Page name: justanother [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-04-15 20:44:33
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Your attention when given
paralyzes me,
renders me unable to be myself.
I admire you so much.
I shouldn't
you're just another human,
you're just another schmuck.
You're just another self-righteous wanderer,
going further down this fucking rabbit hole,
while always searching for a way to go further.
There are times when my love for you
makes me feel so fucking stupid.
It makes me feel like a groupie,
like some dumb slut.
How dare you.
How dare your disregard do such a thing.
You're so busy so busy
And yet you have the time
To pop on in and read
with total disregard
the things I took hours to write
You have the time
to be entertained by my quaintness
but you can't drop a fucking line
not in my box anyway
not enough hours in the day
too many other friends
and I feel like the means to an end
stop lying and just
tell me that I'm just
another groupie, just
another dumb slut
blinded and drowning in selfless lust.
Set me free you selfish asshole
let me out of this rut

And OH the days tick by

back to acid faerie's essays...

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