Page name: kads [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-09-27 11:50:56
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A wiki page for pictures about my friends and I.

[KADS for lyfe bitches!]
Ally aka [// //but.a.number]
Sara aka [sawa_x_]


KAS in Niagara Falls

[Me with the elehant host table at the Rainforest Cafe]

[Sara and Katelyn...the coolest people on the face of the Earth]

[KAS in front of the fall illumination at night]

[Hot guy working at Skylon Tower Arcade who is wearing my pimp hat!]


Random KADS

[Katelyn, Dolly and Moi!]

[Sara, Katelyn and I]

[Katelyn and Me]


Our Other Friends

[John in my halter top!]

[Trevor with Katelyn's oversized Pink glasses - <3]

[Trevor and John licking each other - ....I swear they aren't gay!]

[Trevor and I outside Tuckers Marketplace day after my birthday - <3]

[Strip Poker Night! From LEft to Right= Me, Matt, Katelyn, John, Sara]

[John catching a football - I took this photo]

[John and Katelyn]

[Sabrina and Me]

[Sabrina and Christine]

[Trevor and I at school]



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2006-08-02 [// //but.a.number]: We are soooooooo cool ^_^

2006-08-03 [sawa_x_]: damn fweaking straight beeeeootchh

2006-09-27 [// //but.a.number]: Yay new pictures!!

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