Page name: Blazen Inn: Characters [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-11-03 22:28:19
Last author: Big L
Owner: Lady of Lore
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This is where you put your characters descriptions ect so we know who you are when we RP just message me if you have any questions. Oh and yes I am a horrible speller.

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Player Name [Lady of Lore]
Character: Willowharp Embar
Race: Elf
Age: over 400
Description: the bartender, inn keeper and owner of the Blazen inn. Doesn't like trouble but not afriad to dish it out. SHe's been pretty much everywhere and knows her stuff. Don't break her rules and she'll be happy.
History: little is known about her, only that she used to be part of an adventuring band that slew a dragon and she bought the inn with her money.
Weapons: the club behind the counter and any of her old adventuring weapons in the cabinet below her counter.

Player Name: [thehogfather]
Character: Arondell
Race: Dunidian
Age: 57
Description: hooded, cloaked, yet not evil.
History:A man of his word, mysterious, arrives at good times, yet keeps to himself.
Weapons: A long bow w/ elvish symbols on the handle and every arrow, and a broad two-handed long sword.

Player Name [nunt]
Character: Karlo Frontaz
Race: Dragonman
Age: looks about 25
Description: Tall and draped in a dark cocealing cloak that hangs losely on his shoulders and reveals nothing of his form. He has blue eyes and farely long black wavey hair. He also has a neat beard and moustache. He appears human, but his fangs may be visible when he talks.
History: Dragonmen are feard and hated. They tend to lead solitary lives and keep away from civilisation. Karlo isn't so differant, but he likes to conceal his dragonic features and venture into populated areas. This usually ends in someone descovering the truth and people chasing him with axes and pitchforks and such. He has a fair few scars from such encounters.
Weapons: Being what he his, Karlo needs no extra weapons that what his body provides, but to help keep up his desguise he carries large sword at his waist and knives concealed up his sleaves.
Other: Has a 'pet' called Kharagoradoth. He lookes like a young wolf pup, but is actually a krix cub, of which few people have heard.

Player Name [nunt] (again)
Character: Kharagoradoth
Race: Krix
Age: 5
Description: He looks like a young wolf pup at first glance. He has a shiny grey pelt and large brown eyes, and his best trick is looking cute.
Weapons: Krix are very powerful creatures with magic, and Kharagoradoth is unusually talented at teleportation

Player Name [moonscale]
Character: Iro Siera
Race: Human
Age: 14
Description: A tall, unselfconcious girl. She is used to taking care of herself. She usually does not like to reveal her age. She looks older than she is. She is a good fighter and dancer.
History: Iro lived with a band of gypsies for some time. She left to find her family, but ended up deciding she liked her freedom more. She travels around with Fandarel. 
Weapons: Her giritan, a long staff with blades set in the top.

Player name: [Big L]
Character: various people to keep the action going and keep it changing
Race: always something unusual
Age: varies

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2006-03-03 [Lady of Lore]: I think Iro'a been posted three times :P

2006-03-03 [moonscale]: Sory I got rid of the extras. I wonder how that happened

2006-03-03 [Lady of Lore]: its ok, it was kinda strange...maybe there's a ghost in elftown ^^

2006-03-04 [moonscale]: Whooo! ooOOOooo...

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