Page name: fantasy stories [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-07-08 20:23:23
Last author: Ayeaka
Owner: Ayeaka
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Upon request, I, [Ayeaka], have decided to make a part of my wiki dedicated to stories. Feel free to submit a story to this page, but if it gets long, I will make a seperate page for it. Oh, and as always, there are rules;
1.Try to limit the swearing, violence and mature themes-nothing above a pg-13 rating
2.Please place a rating with the title for your story
3.Don't forget to put your username!

This is mearly the opening for my story I'm writing!
 [TheNavigator]      Prologue pg rating
                      I do hope

          The cold bared down on the young Mantelli, as it pushed along a small zadaupe. The wind howled through the mountain pass frightening the creature.
                  "Dash mech!" pushed the Mantelliin his home language.
            The zadaupe jumped onto its hind legs and let out a harsh creaming noise from deep inside it's being, as an arrow sped past were the boy had been standing before he had gone to comfort the creature.
                  In fear of losing all his families preciouse crops, he jumped onto the zadaupe. "Go!" he ordered the zadaupe. It rushed upward barely dodging the arrows that followed the initial one.
              Thudding over the side pass were a pack of men riding black stallions. Each man was wearing plain black robes. With no way of determining if they belonged to any of the theif packs the boy did not know what to expect.
              The zadaupe speeded up the mountain. It seemed to be losing them when it came to a halt were the snow was thick. the zadaupe thrashed and bucked in confusion as the men came around the cloud scrapers.
                   As the boy jumped off the zadaupe in quick movments, he slid on the ice under a thin layer of snow. He stood up frantically. The snow crunched as he walked in caution even as the men rode closer, suddenly as he took a step forward a loud sharp noise came from bellow the snow. The boy froze as a set of sharpe steel teeth tore through his skin.
                  Screaming as the initial numbness wore off and pain developed in its place searing at his flesh. All seemed to fade around the boy, the men rode closer, destroying all hope, the zadaupe made its harsh screaming noises and as he fell deeper into his clouded world it seemed as if the cloud scrapers in the out lying tracks shimmered in crystal colors on the mountain sides. The thundering of the oncoming horses collided into a pattern that seemed to sooth his pain as the darck finally closed on him and his last weak breaths fed the cold air....

copyrighted to Aubrey Walters (thats me!)

[DawnUnicorn] For a taster of the fantasy book im writing go to Dawn's Novel ^_^

[-Orion-] I decided to come here too.. ^^ My story can by found from Chali'enda I just have to warn you that it's under progress still... ^^

back to Fantasy art
art links this is the place to post links to your art galleries!
fantasy art gallery this is the place to post fantasy pictures you did.
fantasy art badge contest we need a badge! feel free to enter!
fantasy poems art isn't only drawings, put your fantasy poems here!
fantasy stories you who is a writer, this is the place for you! ^_^
The Ultimate Character GuideA wonderful page, made by [GraphicEntropy] that you should definatly visit! It will definatly help you understand your charecter at a depth you never knew before.


Username (or number or email):


2004-05-10 [TheNavigator]: Me so angry I have to rewrite my story!

2004-05-11 [Ayeaka]: Um....what I meant about the pg-13 and under thing, is no lemons.

2004-05-12 [TheNavigator]: Dosen't matter I'll just put up a differnt story for now gotta work on the other one still any way. And don't worry in anyway there will be a story on this pg. soon!!! *starts typing new story really fast!*

2004-05-12 [Ayeaka]: ^_^

2004-05-16 [TheNavigator]: It's up!!!!!!!!! ^_^

2004-05-17 [Ayeaka]: ^_^

2004-05-17 [TheNavigator]: Comments would be taken very happly! ^_^

2004-05-18 [Ayeaka]: I like your style of discription. It flows well and draws the reader in to your world, however, I noticed a coupe of words you didn't space, likethis.

2004-05-18 [TheNavigator]: Thanks! I'll fix that and I also noticed afew words are spelled wrong. ^_^

2004-05-24 [Ayeaka]: ^_^

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