Page name: cherish and waste [Exported view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2005-05-12 23:36:40
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cherish and waste

                  I've loved and cherished and admired
                  until there was no more me left to do the admiring.
                  Having lost my ego
                  The id let go
                  I saw what I really wanted
                  and went

                  Today I am me
                  I am free
                  Today I walk away
                  My eyes are wide open and I'm not looking back.
                  Today I am free.

                  Take your freedom in your hands
                  And do with it what you will.
                  It is your only responsibility.
                  Cherish it
                  It is the only freedom you'll ever have.
                  Don't waste it on hatred.
                  Don't waste your time.
                  Cherish each other.
                  Don't waste your mind.

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