Page name: torture through anger [Exported view] [RSS]
2008-05-07 02:11:24
Last author: Eyonic
Owner: Eyonic
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hello again! For those people who feel such hatred for some one that you just want to torture them to death... this page is for you! You may be as graphic as you wish, so have fun!!!

1.Strip him/her down and place their feet in ice water. Castrate them(or just screw them up down there) pour vodka and salt, alternating, on the fresh wounds. Then strap them to the ground and water torture them with hydrochloric acid. If one is really pissed, feel free to add a few drops to the castration site. Rinse them off well then pour some diesel all over them. Let that sit for about 5 min. then strike a match. -Anya-

2. Get yourself a cauldron, a big one mind you, and fill it full of rats. Strap the one you wish to torture on top of the cauldron and make sure that they cant move an inch. put hot coals under the cauldron and watch the fun unfold slowly bit by bit. At first nothing will happen, but as the bottom of the cauldron warms up, the rats will want out no matter what. They will scratch and bite their way out, which just happens to be blocked by the body of the person strapped there. The rats will bite and scratch their way through that person at a not-so-fast speed, depending on how many rats you put in and after a while the edges of the cauldron will start to burn the skin. Now sit back, listen to the screams, and watch the blood flow down the sides. -empty-
*technique found in a book from the Sword of Truth series. very good fantasy books*

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2007-11-20 [Eyonic]: .........oww

2007-11-20 [Lady Arrianya]: yeah, i was pissed when that came to me

2007-11-20 [Eyonic]: so i noticed....

2007-11-20 [Eyonic]: separate them!!!!!!

2007-12-07 [_Einsam_Ein_]: yes i changed it, i cleaned it up so if you have a prob come to me.

2007-12-07 [Eyonic]: yay! go mouse!

2007-12-08 [Lady Arrianya]: Actually....i dont (surprise on that one :P)

2008-05-07 [Eyonic]: woot! I added another one!

2008-05-17 [Lady Arrianya]: yays...i never thought of putting that one up...

2008-05-17 [Eyonic]: gotta love it eh?

2008-05-19 [Lady Arrianya]: actually is a good one too...ill have to thumb through and see if I can find any other good ones in any of the books I have

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