Page name: Wolfie's Art [Exported view] [RSS]
2011-06-22 21:40:43
Last author: LinkTurrner
Owner: LinkTurrner
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Wolfie's Art

So I figured I should put newer pictures up, and they look way way better on paper. These where all taken with my camera so they kinda sucks. I need to head to the library; but it's all the way across town. I'm going in a few days so there should be replacements.

So these are acutely characters from Fang, it's his cousin Leonardo who is based off my own cousin. The other two I need to get my sketch book but it's packed at the moment. lol

A cloths study for a character I'm making.

Just a sketch I did in Math, but look I can draw hands :D

This is my character Eros, he's the greek god of love and where cupid came from. This one looks like crap here but it was the best I got from my camera.

Taken with my cell phone, it's a rough drawing that I did in like a half and hour for art. It's a hall way in the school I go too.

so this was my first ever real person. I've drawn way more since I just don't have pictures. It's one of the covers to the house of night with our the tattoo in stead it's a border around the picture.

i love this one :D

Lord loss, a demon from the Darren Shan books. It's a little water stained cause it's been on my wall in the basement and when I wash cloths the walls get damp.

Wolf, this is old you might have seen it already but I like this one.

A wolf skull from a wild life thing at school, I like this one quite a bit.

Thanks for looking sorry about such the bad quality, cause my older stuff I had a scanner. I'm getting one soon right after I get a desk. And like I said this is older stuff, so new stuff will come in the next few days but with a camera still sadly.

~[LinkTurrner] aka Wolfie ^^

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2011-06-22 [Fallen Child Athena]: Omg your still so amazeing!!!!!!!!!!!!

2011-06-23 [LinkTurrner]: lol thanks, but they look so crapy cause there not scanned D:

2011-06-23 [*Leric*]: I love the blond boy c:

2011-06-26 [Fallen Child Athena]: So >.>.....They still ish amazeing :D

2011-07-09 [Alexi Ice]: I love your art ~

2012-01-27 [Tsunade]: <3

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