Page name: Cardboard_Critter [Exported view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2010-07-22 23:07:27
Last author: Anvikit
Owner: Anvikit
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Cardboard Critter


Cardboard Critter

Just a little project I'm currently working on for a new local gallery whos having a show in September. The entire gallery/shop is inspired by the use of recycled materials.

This little critter is made of circles of cut cardboard (note the swiss chese box to his left), since I have a lot of it laying around and not much else. (still looking for a new place, all my art stuff is in storage along with the rest of my belongings.) It's been driving me nuts not being able to create anything lately.. so I used what I had.

I gotta shiny new (Pink EVEN!) exacto blade, and just started cutting.

Eventually I plan on painting him a cute face, and most likely covering him with fur fabric or paper to make him look all cute and fuzzy. but I kinda liked how he looked in his raw Cardboard state.

He's pretty small, I'd say about 4in in any direction right now, the gallery submissions can't be larger than 5in in any direction.
/ [Anvikit]

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