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2005-11-02 16:59:58
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Basic Meditation

What is meditation?

Unlike some people make believe meditation is purely a way of putting yourself to rest, it does make you more capable of searching for answers in yourself and it does make it easier to get lucid dreams or perform magic and it’s also very good for your personal healthcare but it is not godly and it doesn’t make you float, it doesn’t free you from demons, only from bad thoughts, nor do you need to sit in an awkward position.

Then why do you meditate

You meditate to calm yourself down and flow your energy more regular and calmly through your body, it also helps to relativise happenings from throughout the day or former days, the best thing relating to meditation is dreaming, your dreams also go through the things that are on your mind so you can relativise it, handle it, your body is on a very low pitch at that moment so you can use the same energy for a much longer time, or use all the energy for a certain activity, wether it’s physical or mentally.

How do you meditate then?

You sit or lay down in a comfortable way, you can do it in whatever position is good, even behind the computer itself, just make sure your way of breathing is free, try to have a straight back for better breathing but the most important part is that you are relaxing, don’t struggle for a straight back if it doesn’t feel good and aches after a while, You can close your eyes but also leave it open, I personally meditate under the shower so nothing distracts me, I only hear the water ramble on the shower bottom.

Take a deep breath and slowly let the air go out again, slowly breath in again.. try really good to breath as slow as you can without getting too little breath, it’ll take some adjusting. You will come across a lot of thoughts, that’s absolutely normal.. it’s also normal if the first time takes 2 hours or makes you stop because it doesn’t seem to work,

What will the effects be

The effect meditation gives on the spot is different but most people experience a tingling feeling at their head.

The long term effects will be that you will eventually feel better in general throughout the day, because with the meditation you went through problems that bug you, it’s always good to relativise, you will most likely show a bit more social skills, be more energetic, handle energy better throughout the day (if you are used to breathing slowly like in meditation your body goes through adjustment), it will also grant you the capability of directing your energy better for alternative goals like "magic", imagine if you do not know how to do any kind of meditation and you need to put a lot of effort and willpower into performing magic, you can’t be meditating for 2 hours!! Especially if it’s a group activity.

It might seem pointless but it is in fact one of the most important basics you can learn if you are learning in any pagan paths


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Note, this is basic meditation, there are several ways to meditate, you can meditate with both your butt and feet attached to the floor, you can meditate with the help of a teacher right next to you, you can group meditate, you can sleep meditate.. plenty of ways, this is the best home-kitchen way though, you can just do this wherever you are as long as you can feel comfortable

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