Page name: the backwards biology trip [Exported view] [RSS]
2010-02-05 05:59:32
Last author: wicked fae mage
Owner: wicked fae mage
# of watchers: 1
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Nami blushed as she glanced over at Nagi before returning her gaze to Anka. "So since Lulu is with Chloe, and you and I are together...who is Nagi breaking away from rooming with?"

"I'm not sure," Anka replied with a shrug. She gave a thoughtful glance over toward Nagi, "But he's trying to sleep so he'll be up all night."

Nami blinked, "Do you think it's somebody annoying?"

"Probably," Anka said softly. "But if he's up all night..." she nudged Nami.

"Oh, come on..." Nami sighed as she stole another glance of the slumbering Nagi. "We're still just friends.

"But a romantic night on the beach can change that," Anka teased.

"Is your only goal in life to make me blush?" Nami questioned her best friend.

"Indeed," Anka grinned.

~A Few Hours Later~
"Hey, prince..." Lulu lightly shook Nagi.

"Hmm?" he questioned as he eased his eyes open.

"Prince, we're here..." Lulu said calmly.

"Why didn't Nami wake me up?" he asked as he rubbed one of his eyes.

"Because for some reason she and Anka fell asleep sometime ago," Lulu said as she walked over and lightly shook Nami and then Anka.

"What time is it?" Anka asked.

"Six o'clock," Lulu said after glancing down at her cell phone.

"Uh..." Nami sat straight. "Nagi?"

"Y-yeah?" he stammered before he stood.

"Who are you rooming with?" she asked as she twirled a strand of her hair around her finger.

"Our male chaperon," he said dryly.

"Uh..." Nami blinked as she watched him gather his possessions, "So, there goes sleeping together..."

"Yeah..." Nagi sighed.

"A confession! Did you hear that?" Lulu squeaked.

"Of course," Nami and Nagi chorused as they glared at Lulu.

"Well, I'm taking a few trips to the beach over this short period of time," Anka cut in as she marched toward the front of the bus.

"She has a point," Lulu stroked her chin as she followed Anka.

Nagi scratched his cheek, "You're not one to fall asleep on long trips..."

"Well, I thought up the going to the beach after hours," Nami said quietly as she grabbed up her bags.

"Anything biology related there?" he questioned as he started toward the front of the bus.

"No, just our trouble streak that just can't seem to get us caught," she replied as she followed him.

"Awesome," he commented as he hopped to the ground.

She smiled adoringly, "There are steps for a reason...."

"I need to exercise...I've been cooped up for hours," Nagi said as he turned to face her.

Nami rolled her eyes, "So go frolic in the water."

"Maybe tonight," he smiled as he brushed past her.

"So I guess I'll be seeing you?"

"Yeah," Nagi whispered.

"Making plans to sneak away and fool around?" Anka asked.

"I see Lulu has possessed you today," Nami remarked as the stepped into the hotel.

"Naturally, considering that you and him are the same age and you like him and think he's the most amazing guy ever..." Anka tapered off as their female escort, Mrs. Roberts handed them each their key.

"We don't want any curfew breaks," Mrs. Roberts said firmly.

"No worries," Nami and Anka assured her as they dashed off to their appropriate room.

"Uh..." Nagi tapped Lulu on her shoulder, "Lu?"

"Room 123," Lulu said without looking back at him.

"Thanks," he said before dashing off to his own room.

"Now," Mr. Thomas adjusted his glasses, "I want quiet time."

Nagi opened an eye to glare at him, "Says the one who won't let me meditate."

"That isn't meditation," Mr. Thomas sneered.

"Putting my body in a controlled state with my mind is meditation," Nagi said through gritted teeth.

"Why would you need to meditate?" the teacher questioned.

"Because otherwise my thoughts are awry, otherwise my body temperature is extremely hot and uncomfortable and because it helps me deal with stress," Nagi said flatly.

"That's just the testosterone making you horny for that girl you're always hanging out with," Mr. Thomas said dismissively.

"Uh..." Nagi blinked, "Yeah, I'll be meditating somewhere," he said as he grabbed his shirt, flinging it over his shoulder, before leaving the room.

Nagi tapped on Nami and Anka's door. "Hey," Anka said, opening the door and letting him in. "You're early."

"The teacher criticizes my meditation and says that my testosterone is my only problem," Nagi said as he closed the door.

"Meditate away," Anka said as she sprawled out on the bed closest to the door.

"W-where's Nami?" he questioned as he settled on the other bed.

"She went on a snack run," Anka replied.

"We have room service," he commented.

"But she is faster than room service," she pointed out.

"Are you timing her?" Nagi asked.

"Yeah, we ordered something when she left," Anka chuckled.

"Hey, Anka I'm back," Nami announced as she opened the door. "N-Nagi..." she blushed.

"You beat room service," Nagi commented.

"I knew I would," Nami sighed as she settled on her own bed, handing Anka a liter of Mountain Dew. "Here's your chocolate," Nami handed Nagi a bag of Hershey Kisses.

"Thanks," he blinked.

Anka hopped up to a knock on the door. "Room service?" she guessed.

"Yes, deliver for room 123," the man said quickly.

Anka opened the door, handing the man a 10 dollar tip. "Nami won, but at least you tried," she said as he handed her the iced wine.

"Your wine," Anka passed Nami's wine to her.

"What's that taste like?" Nagi asked.

"Tart fruit juice," Nami said as she easily opened the bottle. "Wanna try some?"

Nagi blushed as he watched Nami take a swig, some of the red wine dribbling down her chin and neck. "N-not from the bot-t-tle..." he murmured.

"Bold," Anka commented before taking a swig.

"Huh?" Nagi asked as his cheeks reddened.

"Nothing at all," Anka said innocently.

"Same here," Nagi said as he closed his eyes, attempting to meditate.

"They're doing bed checks," Lulu said in passing as she knocked on Anka and Nami's door.

Nagi sighed, "Well, see you later...hopefully..."

"Kay..." Nami whispered as she watched Nagi leave. Nami moaned happily, "I know I'm a perv but he has a nice ass."

Anka laughed, "Or you're just attracted to him."

Nami slipped her wine behind the curtain and started toward the door, opening it as Mrs. Roberts knocked. "What's up?" Nami asked coolly.

"Making sure you're not stowing away that jock you have a liking for," she responded as she opened the door wider, stepping inside.

"Okay," Nami shrugged as she flopped down on her bed. She watched calmly as the teacher looked in their bathroom and under their beds, finishing her search with the linen closet.

"Nagi'd be desperate to contort himself into that," Anka said below her breath.

"Well, he's not here. That's good," the woman said before leaving.

"Do you think that our arrangements aren't random?" Nami asked.

"Considering that her niece is like in love with Nagi, I'd say so," Anka murmured.

"Well, it's ten..." Nami sighed. She tossed her shirt to the ground, standing in only her jean shorts and bikini top.

"And the perfect weather," Anka added as she likewise tossed her shirt, flinging a towel over her shoulder.

The two walked out of the hotel with no problems, dashing out to the beach. "Damn..." Nami growled.


"I forgot my wine..." she complained.

"It's in the window and the window's open. I'm going down by the pier," Anka said before she dashed off.

"Hi..." Nagi blinked when he watched Anka run past him.

Anka spun back around, "Nami's coming, relax."

"Uh.." Nagi blushed, "I was actually going to ask you something."

"Involving Nami?" Anka asked as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Yeah," he smiled as he got to his feet. "You've known that I like her for a while, now."

"Ask her out. That's my only input," Anka said before dashing off again.

Nagi blinked, "That doesn't tell me if I have a chance or not..."

"For being ranked fifth in our class you sure can be stupid!" Anka shouted.

Nami snagged her wine, dashing immediately away from the hotel, and down the beach in the direction Anka went. "I can't believe she..." Nami froze when she saw Nagi sitting in a meditative position. "Nagi?"

"Yeah?" Nagi asked as he glanced away from the water and toward Nami.

"Did I interrupt?" she asked gingerly.

"No, I'm just sitting here..."

She settled beside him, "It looked like you were meditating."

"No, but with it being this peaceful at night on the beach I definitely could," he sighed.

"If I won't distract you, go ahead," Nami muttered.

Nagi shook his head, "You wouldn't distract me, but I don't need to meditate. I've been relaxing away from the teacher for some time."

"I'm going to assume that Anka ran to the pier," Nami sighed as she glanced over at the pier.

"That's where she was running," Nagi replied.

"Do you want to go?" Nami asked as she hopped to her feet.

"Is this hangout exclusive?"

"Yes," she replied with a laugh.

"Then definitely," Nagi said as he hopped to his feet.

Nami grabbed his hand and started leading him down the beach, "Just Anka, you and me," she promised as her cheeks reddened.

He started to blush, "You're not paying attention to the surrounding area."

"What do you mean?"

"The moon is full, the ocean is calm, the sand is cool, the air is warm..." Nagi tapered off.

"And?" Nami asked.

"You normally notice things like that," Nagi reminded her.

"Yeah, I'm not really focused.." she said innocently waving her bottle of wine.

"You're drunk?"

"Just a little..." Nami blushed.

"Nami, we gotta get you sober..." Nagi said as he slipped his arm around her waist.

"You're so sweet," Nami cooed as she mirrored Nagi, letting her hand slip a little.

Nagi froze as Nami continued feeling him up. "Having fun?" he asked nervously.

"I could be having more fun," she admitted as she slid her fingertips up Nagi's torso.

I think I'm gonna faint... he thought as he stood frozen before Nami's wandering hands. "N-Nami?"

"Yes?" she asked seductively.

"Let's go find Anka," Nagi said quickly as he started leading Nami toward the pier at a quicker pace.

"Hey, I see you two are enjoying yourselves," Anka said before taking a slurp of her slushie.

"Nami's drunk," Nagi said pointedly.

"I knew she should have slowed down," Anka said, sighing.

"Are you not concerned about this?" Nagi asked frantically.

"She drinks," Anka shrugged. "She's just been a bit flustered as of late."

"You let Nami drink...?"

"Calm down, lover boy," Anka welcomed him to a seat beside her. Nami settled on the other side of Nagi, "She's not very good with articulating."

"Well, no," Nagi blinked. "She's nervous when she's on the spot."

"Well, I'm glad you understand," Anka smiled.

"Th-that's it?" Nagi asked.

"Yeah. She won't remember anything when the morning comes you know," Anka winked at Nagi.

"What are you implying?" Nagi demanded.

"You can do whatever you want to her and she'll barely remember waking up," Anka said simply.

Nami continued sipping at her wine.

"I couldn't do that," Nagi shook his head. "But she was sure enjoying herself..."

"Oh?" Anka grinned.

"Yeah," Nagi blushed as he glared downward.

"Did you enjoy yourself?"

"I wouldn't complain if she were sober..." Nagi admitted reluctantly.

"I'll take her back to the room. Are you coming?" Anka asked.

"Sure..." Nagi sighed.

"She doesn't remember anything?" Nagi asked as he stared over at Nami.

"No," Anka said sheepishly, snickering after she spoke.

"I can't believe she did that..." Nagi blushed, glancing away from Nami.

"She wants to hang out with you so I'm gonna head to the pier," Anka said softly. Anka was immediately followed by Chloe and Lulu.

"Hey..." Nami blushed as she approached Nagi.

"Hey, wanna go with them?" Nagi asked nervously.

"You can if you want."

"I don't want to leave you alone," he smiled as he slipped his arm around her waist.

"I just want to walk along the beach and admire everything," Nami blushed.

"And I want to keep you company," Nagi said softly.

"Thanks," she whispered as she stepped toward the warm ocean waters.

"You know you can talk to me if something's bothering you, Nami," Nagi said calmly.

"What makes you think something's wrong?" she questioned.

"Oh, I don't were falling down drunk yesterday and you can't remember it," Nagi said softly.

Nami blinked, "It's nothing, Nagi..." she whispered.

"Nami," he said firmly. "Talk to me. The only thing I can get out of Anka and Lulu is that you're stressed out..."

"And I am," she said as she took another step into the shallow water.

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2010-11-24 [wicked fae mage]: Hmm...something eventful with nymphs maybe?

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