Page name: Xviv Rytyv [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-07-06 19:45:16
Last author: Nazarath.93
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<img:>Xviv Rytyv<img:>


 The Xviv Rytyv are the 4 creator God-Kings of the outer plane of our world. They are the ones responsible for the process of life and the beginning of everything outside their plane. Each Rytyv represents an element and all things the element represents.
 The Xviv Rytyv feel mortal feelings, and perform mortal actions like eating, sleeping, sex etc. Two of them are humanoid shaped and perform all the actions of a human, the other two are beastly and do more animal actions, mostly excluding sex.
 Due to their nature the Xviv Rytyv feel human action is necessary and encouraged, they care about human action and wish to see them all have a happy life, likewise they are utterly fascinated with mortals and enjoy the relation.
 They remain in constant contact with Mortals, especially the Metnyad family. However after the war they diminished and became only un-living forces representing what is now called "The Left Hand Path".

The Xviv Rytyv

Satan, The Lord Of Fire

 Satan is the leader of the four, lying in the ninth circle the innermost. Satan is the lord of fire and passion, and is commonly found in his tower with several Succubus. He is human shaped, with horns down his spine and two on his head. He has large wings and long straight black hair. His flesh is a crimson red color. (think incubus rather than traditional Halloween devil.) He is Lord of the South.

Lucifer, The Lord of the air

 Lucifer is probably the most engaged with human activity, he is the bearer of light and a great god of the winds. He represents kindness to those who deserve it, and love to those who deserve it. Whenever a couple on Earth is married he usually attends. He can be found in his circle in his city. He is a tall human shaped being with six angel wings, straight white hair that goes to his feet. His skin as white as snow. He is lord of the East.

Belial, The Lord of The earth

 Belial is the beast lord of the earth, and resembles any beast he chooses. Mostly he is one who walks on all fours, he represents strength and honor, and the great green and brown earths. He is the Working man's god of choice, and a hero to Barbarians. He is found in the Northern point of his circle. He is lord of the North.

Leviathan, The Lord of The Waters

 Leviathan is the miles long serpent residing the in the farthest sea of the Plane He resembles a blue Chinese Dragon. He represents wisdom and creativity, he is the god of deepness and purity. He is Lord of the West.

The Demi Gods


 Baphomet is the lord of the magical apparatus in humans, he resembles a human, with a goats head, breasts, goat legs, human torso, with a pentagram on his head, and has both male and female reproductive organs. He his the demi god of birth and controls the flow of magic into the living earth. He lies in whatever place the Xviv Rytyv need him.


 Mephisto, or Mephistopheles, is the keeper of knowledge, and the robed figure bearing the wisdom of all four. He is found traveling to whichever place he is needed.

The Kracken

 The Kracken is the massive squid and son of Leviathan.


  Beezlebub is the Lord of the flies and resides in the dark forests. He rules over the insect creatures of the world.

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