Page name: Lair_of_the_Damned [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-03-21 19:20:02
Last author: Steel Mal'ak
Owner: Steel Mal'ak
# of watchers: 5
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You enter a cold, dark cave, lit slightly by torches lit with blue fire. Welcome to the lair of the damned.
To train for battle, go through the tunnel to your left, that leads to the Hell_Fighters_Arena. A set of stone steps leads up to Another Tunnel.

Steel walks into the cave with Toen walking behind her, a confused expression on his face.

Toen looks about, wondering what the hell is going on. "Why'd you bring me here?" he questions. "Is this where the losers go?"

"No..." Steel says quietly. "This is where I bring those that have caught my eye. Toen, I want you to be my apprentice."

Toen's normaly sarcastic expression turned to that of amazment and awe. "M-me?" he stuttered. "B-but why?!"

Steel regarded him. "You have great potential. I saw it while you were battleing. Fairoh only won because of some fancy attacks, not because of his skill. And you obviously don't know how to totally control your power yet. And...once I die, someone else will have to take my place as ruler over the Soul Demons."

Toen paused to take it all in, this was more than he was ready for, more than he expected. "But.... why?! I'm just not getting this."

For the first time in a long time, a kind smile crept slowly across her face. "With a bit of training, the right education, and a little self-searching, you could become one of the most powerful demon gods ever to exist. I know what I am speaking of. As long as you are respectful, I will take you as my apprentice...after don't have any parents. I will take you in as my son."

Toen turned, facing away from Steel. "This is..." he muttered, "this is... so much... I..." he turned back and looked at Steel, "...I... I don't know if I... if I can..."

"Oh, I almost forgot...kuraga!" Steel says, and Toen's middle finger grow back. "I understand what you feel. I myself was adopted by the previous demon lord. Trust me. I was just like you when I was a child." Steel says.

Toen rubbed his hands and looked at them as his hands gained all five fingers back. "I am willing to try," he said sterly. "I will try my best to bring you honor."

"Good. Go to the Empresses_Castle, and find your room. You will stay in the castle or in Torr when you are not at school, okay?" Steel said. "I must return to the tournaments, I have another battle to score" Steel added, then disappeared in a swirl of black mist.

Sikkahnnus steps through a portal from the Guild of the Damned, and waits for the others.

Raze steps in after her and looks around. "Heh. Nice place. Exactly where are we?" He sets his dark eyes in Sikkahnnus.

"Under Torr. The Empress of this place died awhile ago, some demon god defeated her in a battle, I guess. But I hear that he's dead too now. My friend, Onyx Archlithen, runs the Demonic Guild, where the demon god used to rule. Anyways, the arena is this way." Sikkahnnus finishes her little story, then heads down the stone steps to the hell_fighters_arena.

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2003-04-20 [Chikara]: Hello

2003-05-10 [Stryker]: hmmm, in the old days we ripped souls out with our bare hands

2003-05-16 [foxy loxy]: oh, Steel, technically i'm not captivedream anymore, i'm the demon ^_^

2003-10-16 [Tiggris]: i just like coming out of nowhere for some strrrrange reason

2003-10-17 [Tielandros]: lol

2003-10-17 [Tiggris]: what's the point of this wiki

2003-10-18 [Tielandros]: dunno...

2003-10-18 [Tiggris]: that's nice to hear

2003-10-18 [Tielandros]: heh heh heh

2004-05-05 [Steel Mal'ak]: How the hell was Toen all nice here but nowhere else? Arashi, that's a pretty twisted character you made.

2005-03-21 [Kitsune Arashi]: *smirk* Yep, that's my Toen

2005-03-21 [Steel Mal'ak]: Well, I hate your Toen. That's why he dosn't rule Torr. Ha! *glomps kim*

2005-03-21 [Kitsune Arashi]: *shakes head* ...

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