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Zooney's Army Application Page

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Sign up or meet your doom at Zooney's hands!!!!

this is a 1,600 and before please fit your character's two that timeframe

Zooney seeks world domination.
Anyone else who seeks world domination or wants to know the person who has it, join Zooney on his quest.


First name/ nick name/ Code name/ Alias
Are you a girl or a boy? You shouldn't need help with this...
Fighter type/Healer Type/ Trainee and so on
What can you do?
Weapon Proficiencies:
What weapons are you knowledgeable about and use well?
Fighting Styles Acquired:
Are you Hand-to-Hand? A Swordsman? A....?
Additional knowledge
What else do you know?
Back History:
Where are you from? How did you learn these skills? Anything else we should know?
Have you ever actually used any of these skills?


Name: [July 47] cotaon
Gender: MALE
Class: fighter/healer/strategist/warrior/and teacher
Skills: Healing, Battle strategies, Combat and teaching.
Weapon Proficiency: Katana.
Fighting Styles Acquired: Fencing/Dueling/Swordsmanship.
Hand to hand and Melee.
Additional knowledge Art of war theories and OTHER.
Back History: Trained in fighting techniques by father and brother as well as my self. Healing and medical training by mother and a boy scouts teachers.
Experience: Have used skills in various ways.

Name:[Kbird] kira

Gender: Female

Class: trainee/healer/fighter(<- not very good yet.)

Skills: healing.

Weapon Proficiency: katana

Fighting Styles Acquired: as required in combat

Additional knowledge:

Back History: mother being a nurse you learn a thing or two.Grow up with 3 brothers and a sister( dad helped too.) who helped train her.She joined Zooneys army about a six month ago.

Experience: training with [July 47] [Silver Moon] & [Goliath]

Look <img:stuff/aj/190343/1287196819.jpg>

Name: [Skylark_Nikko]
Gender: F
Class: Healer/Fighter
Skills: Strongly versed in both melee and hand-to-hand combat as well as several weapons.
Weapon Proficiency: Melee weapons. Distance weapons. (ie: club, flail, staff, throwing daggers, bow)
Fighting Styles Acquired: Simple Kempo Karate technique.
Additional knowledge Good amount of knowledge about wild herbs, plants and roots. One year and four months nurse in a large school infirmary, as well as from them until the present in an infirmary in Cuttergap near the mission there.
Back History: Born in Ashville to wealthy parents, Cassidy decided early in life that she wanted to devote herself to helping others less fortunate then herself. She attended college in Ashville five semesters before moving to Cuttergap where she worked at the infirmary near the mission. She learned a great deal of her knowledge from the country highlanders and the serious injuries partner to backwoods living. She is approaching age twenty-one.
Experience: One year and four months nurse in a large school infirmary, as well as from them until the present in an infirmary in Cuttergap near the mission there. She learned a great deal of her knowledge from the country highlanders and the serious injuries partner to backwoods living.
look Brunette, with a young face, petite in stature. She can seem a bit naive but a fierce and loyal warrior beats within her.

Name: [Silver Moon] Skylia
First name/ nick name/ Code name/ AliasSky
Gender: Female
Class: Healer/ Fighter
Skills: healing and proficiency in classic weaponry, skilled in martial arts combat as well
What can you do? listed above in skills as well as tracking capabilities
Weapon Proficiency: see above and below
What weapons are you knowledgeable about and use well?Swords, throwing knives, and others but these are the weapons of choice
Fighting Styles Acquired: Judo, Karate, and other martial arts
Are you Hand-to-Hand? A Swordsman? A....? prefer dual wielding weapons
Additional knowledge to come
What else do you know? to come
Back History: to come
Where are you from? How did you learn these skills? Anything else we should know?
Have you ever actually used any of these skills?

Name: [Piercedskull] - Lucin Marx
First name/ nick name/ Code name/ Alias Lucin - Lucy, Lu, LuLu - The Doubledealer
Gender: Male
Class: Fighter/Strategist.
Skills: Hand to hand combat and fire arms. He's a very quick thinker and quick at the draw. Lots of really useless things, like sew and knit and cook and make witty remarks until your ears bleed. He is, however, quite smart and works well under pressure.
Weapon Proficiency: Hand held fire arms: Above Average (likes revolvers a lot) - Other fire arms: Average - Hand to Hand: Average.
Fighting Styles Acquired: Kick Boxer(wresting, boxing, and basic martial arts) and distance fighting.
Additional knowledge: Basic survival needs. Cooking, sewing, mending basic wounds (wrapping wounds, stitching himself up *pretty terrible at that though*)
Back History: There was nothing really bad about Lucin's life. He grew up in New York as an only child to an ex Marine father and a house wife mother. But one supposes that growing up around New York might mess with your head just a little. His father took him out shooting on a regular occasion, which is where he found his love for guns. His mother taught him basic life essentials which, while bored him, became useful. He hit a rebellion streak at 16 and ran away, hitching a ride some one friends to Las Vegas where he managed a job at a casino. He worked his way up from dish washer, to cook, to card dealer, and then occasionally security(where he learned hand to hand combat). Having the mind to plan out all this, he is also a natural strategist. Lucy is currently 26. Lucin Marx is a snarky guy sometimes and is an odd ball at others. He likes to assign people chess pieces. He is the Rook.
Experience: Hand to hand: 7 years. Guns and Strategy: All his life.
Have you ever actually used any of these skills? Yes.

Name: [~Crimson Angel~]
Foster Rockbell
Gender: Male
Class: Healer/Fighter
Skills: Archery, first aid and CPR
Weapon Proficiency: Bow and arrows
Fighting Styles Acquired: Archer
Additional knowledge: first aid and CPR
Back History: Foster is from a small town called Pineview, when he was ten years old Foster and his family moved to a larger town so they could be closer to family and so Foster could get a better education. Foster's uncle taught him archery and hand to hand combat because he thought he needed to be able to defend himself. After he graduated from High school Foster went to school to become a doctor and graduated at the top of his class.
Experience: Foster was a doctor for four and a half years, but when his parents were in a horrible accident which killed his father and left his mother paralyzed he quit to take care of her. He is twenty-seven years old.
Look: <img:stuff/aj/88645/1358747851.jpg>

Username (or number or email):


2010-10-17 [July 47]: i alwase knew how to uplode pic see<img500*0:stuff/aj/182439/1287291917.jpg>

2010-10-17 [Jadala*(Once upon a moment)]: indeed. ^_^

2010-10-18 [Kbird]: yehhh he loves puting up pics now.^_^

2010-10-25 [Silver Moon]: so is this where we put a characters or not I am a little confused

2010-10-25 [July 47]: yes you put your crs here

2010-10-26 [Kbird]: yahhh! new member!

2010-10-26 [Kbird]: this is july 47 talking threw kbird you were acceptied by me
Skylark_Nikko welcom

2010-10-27 [Jadala*(Once upon a moment)]: woot woot new people

2010-10-28 [Kbird]: the army is geting biger YES!

2010-10-29 [July 47]: yes it is

2010-11-13 [Jadala*(Once upon a moment)]: [Silver Moon] the words in italics are mini explanations of n the Q's in bold to help you understand excactly what sort of answer we're looking for. ^_^

2010-11-15 [Skylark_Nikko]: lol

2011-02-20 [July 47]: anyone know people that might want to join?

2011-02-22 [Jadala*(Once upon a moment)]: Have you tried networking?

2011-02-25 [July 47]: networking?

2011-03-02 [Jadala*(Once upon a moment)]: telling your friends on ET, or ppl you know from Bobs Diner or other RPs about it and ask them if they have any friends who be interested. Networking.

2011-03-05 [July 47]: hajamasta (understood)

2012-11-01 [Kbird]: I have some friend that might want to join if your still wanting to do this! yay me!

2012-11-03 [July 47]: just send the app.

2012-11-03 [Kbird]: okay!

2013-01-21 [Kbird]: Kira needs a back storyO.o

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