Page name: damzel's photos [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-01-29 17:00:49
Last author: ~username~
Owner: ~username~
# of watchers: 1
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And here she is...... The Chicken...I mean Chicka of the hour...... Rachael!!!!!

Bed-head much?

Okay, Rachael is the one in the yellow shirt. (I, [~username~] am the one hugging someone on the far right]

Rachael, in her beloved JROTC uniform. I think she's trying to recruit more people to join by giving them a shmexy stare..... Well, it's not gonna work on me SISTA!!!!!!

Its a Rachael Sandwich!!!!

Rachael and her Angela

Rachael trying to be sneaky and eat Terri's icecream.

Another Rachael Sandwich

Rachael and Terri praticing for their future career's

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