Page name: X-Men Danger Room [Exported view] [RSS]
2015-06-15 06:09:56
Last author: Asdroth
Owner: Veltzeh
# of watchers: 24
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By far the most important room to the general population of the mansion, the danger room doesn't look like much when first entered from the X-Men Complex South hall. But unseen inside the walls are numerous high tech holographic projectors. The center of the floor is a slightly raised platform with more projectors within and a track that moves to allow an ultimate amount of space to exist. A panel on the wall next to the door controls the entire room and can be accessed using the correct codes. Practically any scenario is possible in this room, and it is mainly used for training and power practice.

X-Men Time

Monday, May 25th

So, Shawn was going to have to go first. He pulled out a spare magazine from his bag and loaded it up, putting it to one side before looking down at the range. He knew the timer would start with his first shot. His tactic would be to deal with the closer targets first. As he lined up a shot with the nearest silhouette, a cough tickled his throat as he fired, causing the shot to totally miss any of the targets. He quickly pulled back the bolt, the timer already silently ticking away. He aimed at the target again and quickly fired, the shot hitting the center of the head. Shocked at his luck, he pulled the bolt and aimed at the next - it was sliding left and right and he decided a chest shot would be more likely to hit. The third shot hit the middle of the chest, not bad. Bolt back, shell ejected, new round in chamber, aim at a medium distance target popping up from the ground, fire. Another head hit! He was grinning despite needing to stay focussed. Readying the last round in his magazine, he aimed at another near target, looking to take it in the head. The bullet passed through where the target's left eye would have been. He had little time left as he ejected the last casing, slid his empty magazine out of his rifle, and plugged the new one into place. He aimed down range at a target fairly central to him, but down range. The shot went wide, the head being his target. Already pulling back the bolt on his rifle, a claxon sounded indicating his time was up. He sighed and stood back to check the score on his display. "10. I can live with that." A sudden thought came to him. "What do we get if we win? Anyone want to suggest a prize?"

"Of course I know how to fire an AR," Kiora called over the sound of Shawn's shots, "What do you think I am, a ninny?" She watched Shawn take his shots with a smirk in her lips. "Not bad for a bolt action." She said almost tauntingly once he finished. When he said something about a prize she bounced, raising a hand as David's rifle rested against her opposite shoulder, "Oh! Oh! I know! I can give the winner a kiss!"

"Well no, it's just not like a pistol." David Purked up at the offer of a kiss with Kiora. Was she wanting him to win so she could kiss him?! Did she want to be his girl?! David was thinking with his head in the clouds at the moment, and had trouble thinking of the alternative. If he lost to Shawn.

Shawn's blush was mainly hidden by the chitin on his face - Kiora looked great in spite of the fur. His mind wandered to whether her fur would be coarse or soft. He returned to focussing on the conversation at hand. "Sounds fine by me, but what if you win? What could you possibly want?" He wondered whether his score was high enough to win and find out about Kiora's fur. He found himself tracing the shape of her body with his eyes and immediately turned his attention to David with an innocent face.

"Of course it's not like a pistol, silly." Kiora told David before looking between the two boys, they both seemed to like her idea. When Shawn asked what she would win, she grinned at him, "Then I guess I don't have to kiss anybody." She said, sticking her tongue out, "Though I guess it would be only fair if I got a kiss for winning too."

David Smiled and let the slide forward on his pistol as if not hearing Kiora's comment and fired away down the range his shots feel well at first two head shots, but then the next three landed in the torso, followed by a round barly hitting the target. The last four feel some what better in place. Three legs and then one fine one in the neck. "fourteen... Great..." David muttered to himself. There was no way Kiora was going to shoot less than that... She had a large mag and almost no recoil off the rifle- David then shrugged. "If you win you pi
ck who you kiss?" He offered her sliding the mag out and then letting the slide on his pistol go forward as he placed it back into his holster. "Sound fare to you Shawn?"

"Definitely fair," Shawn said, trying to act nonchalant while cleaning the end of his rifle's barrel, wiping away the cordite dust. He tried to not let David's score bother him, tried to remind himself that he'd been using a bolt-action rifle and David had a semi-automatic pistol. It would be interesting to see how Kiora did.

Kiora smiled smugly. She knew she could probably get all 30 rounds off in a minute, this should be a cake walk. She shouldered the rifle and liked up a shot with the red dot sight. Her first ten shots or so were mediocre, hitting the outside of the silhouette, with a couple shots narrowly missing. After that she seemed to be warming up a bit, her shot groups tightening a bit to avoid any misses, but her last ten or so shots mostly went wide or barely winged targets. She lowered the weapon, frowning. With one head shot, a couple hearts, and the rest single point hits and misses she'd tied David with fifteen points.

Shawn's eyes widened. This was an interesting development. "So. We need a tie break." He rubbed at the chitinous patch on his chin. "How about most accurate quick draw? Go from 'at ease' to firing in less than a second, bullseye targets?"

Davids Ears were killing his and his head was hurting. If the range was outdoor he would gladly go again, but in here it was just to much. "I'll give it to Kiora." The truth was he didn't want to pull the trigger again. His ears already felt like they were going to fall off.

Kiora grinned almost preditorily, "You sure you don't want to fight me for it?" She asked with a wink, "Otherwise, I may just make you both give me a kiss."

"Up to you, man," Shawn said with as neutral a face as possible. He had a feeling that there was some connection between the others already, but he couldn't help feel attracted to the blue-furred mutant - she was shapely, and had a wild beauty. Still, he didn't want to antagonise the animalistic David in any way - maybe, if he was 'forced' to kiss Kiora, he could make it minimal enough to seem not that into it, but good enough that she might want to come back for more.

David stood there a moment then Shrugged. What was one more round... "I'll shoot one more time." David reloaded his pistol then got an idea. "Ever do a ready up Kiora?" He asked with an interesting idea in mind. They could shoot until one missed a target, odds were with Kioras carless style she would miss before him.

"I don't think so." Kiora shook her head, "What is it?" She was sure it was probably some sort of training exercise, so she may have done it before, but she'd never heard the term.

"So what a series of targets are going to populate and disappear. The targets can be up for as long as two seconds or as short as half a second. If you miss six or more targets you loose." David decided to keep it to himself that the targets at closer ranges would drop faster than the ones at father distance. He hopped this would work in his favor as he set up the next round.

"Alright." Kiora said brightly, "I've done something like that before." She'd never had fancy targets that popped up on their own, but she'd done similar exercises. "Want your AR back? Or do you want to keep using my pistol?"

This could be interesting. Shawn made sure his rifle was safe for stowing before bagging it and then took up a position not far from the two furred mutants. "I think you both need to use the same weapon. If you guys aren't equally matched between rifles and pistols then that's that. Question is, which weapon do you use?" He pulled a quarter from his pocket and held it out on his thumb ready to flip. "Let fate decide?"

"Heads rifle, tails pistols?" David asked Kiora with a grin. He hopped for rifles. It would be easier for Kiora to get trigger happy with more rounds.

"Ooh, sounds good to me." Kiora said with a confident nod. She didn't care too much which weapon they used.

With a quick flick of his thumb, Shawn sent the coin up into the air and deftly caught it in one of his palms. He revealed it to the other two: "Tails," he announced before pocketing the quarter again. "All yours, guys, time to settle this draw."

"You first Kiora." David Smiled to her, hopping she would not do to well. It would also let him know how much time he had before he needed to stop.

X-Men Complex South

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2014-10-19 [~Valkyrie~]: Does this populate, dear? :p

2014-10-19 [Asdroth]: yes thank you

2014-11-01 [CuteCommander]: So, I suggest what you guys do is what I've done - one post for your round, with d20 rolls for each shot. Shawn only got off 6 shots with a bolt action rifle, so 1 each 10 seconds, so consider how many shots your guys can get off in 60 seconds with aiming reloading etc. How does that sound?

2014-11-01 [~Valkyrie~]: I think that sounds fine. I'll have to wait for Asdroth to get online and deffer to him on how many shots this rifle would fire and such.

2014-11-12 [Asdroth]: I like the idea!

2014-12-17 [~Valkyrie~]: Shit, I completely forgot about his. I'll try to make Asdroth help me when he gets off work.

2014-12-18 [~Valkyrie~]: I should have thought of making a post like that weeks ago

2015-01-13 [CuteCommander]: Daaaaavid

2015-01-16 [~Valkyrie~]: I'll see if I can tear Asdroth away from Shadow of Mordor. He's been glued to it since he cracked the seal this morning.

2015-01-17 [CuteCommander]: Tis addictive, especially when you get to the second area and start being able to brand captains!

2015-01-17 [~Valkyrie~]: Yeah, he wants me to watch him play all the time. While it's obviously fun to play, it's not very interesting to watch unless there's plot going on.

2015-01-17 [Figgy]: He should let you play it :|

2015-01-18 [~Valkyrie~]: I could play if he ever got off the X-Box, but it's not really my cup of tea. I prefer my Elder Scrolls games.

2015-02-01 [CuteCommander]: So, who did she decide to kiss? :P

2015-02-13 [~Valkyrie~]: She tied David. If you want to continue this we can ask Figgy to put the last few posts back up. If Asdroth gets home at a reasonable time tonight I'll try to get him to post

2015-02-13 [CuteCommander]: Nah, just wanted to know if Shawn needs to be all angsty about another girl (he probably will be either way)

2015-02-14 [~Valkyrie~]: We should probably figure out what happened about that though. Unless you guys want me to just say she won by a point or two instead of tying. Then maybe she would have made them both kiss her.

2015-02-14 [~Valkyrie~]: Just because I'm that kind of player, I would like to continue playing through this if you are up for it, CC. Asdroth says he is on board.

2015-02-14 [CuteCommander]: Yeah, sure!

2015-02-15 [~Valkyrie~]: ok, I'll grab a few of the last posts and stick them up. Now that the internet miraculously works, we'll be more reliable.

2015-05-11 [~Valkyrie~]: You forgot to post here Asdroth.

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