Page name: phantom- the history [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-01-24 10:26:27
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[the phantom of the opera.]
     a history lesson


[the phantom of the opera] can trace its inspiration and history back almost 150 years to the construction of the paris opera house.(the paris opera ) this history explores the history of the phantom from leroux's original novel through the varied stage and film productions.



[the place de l'opera]
construction begins on a large square, the palace de l'opera', under the direction of the architect charles garnier. the centerpiece of the square was the paris opera house, which was concieved on a gigantic scale. garnier beat out 170 other contestants in a competition held to design the new parisian destination.

the opera would later inspire the creation os the novel, le fantome de l'opera ( the phantom of the opera)



[the parisian opera opens]
the parisian opera finally opens after numerous setbacks including the franco-prussian war, the fall of the empire and the paris commune. during the conflict, the building was used as an arsenal and food store.

set in the center of the auditorium is an ornate chandelier, which features prominently in the phantom of the opera.



[the phantom novel]
journalist turned novelist m.gaston leroux publishes le fantome de l'opers (the phantom of the opera). leroux claimed to be inspired by after visiting the place de l'opera and roaming the lower depths, labyrinths and subteranian lake.



[the first film]
the phantom of the opera is adapted into folm for the first time, a silent version produced by universal pictures starring lon chaney (" the man of a thousand faces") as the phantom. a replica of the opera house, built for the films production, still stands on a soundstage in california. some believe lon chaney's spirit haunts the premises.



[ the phantom remade]
universal remakes phantom of the opera, this time to be produced in technicolour, with lavish sets and costumes. claud rains played the phantom. much of leroux's original storyline and characters were changed. notably, the phantom became a shy orchestra violinist who takes revenge on the opera after he is fired.



[ man of a thousand faces]
actor james cagny mimics lon chaney and the phantom he created in the film biography 'man of a thousand faces'.



[hammer films]
the phantom of the opera is filmed again, this time by hammer films, with herbert lom as the phantom.



[phantom variations]
two versions of the pahntom of the opera are released in 1974. the first, a television version, the phantom of hollywood, directed by gene levitt, takes the original phantom story and places it in a movie studio rather than an opera. it tells of a disfigured actor who has lived on a studio lot for 30 years and goes on a rampage when he learns the lot is being destroyed.

the second, a film version, the phantom of paradise, dircted by brian de palma, is released as a rock version of the original opera tale with the tagline, " he's been maimed and framed, beaten, robbed and mutilated. but they still cant keep him from the woman he loves."



[a televised phantom]
in january of 1983, cbs released a television version of the phantom of the opera, set in a hungarian opera house. the show starred maximillian schell as the phantom, jane seymour as his victim, and michael york as her lover. this version was so far removed from the original leroux tale that the authors name didnt even appear in the credits.



[the phantom musical]
andrew lloyd webber adapts the phantom of the opera into a stage musical. among the most succesfull adaptions. andrew lloyd webber's the phantom of the opera has played in over a 100 cities in 17 countries around the world, won 7 tony awards and effectivly rekindled interest in the nearly century-old tale.
the show spawned three top ten singles even befor opening at the majesty's theatre in london. when it opened, sarah brightman, in a landmark role, played christine. michael crawford, in an equally iconic performance portrayed the phantom. the year after its premier, the show made the jump to broadway where it still plays today.



<b>[a freddy phantom]
a film horror version, phantom of the opera, is released. it stars robert englund as a phantom who takes revenge on critics of his favorite opera star. in a pivotal scene, instead of removing his mask, he rips his face apart.



[horror remake]
another horror film varriation on the leroux story, dario arhento's II fantasma dell'opera, staring julian sands as the phantom, tells of a phantom orphaned in the sewers and raised by rats under the paris opera house.



[ the musical film]
warner bros. is set to release a film versionof andrew lloyd webbers the phantom of the opera, directed by joel schumacher.starring emmy rossum as christine and gerard butler as the phantom

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