Page name: the strangest anti-god rant ever! [Exported view]
Version: 1
2007-03-25 06:25:24
Last author: Nazarath.93
Owner: Nazarath.93
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Ok....Its about 11 o clock at night, and before I go to bed I felt like sharing my thoughts on how god doesnt exist! Just a note though, this is just a joke...not a debatable just bored.

Ok well lets begin:
God says that you must have faith to believe in him correct?
Yet he forces you to believe in him, but never gives you proof.
Well what if the shining light of truth said," God you dont exist"
Well using evolution as a theory, lets say that nothing had "evolved" by chance, so that evolution would prove that god exists thus proving the faith wrong and since all god is is faith, because we have "proven" god right, we have dissproved faith thus resulting in god not existing.

Well any theory trying to offer proof against god would result in the paradox of disproving faith. SO by proving god, we have left no room for reasonable doubt, and since the thought of god being reasonable doubt and nothing more then god would simply have to dissappear!

And if he didnt dissappear he wouldnt be god...
Since god=faith
And faith being proven wrong=No faith
no faith= no god
If god doesnt abide by this rule then he is not faith
And thus he is not god...
just an imposter.....fucking kangaroos.

Well lets see something else, if god isnt just faith, and has proven himself in the past, thus god will exist. But he actually hasnt come down for quite some time...our landlord is being slightly absent no?
And since god says he is always there that must mean that he is either dead...or non existant...or asleep.
Or maybe he just said," Ah fuck it, the world is to full of people who dont need me anyways"

Well in the renaissance we did get rid of god...but then he came back...fucking puritans.

You know puritans prove god contradictory on so many levels...since god says love, but then he says:


And since burning the witch is clearly not love...unless its tough love...

hmmm maybe it is...

Maybe he loves us to death...

0.0 blimey, dying because god loves me?

Sounds kinda contradictory to me....

but since god= truth

and truth= lack of contradiction

and god is contradition....thus god is not real...because when he contradicted himself he went poof! out of existance!

So since god went poof! how can there be faith...because he is poofed.

but god is faith...blimey that means there is no god.

im going in circles arent I?


well....god is based on a faith system...and since evolution, or any science actually does exist, that must mean that it all happens by god correct? well then since that would prove god that would unprove faith...since you need faith to believe in god, that would mean your beliveing in science thus proving god exists...maybe thats why the church hates scientists...cause they prove god!

Yeah thats right

science proves god!
< but since science is the opposite of god that means god is unproven because science is the opposite of god.


SO now


evolution=god at work *puts up a god at work sign*

So god cant be faith...

but god is no faith...but faith at the same time=a god that doesnt exist...but proves himself wrong by proving himself right all the time...But since he is right that means he is wrong...thus he is wrong. ^^ yup im good...

oh yeah.

But maybe they arrested scientists because they knew what god had in mind, because by not existing god had in fact given them the answers to life. And the church arrests them because they knew more then them...


fuck they put him under house arrest for 9 years because he said the moon was full of craters...and that we circled around the sun...not the other way around...

but didnt they say that we circled around god...

So god= the sun

But numerous pagan religions said that the sun was a god

But they burned pagans at the stake

so they were burning them at the stake for worshipping a false god...but they were worshiping the existing non existant who proves that he isnt right, because he proves he is right thus making him wrong. And since god is love, but he is tough love by killing things, but they say murder is wrong...that must mean that:

EVERY WITCH WHO WAS BURNED MUST HAVE ASKED TO BE BURNED! ^^ thus it isnt murder! ha they got burned because it was such an honor!

But then thats sacrafice to a god...that is called evil in the christian religon...blimey

these people were so confusing.

well sparing myself I will just say there is no god.

Because no god= no rant

no rant= 22 mins of my life I will get back...and devote to sleep.

^^ that makes one happy nazarath ^^

SO there!

The answer is:

There is no god!

Because if there is then there isnt, so you are worshipping a lie.

Thus you are lying and god damns liars.

so save yourself from damnation, by not believing in it ^^

And save yourself from having to contemplate this rant

but just saying

There is no god

There dilema solved ^^

God im brilliant. ^^ I just solved a dilema that has been around for a long time ^^

*high five*

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