Page name: et quotes rebuttal [Exported view] [RSS]
2008-01-17 00:40:24
Last author: NOOOPE
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Read the following bold paragraph, please

This page is up for anyone who is curious about what happened on et quotes and for anyone who is contemplating picking a similar fight. It's existence is in no way an indicator that the problem hasn't been resolved, because it has, and everything's fine now. So even if you are up in arms for my cause or the other, keep it either to yourself or vent on this page alone. Do not go chasing the people who were affiliated with the anti-quotes wiki. They have said sorry to me, I have said sorry to them, and the guards gave them a thorough lecture that should satisfy everyone's blood lust. Hell, it made me do a little dance. And even if you do vent on this page, know that the anti-quotes people can read it, so don't be to cruel. I am partly at fault for this. When I made my So you wanna make an emo house? wiki, I used the same harsh humor that could have been offensive. However, there, I painstakingly wrote an introduction that would explain my motives and neutralize any issues. I did not do that for this wiki, and now I see I should have been equally cautious. Now, that doesn't fully excuse some of the things said on the anti-quotes page, but despite this fact, it is over kids. Go home and find some quotes.  

For one, there is a reason we keep it anonymous. We are not attacking the people, just the silly lack of proof reading. You must admit, these spelling mistakes and whatnot are amusing. We are not attacking or harassing anyone. If they catch something of theirs up, and want it to be taken down, all they have to do it pm me. - [NOOOPE]

I also acknowledge the scar quote and comment was a bit harsh. But it was also a bit funny that they were threatening people to not talk about something no one could see, and then describing said thing in detail.

But since that seems to be what really bothered you, it has been deleted. - [NOOOPE] again.

I would also like to address the suicide comments. It's been said that internet harassment can trigger suicide. I agree. Thing is, this wiki isn't harassment. We are laughing at quotes, not people.

The argument, in my favor, that suicide is the victim's decision and not the mocker's is misleading. We are not doing anything that would warrant suicide. We are not attacking individuals. We are not attacking, period. This issue is ridiculous. Everyone should stop talking about, because it is so stupid. Suggesting that my wiki threatens lives is utterly insulting, and disgusting. If I thought I could be deeply scarring people, I wouldn't have made it! The quotes are anonymous, God damnit! - [NOOOPE] Surprise!

Addressing the anti-et comments box, at no point before edits or after, did ET quotes suggest that the entire house or the person of whom the quote belonged was stupid. Therefore we were never "putting them down". All comments, in their varying levels of sarcasm and sometimes harshness, were directed to the specific quote, and not the house and individual. You are acting like these quotes were collected to prove that individuals are stupid. This is a complete misunderstanding. The individual is left out of the context entirely. I don't know some of them, I'm familiar with some of them and I am friends with some of them. I have no reason to spite anyone and I am not trying to. People write silly things. That is as deep as ET Quotes gets. You are blowing this up, and if this wasn't such a touchy subject, I would frankly be laughing my ass off right now. I will now say sorry that ET quotes was presented in such a way that you were offended. And now, I would appreciate it if you apologized for your accusations, assumptions, and down right lack of faith in my moral character. You could have spoken to me. We could have reasoned. But you made this into an all out war and have really caused me, my friends, and your friends a lot of unnecessary stress. I would have gladly taken down ET Quotes if you provided a reasonable reason why I should. I also apologize to the guards who will inevitably become involved, and admit that yes, I wasn't careful in my wording, because honestly, I couldn't imagine someone would respond this way. But I believe I have presented firm points, my wiki is now user friendly, and the fans of the page would very much like it if things didn't have to get anymore complicated. I think if anyone has the right to be deeply offended because of this incident, it's me for reasons previously stated. We were having fun, and I'm sorry if it rubbed you the wrong way, because it was never meant to. - Oh just guess.  

That's out view. We welcome yours
Oh, look, I wrote out instead of our. Look, I do it too. Hahaha on meeeee.

I understand that some people found our comments and ideas on Et Quotes offensive. I find many things offensive. But when I find something offensive, I do not simply point at it and start shouting, "Oh no! Something offensive!" and start showing it to everyone I know. Nor do I try to start a movement that advocates its destruction. I simply see something offensive and then ignore it (unless it is directly harming another living thing). If we start blindly censoring everything everyone finds offensive, think of what would be lost.

A perfect example of this is a man tried to get the book Fahrenheit 451 banned at his daughter's school because of drug references and obscene language. He had never read the book, which is exactly the idea behind Fahrenheit 451, and the idea I'm trying to bring across right now: the danger of blind censorship. These words and ideas were not harming anyone, nor even intended to harm anyone, just as we never harmed nor intended to harm anyone.

To sum it up: If you find something offensive, ignore it unless it is directly harming another person. Do not blindly try to censor every little thing you don't like. - [Jiten]

If they put it up on their house they risk it being made fun of and repeated. Sometimes honesty is brutal, that's life. -[Aeolynn]

Oh and one more thing: people are bringing up that someone they knew killed themselves over something similiar. For one, that was their choice to get that upset, the person that made fun of them didn't murder them, they didn't press the knife to their arteries or make them swallow pills. Suicide is a way out, giving up, and not being able to take the things life throws at you. Plenty of shit happens in the world. My mind made me forget my life before 14 because of crap like that... and do you see me whining? No. I take life as it comes and make the best of it. If one cannot realize that the wiki was made to laugh about the stupid stuff then they are blinded by their own close-mindedness. They call us immature, yet how about them creating the wiki to destroy et quotes without even talking to M! about removing it??! My friend is the owner. I respect her, but its ok to have different opinions, here's to you Tsome, I think you're a great friend, but I don't agree with that decision. - [Aeolynn]

You are calling us murderers.
We are not doing, nor have we ever done, anything that would cause anyone to kill themselves, nor are we killing people.
You say our entertainment kills, and should cease to exist.
By the same token, you are all condemning "The War of the Worlds" to censorship.
When the original radio broadcast was aired, people jumped off of buildings because they thought the world was actually being invaded. - [Jiten]

About the comment from Aeolynn, they're right. About 90% of anyone who commits suicide and then survive say that it was the stupidest thing they've ever done. I've been told that I should just die on MANY occasions, but look at me now! I'm making money just sitting at my computer telling people to go to a site I published, I'm going to get my stories published on the web also. These quotes aren't making fun of anyone, it doesn't even say names! All it's doing is point out that people make mistakes! I'd make them too if my Firefox(web browser) didn't have spell check! If you do get offended by it, then at least talk to [NOOOPE] about it first. Cause it seems like you're just trying to get credit with the guards by finding an 'offensive' wiki.
- [Xeroh Kanoe]

Et Quotes

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2008-01-17 [kay-chan]: and your crazy logic! *shakes fist*

2008-01-17 [Erubeus]: I bite harder.

2008-01-17 [Dezmond]: we shall see...we shall see.....

2008-01-17 [Erubeus]: >>

2008-01-17 [Dezmond]: RAWR!

2008-01-17 [Erubeus]: GRRR!

2008-01-17 [Dezmond]: ....we should take this outside....

2008-01-17 [Erubeus]: Lol

2008-01-17 [Jiten]: o-o

2008-01-17 [Dezmond]: ....MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

2008-01-17 [Erubeus]: Q-Q

2008-01-17 [Dezmond]: *evil grin*

2008-01-17 [Jiten]: Evi?

2008-01-17 [Dezmond]: evil*** stupid typos....*grumbles*

2008-01-17 [Jiten]: ^_^
I must feeeeeeed!
*chomps down on an ice cream bar*

2008-02-07 [manwe]:
who siad that ET has no sense of the absurd!!! hahahahahaha!!

2008-02-07 [Jiten]: [manwe], are you trying to make people angry, or are you just an angry person?

2008-02-07 [Dezmond]: i dunno, but he did basically the same thing onthe other page too.

2008-02-08 [Jiten]: Yup.

2008-02-08 [kay-chan]: I think he's bored. And when stupid people get bored, they have a tendency to want to annoy other people on the internet.

2008-02-08 [Jiten]: Yeah... that would stand to reason.
I live to foil those annoyances.
Although I don't always succeed, it's still fun.

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