Page name: fuck the main stream [Exported view] [RSS]
2011-01-11 11:19:22
Last author: Mortified Penguin
Owner: The Dark Wolf
# of watchers: 3
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Welcome to the "Praise the main stream" Wiki

The only Wiki on elftown where you can rant rave and bitch about what ever you want when ever you want and get feed back advice and a friend to just here you out.
only one rule!!!!!
i hate fighting and i will kick you off. thank you enjoy.

If you have a question about this wiki, see the comment box or message me [The Dark Wolf].

Cussing screaming and bitching are welcomed!

Other Wiki's By that ugly whore [The Dark Wolf]
Laurell k. hamilton fans
Evil wars

Other Wikis [The Dark Wolf] is in....
Guild of Pagans
Guild Members Page 2
Guild Of The Summoned
Horror FansI hate posers 
if we all listened to god...
Lost Insanity  
prep haters
The Day after the Apocalypse
The rotten wave
thirtyseven days
*****Evil wars***** 

LET IT OUT PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!

Bob's Diner

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2007-12-15 [♥Lex;;™]: WOOT! i cant wait!!! haha! ewww yet discusting at the same time...

2007-12-17 [The Dark Wolf]: lol

2007-12-20 [♥Lex;;™]: Hahah... i know huh!

2007-12-21 [The Dark Wolf]: a/w.... what else is up?

2007-12-22 [♥Lex;;™]: umm lemme see... just put our xmas tree up... 4days before xmas lol. sad much? and i broke up afew weeks ago.. and now im dating aaron.. andddddddddd my ex came home for the holidays from bootcamp. so im stoked to see him!

2007-12-26 [The Dark Wolf]: wow..... a lot has happened! so your sitll friends with the ex?

2008-01-16 [♥Lex;;™]: yeah im friends with all of my ex''s... except... one lol...

2008-01-16 [The Dark Wolf]: wow.... not me really.

2008-04-17 [♥Lex;;™]: ... lol see.. most girls arent. its sad sorta. then again it depends on how your relationship was...and currently is. anyways HI! i havent talked to you in EVERRR

2008-04-18 [The Dark Wolf]: yea i know!!! Guess what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..................................................................................................................................

2008-04-18 [The Dark Wolf]: IM GOING TO BE A MOMMY!

2008-04-19 [♥Lex;;™]: WAHHHH!?!?! NOOO WAYY!! congrats! damn i have been gone a while......

2008-04-19 [The Dark Wolf]: yea... Im with a cool as hell guy... and i lovers him!

2008-04-20 [♥Lex;;™]: awwwwwwwwww YAY! yayayayaya!!!! wooo how far along are you?

2008-04-20 [The Dark Wolf]: about 2 months

2008-04-20 [♥Lex;;™]: omg! yay! hehehe

2008-04-23 [The Dark Wolf]: yea but the daddy doesn't think we should keep it.

2008-04-26 [♥Lex;;™]: WHAT! fucker. YES KEEP. Dx

2008-05-23 [The Dark Wolf]: lol no Its complicated... I live at home with my mom and we cant raised this kid... the best thing to do would be give it to some one who could give it every thing it could ever need.

2011-01-10 [Mortified Penguin]: This wiki is deserted, so therefore I claim it as mine.

2011-01-28 [♥Lex;;™]: lol wow i havent been on here in a WHILE.

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