Page name: WotR: Chapter 1 [Exported view] [RSS]
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2012-01-18 18:57:40
Last author: Synirria
Owner: Synirria
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Mydra sat in a rolling chair and watched her club from the upstairs sound room. Checking the time she noticed happy hour was about to start. "Eyes out boys, funs about to begins." She spoke into the almost impossible to see headset that she had attached to her ear. Saw a client come up the stairs from the basement where their were private rooms people could use to have a little fun. It kept the girls safe from perverts since there were help buttons in every room and the doors themselves didnt lock. They just had a little switched the turned to Occupied when the room was actually in use Her waitresses all seemed to be comfortable. Once happy hour started that might change. They were all well protected but that doesn't mean the customers, both mean and women, dont make them nervous.

Kage made his way into the club, humans amused him and though he wasn't here on business, entertainment never hurt. Dressed appropriately, his black hair in a pony tail. One of bouncers looked like he might have recognized him but he couldn't remember from where. He made his way through the people milling around and finding a table seated in a spot from where he could observe the crowd.

"I can't believe i'm late!" Jack muttered as he sprinted through the streets towards the place he worked. He skidded round a corner and narrowly avoided colliding with the long line of people waiting to enter the club. "Excuse me, coming through..." he said as he pushing his way through, ignoring the angry protests that were being called out after him. "You're late." The bouncer commented and Jack just nodded as he hurried inside. He dashed up the stairs, two at a time and burst into the sound room, breathless and exhausted. His destination was the small locker room that led off the sound room but he froze when he saw Mydra sitting in front of him. "Sorry i'm late, it won't happen again." he spoke quickly, his fingers nervously fidgeting with the strap of his bag, hoping that he wasn't about to get fired.

The door to the club opened again and Lucian entered, Cici in tow. He sat her down at one of the tables, an annoyed look on his face. "Stay here, and no more of your games. I have to go talk to Mydra." He could only shake his head at his younger sister. She had gotten herself in enough trouble to warrant him watching her at all times.

Mydra turned around in her swivel chair and eyed Jack. "Have a seat, Jack. I think we need to discuss just how serious you are about this job. Maybe you being late is a sign that you dont really want to work here. And if thats the case, I need to work on finding your replacement." She stared at him for a few seconds, letting him squirm for a bit before a smiled spread across her face and she winked at him. "Just kidding, no worries. I let it slide tonight. But DO NOT, make it a habit. Deal?"

"Y...yes.." Jack stuttered in shock. "It won't happen again, I promise." He glanced at the door to the locker room then back at Mydra unsure if he should go and get on with work. "Is that everything...or is there anything you need me to do?" he asked her, removing his jacket as he did.

"Nope, your free to go." Turning back around she messed with a few of the controls and spoke into her mic. "Let's do a practice set so we can see if we're good on the sound." Glancing out the glass window she saw a thumbs up from her lead guitarist before they started playing. Mydra tapped her nails against an empty space on the sound board and smiled. She had the hottest band around and she paid him as such so she expected the best, and they always gave it.

Jack smiled and nodded then headed off to the locker room where he stuffed his belongings into a free locker before making his way down to the bar where he set to work serving drink to the customers. "What can I get?" he kept asking over and over to every new person that stepped up to the bar.

Sitting back and enjoying the music Kage sighed, even after decades of living a good music note never ceased to amuse him "I suppose that is the human in me" he chuckled, sipping away at the Drink. Not the best, but certainly not the worst.

Lucian took the stairs up to the sound booth two at a time. He was still in his studio clothes, which would tell Mydra that his being a bit late was hardly his fault. "Mydra, we have a problem." He slid in to sit next to her while she was doing the sound check. "Saturday's band has canceled due to unforeseen circumstances." He didn't want to tell her straight out that Cici had gotten their guitarist in trouble.

Out in the club, Cici had gathered her bag and stood, making her way to one of the back tables. Her favorite table was occupied, so she took the empty table next to it, giving the man sitting there a friendly smile.

"Well, we could always as Drac, and his crew if they want some extra money." Looking back through the window, Mydra smiled softly and spoke into her mic. "Alright boys, thats enough. We're golden. Hey Drac, our band for Saturday canceled. Would guys like another gig? Earn some extra money? I'll even through in lunch." When the bands worked for her they always got dinner free, but throwing lunch was an extra bonus, and normally it would allow her to get her way. She could hear the band talking about it for a minute before it came back over the mic, "Do we get to pick the appetizer?" Mydra snorted knowing full well that they wanted her expensive shrimp for the appetizer. Rolling her eyes she giggled. "Sure, you can have your shrimp." She saw them cheering through the window and got an affirmation over the mic, turning to Lucian she grinned. "We're all set. Relax."

"Aren't you a little young to be in here?" Jack's voice suddenly sounded from behind Cici as she sat at her table. He was carrying a tray with a variety of different sized empty glasses, collecting them from the many tables. "Are you here with someone?" he asked glancing round confused as to why someone so young was in the bar.

Returning her smile, Kage shook his head at Jack "So...two dimensional old boy, ever think that maybe there's more to it? Either that or she's smart enough to find a bouncer stupid enough to let her in on a fake id"

Lucian nodded, sighing as he leaned back in his seat. "Thanks," he said to Mydra, setting about fixing the sound board for the club while Mydra dealt with the band.

Cici hadn't yet met the new human bartender and she turned, raising a pink eyebrow in response. "LC is my brother," she said, gesturing to where Lucian was talking to Mydra. "And I'm probably older than you." She looked back towards Kage, a small smile on her face. "If a bouncer tried to keep me out, I would just threaten to eat them or tell Lucian."

"Oh..alright, sorry..." Jack replied awkwardly as he looked between Cici and Kage. "So can I get you guys anything to drink or are you just here to look at the scenery?" he asked with a slight smile.

Mydra stood and kissed Lucians head. "I'm going to have a little talk with your sister before she scares away my new bartender." Hurrying out of the room and down the stairs. Spotting Cici she slide into the booth next to her and frowned. "Cici, strange man from the booth next door. Lay low on the super natural. I dont want to loose the new help. He thinks were all human at the moment. Give him some time to warm up to it."

"Sorry," Cici said, deflating almost instantly. She had gotten herself in trouble for the second time in a day, and her weak self confidence was shot.

Pulling Cici's head close she kissed the top of it and smiled. "I'm not mad, I'm just saying." Mydra kissed her again and squeezed her slightly. Standing she messed up Cici's hair before walking over to the bar. "Jack, I want you to keep an eye on Cici. She's the baby around here and I dont want her getting into any trouble."

Jack opened his mouth to protest but managed to stop himself. "Of course..." he said with a nod, glancing at Cici as he did. When did I become a babysitter... he thought miserably as he passed his tray of empty drinks to another barman. "So Cici...can I get you anything?" he asked with a weak smile.

Nodding and giving Mydra a weak smile, Cici looked over at the human when he asked her a question. "Uh...not right now." She glanced over at Kage and looked back at Jack. "I'm Cici. I'm a sometimes musician here."

Kage thought about what Cici had said about her being older "Hmm, you older than me? Now that would be fascinating" he watched the exchange between Jack and Mydra "Jack is it? When you get a moment a Manhattan ice tea for starters would be delightful" the Vampire was relaxed, in spite of the numerous patrons milling about Licht und Dunkelheit, Schatten Wolke, Erinnerungen - light and dark, oh the fond memories he thought pleasantly to himself.

"I'm Jack. Your a musician here? Thats awesome. I look forward to hearing you play sometime..." Jack replied with a smile to Cici before turning his attention to Kage. "Ok, so thats one Manhattan ice tea. Mydra can I get you anything?" he asked as he pulled a small notepad from his back pocket and jotted down the drinks order.

Mydra crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head. "Don't worry about me, Jack. If I ever need anything I'll get it myself." Smiling softly, she winked at Cici and walked away. Walking over to the stage she began speaking with the band, making sure they were comfortable and all their instruments were correct. Nodding, "I'll be right back with your waters." Motioning to Jack. "Let me show you something." Ushering him over to a doorway, she opened it and it turned out to be a refrigerator. "This is where we get the water for the bands that play for us." Stepping into the blue lighted room, she grabbed five bottles of water and handed three of them to Jack. This gave her enough room to grab a spare for the lead singer. Walking out of the fridge she kicked the door closed with her foot and walked over to the stage. "Here you go boys." She placed two of them on the stage and handed the other to the keyboardist next to her.

Lucian was less than pleased at the company Cici was keeping. He frowned to himself, but stayed at the soundboard.

The girl looked over at Kage and shook her head. "I doubt I'm older than you, just him." Cici watched Mydra go to the band and waited for the night to really start.

Jack pocketed the notebook once more then followed after Mydra when she motioned to him. He took the bottles of water she handed to him then followed her to the stage where he placed them next to the ones Mydra had set down. He stared at the band slightly in awe, they were one of his favourites and he couldn't believe he was standing this close to them. Finally he took his eyes off them and turned to Mydra. "Can I do anything else for you?"

"Not right now, Thank you, Jack." Feeling a sturning in emotions that radiated near the ceiling Mydra turned and glanced up at Lucian. Following his eyesight she giggled slightly. The lead singer raised an eyebrow. "I really hate it when she does that. Makes me feel left out." Mydra laughed and patted his hand. "You do a good job tonight and I'll tell you when you collect your pay." With that being said she turned and headed for her office. She had several checks that still needed to be signed. Speaking into her head piece she signaled to Lucian. "I'll be in my office if anyone needs me. Lucian come find me when your done."

Jack nodded then made his way back to the bar to prepare Kage's drink. He placed it on a tray along with the bill for it then made his way back to his table, carefully making his way through the building crowd as he did. "Enjoy." He said as he placed Kage's drink in front of him then set down the slip of paper with the drinks charge then stepped back awaiting the payment from Kage.

He nodded "Thank you" Kage forked out the correct amount plus a generous tip. He wasn't free with his money, but he figured the boy worked well for his pay and a little extra wouldn't hurt "What is the name of the band?" he asked, casually sipping away at the drink.

Jack accepted the cash with a thank you then looked up at the band when Kage mentioned them. "Dark Wish. Good aren't they?" he replied as he returned his attention to Kage.

"Oh yes, grant it it's a club and the music is more upbeat to be honest though they are one of the better ones i've listened to in the last few hundred years" he paused at the last bit before sighing still stuck in the early centuries my boy...ease up he chided himself. Kage finished off the Manhattan, setting it down.

"Last few hundred years? Wow you must have heard a lot of good music." Jack replied with a chuckle. "Well I better get back to work so if you need anything else, just give me a call." He glanced at Cici as he passed, giving her a friendly smile before he returned to his place behind the bar where he continued serving the many customers that stood waiting their turn.

"Certainly, and enough to appreciate a good one when they come across" Kage shrugged as if the years didn't matter to him "I will be sure to holler if i do" the night still was young. 

Cici watched the conversation, but kept her thoughts to herself. It wasn't as if they were talking to her, after all.

Turning to her, Kage made eye contact "I'm sorry i don't think i bothered to introduce myself. My full name is rather long and somewhat boring, people call me Kage" he smiled "And you?"

"Cici. It's short for Caledona." She traced the wood grain of the table with one finger before looking up at Kage. "So how old are you really?" She asked suddenly, kind of interested in it.

He nodded "Caledona, i've heard that name before, albeit long ago. Does it mean anything?" Kage was genuinely interested "Hmmm, my age?" he paused thinking "A
Human century is one hundred years, so i suppose i would have recently passed the fortieth century mark" he finished the last part haltingly, neither to keen on the number and at the same time surprised he remembered.

"I was named for my mother," was all Cici said about her name. Compared to a demon lifespan, Cici knew that he was still young compared to her father but much older than her. "Wow, I feel young."

He laughed gently "M'dear that is nothing to be ashamed of, especially in this world. It is...such an interesting thing this society that humans created, so fragile to. This may sound crass and wicked, but i absolutely enjoy it when their idea of reality is turned on its head and they go stark mad" Kage managed a half grin "Perhaps i'm just succumbing to ennui and that is the entertainment of choice. Who knows?" the eccentric side was beginning to play out. The Vampire was some what at ease even as he could hear and sense the unrest and barely suppressed tensions between the species in this room.

Cici couldn't help herself. She slipped from her booth and sat across from the vampire, folding her legs underneath her so she was sitting Indian style despite her skirt. "Humans scare too easily," she said. "That's actually why I'm in trouble. The guy who called off tomorrow's performance was a human who saw me in my actual form and got scared away." Personally, Cici liked her demonic look because she appeared less like a teenage human who colored her hair with a neon highlighter.

"It almost makes me want to applaud the idiots who bomb things...but then again, their reasons are so simple, and killing throngs of innocents only ever pisses off some far more powerful entity. I remember when bombings and shootings first became an organizations mode of operation...such a waste" he sighed "So you're in trouble because some poor cretin wet his pants? Pity, i'd have loved to see his reaction. Grant it fifteen or twenty years ago that could have been forgiven but now?" Kage shook his head.

"It wasn't even my fault. He walked in on me." Cici made a face. "As if that weak male deserved my true form." It was little more than her petulant annoyance at being in trouble that made her agree with (and like) they cynical vampire, but Cici found herself nodding as he spoke.

"No he didn't, and you would have been within your right in my opinion to wreak bloody retribution on him for it. Another interesting part of the Human psyche...they are wanton perverts without focus for that....such simpletons but they make excellent toys when one gets bored and decides to scare the wits out of something and doesn't want repercussions" Kage looked around at the crowd.

"Lucian says that humans keep us alive and fed," Cici said, making a face. "He likes them. Says they're useful. But he's the first to kill someone for looking at me wrong...I just don't understand him or humans."

"I'm guessing Lucian is either your father or brother, and i can't say i blame them...though if it warranted action death would be something far to quick. Humans do have their uses, unlike others of my kind i don't need to feed in order to survive so i normally have other uses for them. Their form of gangster make excellent peons...if a little lackluster" Kage looked around for Jack. The boy made a decent drink.

Jack sat by the counter smiling politely, talking money from the customers and popping it into the cash register. Occasionally he had to deal with an overly flirtatious female but he had quickly learnt just to smile and laugh and hope that they woul eventually leave.

Cici nodded. "He's my brother." She gave him a look. "He is quick to take offense for me, and he gets mad when I take offense." She glanced over at Jack and looked back at Kage. "Really, the humans who think they are tough are the ones who annoy me the most."

"Annoying most definately, but expendable. If you need to retrieve something valuable you promise them a reward than tip the authorities or a particular nasty bunch of stalkers, they go away, you get what you wanted and no funds expended"Kage shrugged "Sounds like a good brother" he beckoned for Jack to come over.

Once he had finished with his current customers Jack hurried from the counter over to Kage and Cici. He wasn't sure if he should have left the till but Mydra had told him to keep an eye on Cici. "How can I help?" he asked with a smile.

"A glass of Old Johnny Walker Blue if you have it" it had been awhile since Kage had a bottle of Scotch that expensive. Once every ten years, and it was that time again "Also, i don't mean to be picky, but a Cranberry chaser would be nice when you get a chance"

Jack nodded then looked at Cici. "Can I get you anything?" he asked after quickly scribbling Kage's orders down on his notepad.

Cici looked up at Jack and nodded. "If the kitchen isn't too busy, chili cheese fries with extra extra hot sauce." She wasn't allowed alcohol in the club because both Mydra and Lucian would get angry.

"Sure no problem. Can I get you a lemonade or something to drink with that?" Jack asked, his eyes on his notepad as he scribbled her order down under Kage's.

Cici only shook her head, looking up at Jack. "No, I don't need anything else."

"I'm quite alright" Kage added, turning back to Cici "So tell me more about you brother. Seems like a rather interesting fellow"

Mydra entered her office and sat down at her desk. Running a hand through her hair she pulled her books from her filing cabinet and started reading through it. Someone was skimming her tills and she was going to find out who. Tapping her fingers on the desk she spoke into her mic. "Lucian, could you come to my office please."

Finishing his set up, Lucian hooked up his own headset just in time to hear Mydra. He stood and made his way through the club to her office, a firm frown on his face. He usually was more upbeat, but things today were not going smooth.

Glancing up as Lucian walked through the door she frowned. Mydra sighed heavily and closed one of her books. "We need to figure out who's skimming. I'm thinking of putting in a high tech video system or something. But this needs to stop." running a hand through her hair she sighed. She hated to think that one of her associates was stealing from here.

"It's me," Lucian said monotonously. "You should fire me." Taking a seat across from her, he sighed. "I could always put the fear of Satan into them. I have an idea who it is, but you're not going to like it."

Mydra raised her eyebrows and sat back in her chair. "Let's hear it..." She had her list of people who she knew needed money but she also knew they wouldnt be willing to lose there jobs over it.

"Logically, who has been working every night money goes missing?" Lucian said, rubbing his forehead. "We can rule out your new guy and Rafe. And your weekend crew because they aren't that stupid."

Mydra sighed as she massaged her temples. "Please tell me you don't mean Tristan. He isnt that stupid and he helped my build this place. There's no way that its him..."

"I'm sorry, Mydra. But he's the only one who could have done it without raising suspicion." Lucian held up one hand. "But, before you do anything, maybe he had a reason for it?"

"Like what? Plus he knows if he ever needed the money he could just come to me." Sighing, Mydra ran her hands over her face. "Okay so how do we approach him about it? He's one of our best employees." This would kill her of it turned out that Tristan was the one skimming her tills but no matter what, she would deal with it, with Lucian by her side.

"To start with, take him off the till for a week and see if money still goes missing. Give him other jobs, but don't make it obvious." Lucian was better at most about finding the guilt in people. His demonic heritage lended itself to such a task.

"That's a good idea. Say, that I want Jack to get more training on it." Nodding her head she reached for a tiny pad of paper and stared jotting down what the till's had started at for the night. Just then she noticed that the band wasn't playing anymore. Standing she rushed out of her office and noticed the lead guitarist was sitting at the edge of the stage stareing into some strange womans eyes. "Lucians, is that who I think it is?" She hadn't seen a creature like this in a few years, thought they had all been killed off. The only sign in history of Gorgons, had been Medusa, but Mydra and Lucian both knew differently. They'd seen several in the club, and she believed they were looking at one now.

When the music had stopped suddenly Jack stopped what he was doing at the bar and looked up towards the band, a look of confusion in his eyes. He sighed when he saw the woman seemingly disturbing the guitarist and with an apology to those around the bar, he stepped from behind it and moved towards the stage. "Excuse me Miss...there will be plenty of time to speak with the band after they finish their set." he said loudly as he stepped up behind the Gorgon woman. "But for now, let's find you a seat and i'll bring you a drink, alright?" he finished with a friendly smile as he placed a hand on her arm to guide her away from the stage.

"Sure the hell looks like," Lucian said with a frown as he looked out the window. "And your human is getting involved, isn't that cute." Lucian could only shake his head. "Should I go down and deal with this?"

Mydra held back her grin and shook her head. "We both can. This might be the high light of our night." Bumping him with her hip she giggled and opened the door and hurried down the stairs. Walking over to Jack she placed her hand on his arm and shook her head. "Don't make a scene." Leaning in close she whispered into his ear. "She's not human." Just then the woman turned and her eyes locked onto Mydra. Grinning, she rolled her eyes at the swirling silver of her eyes. "Honey, your powers wont work on me."

Jack looked over his shoulder at Mydra, dropping his hand from the Gorgon's arm as he did as he listened to her speak. Don't make a scene? What does she think i'm going to do...I can handle myself. he thought as he stepped back to allow Mydra to get closer to the woman. He glanced at Lucian then back at Mydra as he folded his arms, curious as to what was about to happen.

Turning his full demonic gaze on the Gorgon, Lucian lifted the eyepatch he always wore. The void of the missing eye seemed almost like a normal eye staring outward. But it wasn't LC's eye. It belonged to an incubus demon and had the power to entrance nearly anyone. "You want to come with me now," he said calmly, looking straight at the Gorgon, whose own powers were paltry in comparison.

"LC, I'll be right there. I'm going to talk with Jack and Tristan." Mydra turned to Jack and frowned. "To the tills, please." Walking over to the bar she put a hand on Tristans shoulder and smiled. "Tristan, I'm going to have you work the floor for a few nights. I want Jack to get better at the tills." Tristan frowned slightly but knew better than to argue with Mydra. "Alright..." Grabbing and appron and a pad of paper and pen he went out to the floor.

Jack followed after Mydra when she told him to go to the tills, unsure of why she was frowning at him. He watched Tristan walk away then stepped up to the till, looking at Mydra as he did. "Have I done something to annoy you?"

Waiting for Tristan to leave ear shot Mydra leaned a hip against the counter. "Of course not. If you had, I'd have confronted you about it. Now, I need you to watch these tills as if your life depended on it. Which it just may." Winking at him she smiled. "Lighten up a bit kid. I'm your boss, not the Grim Reaper. You need anything," She tapped his earpiece and nodded "Just let me know. I'll be on the floor most of the night after we deal with this Gorgon problem." with that she patted his hand and walked back over to Lucian. "Let's do this. "

LC nodded slightly. The gorgon was completely under his control. "What should we do with you?" he asked casually. "I could take you upstairs and give you what you came here for. Or wet can take you out back to feed some strays. Really it's all up to my boss over there."

"Personally I like the feeding strays part. We have so many out there. She'd be enough to eat for days. Lucian, I'll let you take care of it since its more your specialty." Patting his arm Mydra winked at him and walked over to the stage to speak with the band and make sure the lead guitarist was okay.

"I'll lock the door and teleport her out," Lucian said with a nod at Mydra. He escorted the entranced Gorgon upstairs to his private booth. She was here for blood and sex, both of which he could give her but he would only let her have his blood. He didn't just sleep with anyone.

Mydra gave him a small salute and turned back towards the band. "Boys we're just going to play it off as if she was just an adoring fans." She got nods all around. "Alright then let's get this show going again." Patting the stage she winked at them and turned away. She went over to sit at the bar and watch for a little while. Just to make sure nothing else Interesting happened.

The band picked up playing again and everything was back to normal. Only one small problem in the night, she could deal with that. She just didn't want anything terrible to happen. Not while they weren't prepared or ready. They only had another hour until closing and then she had her nightly meeting with her employees.

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