Page name: heros united rping [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-02-11 01:18:58
Last author: Raiya
Owner: Yudan333
# of watchers: 4
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Welcome to [heros united rping]
vice president:[Yudan333]
here are some clues as to what you're doing. Includes Examples.
"...." What is ur character saying
Example: "Me like you?!!!"
(...) What is ur character saying in his/her mind
Example: (Get serious! I love u, I love u not, god he's sexy!)she means [The Anti-Christ]
*....* What is ur character doing
Example: *blushing*
((....)) What is the actuall person saying
Example: ((g2g))

1) Only rping. no commenting here only at bottom.
2) Have fun!! ^_~
3)in here we cant have coments we only role play.if you break these rules we will report you
Start bellow here!
*sat alone in a tree in the forest, she knew her loving bf would be there at any second, she got chills just thinging if it*

*Raven walked by here but ignored her*

*Yudan sighs* What did I do now?

Goku:HAHA!! its YoU! *tackls Yudan*

Yudan: *falls out of tree* What of course it's me! no one else could be..

Goku:^_^ u could be InuYasha!



Yudan: I dont see him with brests... *she says like a grown up*

Goku:.....thats kinda hard 2 tell 4rom the back view!

Yudan: *sighs and rolls eyes*

Goku:.......mrs. InuYasha

Yudan: *hits him on the head* Don't start w/ me GOKU!!!

Goku:ok ok......*whispers* inuyasha

Yudan: Hmph, i'm better than him at everything!

Goku:....*thinks 4 a sec.*

Yudan: Except for being a male and mean and stuck up, stupid, ignerant, a jerk!. I could go on..

Goku:....soooooo....i think u could defeat him if u gave it ur best

Yudan: pff, more like i lift one claw and her runs!

Goku:nay,i COULD say the same about Vegeta...but hes still pretty strong

Yudan: I could beat him at things too.

Goku:did u battle him yet?

Yudan: No and I don't plan to. (I know he's stronger bur i could really mess him up...)

Goku:then u say u can but u may not be able 2 ^_^

Yudan: *smiles* Exactally, have have better thing to do any way.

Goku:like eating,being lazy...

Yudan: No! Like training and thinking of what I want to achive, what I want, and how I can become greater than i really am. *sighs and lays down on the grass* (but when i think i feel the pain of so many i have killed.) *face sadened*

Goku:ohh i get it. i like doing all that stuff along with eating,being lazy....

Yudan: I used to be like that till i met u guys. -.- (sitting in trees alone sleeping in! those were good days! p.p)

Goku:ChiChi stops me from most of it

Yudan: Your wife is harsh, how do u stand her? (I'd be beating her, quite literally)

Goku:nah,shes sweet at times ^_^

Yudan: *hums a very pretty song*


Yudan: *stops interrupted and angry* WHAT!!

Goku: u and Raven!

Yudan: How? (i see no resemblance!)

Goku: ur both half,ur nice at times,u sing

Yudan: hmph, well were 2 TOTALLY different people though.

Goku:well ya shes WAY darker than you and WAY more so a loner

Yudan: (I know what it feels like being alone....I was the only 1/2 in the village constantly being picked on.) *her face sad*

Goku:i dont get it though....she LOVES being alone...i think shes in her room now,every time i ask if shes ok she pushes me away

Yudan: (the villagers pushed me only my mother and father every truly appriciated me. Even my brother pushed me! But he got over it!)

Goku: sometimes....i.....i think she dosent like it here

Yudan: well you should ask her....-.-

Goku:i know here,if she dosent like it here she'll just lie

Yudan: Then ask her to tell the truth. *she laughs*

Goku:-.- *sarcasticly* ya...that will work

Sango: Hey guys! What's been going on? *she walks over to them waving like a maniac*

Raven:*sees Sango and glares at her,then turns around*
Goku:HEY!! SANGO!!......ummm....that IS ur name...

Sango: Yeah it is....*looks over at Raven confused* (Does she not like me or something?)

Goku:Raven!? at least say hi? PLEASE!!
*Raven ignores*

Yudan: Hi Sango, how have you been? *Standing up and goes and hugs her* It's been so long!

*Raven rolls her eyes*

Sango: *hugs Yudan back* *whispres in Yudan's ear* Does she hate me?

Yudan: No she's just like that. *whispering* So, How has everyone else been?

Sango: Their fine. Kagome's been getting on everyone's nerves lately. She ran away back home again. Totally pissed everyone off. Kirara says hi, but she couldn't come because she has a cold. *Yawns and stretches*

Yudan: Hmm, Kagome wasn't always my favorite anyway.....To bad for kirara.

*Goku grabs Ravens cloak and drags her nexed 2 him* say hi Raven
*Raven just stood there*

Sango: Yeha...I thought Miroku was so going to stranagle her. Too bad he didn't. *turns to Raven* You could at least pretend to like me!


Yudan: Don't mind her. You just need to earn her trust. *smiles*

Sango: Fine with me. *turns around and takes out her weapon* It was so dangerous getting over here. Hiraikotsu got real dull. Yudan? Do you have something I could sharpen it with?

Raven:imm so sorry "priness!
*Goku nudges her*

Yudan: I have my sword? Will that work?

Sango: it'll be good enough until I can go get more supplies. *rolls up her sleeves and gets to work* (Don't wanna be caught off guard with a worthless weapon)

*goten comes running toward Goku and Raven then stops and sees sango*

Yudan: *unseaths sword as it transforms* OK u hold the Hiraikotsu and I'll sharpen it.

Goten:whats the giant boomerang?

Sango: Right. *holds out boomerang* It's my weapon. Can slice some of the toughest demons. Ready, Yudan?

*Goten watched looking cute*

Sango: Be careful not to hit me. *Holds the weapon away from her body* I'm ready.

*jumps behind Goku*

Yudan: *hacks at her weapon making it sharper and making it have a better edge* HAA! That should do it! *seathing sword*

Sango: Thank you! Wow! I don't think it's ever looked THIS good before! *Runs a hand lightly over the edge*

Yudan: *smiles* Thanks! I try to keep my sword on edge if u know what i mean. *laughs*

Sango: Yeah. I should have never let Hiraikostu get this bad. *takes out cloth and begins polishing it*

Yudan: Heh, it happens. Good thing I was here or you would've had to improvise.

Sango: *shudder* I would hate to think what would happen to me if I had an improvised weapon. (It's bad enough that I can barely protect myself with Hiraikotsu at it's best)

Goku:hey! sango did u meet Goten?

Sango: Who? *she finishes up cleaning her boomerang and straps it to her back*

*Goku steped aside and Raven pushed Goten out.He shyly looked up*

Yudan: *smiles, rolling eyes*

Goku:*looks at Yudan* i dont think you meet him either ^_^

Yudan: *just smiles*

Goku:say hello Goten
*Goten just waves shyly*

Sango: Hello. Aren't you cute? *smiles*


Yudan: So how old are you Goten?

Goten:*holds up 5 fingers on one hand and 2 on the other hand* this many
Raven:ur 7
Goten:thats what i said

Yudan: *Smiles* I like the way he said it this many! *laughs* I'm this many. *holds up 10 fingers, then 8.*

Goten:*counts on his fingers,then looked up at Yudan* ur 18?

Yudan: *smiles nodding her head* Yup. Your a pretty smart!


Sango: You're pretty smart for a seven year old. *hands him a lollypop* Here you go. I think you deserve this!

Goten:*happily* thanx!

Yudan: *smiles and leans against a tree listening intently.*

Goten:*tuggs on Ravens cloak,But she ignores him*

Sango: I know someone that you would like you very much, but he's staying home taking care of my kitty. Do you want to see her after she gets better? *smiles warmly*

Goten:u have a kitty?

Sango: Yes I do. Would you like to see her? She has a cold right now, but she should be over it soon enough.

Goten:when im sick i go 2 the doctor

Sango: Yes, you do, but when she's sick she can't go see the doctor. She stays back at my home and the little boy I was talking about takes care of her and so does this lady I know.

Goten:u know alot of people! u must be famous!

Sango: *blush* Oh, I don't know about that.

Goten:*looks at Yudan* r u famous 2? cuz Raven is on this hero team and the town people know who they are

Yudan: *sighs sadly* I'm not famous. But i'm known. (for most $$ TO KILL THE DEMON....)

Sango: Goten...It's very different where we come from. We're not that famous. (He reminds me so much of Kohaku at this age. Always curious.) I'm so glad that Raven is though. You must be very proud.

Goten:its kool,but when i transform,they get scared

Sango: You must be really scary then!

*Goten transforms into super sayin* i look the same

Sango: It's ok, Raven. He was just showing me his power. That's really awesome!

Goten:*goes back 2 normal* but dad can go wayyyy than me and Trunks

Sango: Well then I just won't get on his bad side now will I? *sits down and smiles*

Goku:nay,im a peacfull guy...its Vegeta u have 2 worry about

Sango: Hmmm. Then I'll be sure to watch myself around him then. *takes out materials and herbs and begins working on a smoke bomb*

Goten:what r u making?

Yudan: *jumps away and covers her nose 20 ft away yelling* SANGO!! *pointing to nose*

Sango: Sorry! I'm almost out! Here. *toss Yudan a mask* *turns to Goten* I'm making a smoke bomb. It has a special smell that confuses demons.

Goten:*looks at Raven*

Sango: Is something wrong, Goten?

Yudan: *throws mask back at her* I'm not wearing that STUPID MUZZLE!! *covers nose with her red haori*

Goten:*whispers 2 sango* ravens a demon

Sango: Fine. You don't have to wear it. *look sot Raven* I'm sorry. Am I bothering you? I really have to get these made, but I could do it at a better time if it bothers you.

Raven:its not bothering me

Yudan: *20ft away the smell gets to her and falls to the ground twitching* eh heh! @.@

Goten:HAHA! Yudan looks funny!

Sango: Eh....She needed to loosen up a bit anyways.

*Goten runs over 2 Yudan*

Yudan: *eyes were spinning as she twitched from the smell* ehh...heh heh

Sango: *Closes off the bomb and puts the stuff away.* Done! Better now, Yudan?

Yudan: *the smell started to fade but she was still on the ground twitching*

Sango: Ah....She'll be fine soon enough.

*Goten tackls Yudan Raven laughed a little bit*

Yudan: *growled, looking up at him then closes her eyes and sighs*

Sango: *laughes* How cute!

Goku:umm i think ur bothering her Goten?

yUDAN: * -.- * nah I'll survive....

*Goten messed with her ears* ^_^ Raven! come feel her ears!
Raven:ill pass

Yudan: *quivvers in delight* ahh that feels good.....

Sango: *giggle* It seems that you found her weakness.

Goten: ^__^ its a fun weakness

Sango: It sure looks like it. (Gotta love the kids)

*Goten blows in Yudans ears*

Yudan: AHH! *sits up scratching ear w/ foot* That feels weird and tickles!! *still scratching, then stops and shakes head*

Sango: You are so much a dog....

Goten:*smiles and copys her*

plz go to heros united rping2

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2005-02-08 [Yudan333]: [The Anti-Christ] feel free to join in any time.... this is the rp so...RP!! DAM IT! lol

2005-02-09 [Yudan333]: did u hear me?  [heros united rping2]  can u get here?

2005-02-10 [Raiya]: ya,its not fun w/o her

2005-02-10 [JapaneseMiko]: cool...I am so loved!

2005-02-10 [Yudan333]: SHE'S ON NOW!! YIPEE!

2005-02-10 [Raiya]: FINNALY!!! ^_^

2005-02-10 [JapaneseMiko]: ~Wheet-Whoo~

2005-02-11 [Yudan333]: NO POKING!!! lol!

2005-02-11 [JapaneseMiko]: Can I poke you if it's with a stick?

2005-02-11 [Raiya]: ....can i poke u with a needle?

2005-02-11 [JapaneseMiko]: Or a pitchfork!

2005-02-11 [Raiya]: all of the above?

2005-02-11 [Yudan333]: No and dont blow in my ears!!

2005-02-11 [JapaneseMiko]: Awww...why not...?

2005-02-11 [Yudan333]: It feels weird!! @.@ shit ur going to do it! NO GOTEN DONT!!

2005-02-11 [Raiya]: :D THANX!

2005-02-11 [JapaneseMiko]: Whoo! go Goten!!

2005-02-11 [Raiya]: awww hes so cute

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