister Row, to the left.

Click-clacking her way from WoW - Hasting's North, Nadira headed past the implacable enormity of the Palace Gates. Some individuals might have been in awe of the site, but as Nadira had been raised in the vicinity of the structure, she was not particularly taken by its presence. Eventually, she headed down the WoW - Royal Avenue.

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Accessible areas:
Turn back to the WoW - Royal Avenue
Turn left to the WoW - Magister Row North
Turn right to WoW - Hasting's North
Continue to the Royal Palace (Requires GM Permission)

Back to:
WoW - Upper City North

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