Page name: most pointless wiki ever [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-07-04 04:58:31
Last author: Nazarath.93
Owner: Nazarath.93
# of watchers: 3
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This wiki has no point what so ever
But im sure you will ask me:

"So Naza, Why did you make that wiki with no point? I mean seriously what Is the point?"

Fuck, It has no point ^^

This wiki in fact proves that you can make a wiki with no point and it will still be a wiki. Thus giving it some point in existance.

The point to it all is to prove that you can have no point and make a point without actually having a point, thus giving it a point, even further proving it has a point, but doesnt actually have a point.

I said the word "Point" approx. 14 times thus far...

and I said "Fuck" that must be a record, I would have normally said it 4 or 5 times thus far...

anyways did this wiki make any sense at all?

2641) Did this wiki make any sense at all? (Administrator: [Nazarath.93])

Number of voters: 20
* a) yes
Number of votes: 2 (10%)

* b) No
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

* c) I like bagels.
Number of votes: 18 (90%)

Ok since you have come here and voted I will now give you a mission!

Find the most random pictures on the internet! and comment them here and I will put them up!

Second Mission!

Type random words into google and tell me how many results it gets. ^^ who knows why.

from [Nazarath.93]: "a" has 9,090,000,000 search results

bye bye

By the way, type in it goes to google...seriously
in fact replace the e with just about any letter it goes to google. I just prefer r...hehe Goog-ler ^^ funneh.

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2007-07-05 [The Black Goat]: This is why I love my master!

2007-07-06 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: hahaha...

2007-07-06 [Nazarath.93]: blimey, people like bagels alot!

2007-07-07 [The Black Goat]: WOOT!!!

2007-07-08 [Þhantasies |Sexed|]: ...What kind of bagels?
I must know!

2007-07-08 [The Black Goat]: BUNNY FLAVORED!!!

2007-07-08 [Þhantasies |Sexed|]: Oh.
Well, alright then.

2007-07-08 [The Black Goat]: YESH.

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