Page name: X-Men Hall East 3rd [Exported view] [RSS]
2012-09-04 19:15:23
Last author: Roma
Owner: Veltzeh
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One of the first rooms, located on the left-hand side of the corridor when entering the East Hall from X-Men Hall Center 3rd, is the the X-Men Kitchen 3rd. If someone is looking to hang out, watch a movie or play a game, across the hall from the kitchen is the door to the X-men Lounge. The subsequent doors to the end of the coed hallway are student dormitories, numbering 375–399.

X-Men Time

Friday, November 18th

Surmising that there was a greater chance of running into people she wouldn't mind seeing in the upper level kitchen, Valerie stepped into the East Hall, but was again greeted by an empty corridor. She headed directly for X-Men Kitchen 3rd.

Having successfully tossed his books in his room, Mihir hummed to himself as he headed towards the kitchen, his mind on other things. He backed into the door to X-men Kitchen 3rd.

'I was just, you know, going to do some running and then knock around a punching bag for a bit, maybe, but I'm up for whatever,' Valerie nonchalantly continued without pause as she steered the conversation bus back on track and stepped out of the kitchen. Her attention, at least for the moment, was cast back in Mihir's direction. Then, as an aside, as if the thought had just crossed her mind, she added, 'Maybe I should use the Danger Room more often,' as she headed toward X-Men Hall Center 3rd.

"Professor Xavier set up a couple of training exercises for me," Mihir said as he let the door close. "I think he did it so I would not accidentally burn the mansion down." While the simulations were helpful for him, Mihir often found that running then by himself was quickly getting boring. The one good thing was training simulations were never the same twice. He followed her to X-men Hall Center 3rd.

Looking quite like he was on a mission, a clearly disquieted Kyle stomped out of Dormitory 393 and down the hallway. His irritation appeared to be put on hold as he realized that he didn't really know what his destination was, though he did know what he was looking for.

Nathan came strolling casually down the hall, heading into the X-Men Lounge.

Endelyn strolled down the hall and stopped in front of her dorm, and tried to open the door. She struggled with the stubborn knob for a moment, then realised the door to Dormitory 398 was locked. Endelyn kicked the wooden door with frustration and turned, leaning against it and sliding down to the door. She sat on the floor for a few moments, then took out her notebook and started to review silently to herself.

Kyle, who was standing in the hallway, watched Nathan appear and nonchalantly slip into the lounge. Communal areas weren't the boy's cup of tea, and it wasn't likely he was going to find a plunger in there, anyway. He did wonder if there was another bathroom in there, but his brief ponderings were interrupted by Endelyn's appearance. He watched her walk by, struggle with the door to the room he assumed to be hers, and smirked ever-so-slightly when she kicked the unyielding wooden barrier. 'You givin' up just that easy?' he drawled at the black-haired girl. He was on a mission, but he could always take a couple of minutes to annoy someone.

Endelyn looked up at Kyle as he spoke to her. She raised a brow at him, surprised he was stopping to talk to her. "Yes, for the moment at least until I can remember where I left my key." she said with a startling and eerie calmness. She stood from her spot on the floor and scratched the back of her head. "Hmmm... I think I might have left it on my desk." she said out loud, then got an idea and looked back to Kyle. "Say, you wouldn't happen to be good at picking locks, would you?" she asked.

With a roll of his peculiar yellow eyes, it was obvious that Kyle disregarded Endelyn's absent-mindedness as stupidity or somesuch other inferiority . 'Not really, I don't pick no locks, don't typically ever need to,' he said with a slow shrug of his bony shoulders. 'Do I look like some common thief?' he said with a touch of the defensive, as if she'd just accused him of such a thing. 'I reckon I can get that door open for ya, though,' he added with a single nod, though he offered no further explanation.

Hearing the tone he used with her, Endelyn became slightly annoyed. "Nevermind. I'll figure it out. Sorry to bother you, or if I insulted you somehow." she said with an even calmer voice than before. She turned away from him and looked at the door, contemplating on how to get in.

'Good Lord, quit yer dramatics, girl!' Kyle said with an exasperated glance toward the ceiling while simultaneously gesturing in the same direction with his hands. 'Y'all always gotta jump to conclusion and shit...' the boy said, even though he regularly was guilty of doing just that and more. 'Get outta the way,' he then commanded and closed the distance between he, Endelyn and the door, one yellow hand extending toward the antiqued brass knob.

She was usually very patient, but Endelyn could feel herself losing her patience very slowly. She stepped to the side when he approached and watched him. She was slightly curious on what he was going to do, despite how rude he was being.

Not evening deigning to look at the girl, Kyle grabbed the doorknob and tried to turn it. Apparently he assumed poor little Endelyn was too much of a nincompoop to actually ascertain whether or not the door was locked. Jiggling the knob, Kyle found that it was, indeed, locked. His hand slipped down to the escutcheon plate, he poked at the lock with the pad of his index finger at first, then cover it with his thumb. Finally he glanced at the Endelyn as a fizzling sound came from the mechanism inside the lock. 'You should back away a sec,' he simply said. There was also a hint of a sharp odor, and, if she didn't heed his warning, her eyes and nose would burn from the vapor. Eventually, a dribble of liquid ran out from beneath his thumb, down the plate and finally the door. He removed his hand-- no damage was visible to the high-quality brass hardware-- and jiggled the doorknob again. There was a click or two and an unattractive sound, like something was broken, as he tried to force the door open.

Not knowing what his power could be, Endelyn backs away before the vapors hit her senses. It wasn't until she leaned over slightly to see what he was doing that the smell hit her. She shook her head slightly and took a step back. She winced when she heard the door breaking, but she figured it was better to have a broken door instead of a broken window. She had been thinking that the only way for her to get in was through the window. That is, she thought that until Kyle came along.

After giving the doorknob a good jimmying, Kyle simultaneously twisted the brass fixture and butted the side of his body up against the wooden portal. He was successful in opening the door, even at the cost of willfully damaging school property, but the boy didn't care a whit about that, really. Setting an even and strangely placid gaze upon Endelyn, Kyle slowly pushed the door open the rest of the way with two fingers. 'Ya owe me one,' he said with a sharp little grin before turning on the ball of his foot away from her and heading back down the hallway toward the kitchen. There had been a reason he'd come out here, originally.

Though she was considered one of the more voluptuous girls in the mansion, Korvka made little noise as she came from the center hall. In fact, she moved with such soft swiftness that as soon as she rounded the corner she collided with Kyle as he made his way towards the kitchen. The impact was more abrupt than hard but it was enough to jolt the Russian back a step after her face planted into the center of the unpleasant boy's dingy shirt. Bringing her free hand up to needlessly force them apart, Korvka caught her bearing and shot a glare up at Kyle that clearly blamed him for the entire incident.

Endelyn smiled at Kyle's success and waved to him as he walked away. "Thank you for your help!" She called out, and watched as Korvka came around the corner and ran right into him. Endelyn winced at the impact, but figured he could take care of the situation on his own, so she walked into Dormitory 398, leaving the two alone.

As he wiped his hands on the sides of his pants, Kyle mostly disregarded the response from Endelyn, though he did cast a half glance back over his shoulder at the surprisingly good deed he'd just committed. Therefore, the boy was taken by apparent surprise when Korvka collided with him. Where'd she come from? 'Waaatch it!' he barked as he almost immediately backed one step away, his hands up and palms out, as he returned her venomous glare. Though neither one of them were paying attention, it would seem, he saddled her fully with the blame. The boy wrinkled his nose and sniffed before shoving past the Russian, if need be, into the X-Men Kitchen 3rd.

No words came to Korvka's mind, not a single reprimand or foul phrase with which she could stab some of the unnecessary ego out of the yellow slimeball. As the both of them draped the guilt over the other's shoulders, Korvka's eyes narrowed like a panther's spotting prey. Her arm jut out quickly as he shoved by, trying to push his willowy frame into the wall. However, he disappeared before she had the chance to demonstrate any damage and her attention was lost on the boy when she heard Endelyn's voice shortly before the sound of a door shutting. Clutching her music book more tightly, she surged to Dormitory 392 and opened it with the key she kept in her back pocket... And then she returned a few moments later, wearing black yoga pants and a red sports bra with her hair uncharacteristically pulled into a ponytail. She locked the door and then tucked the key between her full breasts before disappearing down the hall into X-Men Hall Center 3rd.

Looking a bit pale and worried, Daniela came out of the X-Men Lounge after a lot of noise, she held the door open for Nathan and Lucas and looked around to see if someone was around. She normally didn't like depending on people, but right now she wanted to see Shana, Vlad or Valerie come across the corner, just someone to comfort her and tell her things would be fine.

Nathan came out of the lounge, cautiously holding Lucas over his shoulder. He headed down the hall and in to X-Men Hall Center 3rd, being careful with the boy over his shoulder, but trying to keep a quick enough pace.

Light came from the center hall and made her way straight into X-Men Kitchen 3rd. Moments later, she stepped out of the kitchen and headed back to X-Men Hall Center 3rd.

Lire walked out of her room and made her way down the hallway towards
the X-Men Kitchen 3rd she slipped inside; after a few moments she came back out carrying a bag of goodies and went down the X-Men Hall Center 3rd.

Magnolia came into the hall. She went directly to Mihir's room and knocked on the door. She waited a few moment's then frowned. He had never been late before. She bit her lip and waited just a moment longer before pulling out the key he gave her and entering Dormitory 397, disappearing inside.

Some small amount of time after the last bit of traffic meandered through the hallway, Kyle appeared from the kitchen carrying a wooden-handled plunger. The boy headed to his shared room, Dormitory 393.

"This is it," Vlad said as he escorted Elianna right up to a door with the number 392 on the front. There was a peephole and an old fashioned looking handle that clearly responded to a skeleton key instead of some chunky piece of hardware. "Korvka usually keeps things locked, now that I think off it," his lips twisted to the side as he approached the door and fumbled for the handle since he couldn't see around the large box. He twisted the door but found that, indeed, it was locked. "Sorry about that," he said sheepishly, turning to the small sun-kissed girl and sighing once as he looked left and right. "Do you haff a hair-pin? Ve could try to pick the lock?" he offered as he squatted to set down the luggage, coat, and pair of shoes he'd accidentally stolen from Deacon.

Endelyn walked out from dorm #398 with a slightly annoyed look on her face. She put a small toolbox on the floor and knelt down, rummaging through it. "Let's see... do I have what I need to fix it?" she said to herself. She pulled out a screwdriver, a small hammer, and she figured she'd need some duct tape, so she took that out too. She stared at her damaged door for a moment, studying the damage.

Moving around Elianna, who seemed to be standing right in the center of the entrance into the hallway, Light entered the hall, coming from the Center Hall, looking a little disheveled, tired and disoriented. The more alarming part of her appearance, however, was the fact that her hands and arms were covered in blood, which, as her eyes finally adjusted to the light, she finally noticed as she brought her hand up to brush her hair out of her face. "Damn it," she swore under her breath, knowing someone would probably see, specifically Vlad, who was standing not too far from her, as well as Endelyn and the new girl, and they would undoubtedly ask questions. Bowing her head, the girl, who had managed to find a tank top to put on over her nearly bare chest that Vlad had gotten a glimpse of earlier, attempted to walk past the trio without any of them noticing and headed for the door to the kitchen.

A purple smoke started filling the hall, raising into the air from a point near the kitchen. The smoke was coming from seemingly no where. A red light flashed and the smoke filled an entire section of the hall, obscuring the view between Endelyn and everyone else. The sound coming from the area was that of high pitched clothed ripping and a sudden loud reptilian roar. The slightest feminine grunt sounded before the smoke started clearing, revealing a purely black, eight foot tall raptor with a spear wielding, blue, barely dressed woman standing astride trying to stab the thing. Once she could see, however, the woman slid from the creature's back and stabbed upward with her spear, attempting to kill the raptor.

Elianna, who had gone off into her own little world, got pulled back into the hall when the tools in Endelyn's box. "Oh? What? Sorry." She said when she realized Vlad had asked her something. A girl shouldered past her as Elianna realized she was in the middle of the hall, not a very good place to be standing. She wandered over to Vlad, not really looking at Light much, too fascinated with what she now assumed was her dorm door. "Sorry. What did you say?" She asked Vlad as the purple smoke filled the hall. She backed up a little, as if to hide behind Vlad's knelt form. Blinking as the red light flashed, Ellie's eyes went wide as the strangest sounds were emitted from the light. This can NOT be normal. Ellie thought, slightly terrified.

Endelyn looked up from what she was doing and couldn't see anyone else who had been in the hall. She quickly ignored what she was doing when she heard the raptor noises. In her startlement, she quickly went for her blade and lengthened it to about two feet, holding it in a defensive position. "Heey! What in the heavens is going on here?!" She called out, waiting for something to pop out of the smoke that was left.

Knelt as he was in order to drop off Deacon's belongings, Vlad's head turned as he heard a dormitory door open, spotting Endelyn as she marched from her room complete with a set of tools that altogether threw him for a loop. What a girl would do with a well-stocked toolbox was beyond him but he shrugged it off as fortune when he realized that she too was trying to assess her problems with the door. "Hey, you don't haff a pick, or tension wrench?" he asked as he rose from the squat and directed his posture towards Endelyn without actually moving - just in case she was startled by him. Though the two had been in the mansion together for some time, they had never actively interacted so he treated her with caution and respect. He looked over to Light as she brushed by Elianna, paying careful attention to her in as subtle a way as he could possibly muster. His eyes went soft but his brows were gently stitched in the middle, displaying a modicum of concern, particularly as his hawklike eyes zeroed in on the bloodstains across her arms and hands. His immediate response was of brotherly concern but he managed to stop himself from drawing unwanted attention to the black-haired girl and instead tried to catch her eye to nonverbally ask if everything was all right. Given the state of what he could see, the blood didn't belong to her... Vlad coughed. He didn't recognize the cause for it until he waved his hand in front of his nose and coughed again, this time more loudly so that he didn't hear any of Elianna's questions. As the new student moved behind him, a gesture he was well accustomed to, Vlad turned around to face whatever prank had her running for cover. However, the screech then rent the air and Vlad's face twitched into a grimace as he coughed and waved his hand, steadily approaching what he thought was the source of the noise despite his inability to see through the purple smoke. His eyes adjusted slowly, blinking to try and force them to catch up. When the smoke cleared and he saw the outrageous scene, Vlad's mouth dropped open in complete disbelief. Raptor? Naked blue girl? What the hell was going on? Too distracted by what course of action to take to connect the dots regarding the blue woman and their missing blue pal, the large Russian ran forward and then, in a display of athleticism most no one would consider him capable of, he lept forward, arms outstretched, and tackled the mighty black reptilian...

For a split second, Light's gaze caught Vlad's just before she reached the kitchen door. The girl tried her best to signal back that things were ok, but given her sleepy state and the amount of people in the hall that were sure to notice her, the look came off as an almost worried expression. However, it seemed to be no time to worry about whether her message came across correctly or not. As soon as Light pushed open the door to the kitchen, a thick smoke clouded her vision and, just like Vlad, she began coughing. Turning around, Light spotted silhouettes through the fog, and a loud shriek made her wince and put her hands over her ears. "What the fuck?!" the girl cried out, wondering what exactly was going on, if someone was playing a prank or if one of the students was just being immature. Or, maybe, the kidnappers were back again. Muttering to herself, "shit," the girl, hoping she hadn't been noticed, pushed the door open to X-Men Kitchen 3rd once more, jut as Vlad tackled what appeared to be a large raptor, and slipped inside, completely missing the blue woman's appearance.

While everyone else reacted, the woman stabbed her spear quite forcibly into the raptor's side, driving the pointed bone into the black flesh with more strength than one of her size should have been able to. The raptor's attention went to Vlad, however, as it attempted to bite through his shoulder, long teeth snapping. Its tail snapped out and smashed into the wall as clawed feet tore at the carpet. Adrianne ducked under the tail as it swung and pulled her spear free, turning on this new threat to her survival. She expertly back flipped away from both the Russian and dying raptor, crouching near the wall with her spear up.

Endelyn watched as the smoke cleared on her end and watched Vlad struggle with the dying raptor. Not knowing if he had it taken care of or not, Endelyn approached slowly, ready to strike if need be. Movement caught her attention and she looked over at the blue woman. Her eyes widened when it hit her who it was. "Addy?"

As her big meat shield dived on the raptor, Elianna continued to freak out. She couldn't help really, her powers weren't exactly offensive, even if she could control them she wouldn't do much good. She stood there frozen, waiting to see what happened when the dust cleared, if she could help then. She knew a fair amount of first aide that could come in handy. Wild thoughts spun through the blondes mind as she wonder what the hell was going on and if this was normal. Suddenly, a idea popped into her head, with a lot of concentration on her part, everyone, including herself, turned invisible.

This was indeed the mutant-athletic equivalent that Vlad had been missing amongst the "average" physical specimens of his species after his powers manifested. His shoulder connected with the black raptor and his mind, swirling for answers, kicked into instinct to override the surrealism that begged him to question what the hell was happening. Raptor? Blue spear girl? The raptor let out a feral grunt as Vlad's entire weight took him in the chest, causing the floor to rumble and debris to fall from the ceiling - Vlad really shouldn't have been leaping around the mansion but when it came to the other students he wasted no time with caution. Walls could be rebuilt. Due to his impervious mutant flesh, the raptor's teeth sunk as far into his shoulder as they could until meeting the end-point which allowed the small indentations to progress no further. As the scantily clad blue woman leapt for cover with her spear, Vlad struggled mightily with the prehistoric relic that defied all manner of time and space. As the thing's tail whipped into the wall, the hall shuddered and Vlad saw a window of opportunity. "EVERYVON GET OUT!" he bellowed as he lurched forward, grasping for the tail so that he could swing the creature around by it...

The raptor gave one sharp tug of its tail. Inexpert hands, unaccustomed to holding the scaled creature, could not hold onto the tail with any assured grip. The creature let out a scream of rage and pain, clawing at where it could still smell prey. Addy leapt forward with a feral sound, ramming the spear in again and ripping it out with gruesome accuracy. The creature was bleeding black all over the carpet but seemed intent upon getting a hold of its tormentors. Long hind legs kicked out at Vlad even as teeth snapped at Addy. Sight wasn't needed so long as the thing could smell.

Endelyn was frozen in her place from shock from the situation. All the time she'd been in the mansion, nothing ever made her want to take action. This wasn't one of those situations that she was ready to bound in and start chopping things up. The most shocking thing for her however wasn't even the raptor; it was her friend. At least, what looked like to be an older version of her friend. Endelyn shook her head to clear it of her thoughts and bounded forward, looking for a weak spot on the creature, and sought after it's underbelly.

As he missed the tail and the raptor's foot kicked at him, Vlad caught the strangely feathered reptilian flesh as it connected with his chest. He seized with both hands around the ankle joint of the smaller-but-ferocious dinosaur and proceeded to squeeze with all of his might.

Stepping into the hallway with the intent of heading to Korvka's room, it took a step or two before Flame's brain was able to take in the chaos in front of her. Vlad, a dinosaur, some blue Amazon chick, two random kids, and a wrecked hallway. Well, the wrecked hallway was almost normal, but the dino wasn't. I should have stayed in the circus, it's normal compared to this. Snapping out of the shock Flame barked out an order. "You two!" Pointing at Endelyn and Elianna, "Get the hell out of here! NOW!" Pointing the same finger back to the center hall way as she knelt and drew her knife from it's holster on her calf, having been dressed to head out to town and so had hidden it under her jeans. "Vlad! Forget it's foot, snap it's neck!" Flame almost hesitated in that order, what it this thing could get past his power? She didn't want to risk the big guy getting harmed, but if this beast got free it would cause more chaos among the kids who didn't know how to defend themselves. With a glance to... Addy? Or another Kurt-look-alike? Flame readied herself for a fight, waiting for a chance to get in and get either her knife or her nails into the neck of the dino and tear it's throat out.

The raptor turned its attention fully on Vlad now, front arms flailing as it bled everywhere. The tail whipped out at the Russian, aimed for his head even as claws attempted to rip at his eyes. The creature was loosing strength and slowly dying even as Vlad broke its leg. Addy saw the scaled woman join and her spear came up almost instantly. A snarl, baring fanged teeth, ripped from her lips as she stabbed at this new threat.

As the raptor now accepted Vlad as the sole opponent, the Russian closed his eyes just barely in time to avoid the strange dinosaur's razor sharp claws. He had never tested whether his eyelids were impenetrable but he hoped beyond all hope that his skin was so all-throughout. He felt the sharp points of the raptor's impressive claws, felt his malleable, soft, vulnerable eyes accepting the force of the blow as his head whipped back to try and keep his eyes from popping within his skull. Still, his hand clasped at the raptor's leg, squeezing at the sack of flesh and jagged bone he'd reduced the ankle to. True to form, he felt a measure of pity for the creature as it suffered at his hands, wishing there was a better way to dispatch the beast without need for his violence but...there were students in the hallway. And, truth be told, he was pretty sure the blue furry woman would have killed it anyway. fur? Vlad's grey eyes opened just as Flame walked onto the scene but he was too engaged with his reptilian foe to pay too much attention to anything else, though he was indeed curious as to how this woman was related to Addy - and he was sure now that she was. Another blue furry mutant was simply too much of a coincidence. "EVERYVON GET BACK!" he hollered with as much force as he could as he took a step back and decided to at least try and finish the job. Vlad was not a killer by any means and the weight of his duty laid heavily on his shoulders but he knew what he had to do. He couldn't bear to let the raptor suffer. Not at his hands. The merciful thing would be to end the misery quickly and cleanly. Hoping it would end quickly, Vlad held onto the leg and then swung around in a great circle, intending to lift the raptor clean off the ground and slam it headlong into the nearest wall to dash it's brains.

Since she had been dashing at the creature herself, Endelyn stopped in startlement when Flame barked an order at her. Endelyn, however, chose to ignore her order to leave. Endelyn's attention snapped to Vlad and despised what he was going to do, so she quickly stepped back from the situation, but ended up close to Addy. Being closer to the girl, she could quickly see the resemblence. "Adrianne? Is that really you?" She asked, not sure if she was even being heard over the ruckus in the hallway.

Focused on any chance to get in on the fight between the dino and the Russian, Flame caught a flash of movement out of the corner of her eye. Turning her head towards it to assess if it was as dangerous as the Jurassic Park escapee, she felt pressure then the bite of a blade digging into her side. It took a moment for her to realize she had actually been hit, what by, and who had done it, having not expected the spear to be turned on anyone but the dinosaur. Damnit! What did it hit? Flame thought as her knife dropped to the floor, moving her hand to grip hold of the spear shaft instead. If Addy was to pull it out half of Flame's insides would come with it. It was better to leave it in, it would slow down the bleeding until she could cut away the injured area. Mainly guts, a rib? Liver? Well, about time I started destroying a new one. Flame knew pain, hell, it was part of her old job, and it was less surprising to feel it than who had caused it. Despite efforts to stay on her feet, Flame felt her knee buckle on the side she was hit, drawing her lips back to snarl through sharpened teeth at Addy as she dropped onto said knee. "Bitch..."

Light stepped out into the hall in the midst of all the chaos happening and pressed herself against the wall next to the kitchen door, quickly scanning her eyes over everything going on. She hardly had time to think or even ecide what to do, but seeing that Vlad seemed to have to reptile somewhat under control, Light looked in the opposite direction, where the blue woman and Flame were standing. "Shit," she spat under her breath as she watched the spear tip jab into the scaled woman's side, causing her to fall onto one knee. Without giving it much though, the black-haired girl rushed the still unidentified Addy, reaching out for any part of her body, more specifically a shoulder or arm, with a wildly sparking hand, hoping to send a shock through the blue girl with just enough power to bring her to the floor.

The raptor let out one last screech as it was bodily lifted and slammed into the wall. Vlad had the right idea and the creature was injured past being able to fight him off. Its head left a good sized hole in the wall as it died right there in the hall. Addy didn't hear the screech, she was too focused on her opponent in front. But something was rushing her from the side and the blue girl simply reacted, gripping her spear and BAMFing down the hall, taking her spear cleanly with her. Being in this realm meant that her teleportations were stronger than Addy was accustomed to, causing her to misjudged her jump. She reappeared right next to Vlad and the dead raptor. Addy blinked, completely taken back by the position she found herself in. Finally, recognition was lighting in her eyes.

As the creature collided with the wall, letting out a shriek that lifted the hairs on the back of his neck to full attention, Vlad opened his eyes. One was rather blurry and bloodshot, leftovers from the raptor's massive claws and he immediately shut it again as the light from the hallway stung and caused him great discomfort. He was now certain that he had scratched it - and learned a new weakness. Despite his eyelid's resistance, the cornea had suffered damage. As the raptor died at his feet, Vlad lifted his hand to cover his eye and dropped the reptilian's leg, where it lay, motionless, as life slipped away. He wore a frown as he looked at the carnage, lines forming in his usually jovial face that made him look very grave indeed. His first kill. It was nothing to be proud of, that he knew, but as he looked around to see that the students were all right he knew that he'd done the right thing. However, as the scene unfolded quickly and Addy's relative skewered Flame, Vlad's face burst with furious indignation and he instantaneously shouted, "NO!" His voice ripped, vocal chords working so hard they sounded like they were shredding and pulling apart with the sheer force of his astonishment. As the blue bitch teleported away, dragging her spear with her, Vlad ignored the pain in his eye and rushed to Flame's side, all the while tearing his shirt off. He knelt and pressed it against the fountain of blood that was issuing from the wound with trembling hands, panic stricken and running off of instinct. She would make it, he just had to get her to safety. Scooping his arms beneath her, he stood and cradled her to his chest, instructing her to "hold it there as tightly as you can, I'm taking you to Dr. McCoy!" He didn't know what the best course of action was, all he knew was that he had to get Flame to Hank as fast as humanly possible. Then he dashed off at a full sprint, his heavy footsteps causing the hallway to tremble mightily as he just caught the tail end of Light's electric fist on his way to X-Men Hall Center 3rd.

Endelyn was trying to catch her breath, looking around the hallway. Shaking her head, she put her sword away after shortening it, then sighed. "And all I wanted to do was to fix my damn door." she said, scratching the back of her head. She looked to Light, then to Elianna, then back to the Addy look alike. "So... I take it this is a little new for you?"

Everything happened so fast, what with the supposed Addy teleporting right out of the way and Vlad rushing by to be Flame's savior, that Light missed her target and her hand was smacked out of the way by the Russian bulldozer flying down the hallway, and lost her balance she tumbled to the floor with a grunt, rolling across the rough carpet onto her back. However, despite the fall and the trembling edifice cause by said bulldozer, the girl wasted no time in quickly building up another charge in her right hand, then rolled onto her left side before snapping her fingers and sending it flying in the blue girl's direction, regardless of Endelyn's place beside her or who she might actually be.

The bolt arced towards Addy, hitting her full in the chest. The blue girl flew backwards, her spear hitting the carpet. She hit the ground hard, yellow eyes wide as she twitched for a moment. So this wasn't a dream, this pain sure was real enough. Addy knew her heart had stopped, and she used the last of her energy to slam a fist into her chest, causing her heart to stutter back to life. Her body arched from the point of impact before she slammed her back into the ground. Near death experiences were nothing new. Yellow eyes snapped open and went to Light. She knew that power, only one girl had it. Addy sat up quickly and stared. "Light?" she said with a voice that was scratchy from disuse but still recognizable. "This isn't a dream? I'm really back?"

Endelyn moved out of the way of Light's sudden attack and could feel the electicity in the air. Endelyn rubbed her arms and looked at the two, confused on which side to take. On one hand, Light was pissed, and it wasn't wise to get in her way. On the other, especially when she spoke, Endelyn realised the one being attacked was Addy, and not some cousin. "Adrianne? Where... what? What the hell is going on..."

As soon as the bolt of energy had left her fingertips, Light pushed herself off the ground, standing with her blood-covered arm outstretched towards Addy as she watched her fall and bring her heart back to life. "Don't play dumb," the girl said menacingly, her usually green eyes flickering with sparks of blue. She ignored Endelyn for the most part; if the girl wanted to put herself into a dangerous situation and stand directly next to a possible threat, Light didn't care. "I don't know who you are, but if you're trying to impersonate Adrianne, you're off by a couple years. And injuring another student wasn't a good choice, either." The black haired girl scowled as her hand lit up with another round of electricity, just in case the new kid tried to make another move. There was no way Light was going to rule this girl out as a threat. She'd heard through the grapevine that whoever was leading these attacks on the mansion had the capability to use previous students' powers, as evidenced by the machine some other students had supposedly found. "What's your purpose?" she questioned, "Are you with the people who took Adrianne?"

Addy heard what Light was saying, but she wasn't really looking at the girl. She was looking at Endelyn and her eyes widened further as she pulled her feet in closer to herself. Addy seemed to be thinking hard. "Three years, you should be older." Her eyes flashed in anger as her head snapped to Light. "I've been gone three years and you haven't aged at all?!" The girl ran a hand over her matted hair. Her hand became visible with the scar only Light would truly recognize as being from that incident in the woods. She ran both hands over her face, not prepared for this. Tears, suddenly formed in the girl's eyes but didn't fall. Addy wouldn't allow that. "Where is Xavier? I need to know... Wait, how long have I been gone?"

Endelyn dared to shoot Light a glare at what she was saying. "Has your lightning blinded your eyes?" she asked, then looked to Addy. She knelt down next to the girl and smiled. "You've been gone for two weeks." she said, not fully understanding what Adrianne was going on about, three years and such. Endelyn looked closely at Addy, studying how much older she looked. "What happened to you?"

Elianna, who had been plastered against the wall, not making a sound and trying to stay out of the way was still in shock. She had flickered back to visible, the last to do so. As everything calmed she ventured away from the wall, it seemed, in a weird way two of the girls now left in the hall with her knew the blue girl. She stayed quite since it looked like they were discussing something important but she wandered slowly toward them, a bit skittish still and frightened out of her mind. She had so many questions.

"And has your over-trusting stupidity destroyed your common sense?" Light snapped back at Endelyn without missing a beat, her hand still outstretched towards the blue girl. "I know what I can clearly see, but I don't always trust my eyes, a fault that plenty of you moronic children at this place have." At her own words, Light suddenly flinched, very slightly, upon realizing that she'd also trusted Shade too easily, when she first met him and when he'd returned that night. Luckily, at least the things he'd said to her were of subjects that only the two of them knew, and not something anyone was likely to get out of him for their own use. Light paid no attention to Elianna creeping across the hallway as she added, "And do tell, if she's been gone for two weeks, why has she aged years in appearance? And why she brought along that thing and harmed your fellow students." The girl's hand sparked a brighter electric blue, waiting for the blue demon to make another move. "Apparently she isn't willing to answer my questions."

Addy wasn't paying attention. She was too busy staring at her hands in her lap. So many things were running through her head as she contemplated it all. After three years, she had returned home only to find that for the rest of the world it had only been two weeks. Something in her heart broke and a sob was released before she could stop it. She hadn't cried for so long, even this was a strange thing as tears rolled down her ash covered cheeks. There was no turning back the years now, no reverting back to who she had been. "I-I...was hunting...There is nothing else to keep you alive..." She stopped talking as she slowly realized that she needed to find Xavier.

Endelyn was about to snap back, but when Addy started crying, she took a deep breath and sighed it out. "We can argue about trust and idiocy another time. Believe what you will, but I highly doubt an enemy would start crying, unless they had more than one personality. This does not seem to be that sort of case." she said to Light. "Now, put that thing away before you hurt someone, namely myself or her." she said, motioning to Elianna. "There is a lot of explaining to be done."

Staying silent, but wide eyed Elianna listened to the girls talk. She tried not to seem totally annoying or anything new kids usually are like. She looked at Endelyn when the girl motioned to her. "Oh? Uhm. Yeah. I wouldn't mind having some blanks filled in." She said, curious.

With her attention still focused on the Adrianne lookalike and Endleyn, Light raised her brow, almost in disbelief, at the latter's response to her own words. You have got to be kidding me, the girl thought as the incredibly naive reply reached her ears. Shaking her head, the girl wondered how people could believe such idiotic things about people, and eventually settled on the realization that that was one of the reasons the people at the mansion were so susceptible to attacks. "Yeah, I suppose that makes Camille everyone's best buddy, huh?" the girl spat back sarcastically, not caring to hide the fact that she was completely untrusting of the woman and considered her an enemy. The next words out of the sheltered girl across the hall made Light laugh; if the black-haired girl were more like the so easily offended and defensive kids there at the school, she would have said something about her power not being 'just a sword you can put away in its sheath.' Since that was not the case, however, Light turned her hand over, palm down, and with one tiny flick of her finger, sent the built up ball of electricity whizzing down the hallway and right into the wall next to Endelyn's head. "Sure thing," the girl finally replied, a smirk stuck on her face. "I'll leave you to question your 'friend.'" with those word, the girl dropped her hand to her side, and with one watchful eye on Addy, turned and headed into the door beside her, into X-Men Kitchen 3rd. Just a moment later, she returned with a bundle of fruit and ice packs in her arm and headed out to X-Men Hall Center 3rd.

It was not often that the cat had his tongue, and Kyle could really only bear to be silent for so long. After Light's unkind departing words, the boy hovered into the doorway of his dormitory, having watched almost the entire ordeal. While his expression still read confusion, his voice was as acerbic as ever as he demanded in his southern twang, 'What in the hell jus' happened out here?' The hall looked pretty wrecked, between the thrashing, bloodied raptor and Vlad's heroics. The young man's thin lipped mouth opened and closed a couple of times as he struggled to even think of something else to say. 'And what's that... thing? A goddamned Trex?' he finally managed, misidentifying the thing and mispronouncing the abbreviation as a single word, his yellow-eyed gaze flitting from Addy, whom he had yet to recognize, Elianna, another stranger, and Endelyn.

The tears vanished almost as quickly as they came. Addy placed her hands flat on the floor and pushed herself into a back flip. It was smooth and graceful, and she landed in a crouch, eyeing everyone. Addy didn't feel like she was back home, and that was obvious in her guarded expression. "I can't stay here," she whispered before growing silent again. She needed away from this hall, away from everything. She needed time that she didn't have. Before anyone could react, Addy vanished from the hall, leaving behind a small bit of blue smoke.

When Light shot the lightning near Endelyn's head, the girl stayed as still as stone and glared at her as the other woman left. "How dare she threaten me in such a way." she mumbled angrily under her breath. Shaking her head and sighing, she knew that friendship she had been hoping to have with Light eventually just went down the drain. Endelyn looked over at Addy with surprise and tried to start saying. "We should go see prof-" she stopped when Addy poofed into her cloud of smoke. "-fessor Xavier..." she finished, then groaned. "Damnit, why do these things always happen around here? All I wanted to do is fix my door." she said, clearly agrivated as she stood up. A part of her wanted to go find Addy, but she didn't know where to begin. Shaking her head again, she looked at Kyle, whom she just noticed, and then to Elianna. "Perhaps we should report to Professor Xavier, let him know what has happened here."

Growing incrementally braver, Kyle stepped out from behind the perceived protection of the doorway, only to start and skitter back out of sight as Addy suddenly disappeared. He poked his head back out into the hallway when it seemed like nothing further was going to occur, and when Endelyn mentioned giving Xavier a visit in regards to the strange matters of the East Hall. 'He's psychic, ain't he? He probably already knows what's goin' on, dontchu think?' he stated, offering his inexpert opinion, then continued, '...'sides, I reckon everyone in the building might know by now something's goin' on up here.' With a meaningful look to the deceased raptor, the boy's eyes trailed up to the hairline fractures in the plaster of the ceiling, the dust of which now littered the carpeted floor of the hall. Other than a silent and dismissive glance in Elianna's direction, Kyle ignored the stranger and walked over to the dead creature to tentatively poke at it with his bare toe.

Endelyn shook her head with a soft sigh. She looked at the dead raptor as well. "This is a horrid way to start the day." she mumbled, then packed up her tool box and threw it into her room. She couldn't even shut the door without yanking it hard. It slammed with what sounded like the cracking of wood, but at least it was shut. "I'm going to go see him anyways, just to let him know. He's always got so much work to do, something like this might slip past him. You both are welcome to join me if you wish." she said, and with a bow of her head, she took her leave and headed into the X-Men Hall Center 3rd.

'Start the day? Shit, girl, the day's more than half over... ' Kyle stated, his thin lips pressed together and pulled to the side in what could be conceived as a judgmental expression as Endelyn made a small show of packing and putting her toolbox back into her room. 'And now you jus' lemme know what he says,' he added with a patronizing little wiggle of his head and an affected smile to match; it amused him just a teensy bit that he was the reason that she was having door issues. The boy sniffed and turned away from Endelyn as she disappeared from the hallway, to focus again at the dead thing at his feet. He glanced up and down the hall, one side of his hairless brow quirked. Should he butcher the carcass and save the meat? Try to shove it out the window at the far end of the corridor? Assuming it would start to stink and draw flies, he couldn't very well just leave it there, could he. Unable to make an immediate decision, Kyle remained, for the moment, in the hallway, scratching the back of his bald head.

Endelyn fell out of her room a while later with a yelp. She stumbled to catch her bearings, then noticed the carcass and Kyle. "Still here I see?" She smiled as she headed towards the kitchen. "I'm gonna do some cooking if you'd like anything." She offered before going into X-men Kitchen 3rd.

When Endelyn stepped-out of her room, Kyle took a double take. 'You just went... ' and, without finishing the sentence, his hand drifted toward the Center Hall, since that was where she had gone a few minutes ago. 'But now you're... how'd you... that ain't what you do!' he said, unaware that Addy was the real reason. Looking almost comically confused as she walked by, casually offering him a home-cooked meal, he hastily called after her, 'Hey... Hey!...' and followed her into the kitchen.

The raptor was still sitting where Vlad had smashed it into the wall. Addy saw it, and in an instant her hopeless demeanor disappeared. She walked right over to it and crouched near its head, staring into the sightless, dead eyes. "This is your fault," she whispered to the creature. "I wanted to go home, but not like this. destroyed everything. And now look! All I wanted was to survive another day. Another week. Keep going until help came. But no, that couldn't happen." Standing and looking around for a moment, Addy spotted her spear still laying on the ground where she had left it. The blue girl rushed over and picked it up, blinking out of existence for a moment and reappearing right where she had been, the bone handle of the spear separated from the dagger like end. She dropped the handle, shoving the dagger into the back of her shorts for some sort of protection. Now that she was clean and looked less like a wild woman, her actions seemed out of character. But Addy wasn't going to burst into tears again. She approached the kitchen door, wanting to talk to her roommate, and pushed it open, not knowing the company her roommate kept as she entered the X-Men Kitchen 3rd.

Ok, now this was more like it. Akantha watched as the trail of blood she'd been following turned into a scene of carnage right before her onyx eyes. "What the fuck..." Her words, ordinarily verbal darts, were instead curious as she stepped around the bloodied mess in order to inspect it. She wasn't even certain that she knew what type of creature it was, let alone what it was doing beaten to a bloody pulp in the middle of a posh mansion. Having seen her fair share of serious wounds, the grotesque state of the dead flesh did nothing but interest her. The smell was something she didn't appreciate though, and she immediately plugged her nose, wincing a bit as she compressed the cartilage around her septum ring. Walking around it to try and get an idea of what the hell happened, she looked at the wall and then where the creature was lying and easily put two and two together. "Shit, anything that could put you through a wall is going on my friends list," she said, only somewhat in jest. Pushing open the nearest door (X-Men Kitchen 3rd), Akantha stepped around the carcass and wiped her bloodied boots on a spare patch of carpet before entering.

The trails of blood were soaked enough into the carpet to feasibly avoid. Korvka tip-toed around them, having no desire to wash any more blood from herself today. <"Jesus Christ,"> she breathed as the carcass came into view; a huge, hulking, dead mass of serrated flash and broken bones. She gulped but found that her stomach was not as tender as it had been when viewing Flame's innards. <"Oh god, gross,"> she breathed as she pinched her nose and tried to hurry past as she breathed through her mouth. She swore she could still taste the death on the air and when she had managed to pick and hop her way beyond the dead obstacle, she rushed to her door. Leaning against it, she dug into her sports bra to retrieve the skeleton key, and unlocked the door to Dormitory 392, disappearing immediately inside.

Endelyn practically stormed out of the kitchen, only to have to cover her nose from the stench of the rotting corpse. Without much of a care as to who saw her, she took off her t-shirt, left in her sports bra. She tore her shirt in half and held her breath. Wrapping up her hands, she tried dragging the corpse to he window at the end of the hall. Realising it was too heavy, she took out her blade, lengthening it to about 7 inches. Using it as a knife, she started hacking at the limbs, trying to hack the corpse into carriable pieces.

Justin forced his way out of the kitchen, the door rebounding off the wall with a dull slam. He had his eyes down going over what he still had to do to in order to occupy his mind and calm down. He spotted Endelyn doing something over by the window and changed direction to ask her a question. "Hey Endelyn can i ask you some....." thats when he realized the floor was soaked in blood the walls where beaten and bashed and the corpse of something beastly sat at her feet, "ok seriously what is going on?"

When he came in, Endelyn had taken a breath, and coughed as the putrid smell entered her nose and lungs. She looked back at Justin with her eyes watering. "When Addy reappeared, this was with her. A bunch of us, mostly Vlad and Addy, managed to kill it. No one else is cleaning it up, so I have decided to." She said. As she slowly started getting used to the smell, she looked at the work she had done. She had managed to get the limbs and tail cut, and was working on hacking through the thick neck of the beast. "The only thing I shall need help with is the torso. It shall take too long to cut into smaller pieces, and it is too heavy as it is to lift through the window."

"I can try to help you lift it, or I might have one more big port left in me today hughhh...." Justin managed to get out before breaking down into fit off choking, the pungent reek had just invaded his lunges as he finished the sentence. He regained composure after a second and quickly tucked his nose under his shirt collar to help filter out the smell.

Endelyn smiled sympathetically at the boy. "I used to help my father a lot hunting, and we would often come across a carcass like this. It usually takes a while for me to get used to this, since you really never truely get used to the smell." She said. Finally getting through the neck, she moved the severed head to the side and picked up a knife that lay under it. "Hmmm.... I wonder who this belongs to." She thought out loud to herself. She didn't dare to use her powers on it, so she just put it in the holder on her leg, along with her own. Getting up, she heaved up a leg and moved it to the window, tossing it out. She watched it as it splat against the ground. She smiled back at Justin. "If you can manage a portal without harm to yourself, go for it. If it'll be a strain for you, we can just lift it together." She suggested.

"Ill just help lift it, i'v jumped around the house a lot today." Justin watching her work diligently, her impressive skills making short work of the creature. "So you hunted alot back at home?" Justin patted his hands down so he could get a better grip then squatted low and grabbed a hold of the stumps that would have been the hips when the beast was whole. "We can probably get it up and over, just lift with your legs." He remarked but still left room for her to answer.

Endelyn came back over from tossing the other leg out the window with another sickening splat. She half knelt as she picked up the beast by what would've been it's shoulders. "Yeah." She said with a little strain as she picked up her end. "My parents never went to grocery stores. We would hunt for all our food. Sometimes we would take in a wandering cow and nurture it, then end up killing it for it's meat." She said, then blushed at how gruesome that sounded. "It's sort of odd, having it come in packages, but it saves a lot of time." She admitted as she slowly started leading them backwards toward the window. Once she got it on the ledge, she went over to Justin's side to help him push it. "I kind of want to see this fall. Sort of sadistic of me really." She admitted with a slight chuckle.

"No I understand. I was raised on a farm myself so raisin meat is new to me." Justin shrugged as he heft his end up onto the ledge and steadied it so she could move around to his side. He was use to the heavy lifting and strain from his training so lifting part of what use to be the beast wasn't to hard. When she had positioned herself he helped give it a little shove. "Nah its always fun watching gravity smash stuff." He cast a side glance at Endelyn for a second, "So what was all the mess with addy today?" another explosion went off in the kitchen as he could only assume it was Akantha.

Endelyn gave a small glare to the kitchen door, but it was brief. She helped shove the carcass out the window and watched it drop with another, even more gruesome splat. Once that was done, the smell in the hall started to clear slowly with the window open. "Addy... I'm not fully sure.." she said. "I didn't recognize her at first. I was trying to fix my door from earlier events, and she just sort of appeared out of nowhere, fighting this thing as if it were her next meal. She's very skidish, and it seems as though she's been gone for years. The Addy I know would've automatically gone for her laptop of phone, but she didn't. Truthfully, I have no odes what has happened to her, but I am worried."

Justin watched as the beast hit the ground with a small bounce its 'juice' splashing out like a paint splatter. He gave a small chuckle before turning back to Endelyn and leaning against the window sill. "I hope shes ok honestly." He gazed down as he took in he contemplated her story, Something odd had happened with Addy but it didn't sound like it had anything to do with the abductions. "Can I ask you something real quick though?"

In addition to the sickening splat that accompanied the dinosaur's torso falling, there sounded another non-menacing crash and banging near it, but it was too dark and stormy outside to see that far down.

Endelyn didn't notice the metal sound too much, since she was concentrating on the conversation she was having with Justin. When she heard it though, she did turn her head to the window. "Sure, what is your question?" She asked, looking back to the boy.

Justin glanced back outside through the rain but couldn't make anything out with the downpour. "Odd." His attention snapped back to his mission. "Have you heard anything about the dissapearance of students recently?"

Looking up thoughtfully, Endelyn tried to recall. However with all of the events of the day, nothing stuck out to her. "Not that I can remember." She admitted. "There are students missing?" She asked with a concerned look. As she thought about it, she realised she hadn't seen Nathan all day, and that suddenly struck her as odd.

Justin tapped his chin in thought. "Yeah the first two friends I had here went missing a while back. Abducted actually." He eyed Endelyn quizzically, her response was genuine, she really didn't know anything. After a moment he realized the uncomfortable air he had just cast over the hall. His expression softened as he reached out a hand to run through Endelyn's hair. "But hey I made some new ones recently." Justin smiled at her warmly.

Endelyn tilted her head slightly and looked even more confused when he reached out to touch her hair. Addy had warned her of such flirtings from guys, but she had no experience with it. "Ah, um... there are no animals used in my shampoo!" She blurted out in her slight panic. Her face turned bring red and stared at him sort of how a deer would look at a pair of headlights
coming at it.

Justin could only break down laughing. "Do what? I guess that's good to know then." He had withdrawn his hand to rub his neck when she burst out. He broke out in a smile as he turned back to head down the hall. "Just done go vanishing on me like they did, k? I gotta go see if anyone else knows anything." He waved over his shoulder as he walked off to X-Men Hall Center 3rd.

When Justin left, Endelyn let out the breath she was holding all at once in a relieved sigh. With a shake of her head, she walked over to the door of Dormitory 398 and had to forcefully pry it open, just to get inside.

<"What the fuu---?"> Korvka immediately noticed upon leaving Dormitory 392 that the large, scaly, bleeding lump of prehistoric, interdimensional carnivore was nowhere to be seen, despite the large bloody stain that spread from its final resting place. Or, well, it couldn't have been its final resting place because it was no longer there. Gulping despite the fact that she'd been quite certain that the thing was dead, Korvka tip-toed her way carefully around the blood stains, jumping and hopping on one foot a few times until she was well out of the way of the offending crimson blotches. With her music score in hand, clutched tightly to save it from falling into the carnage underfoot, Korvka moved into X-Men Hall Center 3rd

Kyle appeared from the kitchen, one hand shoved deep into his pocket, didn't bother to hold the door for Akantha, whom he assumed was following behind. 'Huh,' he said beneath his breath, his eyes quickly glancing down both sides of the hallway. That thing was gone, though the evidence of the carnage still remained in the blood-stained carpet and cracked walls. With whatever mental assumption he made regarding the creature's whereabouts, he continued on to Dormitory 393.

Stepping into the East hall, Marcus spotted the large mass of blood on the floor, his brow instantly furrowing. Still on his search for Vlad, though, he called out down the hall in a tone not quite reaching a yell, "Hey, Vlad!", hoping to get some kind of response this time.

"Vlad isn't here." Ellianna said, her voice sounded muffled, since she was holding her nose, the stink of death getting to her. She appeared visible again, having gone back to invisible and standing out of way of the traffic. She figured she might be able to ask this boy if this chaos was normal. "Can you see me?" She tilted her head, hopping she was visible. She could never really tell unless she looked in a mirror, but since she didn't see one, this boy would have to do.

The kitchen door slammed back into Akantha but, being the city girl that she was, she simply shouldered it open and stepped through. Her eyes followed Kyle to see which room he went in but she was distracted by the sudden lack of a reptilian carcass in the hall. "Okay...where the fuck did that thing go?" she asked to no one in particular, though she could now see the shape of a small and timid looking girl who she was relatively certain hadn't been there a moment before. Eyeing her, Akantha quickly deduced that she was not the reason for the dinosaur's disappearance given her timidity. Looking down at the smaller girl, the Amazonian woman replied to the question Elianna posed. "Uh, yeah?" Shaking her head, Akantha stepped around the blood stains and then went to Dormitory 393 and tossed her backpack into it from the hallway. Then she leaned against the doorway with one elbow raised and looked in at the room, hoping her room would be this lavish whenever she managed to find it.

"Oh, uh, do you know where he is, by any chance?" Marcus, his voice cutting to a slightly more timid manner, "I kind of need to find him, and fairly quickly." He smiled to Ellianna, trying not to give away his worry too much, and hoping that the girl would be able to provide him with some help. The other girl in the hall didn't seem all too happy with her current situation, so he decided to leave her alone for the time being.

Turning to see who walked in the hall Elianna was surprised at first by the girls features and style. Shrugging it off, she nodded at her answer to Eli's question. "Thanks." She then turned back to the boy. "Last I saw he went that way." She pointed down the direction in which Vlad had disappeared.she hoped this would hel the boy.

Korvka walked in from the X-Men Hall Center 3rd, ignoring everyone ijn the hallway and, dragging her feet, made her way into Dormitory 392.

Growing weary of searching for the Russian, Marcus shrugged and muttered, "Oh well." Someone would find him eventually. Right now, he was tired. Doing an about-face, Marcus left the hallway and entered X-Men Hall Center 3rd.

Vlad came in from the X-Men Hall Center 3rd, barely missing Marcus, and then simply dragging his tired self into Dormitory 393

Walking down the hall with Rook in tow, Eddie tried the handle to the door of his old room, peeking his head in to see if it was occupied, before stepping into Dormitory 391.

Kenna appeared, coming in from the X-Men Hall Center 3rd and, yawning, walked into the X-Men Lounge, where she'd spend the night.

Akantha stepped out of Dormitory 393 just in time to see the back of Eddie and Rook and the flaming beacon of Kenna's red hair as they all three disappeared, in tandem, to their respective resting places. She lifted a brow. "Is there a curfew around here?" she asked Kyle, looking around the place as if the rules were starting to suffocate her.

X-Men Dormitories
X-Men Kitchen 3rd
X-Men Lounge
X-Men Hall Center 3rd

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2012-05-15 [Roma]: I'll wait to make sure everyone is ok with that post. Editing is possible if need be.

2012-05-16 [Figgy]: Tsomepoke

2012-05-16 [XxTsomexX]: Sorryyyy I was trying to wait for Light

2012-05-16 [Figgy]: S'ok, just giving fair turns :3

2012-05-22 [Roma]: Trex, hurr hurr :3

2012-05-22 [Ms. Steel]: nyuk nyuk nyuk

2012-05-22 [XxTsomexX]: Hee hee :3

2012-05-28 [Ms. Steel]: pokle...

2012-05-28 [Ms. Steel]: I think I might just go ahead and post, come tomorrow, since Luna's been a little sparse.

2012-05-28 [XxTsomexX]: Ok lol

2012-06-02 [La Luna]: I'm so totally sorry. I've been having regents and finals all week.

2012-07-17 [XxTsomexX]: I kinda got tired of waiting... sorry.

2012-07-24 [Figgy]: XD

2012-07-24 [Ms. Steel]: Holder post. I'll just leave him there 'til... there's a better distribution of characters . :-I

2012-07-30 [XxTsomexX]: Thanks Figgs :3

2012-07-30 [Figgy]: Noo prob

2012-08-10 [Roma]: Too bad we can't just assume that Elianna is still invisible somewhere.

2012-08-10 [XxTsomexX]: Too bad indeed lol

2012-08-13 [XxTsomexX]: Practically ugh!!

2012-08-14 [The Past]: Someone find Flame's knife :O She dropped it there ;.;

2012-09-04 [Roma]: I know its bedtime and I'll get her there, but we were mid-mission. I'll make sure it wraps up.

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