Page name: box factory blues [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-06-09 08:05:41
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box factory blues

days spent waiting around
killing time
hours tainted with discontent
i fear i'm being pretensious again
can't stand the daily grind
the light at the end of this god damned tunnel
better be worth it
up days down
smile splashes into frown
and back again
are we having fun yet?
are we there yet?
where was it we were headed?
oh yes--
that place
that place we know all too well but haven't found yet.
the place where everything will be perfect and fall into place
that place that we know all to well but hate to admit
doesn't exist
this constant game is getting me down
I'm just not that competitive
where have all the beatnicks gone?
I'm feeling like a fugitive
up days down
can't sit still for long
have to leave this town
its just my nature to keep moving on

back to acid faerie's essays...

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