Page name: YYH Pics 2 [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-06-13 21:00:59
Last author: Kiristo
Owner: Kiristo
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what the hell is Kurama wearing? It looks like a kamono.....

Of course I know some of you ladies like Jin.......whatever......

Both of em.

This is when they fight Sensui. (or however you spell his name)

I love this pic of Hiei, he's so cute!^^ If my printer worked, I'd print it out. i'll just have to wait till I get a new ink cartrage.

kinda looks sketchy, oh well. It's still cool!^^

OOOOH, this is an adertising thingy for the movie thingy. lol^^ No idea who the girl is, but she is only put in the movie and nothing else, or so I've heard.

Hi HIEI!^^lol

Hi Youko!^^

Hi Yusukey!^^

Hi Kurama!^^

Hi Team Urameshi!^^

HI HIEI, again!^^

HI, ok enough of the hi's.......

I may already have this on the other page....maybe....bu this is a bigger pic....and I love this picc, too!^^

Koenma! Oh wait, I forgot to say hi to him, HI KOENMA!^^

.........not really sure what to say but Kuwbara looks stupider then ever..and what's tat yellow thingy on Yusuke's arm? Huh? What is it? *pokes yellow thing**pokes again**and again**and pokes it rapedly*

Awwww!^^ It's he cute! Go ahead and tell him he's not cute, I DARE YOU!

Soooo cute!^^


what ya looking at, Hiei-san???

*bites Tagoros head off*

Look at his big beutiful eyes!^^

HI GENKAI! er......Masked Fighter......

Hiei looks so cute!^^

why do almost all of the pics of Hiei have him with his bandage in him mouth!?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!.^^. lol, rofl, lmfao!


*sigh* another Jin....yeah, sure, whatever.....



HOT!^^ except for Kuwabaka.....

Here kitty kitty!^^

Yes, that's Yusukey's demon form. Yes, this is after they defete Sesui. Yes, Yusukey does come back to life after Sensui kills him. JUST WATCH THE SHOW!!!!

FINALLY, I found a pic of Yukina! YAY FOR ME!^^

awwww, what's wroung Kurama-san?

da dede dum dum dum....

*Bites off Karasu's head*

eww...the guy with the horns has six ears.....


dum dede de dum....lalala.....


why is yusukey's hair white???

YYH Pics 3

that's all for now.

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2006-01-30 [Lady Alaina]: The red-heads name is Hinageshi. From the movie. *reads pamphlet* Wait a sec....O.O OMG!!!

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